How to Make the Transition from Girlhood to Womanhood

How to Make the Transition from Girlhood to Womanhood
How to Make the Transition from Girlhood to Womanhood

Table of contents:


Every woman is different. They all have their own story about how they grew up. However, many of them share this common ground: in order to mature, that is, to move from girlhood to womanhood, they must prepare for some significant physical, emotional, and intellectual changes. Some of these changes are controllable, while others are biological processes that occur by themselves at the right time. Becoming a woman is not an overnight situation – it may take you a few years – however, this period can provide valuable life experiences that define your adulthood.


Part 1 of 3: Becoming Emotionally Mature

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 1
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 1

Step 1. Tell yourself that being a woman is a mindset

Being a woman is not only about changing your body, but you also have to think and feel properly. It may take a lot of time and hard work before you can feel like a real woman, but there are steps that can help you through this transition.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 2
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 2

Step 2. Read developmental books on women, which are also written by women

The world is always changing, and there is so much to learn. Consider buying or borrowing a book from the library to help with your orientation towards the world of women. Prioritize the memoirs and autobiographies of the women you value. You will learn about the challenges they face, which will help you to meet your own challenges.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 3
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 3

Step 3. Learn appropriate social skills and behaviors

If you act like an adult, you will not only be treated like an adult, but you will also have a better sense of self-worth. Here are some key steps you can take:

  • Avoid procrastination. Take responsibility for commitments and complete your tasks within a reasonable time.
  • Have good manners. Being friendly and polite can help prepare you for a responsible adult.
  • Defend yourself. Politeness is important, but that doesn't mean you can be underestimated. Learn to speak confidently, even if those around you aren't being polite.
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 4
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 4

Step 4. Act with confidence

Men usually overestimate themselves, but women are the opposite. They often underestimate their abilities. This phenomenon is known as the confidence gap. Keep that in mind as you enter the adult world: even if you feel anxious about a task, you may actually be the most competent person to do it. Some ways to address confidence gaps include:

  • Looking for female role models. Look for women in leadership positions to help you learn leadership skills, such as speaking with confidence, supervising a team, or criticizing constructively.
  • Don't let "hospitality" hold you back. Being friendly and polite are important skills for adults, but women are usually forced to do both at the expense of their knowledge and expertise. Try to find a balance between being friendly and sticking to principles.
  • Speak with confidence. Try to practice speaking to others with power and confidence. Stand straight, project your voice, maintain eye contact with the audience, and speak in a definitive tone. Resist the urge to sound like asking a question or asking for permission.
  • Continue teaching. Just like other young women who learn from more experienced women to master leadership skills, you have the potential to be a role model for them. Pass your unique knowledge and abilities on to young women who need it, and continue to hone your personal leadership skills.
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 5
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 5

Step 5. Learn about the world

Keeping up to date with current affairs and breaking news is a great way to make yourself appear knowledgeable and responsible. You'll also have a wide range of topics for adults to talk about, and can begin to learn about your place in the world. This way, it will help you determine your values when you enter the adult world. Consider:

  • Read, watch, or listen to the news regularly.
  • Find journalists you value and follow their stories.
  • Read nonfiction books on topics you enjoy.
  • Draw your own conclusions. While you may initially have to gather information from other sources, later on, you should be able to analyze events on your own. If you are old enough to vote, choose the candidate and policy that best fits personal principles. If not, find other ways to get involved, such as writing, signing petitions, or volunteering for organizations you care about.
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 6
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 6

Step 6. Participate in a maturing ritual

Most cultures have some kind of important ceremony to celebrate when a boy becomes a man, or a girl becomes a woman. These rituals can help young people feel like adults and accepted as full members of society. Whether it's Sweet Seventeen, Quinceanera, or Ji Li, they are all significant turning points in a young woman's life. Depending on the culture, you may have to plan this coming-of-age ritual or party yourself, to mark the start of a new life as a woman and say goodbye to teenage years.

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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 7

Step 7. Set goals for yourself and stick to them consistently

You must set independent goals to set the path of life. These goals may differ from those of parents, and may be influenced by friends. You can even set goals that are very different from other people in your family or friendship group. Perhaps the most important sign that a woman has matured is that she is able to live by her decisions and values. Think carefully about what you want from life and make a plan to achieve it.

