How to Get Rid of Pain (with Pictures)

How to Get Rid of Pain (with Pictures)
How to Get Rid of Pain (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


In general, there are two kinds of pain. Acute pain is pain that lasts from a few seconds to several weeks. Usually this is a signal that the body has an infection or injury. Chronic pain is pain that lasts for a longer time and can continue even after the original injury has healed. You can do various ways to relieve pain, for example with drugs, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes. Understand that pain doesn't always go away even if you've followed all the suggestions in this article. It's a good idea to have moderate expectations when dealing with pain.


Part 1 of 3: Using Natural and Alternative Medicine

Get Rid of Pain Step 1
Get Rid of Pain Step 1

Step 1. Paste heat

It is great for tense and stiff areas of the body.

  • Put hot water in a bottle and wrap it with a towel. Do not apply directly to the skin, because your skin may scald!
  • The warmth of the bottle will increase blood flow and circulation to the area.
  • It is very good for dealing with muscle tension and pain, back stiffness, or cramps during menstruation.
Get Rid of Pain Step 2
Get Rid of Pain Step 2

Step 2. Relieve pain by applying a cold compress

This can numb the painful area and help reduce swelling.

  • Use an ice pack (frozen gel in a shatterproof container) or a pack of frozen peas. Wrap it in a towel so the ice doesn't come into direct contact with the skin.
  • Apply ice for 10 minutes, then allow the skin to warm again so you don't risk getting frostbite. You can apply the ice again later on the same day.
  • This can help with swollen, hot, or inflamed joints, bruises, or other less severe injuries.
Get Rid of Pain Step 3
Get Rid of Pain Step 3

Step 3. Try herbal remedies

Although it has not been rigorously tested, a number of people report that herbal remedies can be useful. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor before using herbal remedies.

  • You can reduce inflammation with ginger.
  • Use feverfew to help relieve toothaches, stomachaches, and headaches. This herb should not be consumed by pregnant women.
  • Use turmeric to help reduce inflammation, arthritis, and heartburn (warm and burning sensation in the chest). People suffering from gallbladder disease should not take this herb.
  • Use devil's claw. This herb can help relieve arthritis or back pain. Do not take it if you suffer from gallstones, stomach ulcers, or intestinal ulcers. This herb also should not be consumed by women who are pregnant.
Get Rid of Pain Step 4
Get Rid of Pain Step 4

Step 4. Do acupuncture

Acupuncture is a procedure that involves inserting small needles into various points on the body. It's not known why this method can reduce pain, but this action may stimulate the body to release natural chemicals that work to relieve pain, namely endorphins.

  • Many pain relief clinics serve acupuncture. Make sure you choose a place that has a good reputation. Ask your doctor for recommendations.
  • The needles are sterile, very small, single use, and pre-packaged. When the needle is inserted into the skin, you will feel a prick. The needle will be left there for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • You may have to go through several sessions to get the maximum effect.
  • Acupuncture is effective for reducing symptoms of headaches, menstrual cramps, osteoarthritis, back pain, facial pain, and some digestive problems.
Get Rid of Pain Step 5
Get Rid of Pain Step 5

Step 5. Control pain using biofeedback

When running a biofeedback session, the therapist connects you to sensors that show how your body is reacting physiologically. Then use this information to concentrate on making physical changes to your body.

  • You can find out which muscles are tense and how to relieve pain by learning how to relax them.
  • Biofeedback can display information about muscle tension, sweat response, body temperature sensors, and heart rate.
  • Visit a trusted therapist, either licensed or working under a doctor's supervision. If you're looking to buy a device that you can use at home, be aware of devices that promise unrealistic things. Maybe it's a scam.
Get Rid of Pain Step 6
Get Rid of Pain Step 6

Step 6. Try functional electrical stimulation

This method uses a computer that sends a small electric current into the body through electrodes that can make muscles contract. Some of the benefits that can be obtained include:

  • Range of motion becomes bigger
  • Reduced muscle spasms
  • Strength increases
  • Loss of bone density is reduced
  • Blood circulation is good.

Part 2 of 3: Using Medicine

Get Rid of Pain Step 7
Get Rid of Pain Step 7

Step 1. Try using a topical pain reliever

You can apply it directly on the painful area. There are several types of drugs with different active ingredients.

  • Capsaicin (eg Zostrix, Capzasin). This is the substance that makes chili peppers hot. This ingredient will effectively prevent the nerves to transmit pain signals.
  • Salicylates (eg Bengay, Aspercreme). This cream contains aspirin, which can relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Counterirritants (eg Biofreeze, Icy Hot). This cream contains camphor or menthol which can give a cold or warm sensation.
  • These drugs are often used to relieve pain in the joints.
  • Always read and follow the directions on the packaging. Consult your doctor first before giving these medicines to pregnant women or children.
  • Watch for signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, or throat, difficulty breathing, or difficulty swallowing.
Get Rid of Pain Step 8
Get Rid of Pain Step 8

Step 2. Use over-the-counter medications to reduce inflammation

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will prevent the body from producing chemicals that can cause inflammation. Commonly used drugs include:

  • Aspirin (eg Ascriptin, Anacin, Bufferin, Bayer, Excedrin). Children under 19 years should not take aspirin.
  • Ketoprofen (eg Orudis)
  • Ibuprofen (eg Advil, Motrin, Medipren, Nuprin)
  • Naproxen sodium (eg Aleve)
  • These drugs can effectively reduce pain caused by muscle pain, osteoarthritis, back pain, gout, dental problems, menstrual cramps, joint pain due to fever, or headaches.
  • Always follow the directions on the package. Consult with your doctor first before taking these drugs. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Consult your doctor if you are taking other drugs that may cause interactions.
Get Rid of Pain Step 9
Get Rid of Pain Step 9

Step 3. Go to the doctor if you have an injury or infection that you can't treat at home

Your doctor can prescribe medications that can help you heal infections and wounds, as well as relieve pain.

