How to Get Thigh Spacing (with Pictures)

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How to Get Thigh Spacing (with Pictures)
How to Get Thigh Spacing (with Pictures)

Video: How to Get Thigh Spacing (with Pictures)

Video: How to Get Thigh Spacing (with Pictures)
Video: 3 Ways To Remove Nail Polish WITHOUT Nail Polish Remover | Viki NailBeauty 2024, October

If you want to have thighs that are spaced, make your dreams come true by applying safe and realistic methods according to the instructions in this article, for example eating nutritious foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle. The shape of the thigh does not determine a person's health condition, but thigh distance can increase self-confidence.


Part 1 of 6: Understanding the Realistic and Safe Way

Be Feminine Step 4
Be Feminine Step 4

Step 1. Know that many people are unlikely to have spaced thighs because of their different anatomical shapes

Photos of famous models whose thighs are very wide are usually edited by professional photographers and this body shape is not natural. Some people have thigh distance after getting rid of fat deposits on the thighs, but many people fail to realize their dreams even though they have lost weight.

Genetic factors and body anatomy are the determining factors whether or not you have thigh distance. Many women have a pelvis so narrow that it is impossible for the thighs to be spaced apart even though there is very little fat in the legs. People whose pelvis is wide can have thigh spaced by maintaining an ideal body weight

Get a Thigh Gap Step 2
Get a Thigh Gap Step 2

Step 2. Set realistic expectations

You can't have thigh distance in a short time by dieting and exercising. Instead of expecting an instant solution, you need to change your lifestyle and apply it consistently. Usually, the thighs appear to shrink after 3-4 weeks, but genetic factors make some women unable to have thigh spaced even though they are very slim. Either way, never neglect eating or exercising until you're exhausted.

To maintain motivation, focus on the things that make you feel good about eating a healthy diet, rather than just wanting to look more attractive. Maybe you feel more energized or can be stylish when you realize that a collection of clothes that are too small now fit your body. Although this is not what you want, the ability to respect yourself plays an important role in being able to be yourself

Get a Thigh Gap Step 3
Get a Thigh Gap Step 3

Step 3. Don't obsess over the dream of having spaced thighs

Many people dream of this so that it becomes an obsession because they feel insecure. In fact, they focus on realizing their dreams so that they forget other important aspects of their daily life, such as health or socializing. Many young women and young women who lack self-confidence struggle to keep their thighs spaced in dangerous ways, such as fasting, which can lead to eating disorders. Don't let the dream of having distant thighs mess up your life. The shape of your thighs doesn't reveal who you are. Do what's best for yourself, instead of letting other people decide what to do.

Get a Thigh Gap Step 4
Get a Thigh Gap Step 4

Step 4. Ask for help if the struggle to achieve a dream is bad for you

If you think that the best way to have spaced thighs is to hold back hunger so that the body lacks the nutrients it needs to maintain health, seek help immediately. Remember, anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders are bad for your physical and mental health.

  • Lack of food intake can be bad for physical health, for example, interfere with brain development, heart function, and the health of reproductive organs.
  • Watch for signs that indicate you have an eating disorder. Do you feel happy if you skip meals? Are you lying about the size of the meal? Do you feel very afraid if you gain weight? Is your self-worth determined by your weight? If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, see a doctor or someone who can help immediately.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 6
Get a Thigh Gap Step 6

Step 5. Adopt a healthy diet and make time for regular exercise if you really want to have thigh distance

Lose excess weight little by little by combining diet and exercise until you reach the body mass index (BMI) as recommended by your doctor. If it doesn't work, genes and bone structure could be the cause.

