If you have a fur coat, you need to take good care of it. This is to keep the coat in top condition and last a long time. If the coat begins to fall out, you will need to change your grooming regimen to stop the hair loss. Care that must be taken includes protecting the coat when wearing it, and storing it properly. If you handle your coat with care, whether you're wearing it or not, this can minimize hair loss and make it last longer.
Method 1 of 2: Minimize Hair Loss

Step 1. Keep the coat dry
Don't wear a fur coat if you think it's going to rain heavily. Excessive water adhering to the coat can damage it and cause the coat to fall out.
A little rain falling on the coat may be inevitable. However, if you are outside and it starts to rain, take shelter. If possible, you should minimize the amount of water that gets to the fur coat

Step 2. Avoid using heat to dry a wet fur coat
If the fur coat gets wet with water, do not dry it with heat. This can seriously damage the coat and make the hair fall bigger.
- Instead, shake off the water and allow the coat to dry in a well-ventilated area.
- You can also take your coat to a furrier (a person who specializes in handling and caring for fur products) to deal with water damage.

Step 3. Avoid rubbing the fur
Friction can cause severe damage to the fur coat. If you're wearing it, try to avoid repeatedly rubbing it against the bag or other object.
This also applies when you store it in the wardrobe. Make sure that nothing else is stuck to or pressing on the coat

Step 4. Avoid spraying perfume or other chemicals on the coat
The bristles are very easily damaged if exposed to harsh chemicals, such as hair spray. If you're wearing a coat and want to apply fragrance or hair spray, remove the coat first. This is to protect the fur from drying out or becoming brittle.

Step 5. Take the fallen coat to the furrier
If the fur coat is falling out, it means it needs maintenance. Take the coat to the furrier and tell him what happened. Ask him to fix the coat.
Only take the coat to an experienced furrier. He must have the knowledge and experience to handle coats properly
Method 2 of 2: Storing Coats Properly

Step 1. Provide air circulation
Do not store fur coats in plastic bags or other airtight containers as the fur requires air circulation. If put in a plastic bag, the fur cannot breathe and will begin to fall out.
Circulation is the most important thing to prevent the coat skin from drying out and turning brittle. Hair on dry skin can come off easily

Step 2. Keep the coat out of direct sunlight
Direct sunlight can make the coat dry and the fur begins to fall out. Avoid this by storing the coat in a dark, cool location away from light and heat.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't wear a fur coat in the sun. However, prolonged exposure to a lot of light can damage the coat's fur

Step 3. Place the fur coat on a strong, wide hanger
To keep the shoulders of the coat in good shape, only hang the coat on a strong, wide hanger. Thin hangers, such as wire hangers, will put pressure on the top of the shoulder, which creates creases and increases the chance of loss of the area.
Fur coats, especially long ones, can be very heavy. This weight should be spread on a strong, wide hanger. If placed on a weak and flimsy hanger, it will overload the shoulders of the coat

Step 4. Try storing the fur coat in the furrier
Furriers are professionals who know how to store and care for their fur properly. Apart from cleaning the fur, they also keep it well for a few months (when the weather is hot) when you don't want to wear it.