The law of attraction states that you can attract positive or negative things using your thoughts and actions. It is based on the theory which states that everything is made up of energy. So when you channel energy, the same energy will come back to you. If you want to use the law of attraction to convey your wishes to the universe, start by forming a positive mindset. Then, take action to make it happen and be prepared to face obstacles by always being positive.
Method 1 of 3: Forming a Positive Mindset

Step 1. Focus on what you want, not what you don't have
Instead of thinking about a car breaking down frequently, imagine that you are driving a new car. This step keeps you focused on what you want to have, not what you don't want. By doing so, you are sending a message to the universe that you are expecting something good!
- It is based on the idea that what you think is what you want. So if you're thinking, "I wish I had a car that never broke down," it means you're still focused on the current car, not the new car.
- Another example, instead of thinking, "Hopefully I don't fail this semester," say to yourself, "I'm studying hard to pass the exam with an A."

Step 2. State your wish using positive sentences
When formulating a wish, don't make sentences using negative words, such as "no" or "not". Example of a negative sentence: "I don't want to lose my job". Choose words that express what you want so you don't attract the wrong thing. For example, expressing a wish with the sentence: "I don't want to lose" conveys a message about "losing", while the sentence: "I will definitely win" conveys a message about "winning".
The law of attraction states that the universe picks up messages according to the words you use, not the intentions underlying the messages. For example, you might say "don't want to be in debt," but the universe receives a message only about "going into debt."

Step 3. Imagine your dream come true
Close your eyes and imagine that you are living the life you want to live. Imagine you're doing a job you want, showing off your talents, or driving a new car. Do this every day to strengthen your will and speed up the realization of all your dreams.
Imagine you always succeed. For example, imagine you get a promotion at work instead of just doing your daily chores. Instead of just getting hired, imagine you were promoted to director

Step 4. Be grateful for everything you have
Appreciating the goodness you experience makes everyday life more enjoyable. This condition makes it easier for you to think positively. Write down the things you are grateful for in a diary. Also, thank the people who make your life better.
For example, every morning before getting out of bed, write down 3 things you are grateful for. This will help you start the day in a positive mood

Step 5. Get into the habit of meditating at least 5 minutes a day for reduce stress.
Stress is common in everyday life, but severe stress can take a toll on you. Relieve stress by meditating briefly to relax your mind and body. In order to meditate, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and focus on your breath. Just let the thoughts that pop up pass.
You can meditate according to a guide downloaded from the website or using an app, such as Calm, Headspace, or Insight Timer

Step 6. Think of success to eliminate thoughts that trigger worry
Worry can attract unwanted things because you channel negative energy. So once you realize you're worried, challenge it by asking yourself how likely it is that what you're worried about will happen. Then, try to remember a time when you were worried. After that, come up with a worst-case scenario that might happen if your worries did come true. Eventually, you will realize that your worrying is useless.
- For example, you may be given the task of giving a presentation, but are worried about being embarrassed when you stand in front of an audience. As a solution, ask yourself: does this have to happen? have you experienced it? if your presentation failed, was this event very important to you? are you still thinking about this experience after 1 year? In the end, you realize that your worries are pointless.
- If you can't get rid of your worries, write down these feelings in a journal and keep them in a closed place to free yourself from them.
- Imagine your living conditions 5 or 10 years from now. Are thoughts that trigger anxiety still an important issue? Probably not. For example, when you take an exam, you feel worried because you think about failure, even though 5 years from now, you may have forgotten this incident.

Step 7. Take time to learn how to be positive because this skill is hard to master
At first, you may not be able to control your thoughts to stay positive. It's normal to have negative thoughts, but try to focus your thoughts on positive things by opposing negative thoughts. Admit that you are thinking negative things, ignore them, replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. You can become a positive person if you practice diligently.
For example, when you wake up thinking, "I've worked hard, but I always feel like a failure," ask yourself why you think that way. Then, write down positive things that you experience while trying to achieve work goals, such as learning a new skill or improving your ability. After that, try to see the positive side of this incident. In the end, you can say to yourself, "My knowledge continues to improve and I feel proud to be promoted."
Method 2 of 3: Taking Action

Step 1. Create a vision board that describes the life you dream of
Gather photos or cut out inspiring messages and pictures from magazines or newspapers to make a collage of the things you want. Hang a collage in your bedroom so you can see it every day and use it as a source of motivation to achieve your life goals.
- For example, to make a vision board, paste photos of your dream house, dream car, desired job title, and a couple who love each other.
- Remember that a vision board is not a magic wand. For dreams to come true, you have to do something to make them come true.

