How to Be Classy (with Pictures)

How to Be Classy (with Pictures)
How to Be Classy (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Being classy doesn't mean being arrogant. You have to instill respect. And this means respecting everyone, including yourself. Remain polite to others and show genuine interest in them. Believe in yourself, dress as you wish and behave in a good manner. If you want to be classy, follow these steps.


Part 1 of 3: Looking Classy

Be Classy Step 1
Be Classy Step 1

Step 1. Avoid chasing trends

There's nothing wrong with enjoying fashion or buying clothes that you find interesting. However, avoid clothes that do not support your physique, skin color, etc.

Don't be a fashion slave, or you may come across as stupid, "need expensive maintenance", and/or shallow. The clothes you wear should enhance your personality, don't create or change them. This advice can be applied to any aspect of life where you may be under pressure to be "accepted."

Be Classy Step 2
Be Classy Step 2

Step 2. Define yourself with a clean and elegant appearance

Good looks are half the fight. Wear clothes and accessories that support your body and never wear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You don't have to use the most expensive clothes on the market or you can even buy clothes at a discounted price. It is better to buy them separately and mix and match.

Good hygiene is the key. Shower every day and always appear in a new place feeling and looking fresh

Be Classy Step 3
Be Classy Step 3

Step 3. Don't dress informally

If you have to go to a formal or semi-formal event, then you better know what that means. It's better to dress a little too much than to dress informally and it's not good to appear at formal events in jeans if you have to wear long baggy pants or a dress, it's not funny to wear sneakers if you have to wear dress shoes too.

Make sure you know the dress code and ask the organizers or your friends who are also attending if you are confused

Be Classy Step 4
Be Classy Step 4

Step 4. Don't look like you were partying the night before

Avoid appearing anywhere wearing a bracelet from a club the night before, a stamp or Xs on your hand from a bar you visited, or the smell of sweat, bars, beer or even vomit. Wipe the worn out eye-liner off your face, take a shower and don't appear anywhere don't even eat lunch without looking that you're ready to start a new day, don't crawl back to your nest.

Even if you had a tough night, don't say, "I'm so drunk." It's not classy

Be Classy Step 5
Be Classy Step 5

Step 5. Prepare your look before leaving the house

Don't dress in public, comb your hair, button your clothes, tie your shoes, check your clothes or do anything to show that you didn't make an effort to style yourself before leaving the house in public. Fold your clothes, apply mascara and lip balm, and do whatever you really need to do before going out.

Avoid showing underwear. Women shouldn't show bra straps and men shouldn't let others see boxer shorts

Be Classy Step 6
Be Classy Step 6

Step 6. Don't wear clothes that are too provocative

Leave something for the imagination. When you choose clothes, make sure you know the difference between sexy and bitch. Ladies, don't let your cleavage be the main attraction of your outfit. You can show a little skin and don't let others see everything you have to offer or you'll give the wrong impression. Show your legs, but make sure that your ass is covered.

Be Classy Step 7
Be Classy Step 7

Step 7. Have good posture

Part of looking classy is having good posture. Keep your back straight, look ahead rather than the ground, and avoid slouching as much as possible. Don't cross your arms over your chest but keep them by your side to help open your chest more. If you hold your head high you will look and feel classier. And when you're sitting, you should avoid slouching too.

Part 2 of 3: Sounds Classy

Be Classy Step 8
Be Classy Step 8

Step 1. Don't swear

Having a dirty mouth is not classy at all. If you have an urge to swear, go to the bathroom and turn on the faucet while you throw the swear words into your pillow. But don't let people see you swear. This will make you look like an underdog and if you're swearing because you're angry, like you don't know how to control your emotions is a big sign of not being classy.

Swearing should generally be avoided; swearing against certain people is even more to be avoided

Be Classy Step 9
Be Classy Step 9

Step 2. Give praise to the person behind them

It's good. Instead of talking about how someone is unqualified, annoying, loud, or stupid, take some time to say something nice about someone who isn't there. This will show that you are classy and that you are confident and calm enough to recognize the other person's strengths rather than cursing the second person.

  • If you compliment others behind their backs, you will appear to be a positive, self-controlled person, rather than someone who is always looking for trouble.
  • If you are always gossiping, then people will think that you are not classy because you don't respect other people's privacy and boundaries.
Be Classy Step 10
Be Classy Step 10

Step 3. Don't be the loudest person in the room

Has someone ever walked into a party you were at and said, "I knew I was in the right place when I heard your voice from across the street"? If so, then you should keep your voice down. Everyone is enough to hear you. Don't think you have to scream or scream to prove your point. Speaking evenly, even when you're around a lot of people, is a sign of class because it means you're pretty sure you're not screaming to get people's attention.

