How to Smile Naturally: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Smile Naturally: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Smile Naturally: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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Did you know that a smile is considered the most positive emotional symbol for humans? Smiles are universal. We all automatically understand what that means. A smile can convey thanks, say sorry, and say you're happy. Smile is a very valuable medium. So, there is no better reason to optimize your smile, and smile sincerely and naturally. With practice and a happy mind, wherever you go, others will see and respond to your smile.


Part 1 of 3: Practicing a Smile

Smile Naturally Step 1
Smile Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Know what makes up a true smile

Most people can automatically tell the difference between a forced smile and a genuine smile, sometimes called a “Duchenne” smile, after a pioneer in smile research. The difference is recognizable because the two smiles use different muscles and parts of the brain. However, what exactly happened? What makes a sincere smile seem “sincere”?

  • In a genuine smile, there are conscious and involuntary contractions of two muscles, namely the zygomatic major muscle which raises the corners of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi which raises the area around the cheeks and eyes.
  • The smile is forced to use only the mouth muscles because we cannot consciously contract the orbicularis oculi. That's why some people say that a genuine smile uses the whole face, especially the eyes.
  • A genuine smile also engages different parts of the brain. A forced smile uses the motor cortex, while a genuine smile engages the limbic system, or the emotional center of the brain.
Smile Naturally Step 2
Smile Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Practice your smile

Like other parts of the body, facial muscles will work well if they are often trained. Facial muscles can be strengthened and tightened through use so that a smile will be more easily formed. Facial exercises and smiling can also make you look healthier and younger.

  • For a simple exercise, try a regular smile. Pull your mouth to the side and hold for 10 seconds. Then, slightly open your lips and hold for another 10 seconds. Repeat, and expand if you wish.
  • Try these exercises to get rid of fine lines around the mouth: purse your lips forward and suck your cheeks in, then try to smile. Hold this pose until the muscles begin to fatigue. Do it once a day.
  • Another exercise is the “rabbit smile”. The trick, smile as wide as possible without opening your lips. Then, try wiggling your nose left and right. This movement involves the cheek muscles. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat.
Smile Naturally Step 3
Smile Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Learn to smile with your eyes

As already mentioned, a real smile not only uses the mouth and lips, but also involves the upper face so that it displays small wrinkles around the eyes. In fact, the wrinkles in your eyes are perhaps the strongest differentiator between a fake smile (which only uses your mouth and teeth) and a genuine smile. A natural smile should brighten the whole face.

  • Remember to lift your cheek muscles when you smile. The eyebrows should also be engaged and slightly raised.
  • Try practicing in front of a mirror. For relief, cover your mouth so that only your eyes and eyebrows are visible. You should be able to "see" a smile only from your eyes.
  • If you're worried about fine lines around your eyes, look for ways to reduce wrinkles instead of limiting your expression. Compared to a smile, wrinkles around the eyes are caused by smoking, lack of sleep, and exposure to sunlight.
Smile Naturally Step 4
Smile Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Practice with a mirror

Smiling in the mirror is the perfect practice. You will not only know what a natural smile looks like and how it feels, but also how to control and use it well.

  • When we were young, we were often told to say “cheese” when taking pictures. Actually, saying "cheese" is not the right way to form a natural smile. Sounds ending in "aa" like mocha or yoga are much better for opening your mouth and raising your cheekbones for a more natural look. So, practice.
  • Pay attention to the corners. Faces and smiles will look better at certain angles. So, try experimenting in front of a mirror. Find your best side. Then, use those angles in real interactions.
  • Some models also use this trick: touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth, just behind the front teeth. This movement will open your jaw slightly and emphasize the lines when you smile.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing to Smile

Smile Naturally Step 5
Smile Naturally Step 5

Step 1. Create the right atmosphere

We smile with joy. However, did you know that smiling makes you feel happier? That's because we feel emotions are not only limited to the brain, but also influenced by the body. The use of facial muscles will cause and even increase happiness.

  • Smiling actually makes you want to smile more often. This idea was first put forward by Charles Darwin, who is famous for his ideas on natural selection and evolution.
  • Try smiling even if it means you have to fake a smile. The use of the smile muscles is enough to make you want to smile.
Smile Naturally Step 6
Smile Naturally Step 6

Step 2. Hang out with happy people

Like the use of facial muscles, there are some things that when seen will make us smile more easily. One of them is seeing someone else's smile. The smile is “contagious” although the reason is still unclear. Humans have a strong urge to smile when they see others smiling.

