Are you unable to sleep at night because the room feels frozen? Shivering when getting ready for work or school in the morning? No need to feel your teeth chattering anymore – because no matter how cold it is out there, it's always easy to make a room feel warmer with a few simple tricks! Best of all, there are lots of ways to do it for free or quite cheaply, to provide warm and pleasant comfort, without breaking the bank.
Method 1 of 2: Cheap or Free Solution

Step 1. Use windows and blinds to warm the room with sunlight
One of the easiest ways to make a room warmer is to use the sun, a natural space heater. You need to let as much warm sunlight as possible into the room during the day and prevent that warmth from being lost at night. For best results, you also need to know which windows in the room the sun's rays enter-usually, south-facing windows in the northern hemisphere and north-facing windows in the southern hemisphere. Here's a simple schedule you need to use:
Before work or school, close all windows in the room. Open the blinds completely.
Leave all the blinds open until the sun stops shining into the room. As soon as it gets dark and cold, close all the blinds.
Close all blinds and windows all night to conserve heat.

Step 2. Put on several layers of clothing for an energy-free warm-up
In this world in a time of climate change as household practices are becoming more of a concern, many customers who care about the environment choose to warm people, not rooms. Wearing a coat, jacket, or sweatpants indoors is a great way to stay warm without using up any heating energy (or spending money on electricity bills.)
- If the room feels cold especially at night, you can try wearing several layers of clothing at night. While some people may find it uncomfortable, soft fabrics such as sweatpants and sweatshirts can usually provide maximum warmth without sacrificing too much comfort.
- Artificial non-breathable fabrics such as polyester, rayon, etc. usually capture the maximum heat (this is why these fabrics are uncomfortable in summer).

Step 3. Place the water bottle on the bed
One of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world is entering an icy room in pajamas only to lie in a bed where the temperature is below zero degrees. While your bed can get hot when you're on it, you can avoid this discomfort by heating it before you get on it. A hot water bottle is a great way to do this-fill the bottle with steaming water, seal it tightly, and place it in the middle of the bed under the sheets for 15 minutes before you go to bed. When the bottle cools down, it will evaporates heat into the bed, so it feels nice and warm when you're on it.
- Rubber drinking water bottles for medical purposes are available at many pharmacies for around IDR 200,000.
- If you are using a microwave to heat water, be sure to use a microwave-safe container (such as a glass or ceramic bowl).

Step 4. Cover the airflow with a light blanket
Of course, you don't want airflow (wind) at all when trying to heat the room, which is the point where cold air can seep into the room. Cover the airflow with a cloth or light blanket while you wait for a more permanent solution (like replacing a window with holes, etc.). If the airflow is poor, then this simple fix can make a difference.
- Not sure if there's airflow coming into the house? There are several ways to find it. One way is to hold your hand near a cracked window or door and feel the air move. You can also use candles-if the flame is burning near the crack, then there is airflow.
- The US government's [] website provides instructions for detecting airflow. Visit this website for new ideas.

Step 5. Make the most of your existing heater or radiator
Do you have a heater or radiator in the room that doesn't seem to be working to warm you up? Use these pointers to increase their effectiveness (and save money that could be wasted):
- Make sure there is no furniture between the heater or radiator and yourself. For example, many older homes put their radiators behind the sofa.
- Place a sheet of aluminum foil behind the radiator (use a sheet the same size as the radiator). This paper reflects heat that is normally transmitted to the walls, thereby heating the room.
- If the heater is portable, use it in the smallest room to heat the room effectively. For example, a space heater will do much more success in heating a small bedroom than a large living room.

Step 6. Invite someone else into the room
We often forget that humans are essentially walking, talking and living heaters, emitting constant heat into the air around them. Bringing one or two other people into the room can make a big difference, as the combined body heat and heat from the exhaled breath will help warm the room.
- Two important things to remember this way are: the smaller the room and the more physically active the people in the room, the warmer it will be. In other words, the lively excitement in a small room will generate more heat than a few people sitting on the sofa in a large living room.
- If your friends are busy, then even pets can keep the room warm (unless they're cold-blooded, like fish and lizards, which can't help keep the room warm).

