In the world of acting, modeling, or even the business world, having a "soul" is important so that people are attracted to you. In some spiritual circles, a soul or spirit is the same thing. Meditation, contemplation, acting, dancing, and exercise all seek continuity with something deeper. Since some people think that our soul can be found through reflection and meditation, we will talk about how to enter into a thought and become a part of that thought, then to mental reflection and relaxation. The "soul" is not so difficult to understand! Remember that anything in life we can learn. To study a 'soul', you need to organize and control your mind. "Take the good, bring out the bad".
Part 1 of 4: Channeling Your Soul

Step 1. Be confident
You can't have a "soul" when you're nervous or insecure. Instead of using and restoring your “soul”, you will tend to be more silent with the crowd in the corner of the room waiting for the jury to give you a harsh judgment. No single article will give you the mathematical formula to build your confidence, but they will definitely tell you how amazing you are. And you have something in you that makes you confident.
It's very important – at least in this “soul” topic – to think of your confidence as serenity. Not arrogant and big mouth is needed here. There is no room within you to show your strength or show your arrogance. Your soul is a natural thing. Your confidence doesn't need to be shown; it should become a part of you. Think of yourself as being in the same category as your height or hair color. People are watching you. You don't have to say anything, but people will notice

Step 2. Get comfortable
Let's say Beyonce is in the same room as you, you definitely want to talk or take a picture with her, but you really want to pee. Will he be attracted to you? Not like that. So in any situation and wherever you are, try to be comfortable.
That means getting organized, going to the bathroom, and wearing comfortable clothes. If you feel something in your teeth and then you try to get rid of what is stuck in your teeth, you will not radiate your "soul". Do whatever you can to fill your mind

Step 3. Be yourself
There are several important things about your "soul". If you're faking it, you're not being yourself, but these are some of the images you're trying to make to show the world. Most people can tell, whether they are aware of it or not. So be what it is. Be yourself. What's so good about pretending to be someone else?
People who are not comfortable with themselves are always seen to maintain their image. They feel as though they need to be seen wearing the right things, saying the right things, doing the right things, and being in the right places with the right people. They don't look at themselves because the only thing that matters to them is what other people think of them. These people don't have a “soul” – “soul” is not something someone else can give you

Step 4. Don't worry about yourself
We've spent the last four paragraphs just saying this. If the people around you don't like you, how long will you be around them? If you are yourself, and you don't worry about your image, you will shine.
Think of the impression others make of you as a layer of dust. Instead of seeing who you really are, people will only see the dust. The dust is not bad, it is good dust. Dust is easy to remove. This dust hides what makes you memorable, and also hides what makes you great

Step 5. Know your personality
If “soul” could be easily defined, it would probably mean serenity and refinement. A person who has “soul”, charisma, and an indescribable factor never creates trouble, or punishes others for no apparent reason. In general, anger is a choice and someone with a soul doesn't want to waste time being angry. They will try to stay calm and stay away from fights.

Step 6. Put away your cell phone
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and saw a couple sitting by the window, where the man was playing a game on his cell phone and the woman took a photo of herself or the food she was eating? If you want people to notice you, hiding behind a screen isn't the way to go. Put your cell phone away and pay attention to people.
So remember: how people think of you is how you think of them. If you pay attention to them, they will feel that they are important people, and they will like you and think that you are a good listener. Approach someone and they will like you because you intrigue them. So when you put your phone away, you're showing them that you're there with them and you care about them

Step 7. Take a deep breath
For example, you are going to a big and important meeting. You want to be someone that other people care about, want to be the lead for your next project, the only one asking questions – and not the other way around. But you're a little nervous and you realize you're a little nervous. Instead of giving up, take a deep breath. Trim your hair a little, straighten your clothes, slow down, and "then" walk. You can do it. Why do other people think otherwise?
No, you're right, "soul" is not a show, nor is it something you lose when you rush. But if you're nervous, if you run like a headless chicken, people will see it. You may still appear very confident, but you will appear too tired for your leadership aura
Part 2 of 4: Seeing Part of Your “soul”

Step 1. Show interesting body movements
Let's take Steve Jobs for example, someone who is very rich, charming, and very smart. Now imagine he is in a meeting where he doesn't care about other people and just plays with his iPhone. Isn't he someone you'd expect to have a "soul", right? So, if you are someone who has a very strong “soul” in the meeting, show it. The meeting is yours.
Free yourself. People who are more confident are usually more comfortable in a meeting. Place your hands on the table. Step forward slightly toward the person you are talking to so that he knows that you are interested in what he has to say. Nod when you understand what he is saying. Look at his eyes

Step 2. Walk straight
If you've never thought about how you walk before, it's time to try! Your thoughts sometimes affect your body, so you may “feel” your confidence in yourself when you walk with more confidence!
- Walk back and forth through the room with your head above 90 degrees and your shoulders straight. Walk with steps that are not too big. How does it feel?
- Now walk back and forth through the room with your head down and your shoulders slightly bent. How does it feel? Is it different?