When exercising, keep in mind that you can't target specific body parts, such as your thighs. This myth is called spot training. Exercising certain parts of the body, such as the thighs, helps reduce fat deposits and converts them into muscle, but also reduces fat in other parts of the body. Reducing fat only in certain body parts by training it is impossible

Part 2 of 6: Follow a Healthy Diet

Get a Thigh Gap Step 7
Get a Thigh Gap Step 7

Step 1. Don't eat nutrient-dense foods

Instead of eating less, prioritize eating nutritious foods to keep your body healthy and energized (but don't overdo it). In addition, avoid foods that contain:

  • Trans fats: These "bad" fats cause heart disease and high cholesterol. Fast food, packaged snacks (such as chips), fried and oily foods, or margarine contain trans fats. Before buying food, find out its nutritional content by reading the information on the packaging.
  • Sugar: refined sugar contains a lot of calories that are not nutritious. Avoid drinks that contain artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame, or saccharin. Several studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can cause harmful side effects, such as an increased risk of heart attack caused by artificial sweeteners in diet drinks. Replace sugar with sugar-free apple cider when preparing food or drinks.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 8
Get a Thigh Gap Step 8

Step 2. Increase the consumption of fiber foods

In addition to being healthy, this step can delay hunger because fibrous foods are digested slowly so that the stomach remains filled. For that, consume the following foods:

  • Fruits and vegetables, such as celery, apples, spinach, cabbage, various types of berries, carrots, pears, oranges, and others.
  • Whole grains. Avoid white grains. Eat brown grains, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, whole-wheat tortillas, and whole-wheat pasta.
  • Nuts and legumes, such as black beans, almonds, pistachios, pecans, and lentils.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 9
Get a Thigh Gap Step 9

Step 3. Eat foods known as "superfoods"

"Superfoods" are foods with very low calories and very high fiber. In addition, the calories used to digest "superfoods" are greater than the calorie content in these foods. Although considered less effective in losing weight, many nutritious foods fall into the "superfood" category. Instead of eating high-calorie foods, you don't need to burn a lot of calories if you eat "superfoods".

  • Include the following "superfoods" in the diet menu:

    • Apple, goji, blueberry and pomegranate
    • Eggs, lentils, almond butter, salmon and sardines
    • Oats, rye pasta and quinoa
    • Kale, chili, tarragon and avocado
    • Low-fat yogurt without flavor and Parmesan cheese
    • Olive oil
Get a Thigh Gap Step 10
Get a Thigh Gap Step 10

Step 4. Don't overeat

If you are already on a healthy diet, but the desire does not come true, review the food and drinks consumed every day. Even if you reduce calories just a little, say 200 calories per day, this step is a safe way to lose weight.

  • Keep a diary to monitor calorie intake. You can take notes using a notebook and look up calorie data through websites. Also, download a phone app, such as MyFitnessPal or Spark People. Whatever your choice, do it consistently.
  • Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) to find out the minimum number of calories you need each day. This way, you can calculate your daily calorie burn rate more accurately. Don't eat calories less than your BMR, but you can consume calories 1.2 times your BMR. Consume 200-300 calories less than the calories used. Count calories correctly so that the diet gives the expected results. Reducing 3,500 calories is equivalent to kg of body weight. If you reduce 300 calories, you will lose 1 kg in 11 days.

    If needed, read this wikiHow article that explains how to calculate your calorie intake for weight loss

  • Do not blame yourself. If you neglect your diet, don't give up! Humans are not free from mistakes. Make a commitment to stick to a consistent diet.

Part 3 of 6: Tighten Thigh Muscles

Get a Thigh Gap Step 11
Get a Thigh Gap Step 11

Step 1. Do the butterfly posture

Sit on the floor straightening your back and straightening your body. Bend both knees and bring your feet together. Pull your feet as close to your pelvis as you can, spread your knees apart, then lower your thighs to the floor as low as you can. Maintain this posture for 5-10 seconds.

  • You can hold the back of the foot while doing the butterfly posture.
  • Gently stretch the muscles. When doing the butterfly posture, don't swing your knees up and down like a butterfly's wings so you don't hurt your leg muscles. Instead, move slowly with the right technique.
  • The butterfly posture is useful for stretching the leg muscles before exercising the thigh muscles so that the legs become flexible and free from injury.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 12
Get a Thigh Gap Step 12

Step 2. Perform leg lifts with the Pilates technique

Lie on your side to the left. Use your left arm or left palm to support your head. Bend your right knee and place it on the floor in front of your left thigh so that your right calf is on the floor. Straighten your left leg and lift it 5-10 cm off the floor while exhaling. Lower your left leg slowly while inhaling. Do this movement 3 sets, 10 times per set. Repeat this exercise while lying on your right side.

