Do you want to show your art to art galleries, universities or companies? An art portfolio is a great way to highlight all your best work and showcase your skills. Your portfolio should speak for itself and incorporate your professionalism, passion, personality and the variety of work you've been inspired by. This will be your first impression and should stand out from the rest of the portfolio submitted. In your portfolio, you have to show your talents, what makes you stand out from the rest, and why they should choose your portfolio over the others.
Part 1 of 3: Collecting Works

Step 1. Look for the requirements for the portfolio
Every organization is different, so they may need different things in their portfolio or different formats for your portfolio. Portfolios will also largely depend on the type of education or career you want to pursue.
- For example, if you're applying to a film or animation school, your portfolio will probably be digital and consist mostly of work you've worked on in those fields. On the other hand, if you apply to an architecture school or an art gallery, you probably have more sketches and drawings.
- Some institutions recommend using only about 10 to 20 works in a portfolio. If you have really strong work, a smaller number is better because the more works that are shown, the more likely it is that the quality of the work will decline.
- Always check what the organization expects before starting to put together your portfolio. You don't want to waste time creating a one-way portfolio and then having to rework it because it doesn't have the right format.

Step 2. Select completed and unfinished work, based on the requirements for the portfolio
Many schools in the United States require that all work be completed, but some schools in other areas such as the United Kingdom want to see the process and development of a work.
- Check the requirements for your portfolio before doing anything else. If you are allowed to use unfinished works, do so. This will demonstrate expertise, commitment and depth of knowledge and provide context for the creation and thought process behind your work. A work is often more than just a finished work, but it really depends on the process and experimentation of the work.
- Make sure all works, both completed and unfinished, have been perfected. Erase any smudges, fingerprints, or blemishes left on the work.

Step 3. Include observational images
This work proves that you can observe something in real life and create your own replica on paper. Observational drawings or paintings can be an important part of your portfolio.
- The purpose of these images is to show people viewing your portfolio that you can record shape and imagery, detail, perspective, proportion, and surface quality.
- When drawing something based on observation, try to imagine realism, without creating a rigid, mechanical copy of the object. It may be helpful to choose a subject that is important to you, as you will begin to think about the themes and motives behind the image, rather than what is right in front of you.

Step 4. Highlight your best works
If you've been an artist for some time, you'll probably have a number of works, from the best, to the very good, to the medium, and the bad. You may be tempted to choose the really good work along with your best. However, the two need to be separated. You don't want to just show off really good work. You want to display only your best work, the works that you believe truly demonstrate quality, skill, artistry and creativity.
- Be selective about your work and don't choose works just for reasons of diversity. It's better to have strong works of art that don't vary too much in terms of medium or style than to have a variety of media and styles but moderate artistic quality.
- If being neutral or editing your own work is difficult, ask one or more friends what your best work is. It can also be helpful to find mentors within your own field. Find someone with similar artistic talent and experience who can help you make a difficult decision like this. And the advantage is that you know you can trust his judgment because he also has experience in the arts.
- Never choose art that is an imitation of someone else's artwork. Admissions and corporate offices have looked at hundreds of portfolios and will likely be able to recognize if you created art from photos or other artwork. It will also reveal your lack of creativity and your inability to create art from real life.

Step 5. Ask a friend to see your artwork
After selecting a significant piece of work, ask a friend or mentor to look at it and ask them to provide feedback on the various works you have selected.
- Some of your work may need to be remade or enhanced, so give yourself enough time to upgrade your artwork before a portfolio has to be submitted.
- Make a portfolio over time after you've selected works for reflection and come back to see them once you've experienced a process. It is important to give yourself this time as you will be able to evaluate the work better and will return to your work with less bias.
- Sometimes your friends can also be biased towards your work, so it can be more profitable to involve someone you don't have a personal relationship with. It may also be easier to accept constructive criticism from him.
- Learn to take constructive criticism well and know that it's not insults or derogatory comments, but material so that you can develop as an artist.

Step 6. Include additional articles, publications or awards
Some institutions won't ask for it, so again, check the requirements for the portfolio. However, it can help show that your work is known to others and has been published before.
Part 2 of 3: Compiling a Portfolio

Step 1. Use another portfolio as an example
The best way to start a project like a portfolio is to find other online portfolios that are paying off and use them as a guide. This doesn't mean copying the format, or copying a portfolio of works by work, but using it as a reference when creating your portfolio.
- Notice how the artist arranges his works. Pay attention to the style and design of the portfolio. Is your eye more interested in the design of the portfolio or are you drawn to the art?
- If viewing other people's work feels intimidating or intimidating, remember that only the best work is shown. Art is made up of technical skills as well as creativity, so even if your skills aren't as good as those of others you've seen, your creativity can make up for it.

Step 2. Match your portfolio to the institution
Universities and art galleries may have very different ideas about what to see in your portfolio or portfolio design. It's important that you start building and organizing your portfolio and that you keep the people in mind viewing your work.
- For example, if you are going to submit your work to an art gallery, visit the gallery and make sure your work will be appropriate if placed in that gallery. Choose works, designs, and portfolio arrangements that show that you are familiar with the gallery and know the art it carries.
- If you are applying for a job at a university, always find out the requirements for the portfolio, but also tailor your portfolio to the type of institution. You can apply to a more prestigious arts university that values technique and style, or you may apply to a school that places more stress, creativity and experimentation. Keep that in mind when designing and organizing a portfolio.