Step 3. Make eye contact
Eye contact is the most important part of getting the other person's attention so they know you care and are listening to what they have to say. A lot of guys can't get the woman he likes because they can't see her in the eyes, a lot of salesmen don't 'sell' because their eyes are always on the other side, and a lot of people don't look confident because they're too scared to make a relationship. People are watching you whether you actually see them or not, so why are you looking at them too?
There is a big difference between eye contact and staring. All you need to do is look at the person (and blink your eye!) when they're talking. If you respond, maintain eye contact, or if the conversation is very pleasant and they make gestures, make your eyeballs 'wiggle'

Step 4. Dress neatly
When it comes to "soul", clothes don't really "shape" you. However, the clothes you wear are the first thing people notice. So if your clothes don't give you "soul", people will not be attracted to you, while your "soul" is still inside you.
You don't need to wear branded clothes. You don't need to always wear a suit or skirt, you just need to wear neat and well-groomed clothes. If you've showered, shaved, put on deodorant, and dressed in decent, brightly colored clothes, you should be fine
Part 3 of 4: Show That You Have a “Soul”

Step 1. Show your soul
If you've read the first two parts of this article, you probably already know how to do it: put down your cell phone, make interesting gestures, and get to know yourself. It is called "soul" for a reason. You can't have a soul if you don't show yourself!
Connect your soul with an opportunity. If you are on a stage, the stage is yours, the opportunity is yours, and the main character is you. Nothing to worry about. You are in your mind, body and soul. No one judges you, no fights between you and your lover, no football on television, just where you are right now

Step 2. Never let them see you sweat
Don't give them satisfaction. Someone who has a soul always looks cool and calm. When other people are messing their hair with stress, you're the only one who solves the problem with a smile on your face. Nothing can shake you.
This is especially important if you are on stage or in front of a camera. Your nervousness will show. You've probably seen actors who can't do their scenes because they're too busy thinking and worrying about whether the scene is true or not. When you start sweating, you've lost confidence, and other people will notice

Step 3. Don't weaken your words
This is a problem for us, especially women. We are taught to say, “I thought maybe this would help solve the problem”, rather than, “This is the solution!”. We change the words and say "I'm sorry" at the beginning of our sentences. Do not ignore! These words may be wise on some occasions, but they may also be unnecessary on some occasions. If you want to feel confident, you'd better leave unpleasant remarks.
If your boss says, “I think maybe we should go in a different direction. I'm sorry, but I really think that this is a good decision, don't you think?” How do you interpret it? Now if they say, “Guys, listen up. We're going in a different direction. It will definitely work, I guarantee it. How?" How do you interpret it

Step 4. Don't be afraid of silence
Do you remember your very awkward first date where your conversation suddenly stopped and you both tried to find an interesting chat to kill the silence? Do not. Do not worry. You want them to pay attention to your every word – if you talk all the time, they will probably sit at the end of their bench until they are near the exit. So choose your words. The words must be stronger.

Step 5. Speak clearly
Every word that comes out of your mouth must be heard. Don't let your words suddenly go unheard. You believe your word, so you don't have to hide it. Speak clearly so you can be heard. If not, why are you forcing yourself to speak up?
Take the same example as before: “Guys, listen up! We're going in a different direction. It will work, I guarantee it. How?" Yes! Good! But now imagine if he put it like this, “Uhh, hey, guys, listen up! We're, like, going to have to go in a, um, different direction. Yes. Uhh, it will work, mm, I guarantee it.” Do not do it. Don't speak with hesitation! You have to be confident in what you say
Part 4 of 4: Being the Center of Attention

Step 1. Get comfortable
You can lie on the floor or put yourself in a very comfortable position. Make sure that no one is bothering you (unplug your cell phone, close the door, ask people not to disturb you, etc.).