Part 2 of 3: Developing Skills to Welcome the World of Adult Women

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 8
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 8

Step 1. Tell yourself that being a woman speaks of more than just physical changes

Being a woman also involves maturing emotionally, psychologically, and in terms of behavior. Most importantly, you should try to be independent. It involves learning new skills and habits to pave the way to success as an adult.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 9
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 9

Step 2. Research the skills you want to develop

There is much to learn. You may not be able to master them all right away, but these skills in life will enable you to make your own path, without having to rely on others. Consider buying or borrowing a book from the library to help orientate yourself into the world of adult women. Check out how-to guides to help you learn useful skills. The internet, friends, and trusted adult mentors are also good learning resources so you can become an independent woman.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 10
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 10

Step 3. Manage finances

Financial responsibility is important in the transition to adult women. You may be working on your first job, preparing to pay for college, or considering living alone. In all of these examples, you will have to learn important skills in life, for example:

  • Balancing financial notebooks.
  • Record income and expenses carefully.
  • Pay taxes on time.
  • Save for major purchases and emergency needs.
  • Learn when it's a good time to get into debt, and when not.
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 11
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 11

Step 4. Determine transportation

One way to become an independent young woman is to determine how to move from location A to location B, without depending on her parents. Depending on how old you are and where you live, try asking about how to get a driver's license. Or, you can travel using public transportation to freely visit schools, offices, and other locations.

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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 12

Step 5. Learn job skills

Being able to fulfill commitments, show up on time, take responsibility for personal actions, and respond well to criticism will help your life as a woman, especially in a work/career environment. Finding and keeping a job will enable you to learn to be independent, as well as provide financial freedom as you mature as a woman.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 13
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 13

Step 6. Maintain personal hygiene and appearance

As your body develops, you have to fulfill several requirements to look presentable and healthy. For example, you may have to bathe more often than you did when you were a child, and use a variety of products to clean your face (because your face is now more prone to breakouts). Some other things to watch out for are:

  • Maintain hair neatness. Whether short or long, straight or curly, hair should be kept from looking messy. You can make a bun, look for short cuts that can be styled easily, or trim the ends of your hair regularly.
  • Take care of clothes. Make sure your clothes fit well and are kept clean, wrinkle-free and in good condition.
  • Wearing accessories. Some women like to wear jewelry and makeup, while others don't. If you want to wear accessories, make sure they are age-appropriate, appropriate for the work or school environment, and do not cause allergies. For example, a pink necklace with a unicorn pendant might be appropriate when you were a teenager at school, but this necklace will surely invite expressions of wonder in a working environment at a bank. Consider buying a simple gold necklace.
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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 14

Step 7. Take care of your residence

Whether with your parents, siblings, roommates, or alone, you have to take responsibility for where you live. As a child, you may have been able to let things go, but adulthood demands greater responsibilities. This means you should tidy up all the mess, vacuum and sweep regularly, and make sure shared areas (such as the bathroom or kitchen) are also cleaned regularly.

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 15
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 15

Step 8. Learn how to feed yourself

Deciding how to prepare healthy snacks and meals for yourself will help you become a healthy and happy adult woman. You may not be able to rely on someone else to do your shopping, so learn how to make meal plans, write shopping lists, buy healthy and nutritious ingredients, and prepare them properly.

Also be prepared to make a lot of mistakes when learning to cook. However, remember that all of these mistakes are educational

Part 3 of 3: Becoming Physically Mature

Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 16
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 16

Step 1. Read about the effects of puberty

Puberty is a phase of biological development, when a child's body undergoes changes to become an adult body. Puberty will produce various physical and emotional changes in girls. Puberty usually occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 and can last up to 6 years. You have to understand the types of changes that will occur so as not to be afraid or shocked about the body transformation. Some examples of common changes in puberty include:

  • Growing taller and going through periods of rapid growth.
  • Hips and chest develop. Pain and fatigue in these two parts are also common.
  • Growth of hair in the armpits and pubic area.
  • Sweat more.
  • The appearance of acne and other skin changes.
  • Starting to menstruate.
  • Mood swings.
  • If you haven't had your period by the age of 14, talk to your doctor to make sure everything is okay.
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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 17

Step 2. Ask a mentor figure about the physical changes that puberty causes

Every woman is different, and many of them have their own choices for dealing with these changes. However, you can still deal with the maturing process more smoothly and less stressfully. An important step is to talk to an adult woman you trust (such as a family member), about how to deal with the changing body and emotions. He can be an important mentor in these times. Not only will you benefit from hearing stories about the mentor's maturing process, but he or she can also help guide you as you prepare for your body's development to welcome adulthood.

