3 Ways to Remove Birthmarks

3 Ways to Remove Birthmarks
3 Ways to Remove Birthmarks

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Some people are born with unique markings on their skin. These markings can vary in size, shape, color and location. Birthmarks cannot be prevented and some of them go away on their own with age, while some are permanent. If you or your child has a birthmark that you want to get rid of, you can try the different medical treatments that have worked to remove the birthmark. Alternatively, you can try some unverified home remedies and see if these alternative remedies can work as well.


Method 1 of 3: Using Medical Treatment

Remove Birthmarks Step 1
Remove Birthmarks Step 1

Step 1. Consult your dermatologist about prescription skin treatments

Often, you can get rid of vascular birthmarks (such as hemangiomas) by taking corticosteroids. Corticosteroids slow down the development and reduce the size of the birthmark but don't completely eliminate it.

  • Corticosteroids can be taken by mouth, injected into birthmarks or applied to the surface of the skin.
  • Other drugs used for birthmarks include propranolol and vincristine, which are used for hemangiomas (see last section below for more details).
Remove Birthmarks Step 2
Remove Birthmarks Step 2

Step 2. Find out about laser therapy to reduce the size and stop the development of vascular birthmarks

Laser therapy involves the use of short-range laser beams that are focused on birthmarks and can be used to reduce color, reduce size and even stop the growth of certain birthmarks.

  • Laser therapy can be used for wine cup stains and café au lait macules but it doesn't always work, so the spots can reappear.
  • While it may be impossible to completely remove the birthmark, the color of the birthmark can be made much lighter after a few sessions of laser therapy.
Remove Birthmarks Step 3
Remove Birthmarks Step 3

Step 3. Consider cryosurgery (freezing surgery) to remove the birthmark

Cryosurgery uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and fade birthmarks and exfoliate them.

  • During the procedure, liquid nitrogen is applied above and below the birthmark to freeze the skin. Then the skin is scraped using a tool called a curette.
  • Complications of cryosurgery include scarring and lightening of the skin color.
Remove Birthmarks Step 4
Remove Birthmarks Step 4

Step 4. Find out about surgical excision

Skin surgery can be performed as an outpatient procedure and only involves removing a very limited amount of the outer skin. Although surgical removal of the skin is considered a minor procedure, it is still an invasive procedure and observation of the patient's condition prior to surgery should be carried out by a doctor.

  • Surgery may be performed to remove moles and hemangiomas.
  • Surgery can leave permanent scars depending on the size of the birthmark.
  • During the procedure, your doctor will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area to be operated on and then remove the birthmark with a scalpel. After that the skin is sewn together using surgical threads that can blend into the skin.
  • Surgical excision is often performed for deeper birthmarks.
Remove Birthmarks Step 5
Remove Birthmarks Step 5

Step 5. Ask about a surgical shave

A surgical shave is an incision that is performed without the need for stitches. This procedure is performed using either a traditional scalpel or an electric cautery machine

  • During the procedure, the doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the birthmark, then cut the area around and under the birthmark with a small scalpel.
  • Surgical shaves are often used for smaller moles and often don't need stitches.

Method 2 of 3: Using Unverified Treatment

Remove Birthmarks Step 6
Remove Birthmarks Step 6

Step 1. Use lemon juice to lighten skin tone

Lemon juice contains ingredients that can lighten the skin naturally. However, the effectiveness of lemon juice in treating birthmarks has not been scientifically confirmed. Therefore, you should not get your hopes up when trying this method.

  • Apply lemon juice on the birthmark for 20 minutes and rinse. Repeat several times a week.
  • Do not use if lemon juice causes skin irritation.
Remove Birthmarks Step 7
Remove Birthmarks Step 7

Step 2. Try an iodine solution

Iodine can help fade birthmarks but again, this method has never been scientifically proven. Apply an iodine solution over the birthmark twice a day.

  • However, remember that iodine solution is a medical product and should be used with caution.
  • Do not use this solution if irritation occurs and consult a doctor if you experience any problems.
Remove Birthmarks Step 8
Remove Birthmarks Step 8

Step 3. Apply olive oil to moisturize your skin

Olive oil is a powerful natural moisturizer that can heal skin and make birthmarks appear softer and smoother. Apply olive oil at least three times over the birthmark, allow it to dry or rinse with water.

Use a cotton ball to apply olive oil directly to the birthmark 2 to 3 times a day

Remove Birthmarks Step 9
Remove Birthmarks Step 9

Step 4. Apply tomato juice on your birthmark

Tomato juice has skin whitening properties and can help fade birthmarks. Apply the warmed tomato juice on the birthmark and let it dry. Repeat several times a day for a month.