  • Go to the doctor if you have a physical injury such as a broken bone, sprain, or deep wound. Doctors can bandage it, apply a cast, or stitch the wound so it can heal properly. If you need strong painkillers, your doctor can prescribe them.
  • Get medical help if you have a serious infection. This could be a severe respiratory infection such as bronchitis or pneumonia, an eye or ear infection, a sexually transmitted disease, severe abdominal pain that could indicate a stomach infection, etc. The doctor will prescribe a strong antibiotic. You will feel better quickly once the antibiotics start killing the infection.
Get Rid of Pain Step 10
Get Rid of Pain Step 10

Step 4. Discuss medications with your doctor

If all doesn't work and you continue to have severe pain, your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication such as codeine or morphine.

This is an addictive drug (causing addiction). Only use as directed

Get Rid of Pain Step 11
Get Rid of Pain Step 11

Step 5. Relieve chronic joint pain with cortisone injections

This injection is usually given directly into the painful joint. Usually these drugs contain corticosteroids and local anesthetics.

  • It can be effective in treating several conditions such as arthritis, lupus, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, and so on.
  • Because these injections can damage the cartilage in the joints, they should only be given a maximum of three or four times a year.
Get Rid of Pain Step 12
Get Rid of Pain Step 12

Step 6. Talk to your doctor about antidepressants for pain relief

It is not fully known why this drug is so effective at relieving pain, but it can increase the production of chemicals in the spine that are responsible for reducing pain signals.

  • The effect of this drug in relieving pain can take several weeks.
  • This drug can be useful for treating nerve damage, arthritis, pain due to spinal cord injury, pain due to stroke, back pain, headaches, and pelvic pain.
  • Tricyclic (tricyclic) is an antidepressant most often used to treat pain.

Part 3 of 3: Reducing Pain by Changing Your Lifestyle

Get Rid of Pain Step 13
Get Rid of Pain Step 13

Step 1. Take a break

When you are calm, your body will direct more energy to healing. Give your body time to heal by getting enough sleep every night. Try to sleep undisturbed for eight hours.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise such as jogging while your body is healing.
  • Avoid things that can cause emotional stress. The physiological changes your body experiences when you're stressed can slow healing.
Get Rid of Pain Step 14
Get Rid of Pain Step 14

Step 2. Do physical therapy

If your doctor finds this procedure useful, he or she can recommend someone who specializes in treating your condition. Physical therapy that uses exercise can help you to:

  • Strengthen weak muscles
  • Increase range of motion
  • Healing after an injury
  • It is often effective in treating neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and several other conditions.
Get Rid of Pain Step 15
Get Rid of Pain Step 15

Step 3. Control your emotions using relaxation techniques

Pain can cause stress, anxiety, anger, and depression, all of which can cause physical changes in the body, such as muscle tension. Try relaxation techniques to calm yourself down. Methods that can be done include:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation. Move your body one muscle group at a time, stretch it slowly, then relax the muscle.
  • Visualization. Concentrate on imagining a relaxing place.
  • Breathe deeply
  • Doing meditation
  • Practice yoga
  • Practice taici
  • Doing massage
  • Doing hypnosis.
Get Rid of Pain Step 16
Get Rid of Pain Step 16

Step 4. Visit a psychotherapist

A psychotherapist can help you understand your emotions and how to deal with them.

If you have physical manifestations of emotional stress, such as muscle tension that can cause pain, a psychotherapist can help you identify and prevent it

Get Rid of Pain Step 17
Get Rid of Pain Step 17

Step 5. Try cognitive behavioral therapy

This is an evidence-based therapy that can help you to overcome challenges or pain that you cannot avoid. Several studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is very useful for treating conditions such as chronic back pain. The therapist will help you to:

  • Identifying things that cause pain
  • Know your beliefs about the situation you are in.
  • Identify ways that you think can be self-defeating
  • Encourages you to form a proactive and different mindset so that you can make better choices in your life.


  • Always read and follow the directions from the drug's manufacturer without a prescription.
  • Consult your doctor before using over-the-counter medications, supplements, or herbal remedies, especially when you are pregnant. Also consult a doctor before giving these medicines to children.
  • If you are taking other medications, check with your doctor before taking any new medication, even if it is an over-the-counter medication, supplement, or herbal remedy. These medicines may interact with medicines you are currently taking.
  • Do not mix drugs with alcohol.
  • Ask your doctor if you can drive a vehicle while taking certain medications.
  • Some drugs can cause negative effects when used for a long time. Do not take the drug for longer than the instructions on the package without consulting your doctor first.