If you are concerned about this, ask your friends to rate your loudness scale. If you're already close to 10 or 10 on the Richter scale, then it's time to lower your pitch

Be Classy Step 11
Be Classy Step 11

Step 4. Don't talk about how classy you are

For some reason, people who think they are classy like to talk about how classy they are, especially in comparison to one person or another who has "no class" or "no class whatsoever." If you find yourself saying, "I have class…" or "I'm a classy girl…" then you don't act too classy. Let others see for themselves how classy you are instead of bragging about it.

Ideally, if you are classy, you should "never" use the word "classy."

Be Classy Step 12
Be Classy Step 12

Step 5. Avoid burping in public

Burping in public isn't cool or funny or a good way to cheer up your friends after eating an extra large burger and soda. If you like to burp for fun, please stop. And if you burp accidentally, that's fine. Just cover your mouth with your hand and excuse yourself.

Be Classy Step 13
Be Classy Step 13

Step 6. Have the proper way of using the cell phone

If you're classy, then don't type on your phone every 5 seconds, barely look at your phone in social situations, let it vibrate or buzz, even when you're in class and pick up your phone in a crowded coffee shop and start babbling about your biggest problem. personal. Talk on the phone only when you are alone and when you are not disturbing others, unless it is an emergency.

It's very rude and uncool to let your phone ring every 2 seconds in a public place. It's called "silent" for a reason

Be Classy Step 14
Be Classy Step 14

Step 7. Keep your voice calm even when you're angry

If you're out in public and your significant other, best friend, or perfect stranger is making you really angry, you should take deep breaths, close your eyes, speak quietly, and generally stay calm. Don't let anyone catch you screaming, screaming, or throwing things in public. And try not to do this privately either.

Remember that you will often be able to get your point across more often if you "don't" shout

Be Classy Step 15
Be Classy Step 15

Step 8. Don't talk about money

It's not classy to talk about how much money you made, how much money you have, how much your new car/shoes/jacket/earrings cost, or that you just got a $10,000 raise. Don't talk about how much people earn. parents, girlfriends, friends or other people too. It's not classy.

Don't ever ask how much other people earn

Part 3 of 3: Be Classy

Be a Popular Guy Step 10
Be a Popular Guy Step 10

Step 1. Be authentic

If you're classy, live the way you're proud of it. If you have to be fake or cheat then you have to weigh why. A person of honor and integrity never needs to hide behind sight. If you can't show your true self to the world then who will people see? Stop pretending. Although you may be tired of hearing that you should be "yourself". This is a very true thing. If you fake it, you will never achieve it.

You don't have to be 100% yourself in every situation. You have to adapt depending on what you're talking to a professor or a good friend of yours. But you should always be your deepest self

Avoid Hat Hair Step 7
Avoid Hat Hair Step 7

Step 2. Be independent.

You should be polite, but don't try too hard to please other people. If you do, you may find yourself being taken advantage of later. Limit your time and willingness and draw boundaries with other people so they are aware of yours. Doing your own thing and getting a little "alone time" to find out who you really are rather than being obsessed with always having a plan is something very classy.

People will see you as a unique soul and will respect you more

Become a Fitness Coach Step 11
Become a Fitness Coach Step 11

Step 3. Be assertive

Avoid passive-aggressive thoughts; This tends to corner you in the end. Assertiveness shows maturity, concern and self-confidence. Classy requires balance, and assertiveness is a prime example of this concept.

Report Sexual Assault in the U. S Step 16
Report Sexual Assault in the U. S Step 16

Step 4. Don't make up knowledge

When your group or your boyfriend is talking about something you don't know or don't understand it would be wise to state that you don't know much about the subject being discussed, or if you want to continue the conversation, ask for more information on the subject. Doing this not only shows maturity, but it also shows that you have an open mind.

People will respect you more if you admit you don't know something,

Report Sexual Assault in the U. S Step 14
Report Sexual Assault in the U. S Step 14

Step 5. Treat others the way you would like to be treated

The golden rule is really a time-honored guide to treating adults and children with class. Telling people ahead of time before canceling dinner invitations, speaking up for people who can't stand up for themselves, calling parents to let them know how you're doing, signing in with friends; This is a simple act that shows your class and truth.