Step 2. Take actions that support the achievement of goals consistently
First, make a plan to allocate 15 minutes a day to achieve your goals and then do it every day. To monitor progress, make a list of action plans that support the achievement of goals, then tick them off if they have been implemented. Realization of action is a way of realizing the goal to be achieved!
Execute the action plan at the same time each day. For example, try to get up 15 minutes earlier each day so your plan can work. Alternatively, take the time off after lunch to take actions that support the achievement of goals

Step 3. Carry out the action plan responsibly
Determine targets to be achieved and admit when targets are not achieved. Then, find out the cause and determine what needs to be changed or fixed. In addition, reward yourself for working hard to achieve the target.
For example, you set a target to work 1 hour every day to achieve a goal, but this plan is executed only the first 1 day. Admit that you're not working as planned and then consider changing your work goals. Start by adjusting your goal to 15 minutes a day to find out if you can achieve it

Step 4. Share your wants and needs with others
This is the only way to share your expectations with others. Share your thoughts with other people because they can't read your mind. Tell me honestly what you need and want in order to get it.
- For example, you want to enjoy the weekend with friends. Instead of saying, "I don't have any plans this weekend," say, "Shall we go to the cinema on Friday night?"
- If you expect your roommate to keep things tidy, instead of telling him, "I want the house to be tidy," you might as well say, "Why don't you put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket and put your personal items in your room?"

Step 5. Have a positive mental dialogue to motivate yourself to take action
Thinking negatively about yourself can lead to failure to achieve your goals. When you realize that you are thinking negatively, question the truth and replace it with positive thoughts. Also, say positive mantras to yourself throughout the day to keep yourself focused on your goals.
- For example, when a thought occurs that says, "I can't speak in front of an audience," challenge this thought by providing evidence that everyone starts something without experience and practice can improve. Then, say to yourself, "I'm getting better at speaking in front of an audience each time I do it."
- As you go about your day, say positive mantras to yourself, for example, "My dreams will come true", "I will definitely succeed", or "I'm always happy."
Method 3 of 3: Overcoming Obstacles

Step 1. Remember that you don't have to blame yourself for an accident, illness, or uncontrollable event
Everyone experiences different problems, such as losing their job, getting sick, or getting injured. Don't blame yourself if you experience it because it happens to everyone.
- For example, while you are driving a car, someone hits your car. This is an accident and you are not the cause. Do not blame yourself!
- Despite using certain methods, such as the law of attraction, no one has a perfect life without problems.

Step 2. Change the way you respond to a problem, instead of avoiding it
Preventing bad things from happening is impossible. However, you can provide a wise response to overcome it. Instead of feeling disappointed, learn to accept the fact that problems are a normal part of everyday life. Also, ask for support from supportive people.
For example, you failed to pass a job interview at a very prospective company. Instead of feeling disappointed, accept the fact that you weren't hired. Take advantage of this experience to prepare as best you can for your next job interview

Step 3. Learn lessons or lessons from the obstacles or difficulties you experience
This experience helps you understand the good side of every incident. Take time to reflect on how well you have developed yourself. When you are ready, think about how you can use the experience to help others.
- Don't force yourself to learn lessons or lessons from bad experiences if you're not ready.
- For example, the experience of not passing an exam makes you study harder and heartbreak teaches you how to build lasting relationships.

Step 4. Take control of your mind after a failure or difficulty to restore confidence
Sometimes, obstacles can make you lack self-confidence and have a hard time thinking positively, but you can bounce back by taking control of your life. Determine the steps that need to be taken to overcome obstacles and then run as best you can so that you are able to achieve your goals.
- Ask for help if needed! Asking for help from others is one way of being in control to ensure that goals are achieved.
- For example, instead of feeling disappointed because you didn't get a job, look for another job vacancy and then submit a job application. While waiting for an interview call, improve your job skills by taking free courses via the website.
- The law of attraction is not the same as making a wish to the universe. You just need to focus on channeling positive energy to attract more positive energy.
- Do things that trigger positive emotions to keep you thinking positive, such as listening to your favorite song, enjoying a hobby, or exercising with friends.
- To find out how effective the law of attraction is, set a goal that isn't too high so you can measure its achievement. For example, to make the successful application of the law of attraction visible, focus your thoughts on getting an A or getting a new pet.
- Be patient because change is a process that takes time and effort. If you are easily frustrated, you are sending negative thoughts into the universe, delaying achieving your goals.
- Don't worry because worry sends a message to the universe that you are thinking something bad is going to happen so that it is actually happening. Instead, imagine that you are living a good life now and in the future.
- Don't focus on a particular person or thing. For example, instead of focusing your mind on getting someone to love you, try to build a healthy and fun relationship by being a person worthy of love.
- Don't beat yourself up if something bad happens! You can't be blamed for having problems because of health problems or the actions of others.