3 Ways to Use Double Spacing

3 Ways to Use Double Spacing
3 Ways to Use Double Spacing

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Whether you're writing a school essay or a narrative report for work, you should choose the line spacing for each written work. Most people prefer to write with double spacing between lines, because it makes it easier for readers to follow the flow of the text. How you format your spaces depends on the word processing program you're using. Double-space your work by setting the right parameters for the entire document or a selected amount of text.


Method 1 of 3: Double Spacing in Microsoft Word

Double Space Step 1
Double Space Step 1

Step 1. Open the document you are working on

This can be a blank page if you plan to format all the pages and you haven't started writing yet.

Double Space Step 2
Double Space Step 2

Step 2. Create a default setting that will ensure that the entire document will be double-spaced

  • Look in the Style group on the toolbar. On the home tab, right-click Normal. Once a menu appears, click Modify.
  • Look for the Formatting command and click on the Double Space button.
  • Click OK. This will set the entire document in double-spaced format.
Double Space Step 3
Double Space Step 3

Step 3. Create an area in the document that you will double-space

This can be a single-spaced or larger-spaced piece of text in the document.

  • Highlight the text to which you want to double-space.
  • Click Line and Paragraph Spacing, which can be found in the Paragraph group of the Home tab.
  • Click on the 2.0 option. This will double-space the areas of the document that you have highlighted.

Method 2 of 3: Double Spacing in WordPerfect

Double Space Step 4
Double Space Step 4

Step 1. Use the Line Spacing or Leading feature in Wordperfect to create double spacing between lines throughout the document or only part of the document

Double Space Step 5
Double Space Step 5

Step 2. Click Format

You will see a menu offering Line. Click Line then Line Spacing.

Double Space Step 6
Double Space Step 6

Step 3. Type 2.0 in the Spacing box that appears

Instead of offering multiple options, Wordperfect will ask you to create your own line spacing value. A value of 2.0 means double space.

Double Space Step 7
Double Space Step 7

Step 4. Keep in mind that double spacing will be applied starting from the part in the text that is occupied by your cursor

Place the cursor at the very top of the page if you want the entire document to be double-spaced. They will all use double spacing until you reset to a different setting, such as 1.0 for single spacing

Method 3 of 3: Double Spacing in Google Docs

Double Space Step 8
Double Space Step 8

Step 1. Open Google Docs in a web browser

Sign in to your account if you weren't automatically signed in, and search for a summary of your Google docs.

Double Space Step 9
Double Space Step 9

Step 2. Click on the text document from the list to which you want to apply double spacing

Click Create New if you are starting a new document and want to use double spacing

Double Space Step 10
Double Space Step 10

Step 3. Select the text area you want to double-space by highlighting it

If you want to do this throughout the document, or you are creating a new document, hold down the Control key (Ctrl) with the A key.

Double Space Step 11
Double Space Step 11

Step 4. Click Format

When you see this option, click Line Spacing. You will have four options.

Choose the last option, or 2.0. This is the value for double space
