Romance is not something that is too exaggerated. In fact, romance is a key ingredient to creating a successful relationship. This doesn't mean you have to go for a moonlight walk or dim candlelight dinner as the only way to keep your relationship with your boyfriend going, but it does mean that you need to understand what romance means to both of you as a couple, and earnestly strive to give each other love and affection. If you are a woman and want to know how to be romantic with your boyfriend, just follow these steps.
Method 1 of 4: Be a Creative Lover

Step 1. Write “I love you” in unexpected places
Your boyfriend might have guessed that you would write "I love you" at the end of a letter or text message, but he certainly wouldn't expect it to be written on the mirror or steamy glass wall he saw after he showered, or on the chili sauce omelette. breakfast, or on a blank page from her notebook she'd found while taking notes in class. Finding unique and creative places to write "I love you" will make her miss you more when you're not with her, as well as feel more romantic because you've gone to the trouble of doing something to show her you love her.
Do this once or twice every month, to show your love for your boyfriend. Don't overdo it

Step 2. Record special songs for him on a CD
You can choose songs that can remind him of special memories of the two of you together, or songs that really suit his musical taste combined with songs you think he'll like. Don't record your favorite band's songs if he doesn't like them; but if you really know the songs he likes, just record them on a CD and then plug the CD into the CD player in his car when he's not looking. When he turns on the CD player in the car, he gets a pleasant surprise.
Before you do this, make sure that you know what kind of music he usually listens to, the types of music and songs he already has, and which types of music he likes

Step 3. Make a scrapbook
Collect various objects / things that are the memories of the two of you the most in a scrapbook. This could be pictures of the two of you, snagged tickets to your favorite concert, the menu of the restaurant you both went to when the words “I love you” were first spoken, or the little notes you both gave each other during your relationship. This book can be a very meaningful birthday or relationship anniversary gift, or you can give it away for no reason at all.
This book will let him see how far your relationship has grown, and value you even more than ever before

Step 4. Celebrate Valentines Day earlier (or later)
Who said Valentine's Day had to be celebrated only on February 14th? If each of you is busy on that date, or if you just want to do something romantic on one of the other days, just plan a Valentine's Day celebration on a schedule that works for both of you. You can use it to pamper each other with love and affection, dress neatly and beautifully, and eat delicious food.
This "playful" Valentine's Day celebration is going to be a lot of fun, as you'll both find it amusing to celebrate on this "unusual" date

Step 5. Act like a child
Young children have unlimited admiration for everything in the world, as well as healthy levels of hope and optimism. So take a day to act like kids with your boyfriend, and watch how much your love for each other and for the world grows as you both do the silly things you used to love when you were kids. child. The two of you can go to the night market, make animal shapes out of balloons, paint by hand, wrestle in the mud, or do anything else that's silly and fun that makes both of you feel more romantic and livelier. Here are some things you can do:
- Play with soap
- Making cake
- Making favorite dishes, such as macaroni with cheese
- Watching fireworks
- Eating cotton candy at a baseball game
- Play in the water park
- Burning marshmallows.

Step 6. Take a clay craft course together
Taking a clay craft class with your boyfriend is going to be as romantic, as romantic as the scene from the movie “Ghost”, only this course between the two of you is even more awesome, because you're both still alive. You'll both get your hands dirty, learn new things, and create something you can take home and put on the couch, even if it's slanted and imperfect.
Not only will you have a lot of fun doing this, but you'll also love each other more

Step 7. Make a book of all the emails you have sent to each other
If you're forced to be away for a while and it ends up exchanging lengthy emails, or if you're the kind of person who really likes to email each other, you can print all those sweet, funny and romantic emails and put them together into a book for your boyfriend.. He will reread all of your love notes and reminisce about the good times and memories you both had.
A loving email is as romantic as a love note. Just punch a hole in the email with a hole punch and bind it with colored wire and give it to him
Method 2 of 4: Be a Mindful Lover

Step 1. Give him a thoughtful gift
Don't just give him a beer package containing six cans of his favorite beer and then invite him to eat together at a fast food restaurant. Make the extra effort to find out what he really likes and cares about, as well as what gifts will be truly meaningful to him, surprise him, and make him see that you really did go the extra mile. When it comes to gifts, there's no one thing that fits all men, so you need to work on finding the right gift for your boyfriend, special, and he won't even think about buying it himself. Remember, the best gifts are usually given for nothing, not as birthday gifts or gifts on other special occasions. Here are some ideas for finding gifts:
- Does he like mountain climbing or camping? If so, provide him with the latest camping or mountaineering equipment, which he has been craving for a long time.
- Does he like to drink beer or wine? If so, provide a beer or wine fan club membership.
- Is he a big fan of video games? If so, give it a new game that everyone's been talking about lately, or swap out the video game equipment for the newest kind.
- Is he a big fan of music concerts? If so, find out about his favorite band's concert schedule and give him tickets for the concert.

