4 Ways to Overcome Addiction to Playing Hair

4 Ways to Overcome Addiction to Playing Hair
4 Ways to Overcome Addiction to Playing Hair

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You've been playing with hair since kindergarten, but now you've decided you want to quit. Various ways of playing with hair such as twirling, pulling, and putting it behind the ear are very common behaviors among children and adults. Changing this behavior can be challenging, especially if it has developed into an addictive or compulsive habit or behavior. By dealing with the problem properly, diverting yourself, and using a variety of accessories and hairstyles, you can overcome this addiction. These methods will help you stay out of trouble.


Method 1 of 4: Troubleshooting

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 1
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 1

Step 1. Be alert and aware of your behavior

You may be playing with your hair without realizing it. If you are trying to change a behavior, you must be alert and aware of all your behavior. You have prepared yourself to make a change and now you have the opportunity to act on it with intention and gain confidence.

  • Slowing down and limiting the amount of work you are trying to do at once will help increase your awareness.
  • Tell yourself things like, "Remember, I'm really paying attention to this habit and I'm not going to play with my hair."
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 2
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 2

Step 2. Create a change plan

Set a start date and identify all the action steps you will take to break your habit. A well-crafted plan will increase the chances of success. You will have goals and ways to achieve them.

Don't do anything based on estimates. You know what you want and if you don't know how to get it, you can and will find out

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 3
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 3

Step 3. Determine the extent of the problem and the need for assistance

Be aware that playing with your hair is a common problem, but it may have developed into an addiction. Most behaviors are measured on a scale, ranging from mild, moderate, to severe addiction. If playing with your hair has become an uncontrollable habit that's causing problems in your personal life, maybe it's time to do something about it.

  • While you should rely on a professional to make a formal diagnosis, you can evaluate your behavior and determine the level of attention and action to be taken. There may be times when the other person disagrees with you and wants you to take more decisive action.
  • On a part of the scale, you find mild cases that either go away on their own or require simple strategies to break the habit.
  • On the other side of the scale are conditions such as trichotillomania, which is a disorder of pulling hair from the head, eyebrows, or eyelashes repeatedly. This extreme condition can cause baldness on the parts of the head and skin irritation that interfere with daily life. This confirms that you have an addiction and do need help controlling or eliminating the behavior.
  • Extreme hair playing is often associated with other disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety. It may be necessary to seek treatment for these conditions which can be a solution to hair playing addiction.
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 4
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 4

Step 4. Seek professional help if you are trying to make a change

There are various sources available to you, such as the Indonesian Psychological Association (himpsi.or.id). Help is readily available and could be the best thing you can do for yourself.

  • Introspection is the process of trying to get one's own internal processes directly. When you find out how and why you react the way you do to the people and things around you, you will solve many personal problems. Only you alone can do the work that requires answers to these questions. The analysis can be difficult, but it can lead you down a clear path to change.
  • Getting the help you need is a brave thing to do. This will contribute to the desire to lead a pleasant and happy life. With the right way, you can make it happen.
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 5
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 5

Step 5. Reward yourself when your plan works

Every small success and big success is an achievement, and shows that change has taken place. Identify the things that matter so you're ready to celebrate. If you enjoy both internal and external rewards for your hard work, it will motivate you to keep trying.

If you made it through a certain event that would normally cause you to play with your hair, congratulate yourself. Even the smallest changes are important to acknowledge

Method 2 of 4: Diverting Yourself

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 6
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 6

Step 1. Look for healthy diversions

When you feel the urge to play with your hair, distract yourself. Choose activities that require you to focus, but don't lose sight of your hair-playing behavior. Activities such as reading, playing video games, watching movies, and writing can be activities that increase the likelihood of playing with hair. Playing outdoor games or walking the dog can be great distractions.

  • Some activities, thoughts, and feelings can increase the desire to play with your hair. If you notice yourself doing the habit, immediately say "Stop," then find a substitute activity. For example, if you're talking to someone and you start playing with your hair, grab a pen to hold or sit on your hand.
  • Observe how many times you need to distract yourself from playing with your hair. This will help you understand the severity of your habit. You will see high frequencies in the early stages; but many opportunities to celebrate success.
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 7
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 7

Step 2. Keep your hands busy so you don't play with your hair

There are many possibilities to do such as baking a cake, playing a sports game, making something out of metal or wood, coating cookies, shopping for clothes, making a rock garden, painting with both hands (try it!), standing with hands, cleaning pets, or playing a musical instrument, and so on.

