Starting from the use of writing WKWK, OTW, GWS, to the use of emoji - communication through short messages has its own language. This also includes the language of love. If a girl expresses her love for you via text, you may be confused about how to respond. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal to feel a little nervous. This is why we have compiled a list of things that can be said for dealing with the situation.
Method 1 of 8: Say “Thank You” as the safest response

Step 1. Saying thank you is a great way to express gratitude
This greeting can also be an opening if you plan to say something else. If you don't know what to say, thanking is a polite way to go before extending a longer response.
- For example, you can reply to the message by typing “Thank you!” and then continue with “I like you too” or “You are a good friend” if you don't have any special feelings for him.
- In addition, saying "Thank you" is a great response to platonic friendships. If he's just a friend or even a distant relative, it's a polite way to say thank you.
Method 2 of 8: Say you like it if you feel the same way

Step 1. Express your feelings through a genuine response
Don't let him wait! Tell him that you like him too so he knows his feelings are not unrequited.
You can say something simple, like “I like you too” or use a more energetic response, like “Wow, I actually like you too!”
Method 3 of 8: Take some time to think if you're not sure yet

Step 1. Think about your feelings before responding
If you're feeling confused, or surprised by his declaration of love that it takes time to respond, don't be afraid to ask for extra time. Be honest with him. That way, you won't leave him wondering without a clear response.
State your wishes simply. Say something like "Hey, I need some time to think about this". The response may not be what he expected, but an honest response is certainly better. If you need more time to understand how you feel about him, take that time
Method 4 of 8: Just be nice and honest if you don't like it

Step 1. Being honest is a good attitude
Even if this makes you feel uncomfortable, he deserves an honest response. Make sure you're gentle and kind, and don't give him false hopes.
You can say something firm, but polite, like "You're a wonderful person, but I only like you as a friend."
Method 5 of 8: Act like you misunderstood the message to create tension

Step 1. Tease him by pretending that you misunderstood his message
This will frustrate him and add tension to your conversation. Thus, he may be more intense in pursuing you.
For example, if he says “I like you”, you could say “Thank you, I like me too” or “Want to join my fan club?” A little flirtation won't hurt anyone, and can make them even more attracted to you
Method 6 of 8: Ask her out if you really like her

Step 1. Accept her invitation to go on a date or ask her out
After the he declared his love for you, take the opportunity. If you like him, share your feelings and ask him out. He will most likely accept the invitation!
- For example, you could say something like “I like you too! Let's go to my favorite coffee shop on the weekend. Do you have free time next week night?”
- He had the courage to express his feelings. Don't let him wait if you feel the same way. Ask her out on a date!
Method 7 of 8: Give him time to respond after you've replied to his message

Step 1. Don't make assumptions if he doesn't reply to your message right away
After you text him back, whether to ask him out or say something else, be patient for another response. He may need more time to digest your reply. Let him think and reply when he is ready.
For example, if you say "I like you too!" but don't get a reply after five minutes, don't send another message with a question mark or something like "How is it?"
Method 8 of 8: Don't hesitate or feel inferior

Step 1. Stay confident and positive to keep him interested
He just confessed his love for you! Whatever your response, stay confident when exchanging messages with him. Believe in yourself and he will be more attracted to you, and feel that his decision to express love is the right thing.
For example, don't say something like "Do you really like me?" or "You're not kidding are you?"
- Try to get him to do something he enjoys. If he likes books, take him to a bookstore. If he likes food and sports, take him to a sports-themed cafe that serves delicious chicken wings. Choose a date place that he will definitely like.
- Write him a letter if you are embarrassed. You can email the letter or give it in person so it can be read.