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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 18

Step 3. Learn to appreciate your changing body

The growing years can be both fun and challenging. Many women become stressed because of weight gain, skin changes, more pronounced body curves, and periods of sudden growth. 50 to 88% of young women report negative feelings about their bodies at this vulnerable time. Try to do activities that are positive for your body so you don't get caught up in bad thoughts. For example:

  • Remind yourself that the media is not true. You may compare yourself negatively to the models and actors you see in the media. Remember, these people are not the norm of reference. Celebrities' appearances are transformed using special effects, teams of makeup artists, professional lighting techniques, and image processing programs. If necessary, avoid all unrealistic images of women from the media: turn off the TV, close fashion magazines, and spend time with friends.
  • Praise yourself. Even if puberty produces unwanted changes (like acne), there may be things you like about your new body. Do you enjoy being taller? Feeling more mature? Have curves? Look at yourself in the mirror and praise it. You should be proud of your growth.
  • Praise friends. Remember, they may also experience negative or insecure thoughts about their bodies. Tell them about everything you like about them, to help develop a sense of self-worth.
  • Maintain the habit of exercising and eating healthy. Many young women are tempted to go on extreme diets or exercise too much in response to their body changes. However, gaining weight and fat, and getting fatter is normal and healthy for a developing body. Resist the temptation to go to extremes and follow general rules regarding diet and exercise. Always consume nutritious food when hungry, and never starve.
  • Talk to your doctor about any concerns you feel about your body. If you feel something is not right, consult him. He or she will be able to help determine if the changes in your body are normal and healthy.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective for those who develop a negative body image. If you have persistent bad thoughts about your body image, talk to your doctor or counselor. You don't have to live with these thoughts; You can feel happier and more confident with proper treatment.
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 19
Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 19

Step 4. Shop with your friends or mentors

Some of the physical changes associated with puberty will require you to buy new clothes or equipment to stay comfortable. You may also have to shop several times at different stages of puberty, and it may take some time to determine the best product. Asking a friend or mentor to help with shopping will make the process easier. Everyone has their own tastes, but in general, you should buy the following items:

  • As you sweat more and more, start looking for deodorants (to mask body odor) and antiperspirants (which reduce the amount of sweat under your armpits).
  • As your chest grows and becomes painful, buy an exercise bra and a regular bra. These items will support and cover the chest.
  • When body hair grows or darkens, buy a razor or wax kit. However, not everyone wants to cut these feathers: make up your own mind!
  • When you start having your period, buy a tampon or pad to protect your clothes from bloodstains.
  • If acne starts to grow, buy over-the-counter medications and face washes to help deal with this problem. You can also see your doctor for prescription medications that may be stronger.
  • As you get taller and have more curves, shop for new clothes, either in the women's or kids/teens section. Because your body grows so fast, old clothes may soon not be enough. Consider shopping at a thrift or thrift store to keep costs down as you explore the true meaning of dressing on a grown woman's body, and try to find a unique, personal style.
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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 20

Step 5. Take care of your sexual health by seeing a gynecologist

During and after puberty, a woman can become pregnant. Pregnancy can be a big and challenging responsibility. You should also take care of your sexual health. Adolescent girls should see a gynecologist, who can provide advice on contraceptive methods, teach knowledge to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, run cancer screenings, and provide other ways to maintain a woman's health.

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Mature From a Girl to a Woman Step 21

Step 6. Realize that not everything has to happen right away

On average, women claim they reach emotional maturity at age 32 (for men, it's 43). You have plenty of time to grow and change: you won't become a woman overnight. This process is long and gradual. The brain will also not fully develop until the age of 25 years. Try to enjoy the journey to the woman of today, even if it takes a long time.


  • Hang out with mature women you admire. Learn and grow together. Tell them about your goals, dreams, and even your mistakes: these people can help process what it means to grow up and develop.
  • Understand that change doesn't happen overnight, so give yourself time to feel and learn and grow.
  • Remember, not all women want to be women, and not all women are originally born female. The most important thing here is that you are ready to be the adult you want to be.
