Sneezing is a natural body mechanism. Sneezing is considered impolite according to the habits of some people, especially if the person who sneezes does not have a nose cover or tissue at the time. Even so, many people want to stop sneezing for a variety of reasons, including the world record holder, according to The Guinness Book of World Records, who sneezed for 977 days, and sneezed more than a million times.
Method 1 of 3: Stopping an Impending Sneeze

Step 1. Press your nose
Press the top of your nose and pull it as if you were pulling your nose out of your face. This method should be painless, just stretch the cartilage of your nose to stop sneezing.

Step 2. Blow your nose
If you take a tissue and blow your nose when you feel like sneezing, you won't sneeze. By blowing your nose, you will get rid of any irritating objects that caused you to sneeze in the first place.

Step 3. Pinch your upper lip
Using your thumb and forefinger, gently pinch your upper lip and press it up toward your nostril. Point your thumb towards your nose and index finger the other way, so that your upper lip lifts slightly.

Step 4. Use your tongue
Press your tongue behind your two front teeth, where the roof of your mouth meets the gums or alveolar area. Press firmly against the teeth with your strongest muscles until the itching sensation in your nose disappears.

Step 5. Stop, bend down, and wait
Find a small table at home, bring your face to about 2.5 cm from the table surface and stick your tongue out; sneezing will stop naturally. It takes about 5 to 7 seconds. If this doesn't work, at least anyone who sees it will laugh!

Step 6. Tickle your mouth
Tickle your mouth with the tip of your tongue when you feel like sneezing. Continue until the urge to sneeze stops. It takes about 5 to 10 seconds.

Step 7. Divert attention with your hands
Pull the thumb of one hand away from the other finger. Use the sharp tip of the fingernail on the thumb and index finger of your other hand to pinch the skin on your hand that is stretched by the tug of your thumb.

Step 8. Press the point between your eyebrows
This point is a pressure point that is often used to relieve headaches and can also be used to relieve sneezing. With your thumb and forefinger, pinch the area between your eyebrows until you feel enough pressure.

Step 9. Pinch the bottom of your nose
With one side of your index finger (place your hand horizontally under your eyes), press down on the cartilage in your nose, just below your nasal bone. This will compress one of the nerves that triggers a sneeze.

Step 10. Put some pressure on your ears
Gently wiggle your earlobe when you feel like you are about to sneeze. If you're in a crowd, you can mask this gesture by pretending to play with your earrings or hair.

If you see someone close to sneezing, or they say they're going to sneeze soon, say "Wow seriously, stop acting so annoying canoe!" Vagueness and the time you say this sentence will force the brain to "forget" the sneeze.

Step 12. Get angry
Grit your teeth, but try to stick your tongue out (use your tongue muscles to lift your front teeth). Press as hard as you can! This stimulation can stop the sneezing that will appear.

Step 13. Use black seeds (black cumin)
You can buy it online or get it at your local vitamin/herbal medicine store. Take a few and wrap them in a cloth - handkerchief, washcloth, etc. - then roll them in your hands to separate them little by little. Hold this cloth near your nose and inhale. Your sneezing will stop soon!
Method 2 of 3: Reduce Sneezing

Step 1. Stop sneezing due to snatiation
Right -- snatiation. Snatiation is a health disorder that results from "your stomach is full." This disease usually occurs after you eat too much. So how can you avoid it? Do not eat too much.
If you want to know more, snatiation stands for "Sneezing Non-controllably At a Time of Indulgence of the Appetite" - a trait that is inherited and is named after that. At first, snatiation was a combination of the words "sneeze" (sneezing) and "satiation" (fullness). Now that you know that snatiation is really a disease, keep an eye on your eating activities. Notice when you usually sneeze?

