If you want to keep an unusual animal, naked snails may be a good choice. Naked snails are quite easy to care for and suitable for children. Keeping naked snails can help foster a sense of responsibility in your child. You can keep naked snails in the aquarium. These snails eat plants, such as fruits and vegetables. Remember, naked snails are very sensitive to chemicals. Therefore, keep snails away from tap water, hair serum, or objects that contain other chemicals. Naked snails can live 1-5 years.
Method 1 of 3: Providing Habitat

Step 1. Use a suitable container
Naked snails can generally survive in an aquarium. The aquarium used should be 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm. You can buy an aquarium online or at your nearest pet store.
- Make sure the aquarium is well ventilated. The aquarium cover should be given small holes for ventilation. For example, a net can be used as a good aquarium cover.
- Naked snails are very small, especially when compared to reptiles that are usually kept in aquariums. Check the ventilation holes carefully and make sure that slugs cannot escape through them.

Step 2. Prepare the substrate
You can use soil, grass, and leaves from outside as substrate. If you are keeping naked snails living in your yard, use soil, leaves, and grass from the snail's natural habitat. Before placing in the aquarium, first filter the soil to remove any insects that live in it.
Once a week, transfer the snails to another safe and ventilated container. Replace the aquarium substrate with a new one

Step 3. Purchase aquarium supplies
Some aquarium supplies such as fake leaves and plants are quite beneficial for naked snails. You can also use real materials that come from the wild, such as tree branches, which snails can climb.
If you include material from the wild, check the material carefully first

Step 4. Clean the aquarium regularly
Every three months, clean the aquarium when changing the substrate. You can clean tree branches and other aquarium accessories using distilled water. After the accessories are cleaned, dry and dry. If the tree branch becomes soft when moistened with water, replace it with a new one.
- Naked snails are very sensitive to chemicals. Always use distilled water when cleaning the aquarium. Never clean the aquarium and its accessories with soap.
- Naked snails are sensitive to tap water. Therefore, always use distilled water.
Step 5. Keep the room cool and humid
Naked snails can live in a room with a temperature of 16–21 °C. Place the humidity regulator near the aquarium. This is done so that the aquarium is well hydrated. If the tank is too hot or cold, the naked snail will bury itself and secrete more mucus. If the aquarium lacks moisture, the naked snails will dry out.
Method 2 of 3: Feeding Naked Snails

Step 1. Give the snails washed fruits and vegetables
Naked snails eat plants. You can give snails used fruit and vegetables. You can also give him fresh fruit and vegetables that have been washed in distilled water. It is important to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables that will be fed to snails.
- If possible, give snails organic fruit and vegetables that do not contain pesticides.
- Make sure the snails eat more vegetables than fruit. Naked snails can die if they eat too much sugar, even natural sugars that come from fruits.

Step 2. Add plants and leaves to the aquarium
Naked snails can also eat plants that come from the outdoors. Add leaves, grass, and other plants from the outdoors to the aquarium. Naked snails feed on decaying plant matter. Therefore, if there are dead plants, naked snails can eat them.

Step 3. Throw away leftover food every day
Naked snails may not be able to eat all of the food in the tank. Leftover food, especially fruit, can attract fruit flies. Fruit flies can interfere with the health of naked snails. Therefore, remove leftover food from the aquarium every day. This can keep insects away from the aquarium and keep the snails safe.

Step 4. Use a water spray, not a water bowl
Snails don't need a water bowl. Naked snails only need a moist environment. Therefore, spray water into the aquarium every day. Since tap water can harm snails, use distilled water. Always keep the tank moist so that the snails can absorb the water they need.
Method 3 of 3: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Caring for Naked Snails

Step 1. Do not use sprays that contain chemicals
Naked snails are very sensitive to chemicals. Snails absorb fluids using their skin. Do not use hair serum or aerosol spray in the same room as the snail's tank. It can kill naked snails.

Step 2. Don't touch the naked snail
Naked snails should not be held too often. You can only hold the snail when you transfer it to another container to clean the aquarium. If you must handle a snail, make sure your hands are wet. Naked snails don't like to be held. In addition, the chemicals that come from the lotion or soap on your hands can harm snails.

Step 3. Spray the aquarium with distilled water regularly
Naked snails need a moist environment to thrive. Therefore, spray the aquarium using a bottle filled with distilled water every day. Naked snails will die if the aquarium lacks moisture.
Always use distilled water. Tap water containing chemicals can kill naked snails
- Naked snails love cool areas. Therefore, do not place the aquarium in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight. Provide a place where snails can hide, such as tree bark.
- You can feed naked snails leftover fruits and vegetables. Make sure fruits and vegetables do not contain pesticides.
- Place rocks and leaves into the tank on the first day. Add other materials at a later date.
- Wash your hands before handling naked snails. If not washed, your hands may contain salt which can harm snails.
- Not all areas allow you to keep naked snails. In some areas, you must have a permit to buy or sell naked snails. In addition, naked snails may not be allowed to be removed from their natural habitat. Some exotic snails, such as snails, may not be kept.
- Naked snails can climb walls. Therefore, cover the tank with a net and make sure the air holes are not too big for the snails to escape.