When it's cold, warming yourself up is something that may be very desirable or even life-saving. Warming up can also make you more comfortable and help reduce your energy output during winter. Here are some tips to warm yourself up.
Method 1 of 2: Warming Up in Extreme Situations

Step 1. Wear warm clothes
The best way to keep yourself warm is to wear appropriate clothing. If you are going to be outdoors, wear layered clothing. Layered clothing is a great way to stay warm.
- You should wear three layers of insulating clothing. For the first layer, use a thermal fabric, long john underwear, or a material that attracts moisture. For the middle layer, use a thick material, such as fur. For the outer layer, use a material that protects you from snow, rain and wind.
- Layers of your clothing should be loose, not tight. You need to avoid sweating, as sweat can create moisture, which will make you even colder.

Step 2. Cover all parts of your body
Wear a hat, scarf, and gloves. Forgetting a scarf can make you even cooler because you lose a lot of body heat through your neck. Wearing only one layer of pants is a major mistake that many people make. Wear thermal pants, fleece tights, and leg warmers under your jeans. Wear a few pairs of socks with winter leather boots. Make sure that one pair of socks you wear is made of tight wool.

Step 3. Create friction
If you don't have warm clothes, or if you wear layers of clothing but are still cool, create friction on the cold parts of your body. This movement generates heat. Rub your arm or leg and try to create as much friction as you can produce.
- If possible, tuck your arm inside the shirt and keep it there. You get bigger and therefore can hold more heat because the heat radiates from your clothes and your hands. If you wear long sleeves, tuck one sleeve into the other and vice versa.
- Make your body as big as possible. Place your arms and hands under your legs or use the dress technique. But do not separate your limbs; most heat is generated when many things combine and can share and receive heat mutually.

Step 4. Move your arms and legs
To keep your feet and hands warm, pump blood into them. If your feet are cold, try moving them back and forth 30-50 times. When moving, make sure you engage your thigh muscles and that you swing your legs in a wide arc. To warm your arms, move your arms in a 360-degree circular motion. Make sure you involve your entire arm in the movement.
- One of the reasons your hands and feet are cold is that your core is pulling all the heat toward it, so your hands and feet don't have enough blood and heat. Wear a vest and more layers on your torso if your hands and feet are constantly cold.
- If a part of your body such as your nose or hands is cold, blow heat on that area. Use the hot air generated from the back of the throat for your hands. For the nose, you may need to cup your hands over your nose. Not only will this warm your nose, but you will also warm your hands with the warm air from your nose.

Step 5. Hug
Body heat is transferred between people. More number of people attract more heat. Others give off a lot of body heat. If you're stranded with someone, cuddle up to stay warm.
Method 2 of 2: Warming Up in Normal Situations

Step 1. Drink a warm drink
Drinking hot tea, hot coffee, and hot soup can activate heat sensors along your digestive tract, which will provide a warming sensation. Tea and coffee have many health benefits, so as long as you skip a lot of cream, sugar, and marshmallows, you'll be injecting good antioxidants into your body when you warm up. Soup has the advantage of being low in calories.
Drinking hot drinks can also warm your hands. Wrapping your arms around a hot tea mug can warm you up in minutes

Step 2. Consume ginger
Ginger is a natural way to warm up, with many beneficial side effects. Ginger works as a stimulant, which encourages blood circulation and makes your body temperature rise. Ginger warms you from within. Try drinking ginger tea, eating gingerbread or gingerbread cookies, or sprinkling it on other foods.
Try putting ginger powder in your shoes, sandals, or socks if you can't keep your feet warm

Step 3. Cook something
Ovens and pans help keep the kitchen warm by cooking at a lower temperature for a longer period of time. Casseroles, stews, and soups can all warm the body when eaten.

Step 4. Take a hot shower
Soaking in a hot tub can increase body temperature. If you're cold, try soaking in hot water, or if you prefer a hot shower. After your shower, dry off as quickly as possible and wear long sleeves and long pants to trap the heat in your body, thereby helping you stay warm.
Try saunas and steam rooms to warm up, if you have access to such places

Step 5. Eat healthy fats
One of the reasons for low body temperature regulation is the low body fat ratio. Fat is needed to insulate the body. Eat a diet high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in foods such as nuts, salmon, avocado, and olive oil.

Step 6. Clean the house
Doing household chores gets you moving, so your blood flows. As your blood begins to circulate, your core body temperature will increase. Vacuum the floor, dust off, and sweep your room to warm yourself up.
- Washing the dishes can help you warm up significantly. Fill the sink with warm water. Soaking your hands in the warm water while washing and rinsing dishes will help raise your body temperature.
- Washing clothes can also help you fight the cold. The warmth from the dryer can help warm your cold hands and arms. The clothes coming out of the dryer are covered in heat; wear it to keep your body warm.

Step 7. Do exercise
Exercise can get your blood pumping, which helps keep you warm. Do weightlifting, running, yoga, or any other type of movement that can make you sweat.
- If you can't exercise on a large scale, do a much smaller form of exercise such as moving your legs or arms.
- Do Ashtanga yoga to warm yourself up. This type of yoga takes you through various poses and breathing exercises that generate internal body heat.
- Are you cold right now but don't have time for a yoga class? Try this simple, warming yoga pose: the “cobra pose”. Lie face down on the floor. Place your palms near your chest. Push your body up, lifting your head, shoulders and chest. Pull your collarbones down at the same time. Hold for a few seconds, then drop lower. Do a few repetitions to feel warmer.

Step 8. Breathe in through your nose
When you breathe in through your nose, the air warms up, which helps increase your body temperature. Try to inhale and hold for four seconds before exhaling. Repeat a few times to warm yourself up.

Step 9. Join other people
According to one study conducted at the University of Toronto, people who are alone or isolated feel cooler. Spending time with other people can make you feel warmer. Instead of being alone in front of the television, join a friend or family member.