How to Be a Successful Person (with Pictures)

How to Be a Successful Person (with Pictures)
How to Be a Successful Person (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Indeed, there is no certain secret recipe for success, but successful people have proven to have common traits and habits that are worth implementing. Copying the habits of successful people and learning how to increase productivity in your own life can help you become more successful in whatever you set out to do.


Part 1 of 3: Achieving Success through Healthy Living

Become a Success Step 1
Become a Success Step 1

Step 1. Get up early

American father and successful businessman Ben Franklin said, "Sleep early and wake up early make people healthy, rich, and wise." Research has also shown that getting up early does make you more alert and improves your problem-solving skills, while ensuring that you get the most out of your time of the day. Here are some ways that you can apply to successfully wake up early in the morning:

  • Arrange to go to bed earlier at night (including stopping using electronic devices one hour before going to bed).
  • Don't press the " snooze " button on the alarm. Instead, place an alarm clock or other time device on the table across from your bed, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
Become a Success Step 2
Become a Success Step 2

Step 2. Exercise

Successful people understand that performing at your best means taking care of your body, and this includes exercising regularly to reap the following benefits:

  • Decrease in depression level
  • Improved energy levels and reduced fatigue.
  • Immune response improvement and disease prevention.
  • Exercise discipline and perseverance to achieve goals.
  • If you don't have enough time for a regularly scheduled exercise, make small changes such as taking the stairs or walking instead of driving to a location that is close enough to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Become a Success Step 3
Become a Success Step 3

Step 3. Take care of your emotional and mental health

Research has shown that emotional health is a very important foundation for overall self-confidence, and this confidence is a key component in the process of a successful professional endeavor. In other words, success does not make people happy, but happy people who can be successful. The following are some suggestions for controlling your happiness level and achieving success:

  • Commitment: In this context, commitment means an attitude that keeps trying and doesn't run away, despite challenges and setbacks. This means refusing to run away and sinking into self-pity, but instead using disappointment as a driving force for current and future endeavors.
  • Control: Control means refusing to feel powerless. This means accepting responsibility and all its difficulties, for the sake of trying to get the desired end result, not just accepting whatever results come later.
  • Challenge: Challenge is the attitude of not giving up in the face of pressure, whether positive or negative, and viewing it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Part 2 of 3: Achieving Success as a Mental Process

Become a Success Step 4
Become a Success Step 4

Step 1. Visualize your plan

Take the time to plan each of your days. More than just making a list, actually visualize the steps you will take in the process of completing important projects or tasks. Research shows that visualization activities increase the speed and success of task completion. This means, when you visualize your existing plan, you will be able to get more done each day. Here are some ways to visualize and achieve success:

  • Focus on the personal qualities you need to be successful. Regardless of your position, president of a bank or head of a community of parents and teachers at a school, there are some personal qualities that all successful people share. Listening, learning, communicating, delegating, and organizational skills are some of the skills possessed by successful people.
  • Imagine that success. Are you trying to become an interior designer or an unemployed, successful parent? Whatever your goals are, it's important to visualize what success looks like for you, down to the smallest details, such as how you dress and the people around you.
  • Use affirmation techniques. Vision is concerned with verbal and written affirmations. For example, if you want to be a successful golfer, close your eyes and repeat these words to yourself: "I can see myself on the green. I feel comfortable and confident, and ready to swing the golf club. hit the ball, the ball flew exactly where I was going. The ball landed on the gridiron, and I placed it on the target point while missing twice the allotted stroke."
Become a Success Step 5
Become a Success Step 5

Step 2. Know why you want the things you want

Part of success is self-awareness, and part of self-awareness is understanding the motivations that drive your desires and behaviors.

  • This requires identifying your goals, the outcomes of achieving them, and their positive impact on your life. For example, if you want a job promotion, ask yourself why. Do you want it because of the greater potential for money or because of greater personal accomplishment? Or is it because you want to impress someone?
  • Thinking reflectively about goal orientation will allow you to reexamine your needs and make smarter decisions. So if you realize that the reason you want a promotion doesn't really match the qualities you have to achieve it, reconsider your priorities and look for other ways to maintain personal happiness while continuing to pursue success.
Become a Success Step 6
Become a Success Step 6

Step 3. Reset your priorities

Write down a list of time allocations showing the things you have done and the duration of the time during the previous week. Pay close attention to the use of your time and effort so far. This includes time spent developing personal and professional networking relationships, which play a critical role in success.

  • Ask yourself if the return on each time investment is worth the effort you put in. For example, does staying up late to chat with your boyfriend make you more productive at a job you enjoy? Does working 40 hours a week as a teacher assistant fulfill your personal desire to serve children and contribute to making the world a better place?
  • Change your expectations and how to meet them. Ask yourself which tasks and responsibilities give you the highest overall level of satisfaction, and write down the results. Next, look at this written list and ask yourself what obstacles you will encounter in the process of achieving this goal. Are these obstacles things you created yourself or are challenges that will make you a better person? Are there any obstacles that can be removed so that you can move closer to success?
Become a Success Step 7
Become a Success Step 7

Step 4. Awaken and accept your greatest desire

One of the vulnerable points that prevent people from being successful is pursuing goals that make others successful, even if they are not in accordance with one's own personal desires. This doesn't mean you have to act impulsively, but rather, you have to use your own unique strengths and learn to harness your own creativity and enthusiasm.

