4 Ways to Seem to Have Alexandria's Genesis

4 Ways to Seem to Have Alexandria's Genesis
4 Ways to Seem to Have Alexandria's Genesis

Table of contents:


Alexandria's Genesis is an unreal mutation that creates superhumans. Even though Alexandria's Genesis is just a fantasy, you can pretend you have it. This syndrome causes a person to have purple or bluish-purple eyes, black hair, pale, shiny skin that cannot be burned by the sun, an ideal body shape, infrequent excretory processes, a super long life, a strong immune system, and slow aging process. Even though you can't actually have the syndrome, you can pretend to have it!


Method 1 of 4: Changing Your Body

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 1
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 1

Step 1. Use contact lenses

It's almost impossible for a human to have purple eyes (though lighting and certain makeup tricks can make blue eyes look more purple), so wear contact lenses. This is especially easy if you have vision problems and need contact lenses, but you can also order contact lenses without a prescription from contact lens shops and online stores.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 2
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 2

Step 2. Color your hair

Most versions of Alexandria's Genesis do not say exactly what hair color should be, but some say that the most common hair color is dark (black or brown). If you wish, you can dye your hair a darker color. You also need to take very good care of it so that it looks beautiful. Curly black hair that looks like it hasn't been combed is an untidy look. Use a good shampoo and conditioner, comb your hair with the right comb for your hair type, and treat your hair to avoid split ends.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 3
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 3

Step 3. Brighten your skin

First, take care of your skin to reduce acne. Wash, exfoliate and moisturize daily. Then, you can use lemon juice or a mild skin lightener to lighten your facial skin. You can also buy creams at the pharmacy to lighten the skin.

You can also use a lotion or body spray with a little glitter (or “shimmer”) in it to give your skin a shimmering effect, as described for people with Alexandria's Genesis

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 4
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 4

Step 4. Keep in shape

One of the "symptoms" of Alexandria's Genesis is that people who have it cannot gain weight. Eat healthy foods and exercise to maintain your ideal weight. A balanced diet (rich in vegetables, whole grains, good protein and foods low in fat and sugar) will be very helpful. This keeps you healthy and feeling refreshed!

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 5
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 5

Step 5. Shave or wax the part of your body where there should be no hair

People with Alexandria's Genesis should not have hair anywhere but on their heads. Reduce shaving marks by using a salt or sugar scrub before, after, and periodically between shaving sessions. You can also use wax if you wish, even if it hurts. Use a skin-healing lotion, such as Big Balm, to keep your skin healthy because shaving is actually harsh on the skin.

Method 2 of 4: Changing Actions

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 6
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 6

Step 1. Fight your menstrual cycle

Try to make your menstrual cycle less visible by always being careful when you need to change your pads or tampons. You can also get rid of your menstrual cycle by using a hormonal IUD or taking birth control pills and not taking placebo pills.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 7
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 7

Step 2. Take care of your health

In general, taking care of your health will boost your immune system. Receiving injections to boost your immune system and trying to stay germ-free will make it harder for you to get sick. Eat lots of fruit or take a vitamin C supplement, then take vitamin D to help your body absorb the vitamin C you drink. Take a zinc drop if you think you might catch a cold. Use hand sanitizer when you are in a public place so you don't get sick easily.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 8
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 8

Step 3. Live long to old age

Strive to stay healthy, safe, fit, have regular check-ups with the doctor, take care of yourself when you fall ill, whatever you can do to live a long life. Try to live past 100 years. If someday in the future there will be a miracle drug that can prolong your life and has been proven to work, drink it!

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 9
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 9

Step 4. Look old

You can also lie about your age and make yourself look much older than you really are. Learn about the history and culture of the past few years and talk as if you were in those days. You can listen to music and learn about fashion… or even buy antiques that you can say you just bought!

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 10
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 10

Step 5. Refrain from throwing water when other people are around you

It's impossible not to do it, but don't do it in public. You can pass gas, urinate or defecate only when you are at home. Of course, if you feel the need to go back, don't hold back. You can make excuses "want to put lipstick on" to other people or other things that usually need to be done in the restroom.

Method 3 of 4: Understanding Alexandria's Genesis

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 11
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 11

Step 1. Learn the origins of Alexandria's Genesis

More recently, legend has it that Alexandria's Genesis began with a ray that illuminated the Egyptian sky thousands of years ago. In fact, Alexandria's Genesis was created by a young woman named Cameron Miquelon who wrote fan fiction (fan-written stories based on stories already in the media) about the MTV television show in the 90s called "Daria."

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 12
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 12

Step 2. Understand the “symptoms” of the condition

Symptoms include:

  • White skin that can not be burned by the sun
  • Purple eyes
  • Sometimes dark hair, but for sure there is no hair other than on the head
  • No menstruation but fertility is maintained
  • Long life span of more than 150 years and immunity to disease
  • No weight gain
  • No excretory process
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 13
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 13

Step 3. Understand why this symptom will never occur

Let's say Alexandria's Genesis is a genetic mutation. But the genes that affect these different parts of the body are not in the same place. Only a few mutation processes can cause so many symptoms, and some of them are unlikely to occur. While it is possible for a person to be fertile without menstruating (as some animals reabsorb their uterus), it has never been recorded that anyone has passed the age of 150 years and the process of excretion will always occur.

Rumors like Elizabeth Taylor was born with purple eyes are not true. Many collections of photographs and films show that Elizabeth has blue eyes. It is possible for a person to have purple eyes if he or she has a medical condition such as being a half albino, but this is very rare

Method 4 of 4: Addition

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 14
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 14

Step 1. Ask for help to lighten your skin

There are many ways to lighten the skin. Not only through skin whitening or bleaching, you can use other methods that are more natural and safer.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 15
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 15

Step 2. Learn how to exercise

Even if your only aim is to pretend to have Alexandria's Genesis condition, getting fitter is a good life choice. However, this is not completely intuitive. You can learn how to exercise properly to protect your body and achieve the results you want.

Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 16
Appear to Have Alexandria's Genesis Step 16

Step 3. Learn how to shave properly

Shaving is not as easy as it looks. If you've never shaved before, especially on the most sensitive areas of your body, it may be best if you seek help.


  • Being someone who (pretend) owns Alexandria's Genesis can be a great idea if you're moving to a new place. People will think that you are an amazing superhuman if you follow these steps.
  • Do not believe that you have this mutation.
  • Alexandria's Genesis is not real. This phenomenon is just a mere fiction that comes from a fan fiction story written based on the animated series Daria. People will just think that you have symptoms of Alexandria's Genesis.


  • People might think you're a creepy freak.
  • Alexandria's Genesis is not real! If people ask you if you have it and they want to send you to a lab to be tested, tell them that Alexandria's Genesis isn't real and you don't have it.
