The morning is always full of all kinds of busyness so sometimes it's hard to remember to stay healthy. If you find that your morning routine is getting unhealthy and you want to make some changes, there are simple things you can do to improve it. Taking more time to enjoy breakfast, write about a happy memory, or give someone a hug may be just what you need to start the day in a healthy way. Keep reading to find out more about how to start your day healthier.
Method 1 of 3: Creating Healthy Morning Habits

Step 1. Establish a morning routine
If your mornings pass without a clear structure, make plans to change them. Having a good morning routine can help you wake from sleep feeling like you have direction and purpose. If your morning routine hasn't been satisfactory, make a plan to change the way you wake up and start the day.

Step 2. Try to get a good night's sleep
Sleep disturbances can cause a variety of health problems, so it's important to make sure you get enough sleep each night. Sleep needs are determined by age and other factors. For example, adults need between 7-8 hours of sleep each night, but if you've been having trouble sleeping for some time, you may need more sleep until your body recovers.

Step 3. Stretch as soon as you wake up
You may stretch instinctively in the morning, but if not, just incorporate this good habit into your morning routine. You don't have to spend too much time stretching to get the benefits that can give you more energy. Just 30 seconds of stretching can help you get your day off to a healthy start.
If you have more time in the morning, try doing morning yoga. Yoga stretches the body, increases blood flow, and helps build stamina

Step 4. Exercise in the morning
Morning exercise is a great way to get the day off to a healthy start. Aim to set aside about 30 minutes each day for exercise, but exercising for just 15 minutes in the morning can help you feel more energized and healthy throughout the day. Several studies have shown that exercise in the morning helps improve sleep quality and getting enough sleep is important for you to get a healthy start to your morning.
- Buy an exercise DVD that you can do in the living room in the morning or search the internet for sports videos.
- Try walking or cycling to work to add a little extra activity to your morning. If you're taking the bus or train to get to work, try to get off about a stop or two before your usual stop and continue on foot to your destination. If you drive a car, try to park the car in a place away from the entrance.

Step 5. Take a shower in the morning
Getting out of bed and jumping into the bathroom for a morning shower before doing anything else can help you feel more alert, but it can also help you start the day in a more relaxed and joyful mood. Use soaps and other products that smell good and set aside enough time for a luxurious bath.
- Make bathing more fun by listening to your favorite music and singing along. Research shows that the brain releases dopamine when we listen to music and oxytocin when we sing. This hormone reduces stress, increases feelings of happiness, and helps us stay healthy mentally and physically. Combining music and singing while in the shower will do great benefits for your brain and body at the start of the day.
- Try to finish bathing with cold water to improve blood circulation and make you feel more awake.

Step 6. Eat a good breakfast
To be able to start the day off to a healthy start, breakfast is a must. Eating a healthy breakfast every day has been shown to help people maintain a healthy weight, have greater strength and endurance, and concentrate better when tackling difficult tasks. Make sure you eat a breakfast consisting of complex carbohydrates, fruit, and lean protein.
- Avoid high-calorie breakfast options like eggs, bacon and pancakes. You should also try to limit your intake of juices and processed foods in the morning to get your day off to a healthy start.
- Try making your own smoothie if you usually eat breakfast on the go. Mix some frozen fruit with other ingredients like yogurt, tofu, or low-fat milk to make a nutritious breakfast that you can take on the go.

Step 7. Drink water
Supplying water to the body properly is important for the body to function properly. Drinking water helps with digestion, metabolism, healthy skin and muscles, and kidney function. After a night's sleep and sweating, lost body fluids must be replaced. Drink a glass of water as part of your morning routine and carry a water bottle with you when you go to work or school.
Opt for water instead of juice, soda, or other sugary drinks
Method 2 of 3: Preparing for a Healthy Day

Step 1. Improve your sleep habits
Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy, but you can make for better quality sleep by working to improve your sleep habits. Consider your usual nighttime routine and think about what might be preventing you from getting a good night's sleep. Do you drink caffeinated drinks late at night? Are you having trouble relaxing at night? Take advantage of the following suggestions to help improve your sleep habits.
- Make the bedroom a fun and relaxing place. If your room is cluttered or stuffed, you may find it difficult to relax at night. Make sure the room is clean and attractive so nothing will distract you from a good night's sleep.
- Do not consume alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine at least three hours before bedtime. Alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine can disrupt sleep cycles, so it's best to avoid them in the hours leading up to bedtime.
- Do something that relaxes you before bed. Reading in bed for 10-15 minutes, meditating, or talking to your partner are all good ways to cool off and get ready for bed. Avoid watching television or playing video games right before bedtime as these activities can cause you to be more awake.

Step 2. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
Consistent bedtime and wake-up times are important for starting the day in a healthy way. If you have erratic sleep and wake times, try to fix the problem by establishing a regular sleep and wake schedule that you can stick to. Also, make sure you set aside enough time to get the recommended amount of sleep each night. For example, if you have to get to work at 8:00am every morning, you may need to get up at 6:30am to have enough time to get ready and get to work on time. That way, you shouldn't go to bed later than 10:30 p.m. every night to get the right amount of sleep.
Try using a sleep monitor or tracker to make sure you get enough sleep each night

Step 3. Get up slowly
An alarm clock with a blaring sound may make you start the day with a sense of stress. If your alarm clock is causing stress, try using an alarm clock that wakes you with a progressive sound or one that uses light instead of sound to wake you up. There are even apps for smartphones that can help wake you up slowly instead of with a loud, blaring alarm.
Do not press the snooze button. Hitting the snooze button does more harm than good because the few extra minutes you get when you hit the snooze button don't really give you a quality break

Step 4. Create a positive mood for your day
Sometimes getting up early is enough to put a person in a bad mood and cause the whole day to be filled with negativity. Setting aside a few minutes each morning to focus on the positive can help get your day off to a better start. It's best to avoid watching the news or reading about things that will upset you in the morning.
Try journaling about happy memories or reading positive quotes or stories. If you are a religious person, take a few minutes to read the scriptures and meditate on the verses you have just read
Method 3 of 3: Reducing Morning Stress

Step 1. Take enough time for yourself
Preparing everything in the morning in a hurry will not make you start the day in a cheerful mood. On the other hand, you may be more stressed in the morning because you have to rush. If you're often in a hurry or are running late, it might be a good idea to get up a little earlier to get more time to get ready. Try setting an alarm 15 minutes before your usual wake-up schedule to see what changes make to your morning routine.

Step 2. Connect with family or friends
Even if you're in a rush in the morning, taking a few moments to connect with family or friends can help get your day off to a great start. Simply taking a few seconds to give a family member a hug or say “I love you”, or wish your roommate a happy day can be very rewarding. A 20-second hug in the morning can help your body release dopamine and oxytocin, which will make you feel energized and help release stress.

Step 3. Work on important projects
The brain has a greater ability to handle difficult tasks in the morning, so it's best to use the time in the morning to focus on important projects, rather than trivial tasks like answering emails. You're also less likely to be bullied by loved ones or coworkers in the morning. As the day progresses, you can move on to things that are easier or less important.

Step 4. Meditate or pray
To get your day off to a calming start, you may need to set aside some time to meditate or pray. Taking about 5-10 minutes to sit quietly with your mind and catch your breath will help create a relaxed atmosphere for your day. If you have a lot of problems to deal with, taking time to meditate or pray can also help reduce some of the stress and anxiety you feel in case you can't get things done.