  • Good performance and work results will produce good wages as well. Do not pursue a particular job because the pay is high, but pursue a job that excites you and you are able to produce the best performance. Exceptional performance and work in any field will result in extraordinary financial rewards as well.
  • You are the final product. When people invest in a company, it rarely happens because the company's products are unique and one-of-a-kind. Usually, it is the person leading the project who has the vision and inspires confidence in others. If you have personal passions and those passions move you, it means that you are showing the most important aspects of your character and skills that make you great. People will respond to this and believe in you.
  • Do something because you can't and can't if you don't. Think of things that make you want to get out of bed in the morning. Is it your role at work, as a parent, or a hobby you take up at night? Find ways to turn those personal passions into marketable skills or products, and create your own success.
Become a Success Step 8
Become a Success Step 8

Step 5. Learn to tolerate discomfort and delay pleasure

Mental strength does not mean heartless. Mental strength actually means being aware of your feelings and emotions but being strong enough to control them in the face of unavoidable discomfort.

  • Stay motivated. Do you tend to feel anxious around strangers? Are you usually bored with short-term tasks that are actually a key part of shaping the long-term success of major projects? Don't say, "I wish I didn't have to do this," but say, "I can work this thing out," or "I'll take it one by one."
  • Start small. Today, put off watching television until you've finished washing the dishes. Next year, you'll be able to put off taking a break until you've completed a full marathon. Practicing for success will not happen in the blink of an eye. It is a matter of maintaining good standards and habits over a long period of time and in all aspects of life.
Become a Success Step 9
Become a Success Step 9

Step 6. Review your progress

Just like making a plan, taking a step back and looking back at what has been accomplished and what remains is very important.

  • Use a diary. Activities such as keeping a diary, making lists, and using an agenda and vision board will help you re-observe and stay on track to success.
  • Remember that retrospect is not easy. The point of looking back on your journey to success is not to praise yourself but to critically identify whether you've hit the milestones on the right track. Otherwise, you may need an adjustment from the original plan, or even a complete overhaul of what you initially thought you were working on.
  • Starting over from scratch is not a failure. If after looking back you realize you're off the right track, it's time to visualize a new direction. Gather everything you have learned and find a way to move yourself from the path you are currently on to the path that will be more appropriate to lead you to success with all your ambitions and talents.

Part 3 of 3: Applying the Right Habits for Success

Become a Success Step 10
Become a Success Step 10

Step 1. Learn from failure

Successful people are not born successful. Successful people are formed through a series of life experiences that involve risks and failures. It's not advisable to act impulsively and follow your heart, but taking well-calculated risks will pay off in the long run. Even though you may not be successful in everything you try, observing and learning from failure is still the most important part of what all successful people do.

Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985, and the biggest reason was that people found it difficult to work with him. However, he came back 12 years later and turned a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy into a resounding success, as he had grown into a better leader

Become a Success Step 11
Become a Success Step 11

Step 2. Be proactive, not reactive

Research has found a link between personal success and being proactive. So, don't just wait for opportunities to come, but look for ways to develop yourself and your career, and act now without delay. Here are some tactics you can employ to make you more proactive, with helpful thinking techniques like freewriting, list building, and mapping:

  • Anticipate what obstacles you will face and how to overcome them. Another skill related to visualization is prediction. When we realistically envision a path to success, we are bound to imagine various possible points of failure along the way.
  • Avoid avoidable obstacles. While there are obstacles that cannot be avoided, there are also many obstacles that can be prevented through prior preparation, funding, and training.
  • Value time. Research shows that learning to recognize "when it's time" is just as important as taking action. Acting too early on something you don't understand well will make you look clearly unprepared or silly. On the other hand, acting late will cost you the opportunity to leverage your skills and demonstrate your leadership qualities.
Become a Success Step 12
Become a Success Step 12

Step 3. Surround yourself with successful people

Success doesn't happen to lonely people. Every successful person has a long list of friends, teachers, mentors, co-workers, and other people who have helped him along his journey of success.

  • Find people in your life who are talented, positive, supportive, motivated and knowledgeable. Take the time to learn from them and collaborate if possible.
  • Internships, seminars, and job-shadowing programs are other excellent ways to interact with successful people and learn from them.
  • Maybe your goals are completely different and you're actually trying to figure out how to be successful as a parent or as a teacher. The principle remains the same. Find people who have been successful and whom you admire. Take the time to interact with them and learn the secret to their success. Imitate their good habits to sharpen your own ambition.
Become a Success Step 13
Become a Success Step 13

Step 4. Maintain strong, positive relationships

Are you trying to improve the quality of delivering a product or service in a particular service to a client? Are you seeking guidance from other, more senior professionals? Are you trying to improve your skills as a cyclist? Whether logically or personally thinking, nurturing strong relationships is an integral part of success, whatever the field. The following tactics can help you develop relationships in a productive way:

  • Enlarge your personal network. While every entrepreneur knows that a strong brand image and presence on social media are the keys to professional success, they cannot replace personal relationships, which are our most common source of opportunity and self-development.
  • Expand the relationship beyond your personal area of interest. Think of your personal life as an exercise for managing people in a professional or work context. If you don't pay attention to your family's needs or you don't demonstrate the qualities of a good friend, these relationships will break down. In addition, it is also important to look for opportunities to develop relationships with new friends. So, consider joining a particular hobby club or community.
Become a Success Step 14
Become a Success Step 14

Step 5. Ask and listen more than you talk

Asking questions is an excellent way to not only engage in important conversations, but also to increase your knowledge and personal appeal, because asking questions gives others the opportunity to share.

Listening to others also gives you the opportunity to understand the other person's abilities or skills and use them in your own personal challenges later on

Become a Success Step 15
Become a Success Step 15

Step 6. Take responsibility

When you blame someone other than yourself for a failure, you lose the opportunity to receive credit for success.

Don't blame others for your failures. Instead, just analyze the things and ways you've done it, then find ways to do it better next time. Remember that you alone determine whether you will succeed or fail

Become a Success Step 16
Become a Success Step 16

Step 7. Set high standards

Successful people are highly motivated and have a strong work ethic.
