Doing something that parents are very proud of will feel good. You can also be a child that makes parents feel proud, for example by being nice to everyone, being a wise person, motivating yourself by looking for new challenges and activities. Apart from that, strive for the best and work hard.
Method 1 of 3: Be a Good Person

Step 1. Be a good listener to people in need
Sometimes, friends, family members, and even people you don't know need someone to talk to because they want to be heard. Listen carefully when someone shares an experience or problem. Don't interrupt, daydream, or distract the conversation by talking about yourself. If he's asking for advice, wait until he's finished telling the problem before making suggestions.
- Sometimes, parents need good listeners too!
- Use body language to show that you're listening by leaning forward, nodding your head occasionally, and making eye contact.
- After listening, you don't need to speak or give advice unless asked because all he needs is your presence and willingness to listen.

Step 2. Help the needy as much as you can
Reach out to help communities that need help, for example by volunteering according to your calling. Also, do the little things in everyday life to give help to family, friends, and people you don't know.
- Look for places to join as volunteers online, such as nursing homes, soup kitchens for disaster victims, or wild animal shelters.
- If you still live with your parents, take advantage of your free time to tidy up the house even if it's not your job.

Step 3. Do a little kindness every day
Try to do good in your daily life through small things, such as sincerely complimenting someone, teaching a friend who is about to take an exam, or paying for public transportation for someone you don't know. Remember that a small kindness can mean a lot to someone who is going through a difficult time or is upset!
If you don't live at home with your parents, show them that you love them by doing small things unexpectedly, such as taking and treating them to a meal together
Step 4. Be polite when interacting with other people
A person's behavior reveals a lot about who he really is. Get into the habit of saying “please” and “thank you” to make a positive impression on others. Be polite when you interact with colleagues, co-workers, friends, or anyone including people you don't know.
- For example: if you accidentally bump into someone when you pass them, apologize immediately and say "excuse me."
- Writing thank-you letters is a great way to appreciate the kindness of others.

Step 5. Learn to empathize by putting yourself in someone else's shoes
Showing concern for people you don't know can be very difficult. When someone else has a bad experience, you can feel sad but not deeply because the incident didn't affect you. Imagine what it would be like if you experienced it yourself so you can empathize.
- For example, you hear about a hurricane in another country that damages people's homes and property. Ask yourself, "How would it feel if I suddenly had nothing, including a place to live, except for the things I still had time to bring from home?"
- Put empathy into action. Take the initiative to raise funds at work or at school and then donate to people who need help.

Step 6. Forgive others even if you are hurt
Don't seek revenge if someone hurts your feelings. Parents really expect their children to grow up as individuals who are able to forgive others. Although it is very difficult, forgiveness is very important in everyday life. Work on dealing with anger and disappointment in other people. Remember that anyone can make mistakes, including you.
If you have problems with other people, it's better to talk about it and don't let it linger. If you feel hurt by the way a friend treats you, say to him, “Hi, Emily! Maybe you said I wouldn't be promoted without intending to hurt my feelings, but what you said was unpleasant. How about we talk about this for good?”

Step 7. Talk about bullying and abuse
Shy people or people from different backgrounds often experience bullying online or in person. Your parents want you to be able to accept the fact that bullying happens every day and not ignore it. If you know someone is being bullied, try to stop them in an appropriate and safe way.
For example: if a schoolmate is being made fun of because of their accent or skin color, say to the bully, “Jon, your words were inappropriate and hurtful. Imagine what it would be like if someone else said the same thing to you?”

Step 8. Don't gossip and talk or be mean to other people
Your parents will be very upset if you are the bully because there is no reason to be mean to other people. To prevent this, imagine how you would feel if you yourself were being bullied through your words and actions.
Remember the cliché advice that is still relevant: "It's better to be silent than to say something unpleasant."