  • To make the most of this mood generator, enjoy time with upbeat friends or family. You have a cute aunt? Spend a little time with him and let his mood rub off on you.
  • A stranger's smile also matters. We can get a mood-boosting effect from people we don't know and have nothing to do with us. Try visiting a fun place, such as a park, zoo, movie theater, or another place where happy people usually go.
Smile Naturally Step 7
Smile Naturally Step 7

Step 3. Think of something happy

Another way to improve your mood, and the ability to smile, is to think about happy times with loved ones. Choose someone or something that makes you feel warm and happy. For example, childhood memories, mother or grandmother, or spouse.

  • Try to visualize the person or moment. If you're chatting, think of the other person as a loved one who can put a smile on your face.
  • This technique can be used even when you're on the phone or writing an email. Somehow, we can tell if the other person is smiling just by hearing his voice and not seeing his face. The same goes for email.
Smile Naturally Step 8
Smile Naturally Step 8

Step 4. Try to be comfortable with your own smile

Some people find it difficult to smile, which may be due to shyness, insecurity, or other feelings. For example, men smile less often than women because smiling is something less manly to them. Don't let this deter you.

  • The fear of smiling can be overcome with just a slight change in thinking. However, you may need to practice. So, consider cultivating your smile.
  • If you're feeling insecure for other reasons, such as dental problems, you can still take some steps to improve your smile and feel more comfortable.

Part 3 of 3: Perfecting Your Smile

Smile Naturally Step 9
Smile Naturally Step 9

Step 1. Set the face for the best smile

By studying yourself in the mirror, you can find out what brings out the best smile. Try different sides, also experiment with smile widths and accessories. You can also use light tricks to improve the look of your smile.

  • Smile according to the shape of your face. For long faces, a vertical smile (larger part of the mouth) will work better. For a square face, try a wider, more vertical smile.
  • Is your upper lip thick? Try showing a few teeth when you smile. For a thin upper lip, try smiling so that the bottom of your upper teeth touch your lower lip.
  • To make the teeth shine even more in the photo, moisten them with a little water.
  • Adding color can also make a smile stand out more. For example, red or pink lipstick can make your teeth appear whiter, while coral or orange colors will make your teeth appear yellower.
Smile Naturally Step 10
Smile Naturally Step 10

Step 2. Clean your teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss regularly

To have a perfect smile and get rid of low self-esteem, make sure you clean your teeth and mouth regularly. Brush your teeth every day. Clean with an antibacterial mouthwash. In addition, visit the dentist at least once a year to maintain oral health.

  • Don't ignore the gums. Gum health is an important part of a healthy smile. Make sure you floss at least once a day.
  • Consider carrying a small kit of oral and dental cleansers to work or out, in your bag or backpack. Thus, you can immediately brush your teeth or clean between your teeth after eating.
Smile Naturally Step 11
Smile Naturally Step 11

Step 3. Avoid botox

Maybe you've considered botox injections to get rid of wrinkles. The decision should be taken with the help of a medical professional. However, you should know that botox can freeze facial muscles, and frozen muscles weaken your ability to smile.

  • Botox around the eyes is just as bad as botox around the mouth because the eyes play a big role in forming a genuine smile.
  • Some studies show that feelings of unhappiness and depression are 50% higher in people who use Botox. Although the cause is unclear, it may have something to do with the fact that botox blocks them from expressing natural emotions.
Smile Naturally Step 12
Smile Naturally Step 12

Step 4. Whiten teeth

If a small imperfection in your smile makes you feel insecure, try fixing it. By nature, teeth are gray or yellowish in color, and darken with age. Teeth are also stained by excessive use of tobacco, coffee, or tea. Even though teeth aren't supposed to be perfectly white, many people use bleach to brighten their smile.

  • Surface teeth whitener is an abrasive that helps remove stains. You can buy this product at the pharmacy. Since most of the ingredients are also used in regular toothpaste, regular use will not cause tooth decay.
  • Bleaching is much harsher than bleach. You should consult a dentist beforehand, especially since some of these treatments don't work in all cases of tooth discoloration. For example, bleaching has no effect on patients with root canal problems, wearing fillings or crowns, or having heavy stains. Bleaching should only be done under the supervision of a dentist.
Smile Naturally Step 13
Smile Naturally Step 13

Step 5. Consider interventions

Unfortunately, some people can't get good dental care or never clean their teeth and mouth properly. Missing teeth, crooked teeth, or unhealthy gums can be very embarrassing. The dentist's job is to fix such problems.

For more serious problems, you may need to consult a dentist about reconstructive procedures. Your dentist can help you personally or give you a referral to an oral surgeon


  • Apart from creating an original smile, these techniques can also help improve your mood and create a cheerful feeling.
  • Another helpful way is "funny thoughts," which are words or scenes that you find especially funny. For example, a scene on a TV show. Prepare several options.
