Oh no! You've just seen a photo of your friend's baby and it turns out he's not the cutest kid you've ever seen. Now, you have to figure out what to do and say to his parents. Start by controlling your reaction, then find something to praise the baby.
Method 1 of 2: Controlling Your Reactions

Step 1. Don't say anything
If you feel like you're about to say something unkind, it's best not to say anything. Simply smile at the baby and the parents, then continue the conversation, if you can.

Step 2. Be prepared to make small talk
If you know you're about to meet an ugly baby, prepare yourself beforehand. Are you ready to ask questions about the baby? For example, you can ask about the progress. Ask "Is he able to smile already?"

Step 3. Focus on the parents
One of the best ways to prevent you from commenting on your baby is to ask the parents. Keep eye contact with the baby's parents and ask how the mother feels, how the arrival of a baby has changed their lives, and what they love about becoming a parent. Parents are used to having guests talk about their baby, so a discussion about their feelings can be both a breath of fresh air and a great distraction so you don't comment on the child.

Step 4. Position yourself as the parent
If you are not a parent yet, this step will be more difficult for you. However, just imagine what it would be like if someone criticized something important to you. If you were a parent, how would you feel if someone thought your child was ugly? When you learn to empathize with your parents, you can control what you say to yourself.

Step 5. Remember that not everyone has the same taste
In fact, not everyone will find a baby cute at the same time. In addition, parents will definitely find their child very adorable; this is partly influenced by genetic factors. There's no reason to stir things up by revealing that the baby isn't cute in your eyes.
Method 2 of 2: Praise the Baby

Step 1. Compliment the baby's expression
One thing that can be praised is the expression of the baby. He may appear very cheerful or appear serious and caring. Whatever the expression, use the information to compliment the baby.
For example, you could say “Look at that smile! He seemed to shine.”

Step 2. Choose something cute from the baby
Even if the baby isn't cute, most babies have something adorable. This could be chubby cheeks, thick thighs, or a distended stomach. Find something funny to compliment.
For example, you might say “Look at her cute cheeks!! I want to eat it."

Step 3. Compliment the baby's clothes
Another tactic to avoid discussing the baby's face is to compliment the outfit. As a bonus, you can also compliment the person who chose the outfit.
Say something like “That outfit looks great! You chose it?”

Step 4. Praise the baby's temperament
Another aspect of the baby that can be praised is the baby's carefree or quiet nature. Oftentimes, this trait is seen as commendable and so parents will often accept this compliment.
Say “Oh, he's such a cheerful kid! Always laughing!"
- Remember that parents are overjoyed to show you their baby. Focus on their happiness and the wonders of life instead of judging the baby's appearance.
- Look for other important things in the room or around you that have nothing to do with the baby's appearance. If you're at the parents' house, compliment the way they choose clothes or toys for the baby.
- Never be rude. Parents will be offended.