Step 2. Write a noteworthy note to him
Not all forms of indirect communication have to be done through a computer or cell phone. If you're going to be apart for a day or two, or even just a few hours, write a sweet little note saying how much he means to you, or how much you'll miss him when you're apart. Or, just say that you hope he has a great day and you'll think about him that day. This was enough to show him concern.
You can write this note on sticky notepad and stick it in the mirror, in his lunchbox, in his briefcase, or tucked in his car window. This surprise is part of the romance you do

Step 3. Go on a meaningful date
While you and your boyfriend will probably still enjoy any date destination, you still need to put in the extra effort to plan dates that are special and that will feel truly romantic. It really depends on what you and your boyfriend like, and what things make you both happy together. If you offer your boyfriend a date that really suits your boyfriend, he'll be very impressed by how caring you are and how much you've gone the extra mile for your relationship. Here are some ideas for you:
- Is he a badminton fan? If so, visit the badminton court to practice together.
- Is there no snow at your location but he wants to have some fun in the cold? Neither of you will ever be too old to ice skating.
- If you both want to have fun but don't want to go anywhere, you can cook your favorite meal together.
- Enjoy the day at the beach or by the lake. Being close to water in nature will make you feel more romantic.
- Think about what your boyfriend is always talking about and always wants to do. Make that wish come true.

Step 4. Give your boyfriend some really useful help
You might think that washing your boyfriend's clothes on a Sunday when he's busy preparing for an important exam isn't very romantic, but he'll certainly appreciate what you're doing. Romance isn't always about the "wow" things, but the little things that show your boyfriend that you really love him and want to make him happy. Of course, ideally, the two of you should be helping each other out, and you shouldn't allow yourself to be the "helper" who takes care of his every need just to win his heart.
- If he is really very busy, prepare lunch for him by cooking or buying.
- Go outside for a bit in the morning to get some coffee and bread if you know that she doesn't have any breakfast ingredients.
- If you're going to the store, buy some things that you know he needs so he doesn't have to go out on his own to buy them.
- If he tends to be forgetful and has a specific deadline that needs to be met, remind him of that deadline, so he knows that you care about him and his business.

Step 5. Take the time to understand his interests
This doesn't mean that you have to stick to him while watching a football game on Monday night. However, you should try to understand why he likes football or other interests that you don't really like. Observe what lies behind his passion for football, fishing, historical nonfiction, comics, or anything else that piques his interest.
Ask him about these things, and see if you can join in on the fun while he's enjoying his interest, if indeed the reason behind it also piques your interest. This is just romantic
Method 3 of 4: Be a Loving Lover

Step 1. Give your boyfriend affectionate touches
Of course, most guys don't like “shows” of public expressions of affection or holding hands, but you still need to make an effort to provide affectionate touches that will make him more confident in your love and care for him. Squeeze his hand while watching a movie at the cinema, run your fingers through his hair when you both wake up, or nudge him playfully when you're both flirting. It's not recommended that you "stick" to him all the time, as this will only make him uncomfortable, but just choose the right times to touch him, at least a few times a day.
Having physical contact at the right times is very romantic

Step 2. Give him meaningful compliments
Don't just say, "You're so hot…" or "I really like you." Let him know the things that make him very special to you. Let him know that he has a very charming smile, that you really like his sense of humor, that you admire his principles of work, or that you think he is very good at recognizing your feelings. Make sure that you discover new things you like about him all the time, and let him know about your feelings.
Compliments are best expressed in person, but you can still express your feelings through a loving note, email, or phone conversation

Step 3. Show your affection when you are away from him
If you and he need to be away from each other for a while, whether for a week or during the holiday season, you need to keep showing him that you love him. This doesn't mean that you can call her twenty times a day to find out what she's up to or make sure she's not chatting with another woman, but you should still text each other to show that you care and that you're thinking of her, at least once a week. a day.
- You don't have to talk on the phone every day, especially if you're both busy and you're just doing it as an “obligation”. However, you can keep in touch with each other at least once a day when you're apart by phone, text message, or email.
- Send a text message to let them know you're thinking about it.
- If you both have video-enabled phones or the "Skype" program, schedule one or two video dates each week, so you can both look at each other and remember how much you both enjoyed each other's company.