Step 2. Close your eyes and watch your breath
Let your breath unobstructed anything. Remember some places where you can breathe easily and comfortably. Let your breath touch the place until your breath opens and relaxes.
Be sure not to judge your observations. Allow yourself to be a part of who you are in the moment. Also know that this part of you is flexible and can change

Step 3. Turn your attention to your facial muscles
Start from head to toe. Did you raise your brow? Are you closing your eyes too hard? Did you expand your nose? Do you curl your lips? Are you frowning your forehead? Are you smiling? Is your jaw calm? Is your neck calm?

Step 4. Concentrate on the tension in your face and take deep breaths
Imagine you release all the oxygen from your breath straight into your tense face.
Continue this until your entire face and neck are calm. You should feel your sinuses open and your breathing circulation getting better. Your expression may feel very different. Don't judge yourself, watch what you notice

Step 5. Take the time to do this all over your body
Let any tension in your body be filled with your breath. Let your body open and calm. Pay attention to your body parts because it is your body parts that tell you how you move the world.
If at some point in your study of your new body, you feel the tension coming back, take a breath and let it out

Step 6. When you are done, look at yourself in the mirror
You may be surprised that you look a little different. Do nothing, watch how you have changed.

Step 7. Talk to someone you know
They may comment that you look a little different. Your voice may also sound different. You may appear more confident, calmer. Don't let this bother you. If you feel the tension coming back, take a deep breath and let it out again.
When you talk to your friends and family, let your face and body be expressive, but don't let your expression be tense. Try to always be in a calm and natural position

Step 8. Once you are good at talking to people close to you, take care of your soul when walking around school, work, etc
People may comment that you are a little different. Don't be discouraged.
Maybe your tension can come back. Make sure not to judge yourself. This is a process and everyone is different. Pay attention to the tension and allow yourself to release it

Step 9. When you walk down the street, try to make eye contact with people you don't know
Don't force yourself into a certain attitude, just let your facial expressions move through your body. Look after that, is your smile visible? Does the tension return to your smile and body? Practice so that you are always calm when you meet people you don't know.
In every situation, it is important to take care of your “soul”. If you have a fear, be aware of it and allow yourself to move to 'get it out'. Shift your focus to your breath and release the tension that is within you
- We often feel pressure from the outside world to adjust to some things we don't know. This is normal and everyone deals with it in their own way. When you notice someone watching you, try to accept what you receive. You don't have to block your perception because no one has the right to change how you feel about yourself unless you let them do it.
- The goal is to stay calm. If you allow yourself to be what you are, others can know your "soul". Tension is a thing where you let people watch you. Remember that you are beautiful, no matter what you look like, beauty comes from within you.
- Another important exercise is to look at yourself in the mirror and smile for about 1 minute. Your face must be moving for a minute. This takes practice.
- “Soul” is something that is difficult to understand and varies from person to person. Try to find out what “soul” means to you.
- The “soul” is often thought of as something remote people have but everyone has it and has the potential to strengthen it. "soul" can make less attractive people look more beautiful and attractive. If you have a soul, people will pay more attention to you. Don't be afraid, they just adore you.
- After trying this exercise for the first time, you may not feel that you are the best. This is because tense muscles can cause other facial muscles to decrease. After weeks or months of training, useless muscles will be strong again, giving you the factor to make your soul very attractive.
- When you begin to strengthen your soul, others may envy you and say something hurtful. People who have not found a way to calm themselves down may be angry with those who have found a way. Remember that your soul is more important and stronger than your physical beauty.
- Try making a list of words that describe your soul. Ask the other person what word they would use to describe you (add this if you agree).
- Not accepting what is happening in this world is the main source of anger in your body. Accepting what happens allows you to work in your environment effectively.
- It's very important to remember to be yourself when you start to achieve success. Judging others and being judged by others are both unfair, and it only happens when you let those judgments go that you are truly free.
- [1] Stanislavski (acting teacher in Russia) likens relaxation to adding to your brain regulator – a child trying to get his anger out. You may do it once, but after some time, your brain regulator will learn to work on its own.
The expression you do should be done continuously. The quiet part of you doesn't "hold" every muscle in place. You are constantly moving down a very small path. An actor often demonstrates the concept of “stillness in motion”. You can easily experience it on your neck by doing the following:
- Turn your head and neck in one direction.
- Even if it's difficult, try to make the loop smaller and smaller.
- Keep making your rounds smaller until they disappear. If you feel like your head can't move, try making a few more twists until you don't feel it anymore.