Step 7. Take a hairdryer and dry the bed with this dryer
This method seems a little silly, but it can be used. After all, a hairdryer is basically a small space heater with a fan inside. You can create hot air directly on the bed or lift the sheets and direct the hairdryer underneath to create a warm air pocket for lying down.
Be careful not to stick the hot material elements on the end of the hairdryer against the sheets, especially if the sheets are made of a material that is prone to melting (such as polyester, etc.)
Method 2 of 2: A More Expensive Solution

Step 1. Purchase a heater for the room
Apparently, if you don't have a heater, you should consider buying one. Electric heating appliances, which can be found at most convenience stores, come in a variety of sizes and power levels, making them a reasonable solution for any room size (and budget).
- Note that space heaters tend to use a lot of electrical power. While you can make a difference by turning off the main heater, frequently used space heaters can affect the bill.
- Always follow the basic safety rules for any heating device: don't leave the heater unattended (including while you're sleeping) and don't use a space heater that can burn fuel in the room because it can pose a carbon monoxide gas hazard.

Step 2. Use an electric blanket on the bed
Though once considered obsolete, electric blankets are making a comeback thanks to the convenience (and savings) they offer. This equipment can create very comfortable sleeping conditions if the room is cold. Best of all, electric blankets tend to use very little energy than other electric heaters-a study among customers found that electric blankets typically save about one-half to three-quarters of the amount of energy.
For maximum comfort, turn on the electric blanket a few minutes before bed. To save energy, turn it off before you fall asleep

Step 3. Prepare more blankets
For some people, nothing is more comfortable than being under a pile of thick blankets when it's cold. The more layers of blankets used, the more body heat is trapped in the bed. The extra layer of blanket creates pockets of "dead" heat, i.e. air that is difficult to enter the cold conditions around it.
- In general, the thicker, softer blanket materials (such as wool, fleece, and bird feather) are warmest. Air is trapped in small spaces within these blanket materials, thereby capturing more heat almost throughout the body.
- Don't forget, you can use blankets around the house. This is perfect if you don't want to give up the warm comfort of your bed.

Step 4. Prepare thicker curtains
Windows are one of the most frequent sources of heat loss for a room. To combat this, try putting heavy, heavy curtains on windows and closing them immediately if it starts to feel cold at night. Heavy curtains will help slow heat loss through the glass, so the room stays warm longer.
If buying curtains isn't in your budget, you can get a similar effect by installing an old blanket in front of the window

Step 5. Cover the exposed floor (and walls)
Smooth, hard surfaces such as wood, tile, and marble tend to retain less heat than carpet. In fact, an uninsulated floor can cause as much as 10 percent of heat loss from a room. If you're tired of having frozen toes when you wake up in the morning, consider laying out a rug or even a fitted rug. It will also help the room to warm up when you heat up carpeted rooms will feel warmer longer after you turn off the heater than a room with exposed tile floors.
Sometimes, you can work around this by covering some of the walls of the room with a material like carpet to enhance this effect. Items like wall rugs and decorative rugs look great on walls and can make the room a little warmer at the same time

Step 6. Perform better insulation
Even though this is a major installation, doing new insulation in your home can save you money in the long run, as it can significantly reduce your bill (for example, for older homes that are more exposed to air). Another advantage, of course you will feel warmer and more comfortable. Below are some types of insulation that you need to consider:
- Wall insulation (fiber glass, etc.)
- Window insulation (double or triple glazed windows, protective coating, etc.)
- Door insulation (air flow protection, floor seals, etc.)
- Every home is different, so the amount of work required may vary from house to house. Before making a concrete decision, talk to an experienced contractor (or people) and get an estimate for your work so you can make the best decision.
- For a warm and soothing drink, try drinking something warm before bed that won't keep you up at night-decaffeinated tea, for example.
- Don't just prioritize keeping your head warm, without keeping your body warm. Scientists have proven that the old myth that humans lose half their heat through the head is wrong.
- If you have a fireplace in the room, you will lose warm air through the chimney. Try using a fireplace balloon to block the airflow, but don't forget to remove this fireplace before installing the next fireplace!
- Believe it or not, some people use clean, dry cherry seeds instead of bottled water when heating their beds.
- Make sure your windows are closed properly.