Sometimes when it comes to love, men and women speak different languages. If you think the special woman in your life isn't getting the message that you love her, you should make an extra effort to show your feelings. It's all about finding a balance between giving him love and affection and accepting his personality. If you want to know how to love a woman, see Step 1 to get started.
Method 1 of 3: Doing the Right Thing

Step 1. Be compassionate
Most women like to be flooded with affection and compliments from the man they like. Some women may be restless, and love is very reassuring. To be affectionate, just touch her gently, hug her, hold her hand, or do whatever you can to give her a little physical touch. This doesn't mean you have to just touch her, pick the right moment to show you care and it will mean a lot more than holding her in your arms for four hours.
- Giving her a sweet peck on the cheek or holding her hand is another way to be affectionate.
- If holding hands doesn't feel right for you, you can put your hands on his back as you walk.

Step 2. Be supportive
If you want to love your girl, then you have to support her as much as you can. Being supportive means many things, from attending his sports matches to cheering him on when he applies for a job even if he's worried that he won't be called in for an interview. You have to be there to lift him up, not knock him down, and let him know you think he's amazing and capable of anything if he really meant it. This doesn't mean you have to follow him everywhere and be a cheerleader all the time, he also has to support you, but it does mean you have to let him know that you will help him succeed in whatever path he wants.
Sometimes, this means supporting her when she is disappointed, sad, or indecisive. You have to be there in the ups and downs

Step 3. Be a real man
You don't have to change your whole personality and start giving him your coat as a base so he can walk in puddles. But if you want to show that you care, then yes, maybe you should stop burping or scratching your head when you two go out together. Otherwise, he'll feel like he's being treated the same as any other guy, and you should try to make him feel different from your male friends. Make sure you open the door for him, pull up a chair for him on a dinner date, let him walk in front of you when you guys walk in, and give him your coat when he's cold.
Being a real man will make him feel that you pay special attention to him. If you want him to feel loved, then you have to put in that extra effort

Step 4. Be attentive
It can be difficult for most men to understand what it means to be considerate. Basically, this means you have to really think about and put in the effort to treat your girl based on what you think she will like or dislike. So give yourself time to really listen when he's talking, and to know what he needs. If today is her dance recital, send her flowers. If she's having a tough week, write her a love letter. When you're at the cinema, buy him his favorite snack. Take the time to find out what makes him happy, and try to give it to him.
- If you know she's feeling down, identify her mood and say, "I knew you would feel…" although you don't have to say exactly how she feels, try to let her know that you're thinking about what's on her head.
- Pay attention. If she mentions a book she wants to read or a new album she hasn't heard, give it to her as a small gift. He might say, “Geez, how can you remember anyway!?” That is love.

Step 5. Be understanding
If you want to love a girl, then you have to understand the fact that she is only human and has flaws, needs, desires, just like everyone else. You can't expect it to be perfect or live up to unreasonable expectations. If he does something wrong, don't be angry for weeks and put him down. If one time he bothered you, don't nag about it for days. Obviously, if he continues to mistreat you, you should reevaluate the relationship; but if he's having a bad day here and there, don't act like the world is coming to an end.
Think about it: maybe he's having a really hard time adjusting to his new, very demanding job. Maybe he was emotionally tormented because his grandmother had just passed away. Try to see it from his point of view before you get angry and start an argument

Step 6. Know when to give him space
Part of loving a woman is knowing when to step back a little. Maybe he's had a bad week and really wants to be alone; appreciate that. Maybe he wanted to spend a night with his girlfriends; Say you hope he has a great time and don't text him every five seconds to make sure he's not messing with other guys. If you don't rein in him, he'll feel your love even more, and he'll like that you value him personally.
However, this can be tricky. You need to be aware of whether he really doesn't need your support or if he's saying that because he doesn't want to burden you. You have to figure this out on a case-by-case basis

Step 7. If you want to love a girl, then you have to make romantic gestures or gestures to show how much you care for her
Don't do anything that feels forced or unnatural, but try to make the girl feel really special. This could be sending him flowers, buying him a box of chocolates, or doing something more original that reflects the nature of your relationship. Here are some other ways to be romantic:
- Write a sweet message on a greeting card.
- Make delicious home cooking for her.
- Say you love him, at the right moment.
- Write or read a poem to him.
- Invite him to dance.
- Take him for a walk in the moonlight.
- Go on a picnic
- Take him to a jazz concert.
Method 2 of 3: Saying the Right Thing

Step 1. Open to it
If you're used to keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself, try talking more often. You may not open up because that means opening yourself up to being teased and rejected, but by being more open, your relationship with the girl can become more intimate, and love thrives in intimacy. You don't have to tell him every little thing about you right away, but you should try to be more open and tell him things you wouldn't normally tell other people. This will show you love him and that to you, he is different from everyone else.
- Open is about being honest. While you don't have to tell him about the cute girl you saw walking around that day, you should be as honest as possible without hurting him.
- If he's very open to you but you're not, then he may feel like you're not working on this relationship. Of course, some guys are a lot less open than others, but you should try to be as open with them as possible while still feeling like you.