Step 2. Know if you have a "sun sneeze."
If you sneeze every time you are exposed to bright light, you may develop photoptarmosis, or the photic sneeze reflex. As many as 18-35% of people have this reflex, and it is often referred to as ACHOO syndrome - Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst. as you know now. This reflex is inherited and can be treated with antihistamine medication if it really gets annoying.
Alternatively, wear sunglasses, or a scarf. If bright light (or sunlight) hits you, avert your eyes and focus on darker or neutral areas. This is especially important if you are driving a vehicle

Step 3. Prepare yourself
If you are about to enter an environment that has a high potential for causing you to sneeze (such as peppers or a field with a lot of pollen), take precautions to control your sneezing. Everyone around you will be relieved by it!
- Bring tissues. Often sneezing will be accompanied by the need to clear the nose.
- Find a way to wet your nostrils. This method can prevent sneezing from occurring. While sucking in water isn't a pleasant option, you may need to use a wet tissue to cover your nose, use eye drops or inhale the steam from a hot cup of coffee.

Step 4. Stay away from allergens that cause sneezing
For those of you who don't experience sneezing attacks for no apparent reason, and sneezing attacks tend to occur in the same environment, pay attention to your allergies. Also, talk to your doctor. You will be able to avoid sneezing this way.
- Take an antihistamine. This remedy can not only fight sneezing, but also relieve coughing, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes. Benadryl is known to induce drowsiness, but other drugs such as Claritin have fewer side effects.
- Close your doors and windows. This applies to both your home and your car. The fewer allergens that approach you, the better. Items that must be placed outside, must be left outside.
- If you have been out of the house for a long time, take a shower and change your clothes. You may carry allergens with you.
Method 3 of 3: Good Sneezing Habits

Step 1. Know when not to stop sneezing
Sneezing, which is technically known as sternutation, is a big thing for your body. A normal sneeze will expel air from your body at speeds of up to 160 km/h, a very high speed that can cause serious injury if stopped the wrong way. That's why you shouldn't stop a sneeze that's almost out.
For example, don't cover your mouth and nose tightly when you sneeze. Doing this could result in serious injury. The force and speed of normal sneezing, if prevented from leaving the body can eventually cause hearing loss, damage to blood vessels in the head, especially if you have a habit of stopping sneezes that are almost out

Step 2. Sneeze healthily
If you are around a lot of people, you are at risk of transmitting the disease if you sneeze several times. The spray you release can reach a distance of 11.5 meters from you. This distance is a radius that can reach many people. So, be careful!
If you can, sneeze into a tissue and throw it away afterwards. If you don't have a tissue with you, sneeze into your sleeve. If you end up sneezing into your hands, be sure to wash them immediately. Your hands will touch doors, faces, and other objects. And if you're away from water, you can use hand sanitizer to clean your hands

Step 3. Sneeze politely
When you are in a group of people, you will certainly receive a bad look if you sneeze without covering it with a tissue. You'll be spreading germs, and disrupting ongoing events. So to be more polite, sneeze as carefully as possible.
Sneezing into your elbow can muffle the sound. This method is not the first option, grab a tissue, bend your head, and sneeze as quietly as you can (by slightly suppressing the "ooo" sound that may come out)

Step 4. Sneeze safely
If you have a broken rib, sneezing can be very painful. Inhale as much as you can, reducing the pressure in your ribs and making your sneeze weaker. Thus, the pain you will experience will be much reduced.
If one part of your midsection hurts, sneezing will only make the pain worse. Perform the steps as mentioned above. With only a small amount of air expelled, your insides won't move all of a sudden, so the sneezing effect won't last long
- If you keep sneezing, take steps so you don't spread the disease. Many doctors today recommend sneezing into the inside of the elbow rather than covering it with their hands to prevent the spread of disease. At the very least you should cover your mouth and nose to prevent germs from spreading into the air. You can blow mucus from your nose onto a tissue and then wash your hands as soon as possible to prevent disease transmission.
- Make it a habit to carry a tissue or handkerchief with you at all times, so you don't have to hold back your sneeze.
- When you're about to sneeze, say pumpkin or watermelon. This method is easier to do than all the other methods.
- The photic sneeze reflex can also cause a person to sneeze many times in a row. This condition occurs in 18% to 35% of humans, and is more common in Caucasians than others. This condition is inherited genetically as an autosomal dominant trait. The cause is probably a congenital malfunction of the nerve signals in the trigeminal nerve nucleus.
- Putting salt in your nose can also stop sneezing.
- Stopping sneezing can be harmful to your health. See the links below for cases of serious injury caused by stopping a sneeze.
- Holding back a sneeze or trying to stop it when it occurs can cause a very dangerous pneumomediastinum.