Everyone wishes they could buy their favorite things and earn money instead of wasting it. Coupon exploiters claim they are capable of this. With a little time and preparation, you too will soon be able to save and even earn money. This article will tell you how to find coupons, use catalina and save a lot of money.
Part 1 of 4: Finding Coupons

Step 1. Subscribe to a cheap Sunday newspaper
Choose newspapers with distributions for at least one province and local newspapers of your neighboring city or town as long as the coupons you find in those newspapers can help you pay the subscription fees.
- Find slip-on coupons from companies like SmartSource. You can usually find 2 to 3 of these coupons every Sunday.
- Look for promotional brochures from your favorite stores. These flyers may have coupons printed at the bottom or placed next to your favorite items.
- Check out your favorite store's brochure printing schedule. If your favorite grocery store prints its flyer in the Thursday newspaper, then subscribe to that day's newspaper.

Step 2. Register yourself on the store's mailing list
Many stores will email you coupons or give you an electronic copy of their promotional flyer. If you purchase or register for a subscription card program from a company, make sure you provide an email address and indicate that you wish to receive promotional messages.

Step 3. Look for coupons from trusted sites
Here are some ideas for you:
- SmartSource.com
- Coupons.com
- redplum.com
- CouponNetwork.com

Step 4. Subscribe to a coupon user page, such as the New England coupon clippers
They'll send coupons to your mailbox, based on current promotions in your area.

Step 5. Check your favorite company's Facebook page or account
If your favorite company has Twitter, follow the account so you can stay up to date with current promotions.

Step 6. Get coupons from your favorite magazines
Take All You, for example, which is a magazine that Walmart sells and is full of amazing promotional coupons.

Step 7. Keep an eye on your surroundings as you shop
You may find coupons on store shelves next to your favorite products. You can also look for a coupon machine at the store front. Some stores have machines where you can buy coupons using your subscription card and previous shopping pattern.

Step 8. Look for the QR code
You can scan these codes with your mobile phone, and you will be led to an online coupon that you can use when paying. A QR code looks like this:
- Buy a mobile app that can read QR codes, such as QRReader for iPhone or QR Droid for Android. Tap the app to open it.
- In most cases, you have to point your camera at the code and press the button at the bottom center of your phone to activate the scanner. The scanning process will occur and a coupon or promotion page will open on your phone. Different apps will have different instructions, so check your app to be sure.

Step 9. Redeem your coupon
If you have a friend who also enjoys taking advantage of discount coupons, meet them and exchange coupons you don't use for other coupons that are more profitable for you.
Part 2 of 4: Learn to Love Catalina (Store Coupon Generated at the Cashier)

Step 1. Collect catalina after each transaction
Pay attention to the coupon validity period. Usually, this type of coupon must be used within 10 days to 3 months after printing.

Step 2. Register yourself on a page like Coupon Network
You can make a list of the stores you visit most often and look up information about the catalina they are currently printing.

Step 3. Check forum comments on pages like Hot Coupon World, Slick Deals or Pinching Your Pennies
True coupon lovers often leave comments on this forum to let you know about ongoing promotions in the form of catalina.

Step 4. Make the most of your catalina
For example, if you receive one catalina for Rp. 12,000, - for the purchase of 3 jars of apple jam, try this trick:
- Go back into the shop and buy some more apple jam. Use catalina when paying at the cashier. If you are lucky, you will get one more catalina when you trade.
- Repeat this process while the catalyst is still printing. You can usually do this for up to 3 transactions per store.

Step 5. Visit your favorite stores in different locations
For example, if your regular grocery store has branches in 4 locations close to your home, visit all four. Use catalina to stockpile your favorite items. Be aware that not all locations will print the same catalina, but if the shops are close together, it might be a good idea to give it a try.

Step 6. Gather your catalina
If you get a discount coupon of IDR 60,000 for a $360,000 purchase, then save that catalina for times when you need to buy expensive items, like meat or seafood. Then, spend as much as possible on 1 transaction to save money when buying these items.

Step 7. Take your catalina to their competitors
If a store is willing to accept a competitor's coupon, then you can get the same promotion at a different store instead of having to wait for the store of your choice to hold a discount.

Step 8. Share what you know
Visit the coupon forum and tell other coupon lovers about the catalina you found. If you don't hesitate to share tips, your friends will do the same.
Part 3 of 4: You Have Coupon, Now Use It

Step 1. Wait until there is a big discount
A good way is if you use a site like The Grocery Game. This site will tell you promotional brochures from your favorite shops. When you see an item in a brochure, and you know you have a coupon for that item, then it's time for you to make some savings. If not, you can do your own research.

Step 2. Manage your coupons
Try one of these ways:
- Use a baseball card holder with a 3-ring binder system to make picking up your coupons easier. Then, use the divider tab to group your coupons by product type, store, or other way that makes sense to you.
- Use file locations arranged alphabetically. Enter your coupons in order by product name. Check each bag once a week and put soon-to-date coupons on the front so you don't forget to use them.
- If you don't want to bother cutting the coupons so they can fit into separate card holders in a binder, punch a hole in the coupon page and attach small scissors (like children's scissors) with a string to your binder. This way, you can cut the coupon as soon as you find the product you're looking for.

Step 3. Write or print a list of your current coupons
You can do this by using Microsoft Excel.
- As you walk around, put the relevant coupons in a small envelope in your bag or shopping cart, so you're ready to hand over all the coupons for items you find to the cashier.
- When you use a coupon, mark it on your list using a pen. When you get home, remove the coupon from the list.

