Astrology is different from astronomy although the two are often misunderstood as the same thing. Astrology is a field that studies the positions of the planets and relates them to a person's birthday. People create and read astrological charts to help identify their own personality – whether positive or negative – and to get input on things that are happening in life. Anyone interested in astrology can study the system and use the principles in this science to create and interpret astrological charts for themselves.
Method 1 of 3: Mastering Astrology Fundamentals

Step 1. Recognize the 12 zodiac signs and their solar calendar
Most people are very familiar with the solar calendar because it is generally considered to have a significant influence on a person's character. However, all astrological signs can actually influence a person's astrological chart on the day of his birth. The sign is simply in a different position, depending on the time of year. The sun rotates through all the zodiacal calendars over time. The calendar parallel to the position of each zodiac is as follows:
- Aries (Hamal): March 20 to April 22
- Taurus (Wrisaba): April 21 to May 22
- Gemini (Jauza): May 21 to June 22
- Cancer (Karkata): June 21 to July 22
- Leo (Asad): July 21 to August 22
- Virgo (Mayang): August 21 to September 22
- Libra (Mizan): September 21 to October 22
- Scorpio (Kala): October 21 to November 22
- Sagittarius (Danuh): November 21 to December 22
- Capricorn (Makara): December 21 to January 22
- Aquarius (Kumba): January 20 to February 19
- Pises (Mina): February 18 to March 21

Step 2. Pay attention to the sun, moon, and planets that underlie the principles of astrology
Astrology combines the positions of the sun, moon, and other planets based on the Earth's orbit. The position of each of these celestial bodies will affect the meaning of an astrological chart. When you look at an astrological chart, you will see symbols that represent:
- Sun
- Month
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto

Step 3. Look at the zodiac like a 360-degree circle to identify the aspects in it
Aspects in astrology are determined by the alignment of the positions of the planets based on the Earth's orbit. If there are 2 planets included in an astrological chart, they can either form a certain angle, overlap each other, or be in opposite directions. This change in position is very important and you must interpret the position based on the relationship between the planets. The 4 big aspects to consider when looking at an astrological chart are:
- Conjunction, which is when the positions of the 2 planets are at an angle of 0 degrees and cover each other.
- Sextile, which is when there is a distance of about 60 degrees between 2 planets.
- Parallel, which is when 2 planets are at 90 degree angles.
- Trimurti, which is when the planets form an angle of 120 degrees.
- Opposite, which is when the planets are facing each other or are at an angle of 180 degrees.

Step 4. Identify special symbols or markers in astrology
Before you create or read a chart, you must know the meaning of the symbols on the chart. There are symbols that represent the planets, the zodiac, as well as special points and angles so reading can be quite tricky at times. Study each symbol and try to draw it yourself to learn to recognize it.
- For example, the sun symbol is a circle with a dot in the middle, while the moon symbol looks like a crescent moon.
- The Aquarius symbol looks like 2 wavy lines, while the Taurus looks like a bull's head with 2 horns on it.
- The symbol for the north direction is shaped like a pair of the right side of the jemala voices, while the south direction looks like a pair of jemala voices in an inverted position.
Tip: You can find charts containing the meanings of various symbols and signs via the Astro Library website: or the Always's Astrology website:
Method 2 of 3: Deep Dive into Astrological Concepts

Step 1. Study the different types of houses in astrology
These houses are arranged in a circle on a wheel like the zodiac, but the two are not the same. Home relates to the time of birth of a person in an astrological chart rather than the date of birth. Depending on the time of birth, a person may have a different personality based on the type of home.
- First house: Myself
- Second house: Money and possessions
- Third house: Communication
- Fourth house: A place to live and all aspects related to it
- Fifth house: Children, creativity, and the desire to pursue pleasure
- Sixth house: Daily work, services, health and illness
- Seventh house: Marriage and personal relationships
- Eighth house: Shared finances
- The ninth house: Philosophy, religion, law and education
- Tenth house: Status, reputation and honor
- Eleventh house: Environment, friends and large groups
- The twelfth house: The subconscious, memory, and habits.
Tip: If you are planning to chart someone's birth, make sure you find out their birth time. This will affect the position of the house on the chart and give a more accurate reading.

