3 Ways to Raise Snails

3 Ways to Raise Snails
3 Ways to Raise Snails

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Snail farming or heliciculture is a common practice in many parts of the world. Snails are sold as meat animals for use in a variety of popular dishes. To start and develop a healthy snail farming business, you must use the right snail species, create an ideal habitat, and take care of the health of the snails. With a little patience and dedication, you can develop your snail farming business from a hobby to a profitable business.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the Snail

Snail Farm Step 1
Snail Farm Step 1

Step 1. Decide which species of snail you want to breed

When building a snail farm, you can only use one species of snail. Helix pomatia and helix aspersa snails are small in size, can produce hundreds of eggs, and can survive in areas with four climates. Large snails (snails) of the Achatina achatina and Archchatina marginata species can only live in warm climates throughout the year. Look for information about the types of snails that exist in your area, then select a species that you want to breed.

Helix aspersa snails are very popular in the European continent

Snail Farm Step 2
Snail Farm Step 2

Step 2. Make sure you have the proper permits to raise snails

There are different regulations regarding snail farming, depending on your local policy. For example, in the United States, you are prohibited from shipping snails to other states without special permission. All countries have different regulations and laws regarding this business. Check with the Ministry of Agriculture office to find out what kind of license you need to start a snail farming business.

  • In some countries, there are several species of snails that are considered pests and therefore should not be bred.
  • The lissachatina fulica or African land snail is a type of snail that is prohibited from breeding in the United States.
Snail Farm Step 3
Snail Farm Step 3

Step 3. Buy snails online or look for snails in your garden

If you want to start a snail farming business, you have to look for snails. Search the internet for the nearest snail farm location to buy adult snails. It's a good idea to check the snails before buying them to make sure they're still in good health.

Snail Farm Step 4
Snail Farm Step 4

Step 4. Choose a fully grown snail

When starting a snail farming business, you should look for healthy adult snails that can lay eggs and increase the snail population on your farm. Watch the snail shell. If there are "lips" there, the snail is almost certainly an adult. The "lips" in question are the part of the shell that is curled or appears "rolled up" near the shell opening.

Choose a snail that is firmly attached to its shell as this indicates that it is healthy

Snail Farm Step 5
Snail Farm Step 5

Step 5. Prepare enough snails for your farm

If you breed small snails, you can place up to 6 snails per square meter. If you are breeding large snails, each snail should have 1 square meter of space. The number of snails that are too many can cause a population explosion so that the quality of their health decreases. Remember, buying a lot of snails will produce much more eggs.

Method 2 of 3: Making a Snail Cage

Snail Farm Step 6
Snail Farm Step 6

Step 1. Choose an area that is damp and protected from the wind as a cage

Areas that don't dry out quickly after rain or are exposed to strong winds are not good places for snails. Choose a location that is large enough and protected from exposure to the weather.

  • The trench is the best area for a snail cage because it is not exposed to strong gusts of wind.
  • Areas under hills or areas surrounded by trees are also suitable for protecting your snails.
Snail Farm Step 7
Snail Farm Step 7

Step 2. Choose the material to make the fence

You can buy snail cage fence material online or look for it at the nearest material store. Some of the commonly used materials are corrugated metal or plastic, chicken wire, and woven. The cage is made to keep the snails from escaping. Choose the material that fits your budget, then buy enough to build a 5 x 5 meter cage.

  • You can use a wider perimeter of the cage to accommodate more snails.
  • Large snail farms can be built with sizes ranging from 1000 square meters to 10,000 square meters.
Snail Farm Step 8
Snail Farm Step 8

Step 3. Create the perimeter of the fence by driving posts into the ground

You can buy ready-made wooden posts at stores that sell fencing materials. Leave about 1.25 meters of space between each post so that there are 5 posts on each side of the cage. This is the perimeter that will be used to build the snail cage and you will be wrapping the fencing material around it.

Snail Farm Step 9
Snail Farm Step 9

Step 4. Dig a 0.5 meter deep trench around the posts

Use a shovel to make a trench on the outside of each of the wooden posts around the perimeter of your snail farm. This trench will accommodate the bottom of the fence you installed.

Snail Farm Step 10
Snail Farm Step 10

Step 5. Strap and attach the netting wire around the post

Prepare the material for the fence and tie it firmly on the wooden posts. Insert the bottom of the fence into the trench you made. This will ensure that the snails can't escape, as well as prevent large predators from digging into the soil around the cage.

Snail Farm Step 11
Snail Farm Step 11

Step 6. Cover the trench with soil

Use a shovel to fill the trench with soil. Once the trench is closed, make sure you pat the soil in the area so that the fence can be firmly anchored. The snail cage is now ready to use.

Snail Farm Step 12
Snail Farm Step 12

Step 7. Use moist, loamy soil

Snails like moist, loamy soil that is low in acid and rich in organic matter. Go to a garden supply store and buy soil with a pH of 7 or below so that snails can grow healthy. Pour soil into the snail habitat and give them space to move freely.

  • Clay soil is not suitable for raising snails because the texture will turn very hard when wet.
  • Sand is also not ideal for raising snails because it cannot hold the water that is absorbed.
Snail Farm Step 13
Snail Farm Step 13

Step 8. Choose a well-ventilated container if you are setting up a small-scale private farm

Snails can eat away at cardboard containers and run away, so you shouldn't use the material. Make a small habitat in a glass container or plastic basket. You can also use an aquarium. Make sure the habitat is covered so the snails don't escape and make sure you make a hole in the lid of the container so the animal can breathe.

Method 3 of 3: Caring for Snail Farms

Snail Farm Step 14
Snail Farm Step 14

Step 1. Place the snail feed in the habitat you have created

Snails eat various types of feed, you can provide feed in the form of lettuce, cabbage, grass, vegetable skins, and pieces of fruit. Put the feed into the cage and remove it if it is moldy. In addition, provide a tray of clean water for the snails to drink.

  • You can also plant green leafy plants in the farm area to become a source of food for the snails.
  • Other plants that snails love are turnips, hybrid radishes, and cloverleaf.
  • Tap water sometimes contains chemicals that are harmful to snails. So, don't forget to boil and cool the tap water that will be given to your snails.
Snail Farm Step 15
Snail Farm Step 15

Step 2. Change the soil every three months

The chemical composition of the soil will change over time. In addition, the soil will be mixed with piles of dirt and snail slime. For this reason, you should change the soil every three months to keep the snails healthy. Remove the snails from their habitat and move them to a safe place for a while before making any soil changes.

Snail Farm Step 16
Snail Farm Step 16

Step 3. Sprinkle water on the snail habitat if it doesn't rain

Use a spray bottle to apply water to the leaves and soil in the snail cage. Sprinkle water in the afternoon or in the morning when the air is a little cooler. If you water in the heat, the snails can move towards the water source and get killed by the heat of the sun. If you're raising snails outdoors and it hasn't rained for several days, you'll need to sprinkle water on the snail cage. If the air feels dry, water every day.

Do not flood the snail cage with water

Snail Farm Step 17
Snail Farm Step 17

Step 4. Select the grass to be planted in the snail cage

Weeds and weeds can interfere with the growth of greenery planted in your snail cage. Gently pull weeds and weeds around the perimeter and inside your snail cage.