Remove Birthmarks Step 10
Remove Birthmarks Step 10

Step 5. Find out about vitamin A creams to encourage skin cell regeneration

Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity (cell division) and the production of collagen (the protein that makes up the skin). Although vitamin A creams (often called Retinol) are used for hyperpigmentation, the effectiveness of these creams in lightening the color of birthmarks is unknown.

Remove Birthmarks Step 11
Remove Birthmarks Step 11

Step 6. Apply vitamin E oil on the skin

The antioxidant properties of vitamin E can help treat birthmarks. Mix vitamin E oil with orange oil and apply it over the birthmark.

Method 3 of 3: Recognizing Birthmarks

Remove Birthmarks Step 12
Remove Birthmarks Step 12

Step 1. Find out if your birthmark is a mole

Moles (also called congenital nevi) are pigmented birthmarks (caused by overgrowth of melanin-producing cells) on the skin that usually appear during childhood. Distinctive features of fly tofu include:

  • Brown, tan, red, pink, blue or black color.
  • Textured smooth, flat, wrinkled or raised.
  • Oval or round shape
  • Usually smaller than 6 mm in diameter but sometimes moles can be larger.
  • Sometimes there are hairs that grow on moles.
  • Most moles are harmless, but in rare cases they can become cancerous. Keep an eye on your moles and call your doctor if their appearance changes.
Remove Birthmarks Step 13
Remove Birthmarks Step 13

Step 2. Find out if your birthmark is a café au lait spot. These pigmented birthmarks are sometimes caused by a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis. This condition is divided into three distinct types; the mildest form (neurofibromatosis 1) appears in childhood and is characterized by a light brown color that flattens the skin:

  • Café au lait spots may be present at birth or appear in childhood and then persist. These patches can be treated with a laser but will often reappear.
  • In addition to birthmarks, neurofibromatosis 1 can be recognized by the presence of patches in the armpits, tender lumps above or under the skin (neurofibromas or benign tumors), small, harmless lumps above the eyes (called Lisch nodules) and/or abnormalities bone shape.
  • The other two types of neurofibromatosis (types 2 and 3) are much less common than the first type and can be recognized by the presence of more serious symptoms and tumors.
  • If you suspect your child has neurofibromatosis, consult a pediatrician. Neurofibromatosis can't be cured, but your pediatrician will watch for complications and treat any symptoms.
Remove Birthmarks Step 14
Remove Birthmarks Step 14

Step 3. Identify if your birthmark is a Mongolian spot

Mongolian spots are pigmented birthmarks in children that usually disappear when the child reaches school age. The hallmarks of the Mongolian spot include:

  • Blue or blue-gray patches on the buttocks, back, spine, shoulders and other areas.
  • Flat on the skin and irregular in shape.
  • Normal skin texture.
  • Usually has a width of between 2 to 8 cm.
  • Because this type of birthmark goes away on its own, no treatment is recommended to treat it.
Remove Birthmarks Step 15
Remove Birthmarks Step 15

Step 4. Recognize the presence of macular blemishes

These stains are also known as salmon spots, stork bites or angel kisses. Macular blemishes are faint red vascular birthmarks (due to incompletely formed blood vessels) that most commonly appear on the forehead, eyelids, back of the neck, nose, upper lip or on the back of the head.

  • This birthmark can be recognized by the presence of bright pink patches that are flat on the skin.
  • Macular blemishes usually fade on their own by the time your child is 1 to 2 years old, but some can last into adulthood.
Remove Birthmarks Step 16
Remove Birthmarks Step 16

Step 5. Identify the wine cup stain

This is a vascular birthmark that is usually permanent and will not go away on its own. Even so, some treatments can make these birthmarks less noticeable.

  • Laser light treatments, such as a pulsed dye laser, are the only way to reduce the appearance of wine cup stains. Laser light treatment can make the birthmark lighter in color but is usually more successful in children.
  • You can also try using cosmetics to hide these birthmarks if laser light treatment proves unsuccessful.
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Remove Birthmarks Step 17

Step 6. Identify whether your birthmark or your child's is a hemangioma

Hemangiomas are vascular birthmarks that appear within a few weeks of birth and are usually found on the head and neck.

  • Hemangiomas can be recognized by the presence of changes in skin color that can disappear within a few months after birth or can take up to 12 years to fade.
  • Hemangiomas in the eyes and mouth can cause complications such as ulcers and sometimes these birthmarks can appear on the internal organs (stomach, kidneys and liver).
  • Consult a doctor if you suspect that your child has an internal hemangioma that could cause complications.
  • Most hemangiomas can be treated or reduced by medical treatment, such as taking propranolol, steroids or vincristine. In some cases, plastic surgery may be required.