Step 9. Be kind to siblings and other family members
As you get older, you (not the parent) have to maintain good relations with siblings and relatives. This way shows parents that you appreciate the family they have nurtured over the years and acknowledge your existence as part of the family.
If you still live with your parents and siblings, respect each other's boundaries and offer help when they need it. If you often call your relatives, don't forget to call your grandmother
Step 10. Appreciate the time your parents give you
Parents usually have a busy schedule. So let me know if you're going to be late or can't attend a family event. If they have trouble making plans, help make them or schedule activities ahead of time. This shows that you care about your parents and still want to be close to them.
Method 2 of 3: Doing Your Best
Step 1. Invite family members to do activities together at home
Spend quality time with your parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives to strengthen family relationships, for example: having dinner, playing games, or taking a walk in the park with them. Working together allows your parents to understand you more personally.
- If your parents are busy, suggest that you cook dinner. They will feel proud because you can cook and make your relationship with your parents more intimate.
- Designate one day a week to do activities with the family, for example: watching a movie, having dinner at a restaurant, or making crafts.

Step 2. Focus on learning, not on the pursuit of perfection
Many parents demand that their children always get A's, win sports competitions, or become doctors, even though their children are art lovers. Parents hope that you always achieve success in your daily life and feel proud if you try to do your best and learn from the experience.

Step 3. Take time to reflect on your mistakes
Mistakes can disappoint you and your parents, for example when you don't pass an exam, have trouble in a relationship, or act rashly. However, parents will feel proud if you are able to learn from your mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes.
If you don't pass a math test, ask yourself if you were able to change your behavior during class or adopt a new study pattern. Ask the teacher to tell you what you need to do to improve your test scores

Step 4. Don't compare yourself to others
Your parents don't want you to be like other people because they love you for who you are! If you admire others to the point of worrying, remember that you are unique and that no one is perfect.

Step 5. Make a decision that provides many options
Becoming a scholar or a rich person is not a reason to make parents feel proud. They expect you to be able to do things that keep you happy and healthy. However, they really appreciate it if you care about your education and get a steady job as a source of income.
- For example: parents will feel proud when you are first accepted to work with good salary and benefits, for example: you get health insurance coverage. This shows that you understand what to prioritize in life as an adult.
- While you can make your parents proud without getting a degree, they will try to get their child to attend college or business education to make it easier for them to get hired and be able to support themselves.

Step 6. Realize that only you have the right to decide what kind of life you want to live
While you should consider your parents' opinions and expectations that make them feel proud, make the decision on your own.
This is a very important principle if your parents demand that you change into the different person they want you to be
Method 3 of 3: Doing New Things

Step 1. Look for challenges that you can use to develop yourself
Children who want to do new things make parents feel happy. They are very proud if you want to do something challenging. Look for new activities that are challenging, but rewarding.
For example, joining a sports team at school, taking an advanced foreign language course, or continuing to study for a master's degree

Step 2. Don't be afraid to fail
Instead of imagining the terrible things that might happen if you fail, think about how many lessons you can learn from new experiences. If you immediately imagine negative things when you want to explore a new hobby or new activity, remind yourself to think about one positive aspect that you will get from doing a new activity.
- For example: You have just decided to take an advanced calculus course. Instead of thinking you'll get a 0 every time you take a test, say to yourself, "I'm going to prepare really well for math class."
- As you get older, you will have to make many risky decisions for yourself. Think about the positive consequences of that decision so that you can achieve your dreams according to your parents' expectations.

Step 3. Take the time to find out what makes you happy
The greatest hope of parents is the happiness of their children. So try to find out what makes you always happy. Decide on the subjects you like the most. Take part in various sports and activities to find out what you are passionate about. Take the time after class to think about what you should do next or reflect on your work. After that, ask yourself if you feel happy with the daily life that you are currently living. Regardless of your age and life goals, make a happy choice because this is the way to be a proud child for your parents.
- Learn to deal with negative influences from friends. If you take drugs or alcohol, your parents will feel worried and scared because of the limited options for your future.
- If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression due to parental demands, share this with an adult you trust or talk to a counselor at school.
- Try to be a good listener and show them that you care about their advice and what they have to say.
- Respect parents. Your parents will likely not like it if you misbehave or go against their advice.