His closed and tense character makes the figure of Scorpio often a victim of misunderstandings. However, by proving to him that you are a trusted person, he will become a loyal friend throughout the ages. Scorpios are usually very serious in their relationships and loyal to those they care about, and you won't find a greater protector than them. He can be a good friend or a bad enemy, so it's a good idea to know how to treat a Scorpio figure properly.
Method 1 of 3: Recognizing Scorpio's General Characteristics

Step 1. Be loyal
Treat your Scorpio with love, respect, and selflessness so that he can pour out his care and affection for you. He can be a good friend. If you give him 100% kindness, he will repay you with even more kindness! Scorpios usually have several close friends because they want to connect with their friends more deeply and intimately. The “shallow” friendship is not what catches the Scorpion's attention. Once you become a part of his life, you will never be forgotten.

Step 2. Don't make him angry
If you hurt his feelings, he will eventually forgive you after making you “suffering.” However, he will never forget what you did. Betrayal will be met with terrible vengeance. Your chances of winning a fight with him are very small.

Step 3. Embrace the competitive side
Most Scorpios (though not all of them) enjoy competing and (usually) winning competitions. They like sports or games that have opponents to beat. If he already has a goal, he will always try to reach it. He never gives up and usually manages to achieve success.
Method 2 of 3: Talking to Scorpions

Step 1. Identify the things he is interested in
Find out what his favorite topics are so you can enjoy an immersive chat with him. Remember that he is driven by a curiosity for hidden truths and mysteries. Usually, these two things include an interest in the paranormal or supernatural, conspiracy theories, or unsolved mysteries.

Step 2. Give him your full attention
When he sees and pays attention to you, he is actually giving his full attention. He has nothing else on his mind and all he does is listen to you. When spending time with him, he wants the same intensity of attention he gives, so make sure you're not too busy using your phone.

Step 3. Be honest
Scorpios value anyone who doesn't hesitate to be themselves. He has a sharp and mysterious gaze. This gaze reflects the serenity that actually hides deep sensitivity. He will observe and analyze a person from afar and gather information to enhance his intuition. You may be able to trick him once in a while, but Scorpions are good at seeing people's hearts. When he smells your lies or dishonesty, he may not even notice your presence.

Step 4. Tell your story
The Scorpio character prefers to hear other people's stories than to tell his own. Something about yourself that you tell him will usually remember. When talking, he is more interested in emotional truth or deeper things. In addition, he also likes secrets. Scorpios don't like small talk or shallow topics.

Step 5. Don't tell him everything to keep him interested in you
Scorpio has a detective instinct. His curiosity drives him to search for mysteries that need to be solved. Show your mysterious “aura” by hiding some details about your life and past.

Step 6. Don't ask questions that are too personal
Scorpio has a complicated and introverted personality. If you ask too many questions or ask too many questions, he will suspect your motives. He only shows his hidden side to people he trusts, and there's a good chance he will never fully reveal himself to you.

Step 7. Remember that Scorpios tend to be quiet and withdrawn
This does not mean that he is not interested in you. He tends to rely on his intuition and powers of observation rather than the unreliable comments or testimonies of others. If he wants to spend time with you, trust that he actually enjoys being around you, even if he never says it.

Step 8. Share things that he or she is equally interested in
Like most people, the figure of Skorio likes to discuss things that are of mutual interest. If you have a similar taste in music or like the same television shows, don't forget to talk about those things in the chat.

Step 9. Show you care
Scorpios are very sensitive to small kindnesses and will appreciate them, even when they don't show it outright. For example, let's say he's standing next to a friend you both know. You can hug the friend quickly, but when you hug the Scorpion, try to hug him warmly.
- Give him a sincere compliment to show your respect and affection. He can know that your words do come from the heart.
- When giving gifts, you don't have to buy anything expensive. However, make sure the gift is special and meaningful.
Method 3 of 3: Dating a Scorpio

Step 1. Wear dark colors like black, red, blue, and purple to attract attention
Scorpios are attracted to dark and strong colors. Choose dark colors that can highlight the charm of your eyes to stand out in front of him.

Step 2. Seduce him until you have won his trust
What he craved was a meaningful and loving relationship. He wants to connect emotionally, spiritually, and physically at the deepest level. This means it may take a while for the Scorpio to fall in love. If he feels that you deserve his loyalty and love, he will be the most loyal person you will ever meet.

Step 3. Look for the light in his eyes
Eye contact with him can tell you how he feels when he doesn't. If the Scorpio loves you, his love will shine in his eyes.

Step 4. Be honest at all times and don't play with her feelings if you want to win her over
He has a desire to be in control and does not tolerate emotional play. If the situation seems out of control, he may avoid you. In addition, if you break his trust, there is a possibility that it will be difficult for you to get him back.

Step 5. Prepare yourself
Like the Scorpion himself, his relationship with him can be complex and difficult to understand. He asks and gives anything. In addition, he can also be a jealous figure. His manipulative and controlling side sometimes triggers a lot of fights and debates.

Step 6. Respect her privacy
Don't gossip with your friends about your relationship. As a very introverted person, the Scorpio will feel that you are breaking his trust. It's a good idea to keep the personal information he tells you. Also, refrain from uploading anything about your Scorpio lover without his knowledge and permission.

Step 7. Get ready to have a chat about sex
Scorpio's sexuality is consistent with his maturity, but he tends to prefer meaningful relationships over sex adventures. He doesn't hesitate to talk about sex and you can tell him anything, without surprising him.
- Show confidence. The Scorpio figure respects someone who is confident with a personality that stands out.
- Scorpio is a sign that symbolizes extremes and tension.
- Scorpio is a very deep, detailed, and powerful individual. There is something more complex than what it seems. He may display a cold, reserved, and “flat” aura in front of others, but there is actually great strength, passion, desire, and a persistent drive within him.
- The Scorpion has a great curiosity. Don't be surprised if he asks a question. He just wanted to dig deeper, find out, and assess the situation.
- It will be difficult for you to forgive him after hurting or betraying him, and it may take a long time for him to be nice again. Give him space and time. In the end, he can forgive you. However, remember that his apology doesn't necessarily mean he can forget what you did to him.
- Always give him the space he needs. He likes to enjoy his own time when he wants it.
- Scorpio is a very jealous and possessive individual.
- This figure is very loyal and honest, and does not like lies. If betrayed, he can hold a great grudge.