If you are lucky to have a photogenic face and enjoy posing in front of the camera, maybe you can consider becoming a model. Being a model at a young age is actually common in this industry. Tyra Banks just started her modeling career at the age of 15! However, it's not easy to enter the world of modeling, and don't imagine that a model's life is always filled with glamorous photo shoots and fashion shows. To be a model, you have to be focused, persistent, and work hard.
Part 1 of 3: Getting Started as a Model

Step 1. Do your research
Before deciding whether modeling is the right choice for you or finding out if you have the qualities you need, it's a good idea to learn what the industry really demands. It's important to understand that there are a variety of modeling careers to choose from, such as fashion modeling, plus size modeling, and commercial. You may be more compatible with one than the other. Find out what kind of modeling you want to do.
- Fashion models usually walk the runway at fashion shows featuring the work of a particular designer or pose for editorial shoots. They usually have a minimum height of 170 cm, thin, with a body that is not too curvy.
- Plus size models are usually at least 170 cm tall, but generally wear a size 10 or more. They usually model for plus size fashion and jewelry.
- Commercial models pose for various purposes ranging from print ads, magazines, to catalogs. The models in this field are more varied in terms of size and appearance. So, it doesn't matter if you are less than 170 cm tall and have a curvy body.
- Part models pose to show certain parts of their bodies, such as hands or hair. To pursue a modeling career in this field, you do not need to have a certain body type as long as the body part that will be displayed meets the specified criteria.

Step 2. Be realistic
Just like acting and other careers in the entertainment industry, modeling is also very competitive. Being a model is almost completely dependent on physical appearance. If you don't have the right appearance, you are unlikely to succeed in this area. For example, if you're determined to be a model for a show, even though you're only 155cm tall, you might want to reconsider. You also can't dream of becoming a supermodel. In Indonesia, the modeling profession is quite promising, for example a photo model can get paid around Rp. 750,000-Rp. 1.5 million, while a fashion show model can pocket around Rp. 1 million to Rp. 5 million for one appearance.
- You'll need to make your modeling dream come true if that's your dream career, but it's important to finish school and consider other careers you might like.
- If you're just into your preteens and haven't experienced a growth spurt, it's a good idea to wait a little longer before pursuing a career in modeling.

Step 3. Talk to parents
If you are not yet 18 years old, you need parental permission to start a modeling career. So, it is very important to include them in your plans. Explain why we want to pursue a career as a model. You can show them that you're serious by showing them the research you've done, such as the type of model that you think is best suited to your situation. You may also have to reassure them that school will not be disrupted and will remain a priority no matter what happens to your modeling career.
- To help your parents understand why modeling is important to you, say something like, "I think modeling will really help boost my confidence," or "I feel like modeling allows me to express myself."
- If your parents are against your desire to start a modeling career, it's best not to argue with them. Give them time (a month or two) to get used to the idea, then try to talk it over with them again.
- To reassure them that schoolwork and other activities won't go unnoticed if you become a model, you might want to offer to set ground rules with them. For example, you could agree that you will only pursue a career as a model if you manage to maintain a certain IP in school.

Step 4. Consider a model school
If your parents gave you the green light to pursue a career as a model, you might want to consider attending modeling school. A school like this isn't a requirement to be a model, but it can help you build confidence in front of the camera and introduce you to the business side of modeling. Search the internet for information about model schools near you and their classes to find the one that suits you best.
- Most model schools cost quite a bit. So, you have to ask your parents for help to pay for it. You can offer to do more housework at home instead.
- Not all model schools can be trusted, some are just deceptive. Be wary of schools asking you to pay extra for photos or other fees. It's a good idea to find as much information as you can about the school, and read online reviews written about schools you're interested in.

Step 5. Learn from magazines
If you're not in the mood for model school and aren't sure how to pose for the camera, watching other models in action can help you get inspired. Look through magazines, catalogs, and print ads for ideas on the types of poses and movements that work best in modeling. That way, you can know what to do in front of the camera.
There's nothing wrong with imitating some of the looks you see in magazines and other print media in front of the mirror. Practice until you feel confident, then try to create your own moves so you feel more natural and less awkward when it's time to pose

Step 6. Look for opportunities to work locally
Even if you're not in a professional capacity, gaining experience as a model can help you build your portfolio and resume. The experience can also help you boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable in front of the camera or at fashion shows. Find out if there are local opportunities to work as models, such as a small local company needing a model for a print ad or a charity fashion show needing a model to waddle on stage.
- A little experience in the world of modeling can also help decide whether you are really suitable for the profession as a model. Make sure you enjoy the experience before deciding to take modeling seriously.
- You don't have to get paid as a model to get the experience in your favor. Even if it's just a modeling job to help a friend complete a school photography project, take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the process.