  • When lifting your legs, make sure your body is straight and not moving.
  • Raise your legs slowly. This exercise makes the thigh muscles tighter if each movement is done slowly.
  • If you have or are currently experiencing a back injury, take the time to consult a doctor before doing this exercise.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 13
Get a Thigh Gap Step 13

Step 3. Perform the movement to tighten the inner thighs

This exercise can be done while sitting in a chair or lying on the floor if you want to try a more intense movement.

  • Practice while sitting: sit in a chair straightening your back, straightening your body, and activating your abdominal muscles. Tuck a rolled towel, head pillow, or sofa cushion between your knees and hold them firmly for a few seconds. Do this movement 20 times or according to ability.
  • Practice lying on the floor: lie on your back with your knees bent hip-width apart and your feet on the floor. Tuck a rolled up towel, head pillow, or sofa cushion between your knees and clamp them firmly. Perform the bridge posture by lifting your pelvis off the floor (so that your back and thighs form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees). Do this movement 20 times while lifting and lowering the pelvis slowly without touching the floor.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 14
Get a Thigh Gap Step 14

Step 4. Get in the habit of doing aerobics

Make time for moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week. In addition to keeping the body healthy and slim, this exercise is useful for toning the leg muscles if done regularly.

  • Running, walking briskly, exercising using stairs, cycling, swimming, or dancing are beneficial for slimming thighs.
  • Determine the sport that interests you and then do it consistently. You will practice regularly if you choose a sport that you like.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 15
Get a Thigh Gap Step 15

Step 5. Do not do movements that make the leg muscles enlarge

Some movements are very effective in shaping and toning the leg muscles, such as squats, lunges, leg curls, and calf raises. However, this exercise does not slim the thighs so that the dream of having thighs is just a dream.

Instead of avoiding the movement, you can do it several times while exercising. Prioritize cardio movements that work the muscles thoroughly

Part 4 of 6: Using Cosmetic Tricks to Make Thighs Look Slim

Get a Thigh Gap Step 16
Get a Thigh Gap Step 16

Step 1. Wear underwear that serves to shape the body

If you want to show off your thighs tonight, one instant solution is to wear underwear designed to shrink your thighs.

The best way to make the thighs look spaced is to wear a corset to the chest that blends with tight pants. Buy a corset whose legs are long enough so that the entire thigh is covered

Get a Thigh Gap Step 17
Get a Thigh Gap Step 17

Step 2. Use an anti-cellulite cream or ointment

This product can get rid of cellulite if applied regularly. Some products are quite effective in reducing cellulite because thigh fat often triggers cellulite.

Anti-cellulite creams usually contain caffeine. Caffeine helps reduce cellulite by stimulating blood flow. Therefore, cellulite can be reduced by applying an anti-cellulite cream containing caffeine on both thighs

Get a Thigh Gap Step 18
Get a Thigh Gap Step 18

Step 3. Try brushing the thighs with a dry brush

This method involves brushing the skin of the thighs using a brush designed to stimulate blood flow and accelerate fat burning.

  • Use a dry brush when brushing the skin of the thighs, not a hair brush. You can buy dry brushes at supermarkets or cosmetic stores.
  • Brushing the skin using a dry brush is useful for exfoliating dead skin cells and increasing blood flow so that the skin becomes firm.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 19
Get a Thigh Gap Step 19

Step 4. Use a tanner, which is a product to darken the skin tone, so that the legs look slimmer

Tanners can't shrink thighs, but they can be used to create the illusion that the thighs and calves look slimmer and denser.

Spray tanner or bronzer on both legs starting from the groin to the instep. Do not spray the tanner only on both thighs because the difference in skin color of the thighs and calves makes the results unnatural. So, spray the tanner on both feet evenly

Part 5 of 6: Making Thighs Look Spacious When Photographed

Get a Thigh Gap Step 20
Get a Thigh Gap Step 20

Step 1. Adjust the position of the body when photographed so that the thighs look spaced out

You don't have to hold back hunger and torture yourself if you just want to show off your elegant posture and spaced thighs in photos. By applying the following tips, you can make your dreams come true without trying too hard.