Step 4. Buy some stuff
If your store sells cereals in its "Buy 2, get a 3rd free" promotion, and you have coupons for the same cereal, then buy as many cereals as possible while you can.
- Pay attention to the writing on promotional brochures to ensure that your store has a reasonable limit on the number of promotional items.
- Avoid buying items that run out quickly in large quantities. For example, don't stockpile dairy or produce.
- At home, shop from your stock. If you don't know what to cook for dinner, then opt for items from your previous bulk purchases to avoid pre-ordered meals and having to buy food you don't need from the nearest grocery store.

Step 5. Collect your coupons
If you have manufacturer coupons and store coupons, combine them to save even more money when you shop.

Step 6. Order items that are out of stock
If your store allows you to place bulk orders for the items listed on your coupon, don't be afraid to ask.

Step 7. Shop during low hours
Extreme coupon deals take time, and other customers will lose their temper if you prolong the queue with your coupons. Cashiers can also get frustrated with large numbers of coupons, as transaction times take longer and they can get confused about store policies. You should shop when the store is not too busy to minimize the risk of conflict.

Step 8. Leave your children at home
Extreme coupon transactions require clear communication. If your children are running around or trying to talk to you while you are interacting with the cashier, then you will not be able to concentrate. Hire a nanny while you are adventuring with your coupons.

Step 9. Be open to different brands
You may have to try a new brand that isn't usually your thing. As long as the difference in taste and quality is tolerable, your savings will still be worth it.

Step 10. Study the store policies and have a copy
This is to ensure you have a layer of security against cashiers who are not very familiar with store policies and are reluctant to deal with your coupons.
- It's easier for the cashier to say "we don't accept it" than it is to try to clarify the validity of the coupon, so be prepared to object firmly but politely by pointing out the store's policy.
- You can usually find these policies online; if not, ask the store manager for a copy.

Step 11. Use good coupon etiquette
Do these things:
- Consider the state of the cashier and the person in line behind you.
- Never photocopy coupons. Some stores won't even accept coupons that look like they were photocopied.
- Avoid buying too many items. Items in stores are usually discounted in cycles of 6 to 8 weeks. Gather enough supplies to get through the promotional period. Don't be someone who has a box of toothbrushes under your bed.
- Don't commit fraud. Avoid using coupons for items that aren't written on the paper. Also, never manipulate coupons or print fake coupons.
Part 4 of 4: Some Other Money-Saving Practices

Step 1. Find out if your store can match prices
Some stores will match, even lower the price of the same product if other stores have lower prices. Bring promotional brochures from rival stores as proof of price.

Step 2. Design your shopping menu based on your store promotions and coupon inventory
You may feel constrained at first, but you'll soon enjoy the creative challenge of making food your family will enjoy at a low cost.

Step 3. Shop at stores that offer discounted fuel
If you can collect points to use to buy fuel (by shopping at certain stores), then you will save a lot more money apart from using your discount coupons.

Step 4. Find out when items are being washed out
For example, buy a winter jacket in the spring, or buy a mattress and household items in January. Look for laundry discounts after the big holiday season or during the summer.

Step 5. Take advantage of credit card rewards
Don't overuse your credit card just to get a discount, but use it wisely to save money. Some cards offer vouchers that you can use at certain stores, or discounts on certain products. You can also get rewards for restaurants, airline tickets, or hotels.

Step 6. Compare the prices of branded goods with generic goods
Sometimes, a store's generic product is cheaper than a similar brand name combined with a coupon offer. Generic versions of an item usually excel, so be open-minded.

Step 7. Donate a large number of various types of goods to charities
If you can't possibly use all of the pancake mix you have, donate to needy families in your community.

Step 8. Have realistic expectations
You may have to use coupons for at least 3 months to build up your inventory. Then, you'll start to notice significant savings.
Common abbreviations found on coupon pages include:
- $1/1: $1/Rp.12,000 discount, - for one item
- AC: After coupon (price after using the coupon)
- AR: After rebate (price after discount)
- Blinkie: Coupon dispenser machines found in aisles
- BOGO: Buy one, get one free
- BOLO: Be on the lookout
- B1G1F: Buy one, get one free
- C&P: Cut and paste
- CAT: Catalinas (catalina)
- DND: Don't double
- FAR: Free after rebate
- IP: Internet printable coupon
- MIR: Mail-in rebate (deductions by mail)
- NAZ: Name, address, zip code (name, address, postal code)
- NED: No expiry date
- OAS: On any size
- OOP: Out of pocket (amount you have to pay)
- OOS: Out of stock (out of stock)
- OSI: On single item (valid for one item)
- OYNO: On your next order
- Peelie: Peel off the coupon from the product
- POP: Proof of purchase (proof of purchase)
- PP: Purchase price (purchase price)
- RC: Raincheck (by agreement)
- Stacking: Allowance for store coupons to be used on top of manufacturer's coupons
- TMF: Try me free
- WPN: Wine purchase necessary
- WSL: While stocks last
- WYB: When you buy
- Read the experiences of coupon lovers. Read through coupon-loving blogs or forums to learn what it does and what doesn't.
- Keep an eye on the cashier while counting your groceries. Most states require stores to give consumers a discount or free item if an item is included in the wrong price. Show the error to the cashier so you can make a profit.
- Request unused coupons from your family members. Chances are they have it.
- A discount is not a discount if you don't need the item. Just because the item is discounted doesn't mean you're getting a real discount if it's not something you're going to use.
- Visit the Coupon Information Center website for a list of currently circulating coupons.