Step 3. Organize your portfolio
Group works by style, subject, medium, technique, etc. You need to make it as easy for reviewers as you can to find important information, or to determine if you are the right person for their institution. By organizing your works, it will be easier for you to direct reviewers to your work. A portfolio must tell a story.
- Group by media. It's important to use a variety of media in your portfolio to show that you are broad-minded and capable of working on a variety of art forms. Grouping these media together can help your portfolio clearly demonstrate your various abilities and how you use each medium in your art. For example, you can group pastel art, then group images that use charcoal and pencil, and then you can combine art that is classified as painting.
- Group by subject. Another way to group your artwork is by subject, which will likely combine a variety of media, but will demonstrate your ability to depict things accurately. For example, you can group by character image, landscape image, abstract art, etc.
- Group by technique. This is similar to grouping by media, but focuses more on the range of abilities to use not just paper, but digital media, photography, website design, animation, etc.
- Use a scrapbook or portfolio binder available at any art or craft store to organize and display your art.

Step 4. Keep the portfolio simple
As an artist, you may be tempted to have a portfolio that is truly luxurious and creative. While it's great to have your work like this, a portfolio that stores and showcases your work should look professional, organized, and simple.
- The point is that you don't want a portfolio that looks too crowded to distract the viewer of your art. The focus should be on your artwork, because that's what you're really trying to show.
- Expand your portfolio. Don't put too much work on one page and don't go overboard with the information you include.

Step 5. Stand out, but don't get too excited
With such a competitive industry, it's important that your work stands out. You don't want to be grouped with hundreds of people who have also submitted their portfolios, so try to create a portfolio that showcases your work well in a creative way that reviewers will definitely notice.
- But be careful in doing so. If your efforts to stand out cause you to come up with something cheesy, or try to sound humorous but fail, you may not be noticed, or be known negatively.
- The benefit of a portfolio is that you don't just look like a name on a piece of paper like a resume. Your work really speaks volumes about who you are and it's easier for a company to cultivate an interest in creative impressions in a portfolio than a set of job skills written on paper.
- Don't think too much about your portfolio. Once that's done, ask a mentor to give you feedback, review it a few times to make sure the portfolio is well organized, and remove any mistakes, then walk away. By constantly trying to edit and improve your portfolio, you run the risk of turning it into a "standout" which can eventually lead to a decline in the professionalism of your portfolio.

Step 6. Create a virtual portfolio
While it's handy to have a physical portfolio, having a virtual copy of your portfolio can be helpful when it comes to submitting your portfolio online, which is likely the thing to do for most portfolio submissions.
- Take a picture or scan your art. After selecting works for your portfolio, use a good quality camera to take your artwork, or have a professional take it. Make sure the photos look clear and of high quality so that when viewed online, the resolution is good. Choose a setting with very good exposure and no shine, and never use the flash. When scanning artwork, make sure that there are no wrinkles on the page and that it lies flat on the scanner so that the resulting photo looks exactly like the physical copy.
- Put the photos into InDesign or another program that allows you to produce a neat portfolio that can be edited easily on an ongoing basis.
- This not only gives you a digital copy to use online, but also serves as a backup in case the physical copy is lost or damaged.
Part 3 of 3: Preparing to Show Your Portfolio

Step 1. Practice showing your portfolio
If you have the opportunity to present your portfolio in person, it is important to practice reviewing them, knowing what to say for each work and how you can communicate effectively about why you feel your work stands out and is of value.
- After practicing a few times on your own, show it to a friend or mentor who can provide feedback on your presentation and how you communicate your work.
- Again, your work should speak for itself. When showing a portfolio, you don't have to go deep into each work to explain it, the work should be self-explanatory for the most part. However, there may be works that are inspired by events in your life or have some meaning to you. Use it as an opportunity to show the creativity and passion behind your work.

Step 2. Get feedback after completing your portfolio
Ask a mentor or friend to look at your finished portfolio, noting the settings, themes, formats, and finished work you've chosen.
- You can also attend portfolio reviews. There is a National Portfolio day where campus admissions advisors come to school and campus events to review students' artwork. Seek feedback on how you've improved your portfolio, and use this as an experiment to prepare to formally present your portfolio.
- Small details are also important. If there is text in the portfolio, always check for grammatical errors. Focusing solely on art can seem easy, but employers and admissions advisers want to see that you've reviewed all of your work and that you take this portfolio submission seriously. You don't want to spend all of your time creating a fantastic portfolio that a company or admissions advisor loves, then lose all chances of being selected because you misspelled the institution's name or used the wrong grammar.

Step 3. Update your portfolio regularly
Even if you have submitted your portfolio to several institutions, always be prepared to update and revise your portfolio with newer and better work. Save yourself time by doing it casually, so you don't have to work on a big revision project the next time you submit a portfolio.
- This will keep your work relevant, and always new in terms of abilities and awards.
- Always ask yourself, "Does this reflect me?" Your art should always reflect who you are and your passion, so as you update and revise your portfolio, make sure that it still tells the story you want to communicate.
- The art industry is highly competitive so it will probably take many opportunities for you to get recognized before you get your way. Do not be discouraged!
- Don't just create art in the classroom. Draw, paint and create art in your everyday life! There are works that reviewers are eager to see because they highlight interests, passion, and creativity beyond the demands of the lecturer or classroom setting.
- When comparing your work to the work of others, remember that your goal is not to make your work look exactly like his, but to continually improve your talents and skills as an artist.
- Don't do art for free just for the sake of being known. Do it for your love of art.