Get a Thigh Gap Step 21
Get a Thigh Gap Step 21

Step 2. Straighten both legs

Activate your thigh and calf muscles so that your legs feel stiff like iron pipes and hard as rocks.

Get a Thigh Gap Step 22
Get a Thigh Gap Step 22

Step 3. Back slightly buttocks

So that your efforts are not obvious, do not accentuate the buttocks excessively. Right now, you only need to activate your abdominal muscles.

Get a Thigh Gap Step 23
Get a Thigh Gap Step 23

Step 4. Lean forward while spreading your heels apart

Bring the front of the feet together and spread the heels apart. Make sure the position of the soles of the feet is normal so that your appearance looks natural and natural.

Get a Thigh Gap Step 24
Get a Thigh Gap Step 24

Step 5. Take a photo of yourself

Point the camera down for more interesting results. This tip is an instant way to show off thigh space without working hard. If you have spaced thighs, use this pose to expose them.

Part 6 of 6: Detecting Hormonal Changes

Get a Thigh Gap Step 25
Get a Thigh Gap Step 25

Step 1. Wait until puberty is over

You can have thigh spaced if your hipbones are wide, regardless of your weight. Usually, the pelvis of teenage girls who are still going through puberty is not wide enough. Many girls stop their physical growth at the age of 16 or 17, but for some, puberty continues into late adolescence. Be patient!

  • Don't be hungry. Puberty causes great growth and changes physically and mentally. You need a lot of nutrients and calories during puberty. Physical growth will be stunted if you don't adopt a healthy diet.
  • Remember that puberty lasts a few years, not months. You may have grown taller in recent months, but physical growth from a teenager to a young adult takes years. Be patient if your physical growth is not as fast as other girls.
Get a Thigh Gap Step 26
Get a Thigh Gap Step 26

Step 2. Know whether or not to consult a doctor

See a gynecologist if you are 15 years old and haven't had your period. He can diagnose if you have health problems that delay puberty.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist if you suspect a severe hormonal imbalance. After you have a blood test, your doctor can determine the cause and prescribe medication


  • Learn to love yourself now and as you grow.
  • The dream of having spaced thighs can come true with persistence and hard work, but don't expect your wish to come true in just a few days. Whatever you want, be a confident person.
  • Once your dream comes true, don't stop exercising and adopt a healthy diet. Consider options for being vegan or vegetarian.
  • Avoid eating patterns that harm yourself. You know what's best for yourself. Do not feel guilty if you are reluctant to follow friends who want to have thigh distance. This is just a trend!
  • Remember that you need to exercise long enough to make your wish come true. Make sure you choose a sport that you like so you don't get bored. Ballet or other dances are useful for slimming legs, except for hip-hop. Instead of lying on the couch watching TV, sit on the floor exercising!
  • Get to know your body shape. Women with narrow hips are more difficult to have thigh spaced even though their bodies are slim because the position of the thigh bones is close to each other.
  • If you can't apply a healthy diet, don't force yourself. You can enjoy a chocolate bar or ice cream every few days to stay energized.
  • Jogging is a very useful exercise because it can lose weight little by little.
  • The dream of having distanced thighs is not a problem, as long as you don't push yourself so that it triggers symptoms of anorexia. Try to achieve it just by exercising. Don't let this become a priority or an obsession.
  • The desire to have thigh distance is more easily realized by running, jogging, or other cardio exercises because these exercises can slim the legs.


  • Don't sacrifice yourself for an obsession with spaced thighs. It's in fashion or in demand right now, but thighs that are very wide apart are unnatural. In addition, extreme ways can trigger health problems. Don't let temporary fashion trends trigger permanent physical problems.
  • Ask a professional counselor for help if you or someone else has an eating disorder because you want to space your thighs, lose weight, or lose fat.
  • Recognize the symptoms of underweight that are harmful to health. If you stop menstruating, almost always feel achy or painful, easily irritated, often lethargic, increase your calorie consumption and consult a doctor. Being underweight or eating too little can lead to serious health complications.
  • Take the time to consult with your doctor before starting a new physical exercise program if you have never exercised before or are experiencing health problems.