Step 2. Ask about his life
Trying to get to know him. Show that you are interested in him as a person, what he thinks, and what he is currently busy with. You don't have to interrogate him to make him feel like you care about him. When you're together, ask how the day was. Ask the plan tomorrow. When you're really getting to know each other, ask about his plans for the future. Here are some things you can ask him:
- Things he likes
- Friendship
- His family
- Anxiety and fear
- Goals and targets
- Daily life

Step 3. Give him a hearty compliment
If you want to love a girl, then you have to show that she is loved. This doesn't mean you have to compliment him every five seconds, or it will feel like you're not being sincere. Instead, simply throwing out a few meaningful and unique compliments can be far more effective than so many compliments they don't even pay attention to anymore. Try to compliment the unique aspects of his personality or appearance, or anything else about him. Here are some examples of compliments you can give:
- "You're great at staying positive in the midst of bad situations. I wish I could do that too."
- "All your friends love you. It means you are very supportive."
- "I love the color of your eyes. I've never seen a pair of eyes with freckles and red like that."

Step 4. Ask his opinion
If you want to love him, then you have to see him as worth it. You can't treat it like a gift or a trophy; let him know that his opinion matters to you. Try to ask him what he thinks about everything from current events to what you should do with your life. Take some time to consider his thoughts and see how he feels about things; women should feel that their intelligence is valued. Here's what you can ask:
- What should you do in certain situations.
- Recent events
- His opinion on films, albums and books.
- Whatever you are not sure of.

Step 5. Verify the state
You should also pay attention to what you say when he's not with you. While you don't have to call and text every five seconds, you should try to let him know you're thinking about him when you're not together. If you two are apart for a day or two, be sure to call or text him to ask how he's doing so he knows you're thinking about him. If he's away on the weekends for a big event like a wedding or tournament, be sure to keep an eye on the continuity of the event. Let him know you didn't stop thinking about him when you two were apart.
On the other hand, don't let him feel suffocated. If you know he's going to be super busy, you have to be willing to let him do his thing and not bother him

Step 6. Know when he doesn't want to talk
Sometimes, when he says he doesn't want to talk about it, he really means it. If something bad happened to him, it might take him a moment to get through it. Don't bother him or interfere with his business if you know for sure that he's not in the mood to talk about it. This can make him more uncomfortable and even less likely to want to talk to you. You may feel that the best way to show your love is to keep the conversation going, but sometimes the best way is to step back for a while.

Step 7. When necessary, apologize
If you want to love a woman, then you have to let her know when you are wrong. If you make a mistake, it's important to apologize – sincerely. Don't just deny what you did and hope you can just move on with your life. If you want a girl to truly love and respect you and see that you care about her, then it's important to apologize when you make a mistake, and try not to do it again.
- Look him in the eye when you apologize. Show you really care.
- Don't say, "I'm sorry if you're angry because…" Make it clear that you know "yourself" did something wrong.

Step 8. Communicate like a pro
If you want to love a woman, then you have to know how to talk to her. This means being able to talk from your side while still listening to it. It means learning to compromise, to find a way for both of them to be happy with each other. It means listening to your woman without cutting her off. It also means focus. You should strive for more positive interactions than fights, and telling him how you feel rather than keeping your feelings under wraps.
If you want your love to last, then it's very important to remember that it's better to be happy than right. Try to find a way to make both of you feel valued and fulfilled rather than just going along with your whims all the time
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Love

Step 1. Make sure you both have the same interests
To show love in the long run, then you must have at least a few things to do together. This could be a morning hike together, reading together at a coffee shop, going to your favorite museum on Sunday, watching your favorite band live, or whatever you really enjoy doing together. You don't have to like everything, just a few things can make your love last.
- As a relationship develops, it's easy for a couple to feel like they have nothing in common anymore. This is why it's important to find something you both enjoy doing together.
- If you're both getting bored with one of your interests, don't stop right away. Find something that can be done to replace it.

Step 2. It's just as important to find a comfortable routine to do hobbies that you both enjoy, so it is to mix activities and engage in new activities as often as possible
Maybe you've been playing ball for years, and it's time to switch to billiards. Maybe you always vacation in Bali every holiday; now is the time to try Lombok. Try doing something new that you can do together so you can continue to love your girl forever.
Be spontaneous. While it's good to plan something, it's as good as a last-minute sudden trip, or buying last-second concert tickets

Step 3. Maintain your independence
If you want to love your girl, then you have to love her and yourself as a person. Make sure you don't lose hold of who you are as a person and he will love you even more. If you continue to pursue your interests, spend time with your friends, and do some separate things, you're actually loving your girl even more, because it means you're comfortable with the relationship and you don't have to spend every second together.
Make sure he also maintains his independence. When the two of you go out into the outside world and do your own hobbies, then there will be a lot to talk about when you two are together. If you spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week together, you're going to run out of things to talk about pretty quickly

Step 4. Always say you love him
It doesn't matter you've been with him for 8 or 80 years. You should always be willing to say “I love you” because your girl should know how you feel. Express your love for him in the morning, evening, or whenever you feel the moment is right. Don't go a day without saying it.
There's a difference between saying, "Love you!" and, “I love you.” Try to really say it

Step 5. Keep the romance sparkling
If you want to love a woman, then you must continue to keep the joy and romance in the relationship alive. Even if you're living together or even married, that doesn't mean you have to stop being romantic. Remember, the case is never over, and you should try to create a romantic mood, make your girl feel special and loved, and take the time to care for your girl.
- Commit to your date night. Don't let anything interfere with that once-a-week moment you two spend together.
- Once in a while you both have to dress up nicely and go out for a romantic dinner, to keep your love strong, no matter how busy you are.
- . Never stop charming or loving your lover. If you want love to last, then both of you should always try.
- Never interrupt when he's talking or talk behind his back. That's rude and disrespectful.