  • Not only can you break the habit of playing with your hair, but you can also have fun.
  • Look for new and fun things that have never been done before. Be brave. You can find new and useful activities.
  • Worry stones can help dispel the restless energy that causes you to play with your hair. It is a smooth stone made to be played with and rubbed. This stone has also been used successfully to help restless smokers quit smoking. You can get it online, at health stores, or at spiritual goods stores.
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 8
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 8

Step 3. Learn your level of anxiety or boredom

Playing with your hair can be a sign that you're feeling anxious or bored, which means it's important to treat the cause instead of harming your hair. If you're feeling anxious, there are many self-soothing techniques you can try. Talking to someone who is ready to listen will help you deal with your feelings. If you're bored, find ways to entertain yourself.

  • Try meditation or yoga, which will help you focus on your breath and will teach you to calm down.
  • Look for other calming behaviors that will help you manage your anxiety. Talking to yourself (out loud or silently) in a positive way will help. Tell yourself, "I feel safe, I take care of myself, and everything will be fine, so I don't have to play with my hair."
  • A surefire way to deal with boredom is to be busy doing the things that need to be done. Make a list and mark each thing that you successfully completed.

Method 3 of 4: Using Hair Accessories

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 9
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 9

Step 1. Wear a fun and fashionable hat

Making changes like this, even if temporary, can immediately help break the habit of playing with your hair and can also help in the long run. Basically, this will prevent your hands from reaching the area of your head where you're playing with your hair over and over again. There are many alternatives when it comes to hats. You'll find that some styles suit you better than others. A knit hat might suit you better than a cowboy hat or baseball cap. Choose one that makes you feel comfortable.

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 10
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 10

Step 2. Use butterfly hair clips and beret to style and control your hair

If the hair is pinned, you cannot play it. Place this accessory nicely to collect hair and pull or keep hair away from frequently played parts of the head. Get creative and you may be starting the latest hair accessory fashion trend.

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 11
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 11

Step 3. Cover your hair with a scarf or bandana

Covering your head completely will eliminate the possibility of playing with your hair. Every time you touch a scarf or bandana, you will remember that you are trying to make a positive change. If you can resist the urge to pull on a scarf or bandana, you'll experience a significant amount of "no hair" time.

Method 4 of 4: Changing Hairstyles

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 12
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 12

Step 1. Braid your hair to keep it away from your face

Simple changes, even if temporary, help break the habit and make behavioral changes in the long run. If you can keep your frequently played hair away, the hand will find nothing to play with. This can remind your brain to stop playing with your hair. If you commit to braiding your hair, you can't play with it because the braids will become loose and damaged.

  • A ponytail or bun can also be used. Keeping your hair off your shoulders and keeping it still in front of your face will eliminate the temptation to play with it.
  • A hair stylist can help you find a hairstyle to avoid the temptation to play with your hair to a minimum. In particular, keeping hair away from the face, so that it is out of reach, or styled using a lot of styling products will prevent the temptation to play with unwanted hair. The desire to keep the hairstyle as good as possible is enough to stop the desire to play with hair.
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 13
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 13

Step 2. Cut the hair

If a shorter or more layered look is what you want, change up your hairstyle. Shaving hair is an extreme thing; but if you like the look, you might like it.

There are charitable organizations that use donated hair to make wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. You can donate your hair to a charity program like this, so it can help others as well as help you

Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 14
Overcome a Hair Playing Addiction Step 14

Step 3. Color the hair

A simple change in color might be nice. This can make you feel better or see yourself in a more positive way. Changes in appearance can encourage you to be motivated.

If the "new you" wants to stop playing with your hair, choose a new hair color and create a new look for the world to see. This can be quite a rewarding experience


  • Take care of yourself. Change can be difficult.
  • Convince yourself that your hair looks beautiful.
  • Be vigilant to avoid mental wandering into unwanted behavior.


  • Playing with hair excessively can lead to permanent hair loss and other skin-related conditions.
  • Any addiction should be monitored and taken seriously.