Step 7. Maintain a healthy weight
Physical appearance is very important for a model. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have a proportional body. Take care of your body weight so as not to increase or decrease so that you look healthy. Your ideal weight may vary, depending on what model you're in, but try to stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise.
- Eat a balanced diet consisting of lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as oatmeal and brown rice, and protein, including chicken, fish, eggs, beans, and tofu. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and sugar.
- Don't forget to drink enough water. A water intake of 1.9 liters per day can be a benchmark, but you may need more water, depending on the weather or the sport you are doing.
- When it comes to exercise, try to find an activity that you enjoy so you can stay excited about it. Running, cycling, and swimming are effective cardio exercises, but you might also enjoy dance or gym classes. Playing your favorite sport like soccer, volleyball or basketball can also keep you healthy.
- Make sure you get enough sleep too. While Photoshop can enhance photos, agencies usually want models that look healthy and naturally attractive.
Part 2 of 3: Contacting the Agency

Step 1. Build a portfolio
Before starting to accept a job or find a modeling agency to represent you, you should create a photo portfolio. Usually a model portfolio contains photos showing past work, but if you're just getting into the modeling world, chances are you don't have any professional photos. If you have the money there is nothing wrong with paying a professional photographer to take your photos. It could be the best choice. Otherwise, you can ask a friend or family member to take your photo. Just make sure you use a good quality camera and get enough lighting.
- The portfolio you create should contain several headshots, with photos of the face taken from various angles, as well as several full-body photos in well-fitting clothes.
- You have to mix some half-body photos that show you smiling and not smiling to give different looks.
- There's nothing wrong if in some photos you look natural without makeup so the agency can see what you look like before makeup.
- On one of your portfolio pages you must include your statistics, including hair color, eye color, height, weight, and other measurements.

Step 2. Look for an “open call” (an audition that is open to anyone who wants to try)
If you live in a big city, such as Jakarta or Surabaya, you should contact a major modeling agency and find out if they hold an “open call”, an event that invites potential models to come for a consultation. Because on this occasion you meet the casting agent in person, you can give a good impression of your personality, in addition to your appearance. If you don't live in a big city, contact the agency in the nearest city and see if they work with other, smaller agencies in your city.
- Make sure you seek as much information as possible about the agency you are contacting to make sure they have a good reputation.
- You must bring your portfolio with you to the open call. If you haven't had time to create a portfolio, make sure you bring some photos that represent yourself.

Step 3. Submit your portfolio
No need to wait for an open call to contact a modeling agency. You can submit your portfolio and let your photos do the talking. If you find an agency that interests you, visit their website and take a look at the portfolio submission procedure. Some agencies allow you to send it over the internet, while others will ask you to send a hard copy.
If you're sending a copy of your portfolio, don't forget to include your contact information so the agency can contact you if they're interested
Part 3 of 3: Meeting the Agent

Step 1. Be professional
If you're lucky enough and asked to see an agent, it's important to show that you understand that modeling is a business and will be professional. That means you have to be on time and be prepared for the meeting. Don't let you rearrange your portfolio in the elevator to go to the agency office. You have to prepare it the day before. Also, it's important to make a good first impression. So, wear appropriate clothes too.
- Portfolios are not the only preparation you should bring to the meeting. Some modeling agencies may want to see some casual photos too. So, maybe you need to bring some candid or Polaraid photos with you.
- Modeling agencies want to see the real you. So, use as little or no makeup as possible and leave your hair in its natural state.
- You don't have to come to a meeting in fancy clothes, like a dress or suit. Casual clothing can be a good choice, but make sure it fits. Skinny jeans and tight tops or sweatshirts can be ideal choices.
- It's a good idea to find out who you'll be meeting at the agency before your scheduled appointment. Learn about the models they work with and have worked with in the past so you can get to know the agency better.

Step 2. Show your personality well
Physical appearance is not the only thing that will impress a modeling agency. They want to see that you also have a fun and interesting personality. The best models are very confident and can express themselves easily. So, express your opinion in the meeting without being rude or unprofessional.
Agents want to make sure that you are genuinely interested in modeling, not forced by your parents or other people to do it. Make sure you convey your passion for modeling. You could say, “I really like the opportunities that the modeling world gives me to express myself,” or “I feel more confident when I'm in front of the camera or walking on stage.”

Step 3. Use appropriate body language
When meeting with a modeling agency, don't make yourself look nervous or insecure. Therefore, body language is very important. Stand up and sit up straight and hold your head high to look confident. Don't forget to make eye contact and smile during the meeting.
- Try to limit movements that indicate nervousness, such as wiggling your feet, touching your hair, or tapping your fingers on a table. Maintaining a calm and relaxed posture creates a more confident image.
- Try not to cross your arms over your chest. That posture makes you look defensive.

Step 4. Prepare for rejection
The world of modeling is a competitive industry. Therefore, it is very likely that you will get a lot of rejection when trying to get a job or an agent. You have to learn to accept it gracefully. Sometimes, the problem is simply that your appearance doesn't match the criteria set for a particular purpose. Even successful supermodels have experienced rejection at one time or another.
Remind yourself that you have to have great tenacity and determination if you want to be a successful model

Step 5. Be careful when signing contracts
Getting a contract from a modeling agency must be very encouraging news. However, if you are not yet 18 years old, your parents are usually legally required to sign the contract on your behalf. They should read it carefully before signing it, or they may need the help of a lawyer to study it. Make sure that you also understand everything that is written in the contract. After all, it's your career.
Don't be afraid to ask questions about the contract, either to the parents or the agent. It is very important to understand all the details in the contract
- Always maintain a positive and professional attitude. If the client or photographer enjoys working with you, they are more likely to provide another job in the future.
- Don't be afraid to try other fields besides modeling. Many models turn to acting or other fields of entertainment.
- If your modeling career is going slowly, maybe you need to consider other fields that are still related to the modeling world. For example, you might consider studying fashion marketing or fashion retail sales.
- There is nothing wrong with looking for a mentor who knows the ins and outs of the modeling world. If you get a chance to work with a more experienced model, ask for advice on how to develop your career and attract more clients.