Step 2. Pay attention to the rising sign and understand its effect
A rising sign is a sign that appears on the first house in a natal chart in astrology. This sign varies greatly, depending on the time of birth of a person. The sign of a person's ascension indicates the type of person's personality in the eyes of others. This sign can also influence a person's behavior and behavior during life in the world.
- Remember, the rising sign may be different from the sun sign. For example, you might have a Taurus with the ascension sign Gemini, or Pises with the ascension sign Leo.
- You will have to complete an astrological natal chart to find out which sign of ascension you have.

Step 3. Expand your knowledge of the 4 zodiac elements
Understanding these elements will make it easier for you to interpret the astrological chart because each element represents the nature of each zodiac sign. By memorizing or learning the concepts, you will better understand how astrology works and how to use it. The four elements and their associated properties are:
- Fire: Associated with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. People with a fire sign are very quick to act and take risks. They are usually extroverts who are energetic and like to be active. However, they also tend to be impatient, insensitive, and selfish.
- Air: Associates with Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. People with wind signs are easy to sympathize with, socialize with, and love to learn. However, they tend to be less emotional, impractical, and hyperactive.
- Water: Associated with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pises. People with this sign are very absorbing energy, very emotional, loving, calm, and friendly. However, they tend to be shy, overly sensitive, vindictive, and often have mood swings.
- Earth: Associated with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. People with an earth sign are very practical, realistic, alert, efficient, patient, and hardworking. However, they also tend to be slow, less imaginative, and stubborn.

Step 4. Find out the Yin and Yang status of a sign to find its polarity and quality
Yin and Yang are opposites of each other and all zodiac signs have a relationship with each other. In general, the Yang sign is usually more active and assertive, while the Yin sign is more passive and receptive. Yang is usually associated with masculine energy, while Yin is associated with feminine energy. By distinguishing the zodiac with the sign of Yang from the zodiac with the sign of Yin, you can gain a broader view of the meaning of a zodiac.
- Yin: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pises. People with the Yin sign are generally more passive, introverted, withdrawn, and reactive.
- Yang: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius. People with the Yang sign are usually more assertive, sociable, extroverted, and open.

Step 5. Study astrology to get a wider knowledge of this science
There are many ways to deepen your knowledge of astrology if you are willing to learn. Some ospi that can be tried are:
- Read books on astrology
- Take astrology classes in person or via the internet
- Attend local gatherings or other group activities to meet astrology enthusiasts
- Use online learning resources to understand astrological concepts, such as the following astrology dictionary:
Method 3 of 3: Practically Applying Astrology

Step 1. Learn how to create an astrological chart
Creating an astrological chart is a great way to learn this science and practice your skills. You can open a chart by hand, use a computer program, or create an online chart at a free website. You can create a natality chart or astrological natal chart for yourself or someone else, or create one for specific occasions.
If you want to print a chart, you can use the free print-ready template on the Always Astrology website:
Tip: There are several websites that can create a birth chart automatically by simply entering some information, such as date of birth, year, and time of birth. Try to create a chart via the Astro Library website:

Step 2. Read the final result of your created chart
Use your existing knowledge of the different zodiac signs, aspects of the planets, and various elements to interpret a chart. Remember, astrology is not an exact science so you don't have to worry if some interpretations are wrong. You can get a wider view and improve the readability of chart results over time.
If you create an astrological chart through a website, you usually also get an interpretation of the chart

Step 3. Write a horoscope based on your astrological findings
If you're making a chart and want to turn it into a daily, weekly, or monthly forecast, you can try writing a horoscope. This is a short way to explain the effect the position of the planets has on each individual. This is a great way to practice astrology skills as well as build knowledge.