Midwives are professionally trained medical workers who accompany a prospective mother during pregnancy, through the delivery process, and provide postnatal care to mothers and children. Midwives generally accompany and provide support for expectant mothers who want a normal delivery process, both emotionally and physically. This article provides information about the role of a midwife, what education is needed to become a midwife, and the career path for a midwife.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare for Life Changes as a Midwife

Step 1. Understand the various roles as a midwife
Since centuries ago, the main role played by a midwife is to accompany prospective mothers during the birth process. Midwives usually work traditionally based on the view that the process of pregnancy and childbirth is a life experience as a woman, therefore midwives think it will be much better if the birth process can be done naturally without much medical intervention. Many midwives say that they do this work based on their inner calling. Here are some of the responsibilities of a midwife:
Pay attention to the health of the prospective mother and fetus during the pregnancy process.
Become a Midwife Step 1Bullet1 - Convey information to prospective mothers regarding nutrition and nutrition needed during pregnancy, information on self-care and emotional stability.
Communicate information about delivery options to the mother-to-be and convince her to make the right decision.
Become a Midwife Step 1Bullet3 - Accompany and guide expectant mothers and babies during the delivery process.
- Work together with the obstetrician if you encounter complications in the delivery process.

Step 2. Prepare to assume responsibility on a large scale
The midwife is a very knowledgeable person, a skilled practitioner who bears the highest responsibility, the midwife acts as the first person in charge if anything unexpected happens in the patient's pregnancy and delivery process.
- Every pregnancy is different from one another and has various complications, as a midwife, you must have confidence when acting in an emergency situation. The life of the prospective mother and fetus is the responsibility of a midwife.
- What is equally important is that a midwife is also responsible for the emotional and spiritual health of the mother-to-be who considers a midwife as a leader who will guide her through the difficult, confusing and painful delivery process for the mother-to-be.
For prospective mothers who will undergo the delivery process with the help of an obstetrician, they can also include a midwife who will act as a companion for prospective mothers in the hospital environment.
Become a Midwife Step 2Bullet3 - Midwives are responsible for the continuity of their own profession; some countries prohibit the practice of midwifery.
Step 3. Prepare to be willing to make personal sacrifices
A midwife works closely with the mother-to-be from the beginning of the pregnancy to delivery, sometimes for months or even years. Due to the intimacy that exists in their work process, midwives must be willing to put the interests of their clients ahead of their own.
A midwife must be available at all times, because the midwife will never know exactly when a mother-to-be will give birth.
Become a Midwife Step 3Bullet1 -
Labor can take place anywhere from a few hours to a few days and a midwife is required throughout the process.
Become a Midwife Step 3Bullet2 - A midwife is often so emotionally involved with expectant mothers that they are willing to give their phone numbers and email addresses to answer questions or simply act as a shoulder to lean on for mothers-to-be when times of stress.
- A midwife must be flexible to change cities or countries because it is very difficult to practice midwifery in some locations.
Method 2 of 3: Experience Required to Become a Midwife

Step 1. Get a bachelor's degree
To become a midwife, you need a bachelor's degree, so start by earning a bachelor's degree. Look into the Postgraduate Midwifery program to find out the prerequisite information you need. You must have a solid foundation in the following areas:
- Science. Take chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology and health courses.
- Social Sciences. Take physiology, sociology and anthropology classes.
- Humanity courses such as Women's Studies and Literature. If possible, study the history of the midwifery profession. ask the midwife about their views and experiences which will help you get an idea of the area you are developing.

Step 2. Gain experience working with a midwife
If possible, take on an internship at a maternity clinic or offer your help voluntarily. Contact the midwife in your area and ask for information about the interview. ask the midwife what steps they have taken to become a successful midwife.
Keep up with trends in obstetrics. It will be very helpful for you to know what types of programs to consider
Method 3 of 3: Complete the Midwifery Program and Get a Job as a Midwife

Step 1. Take the Midwifery Graduate Program
Each midwifery program has a different “personality”. Some midwifery programs require a nursing degree, and some focus on the philosophical, political or spiritual aspects of the profession. Find a program that suits you and get started right away.
- The majority of midwives working in the United States now hold a Nurse Midwife Certificate. This certificate is recognized in all 50 states of the United States.
- It is also possible for you to become a midwife without simultaneously acting as a nurse by having a Midwife Certificate. This certificate is only recognized in some states of the United States. Choose the professional path that works best for you.
- Your personality is as important as your grades in entering a midwifery program. Read books written by midwives and inquire about the politics of the profession to compose essays and personal statements. Show your passion for becoming a midwife. Explain why you think midwives play an important role in today's society.

Step 2. Complete your midwifery program
This includes several courses, clinical practice work and depending on the type of program, a degree in nursing.

Step 3. Pass the national certification exam administered by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB)
In most countries you are required by law to take and pass an exam to obtain a license to practice midwifery.

Step 4. Find a job
You can look for work in hospitals, clinics or maternity centers. Also consider setting up a private clinic.
- In addition to your role as a midwife, you can use your knowledge to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
- Working in Health Policy is another popular option for certified nurse midwives and certified midwives.
- Some midwives choose to work in non-profit organizations to provide assistance and support for women in determining their health.