Step 4. Give a six second surprise kiss at least once a day
Even if you're both tired, busy, or just not in the mood to make out, you need to kiss each other "at least" once a day. Try to give him just one long, six-second kiss every day, and you will greatly enhance the romance in your relationship, as well as strengthen your bond as a couple. Don't just give him a quick routine kiss on the lips or cheek when you say goodbye to leave, but choose an unexpected time to kiss him.
Kissing is the most basic way to let your boyfriend know how much you love him

Step 5. Tell him that he is an amazing boyfriend
Don't forget to tell him how much he really means to you. Often, words are the best way to show affection. You can do it by mail once a month, or just casually say it over dinner together. Make a list of at least five things that make her a special boyfriend, and tell them exactly what they are, so she can really see how much she means to you.
You can also be more spontaneous than this. If he does something that's really great in your eyes, just tell him right away

Step 6. Give him a massage
Massaging your boyfriend will not only increase the sexuality factor in your relationship, but it will also be a great way to show affection and make him see that you really care about him. When he comes home from work or school or after a tiring day, ask him to sit down and give him a comfortable massage on his shoulder. Next, you can move to his neck, his arm muscles, and his lower waist. Help him relax and loosen the tight muscles in his back, then he will truly feel your love for a long time.
For a longer and more intimate massage, have him lie on his stomach
Method 4 of 4: Maintaining Romance in a Relationship

Step 1. Never stop dating
Even though you and your boyfriend may have been in a relationship for years, don't ever assume this relationship is a perfect union that will be fine until the end. Both of you should still try to please each other, “catch up” with each other, and remind each other of how much this relationship means. Don't get stuck in boring old routines just because they're “pretty fun” and seem effective so far. Take your relationship to the next level, by always trying new things and making it interesting for each other.
- Don't stop saying how much you both mean to each other.
- Keep up your weekly date nights, and make sure that these dates are done outside of the home as much as possible.
- Also make sure that the two of you try something new together at least once a month, whether it's a new restaurant or a sporting activity that you've never done before.
- Be full of spontaneity. Head out for a weekend trip you unexpectedly planned the night before, or sign up for a salsa class on the spur of the moment.

Step 2. Pay attention to your appearance
If you want to keep your boyfriend, you need to defend yourself too. Both of you should make sure to shower regularly, trim/style your hair, and dress well when spending time together. It may be okay to wear warm loose-fitting trousers on Sundays, or on other “casual” days, but in general, you should still dress up/dress neatly when you are alone, just as if you were going out to see each other. other people, even though the date may be at home.
- Taking care of your appearance will avoid unhealthy habits in your relationship, and make you and your boyfriend feel more romantic.
- You can even dress up/dress extra neatly on date nights, even if the date location itself isn't all that fancy.

Step 3. Arrange your bedroom so that it still looks sexy
Whether you and your boyfriend have started having sex or are just making out, make sure you're alone with him in a place that makes you both feel more romantic, not in places like a dirty car or a messy basement. If you can make out in the bedroom, make sure that the bedroom is neat, clean, and looks as though it's been styled to make you both want to kiss right away. Don't make out near the pile of textbooks or work files you brought home from work. When the two of you are making out in the bedroom, intimacy should be the only thing on your mind.
If you live with your boyfriend, this is especially important. If the bedroom is only used for sleeping and making out / having sex, both of you will feel more romantic

Step 4. Maintain your independence
If you want to keep your relationship fresh, you and your boyfriend need to have some alone time. If the two of you are always together, there won't be too much to talk about, and there won't be a chance to miss or appreciate each other in moments apart. However “sticky” your relationship may be, it is very important that you continue to pursue your personal interests and occasionally hang out with friends and family without being with your boyfriend.
- Going out with your girlfriends unaccompanied every week or two will help you appreciate more how much you love your boyfriend.
- Don't be a lover who is too "sticky" or "dependent" on him. Let your boyfriend go and do the things he likes once in a while, and he'll love you more and feel more romantic towards you.

Step 5. Do adrenaline-boosting activities together
If you and your boyfriend do something romantic together and it makes you both excited and excited, you're bound to feel sexier and more romantic. This can be any physical activity, from long-distance walking, mountain climbing, biking, running, yoga, ballroom dancing, or simply working out at the gym together.
- Couples who exercise together stay together. And will still have a good body shape.
- An adrenaline rush can also result in a better mood, and make you feel more affectionate with the person you're with.
- Comb his hair with your fingers, while you look into his eyes.
- Make sure that your boyfriend likes it when you do this.
- Know that you are his only love. Even though you may not be the only one, pretend that you are the only one. If you are not sure, he will doubt too.
- Don't go overboard or be too subtle in showing the romance.
- It helps if the two of you can be alone or have a chance to be alone.
- This can also be done if he is among a group of people.
- Always make him feel special…