  • Make sure you choose friends who share your values.
  • Everyone should be treated according to your equality until they prove they are inferior to it. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
  • Always respect your parents. Being rude to parents is the last sign of low class.
Start a Clothing Retail Store Business Step 5
Start a Clothing Retail Store Business Step 5

Step 6. Be open to personal development

Don't criticize yourself, but be receptive to constructive change. In our world, change is inevitable. Be a positive and flexible part of it and show others how too. Face life instead of burying your head in the sand and others will know for themselves that you are someone whose opinions can be counted.

  • Take classes that teach you skills that help you improve yourself and learn new skills.
  • Remember that the learning process is never finished. Not classy if you think you know everything.
Become a Kindergarten Teacher Step 5
Become a Kindergarten Teacher Step 5

Step 7. Become knowledgeable and aware

It's wise to be politically, culturally, and religiously aware. Even the most basic knowledge could save a person from being embarrassed and awkward. If you know in advance that you will be spending time with someone from an unfamiliar background, it's a good idea to do some deeper research to avoid embarrassing carelessness.

Read well. This is an important part of being classy and being able to maintain a classy conversation

Set up a Hostel Step 21
Set up a Hostel Step 21

Step 8. Know when to ask for help, but avoid depressive behavior

This is the death of a classy person. Only depression times will call for depression measurements. Take a deep breath, be strong and move out of the situation with grace and grace. You will be the winner of it, whatever the outcome. If things get out of hand and you feel really overwhelmed, ask a close friend or family member for help.

It's very classy if you admit that you have a problem and try to fix it, very classy to avoid

Set up a Hostel Step 20
Set up a Hostel Step 20

Step 9. Be responsible

Classy people leave their surroundings in conditions at least as good as when they found them. Unless they are in a restaurant waiting for workers whose job it is to do the cleaning, classy people insist on taking care of the trash and trash cans, don't expect others to pick them up. And when other people help out for them, when arrogant or spoiled people assume that it's just to be expected and ignore other people's existence, truly classy people will quickly notice and express their gratitude and appreciation.

  • If you are a guest, clean it yourself. If you borrow a friend's car, fill it with gas before returning it.
  • If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it rather than blaming someone else.
Join Air Force Space Command Step 16
Join Air Force Space Command Step 16

Step 10. Attention

Truly classy people have the instinct not to bother others, offend them, hinder others or in any way annoy them. Classy people think about their own problems when around strangers and please others when in social situations. A truly classy person is friendly and courteous to everyone, be it the CEO, the postman, or the caretaker.

Classy people know other people's names and use them to greet people they meet frequently, be it a doorman, security guard or the wife of a boss. Classy people treat everyone the same – with courtesy and respect

Get Sexy Curves (for Teenage Girls) Step 5
Get Sexy Curves (for Teenage Girls) Step 5

Step 11. Avoid promiscuity

If you want to be classy then you shouldn't be hanging out with random people every night. And if that's you, at least don't talk about it, brag about it or walk around with lots of visible hickey marks. Classy people don't kiss and talk about it, so don't divulge details from your last relationship session. Don't let other people see you making out on the dance floor. You know, that's very classy.

It's okay to try and have multiple sexual partners. But if you spit it out or treat it like a match, you're going to get into trouble

Become an Au Pair in the US Step 14
Become an Au Pair in the US Step 14

Step 12. Have good etiquette

Say, "Okay, Mom," "No, sir," and "Thank you" as often as possible. Be polite to elders. If you have to sneeze, sneeze into a tissue, not into the air. Don't clean your nose with your arm. Don't take food out of your mouth in public. In general, don't put your finger in your mouth or nose. Get at least basic eating habits. Put a napkin on your lap before you start eating. Avoid scratching yourself in public. Don't comb your hair in front of you, dress up in public or choose your clothes in public. Do all this in privacy; wait until you find the bathroom or be alone. Don't go out laughing loudly.

Take a grammar class if you need one

Give a Romantic Massage Step 6
Give a Romantic Massage Step 6

Step 13. Be a classy drinker

Don't waste it on the fact that you don't know what happened the night before. That means no fainting – and not even fainting. Control yourself; people should see you in charge of your mind and body. If people see you stumbling everywhere and speaking incoherently that night, then there's no way people will think you're classy even if you carry books around and look classy during the day.

If you find yourself in trouble more than a few times when you drink, then maybe it's time to stop


Stand up straight. Sit up straight. Act with purpose and think before you speak


  • Mistakes are human. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself, apologize to anyone who may have been hurt by that mistake, learn from it and keep growing.
  • Changing your attitude may feel unnatural. If this happens, remind yourself that you are working in the process. Classy people are people who consistently show friendliness and good behavior.
