3 Ways to Deal With Players

3 Ways to Deal With Players
3 Ways to Deal With Players

Table of contents:


It's not easy to deal with players (people who like to change girlfriends). Whether you're just starting to have a crush on him or you're already dating the person, it's important to let him know from the start that you're not attracted to his big mouth. If you like him, and know that he's not going to change any time soon, then it's best if you think this relationship is just for fun, or just leave it.


Method 1 of 3: Setting Your Expectations

Deal With a Player Step 1
Deal With a Player Step 1

Step 1. Decide if you want to play

If you know that person is a player, then the first thing you need to do is determine if you want to bond with them. If you're sensitive, looking for true love, and want a man you can spend a lot of time with, then you shouldn't be attached to this player. But if you are okay with a guy who likes to glance at other guys then go ahead with that, but you should know what to expect before starting this relationship.

Of course, before deciding whether you want to play, you have to make sure that the person is a player or not. Don't use reputation alone to make your decision, take a look. Check if the guy likes to chase multiple women at the same time, or just likes to flirt; this is very different

Deal With a Player Step 2
Deal With a Player Step 2

Step 2. Don't expect too much from him

One way to keep yourself from getting hurt is not to expect too much from him. He can take you out to eat, he can kiss you passionately, and he can whisper sweet things in your ear, but he won't take soup when you're sick or when you see your mother. As long as you know what the player's strengths and weaknesses are, you'll be fine.

If you're looking for the right person, maybe this isn't it. Although some players changed and started to have a serious relationship, this was not the case

Deal With a Player Step 3
Deal With a Player Step 3

Step 3. Don't be jealous

If you get jealous easily, then you shouldn't date players. However, if you're okay with petty flirting and don't care who your guy is talking to – and he doesn't care if you talk to other guys either – then you'll be able to handle players more easily.

If you show jealousy, then this player will start to back away, because he doesn't like that. When you start to be suspicious of him, he will start to feel that you don't fit in with him. Again, if you're really sad when he sees another girl, then you'd better leave him

Deal With a Player Step 4
Deal With a Player Step 4

Step 4. Don't press it

Player is not looking for a serious relationship. There's no point in forcing him to commit to you, whether it's forcing him to stay with you, meet your relatives and friends, or spend the weekend together. If he doesn't like it, forcing him will only make him more careful with you. Of course asking for a commitment from a guy is normal, but you won't get it from a player.

Better not to chase it. Let time tell, and your relationship will be closer to him when the time comes. If you feel like you're putting pressure on him a lot, then this is a sign that you want more and it's time to find another guy who is more serious

Deal With a Player Step 5
Deal With a Player Step 5

Step 5. Don't take it seriously

Another way to make sure you don't get too attached to him is to not take him seriously. Don't pay too much attention to all the calls, text messages, or facebook messages he makes for you, assuming that this is a big thing for your relationship. Don't take it too seriously and you'll find it's better for you. If he's late for your date, you can scold him a little, but don't let this ruin your night. After all, players had their own schedule.

Being with a player is all about having fun, and you should enjoy the freedom of this relationship. If you consider a player to be of the same standard as a serious boyfriend or husband, then you will be disappointed

Deal With a Player Step 6
Deal With a Player Step 6

Step 6. Don't get too attached

The best thing you can do for a player is not to let him into your mind and heart. Don't think about going on vacation with him next summer. Don't think about how he's going to be a good dad, or how hot he is. If you start to bond with him like he is a mature and responsible man, be prepared to be heartbroken.

If you feel lonely when you're not with him, or start to wonder what he's up to, or when you'll see him again, then you've bonded with him. It's perfectly normal to be in a relationship. But if you are attached to a player, then you are planning a heartbreak

Deal With a Player Step 7
Deal With a Player Step 7

Step 7. Tell him your expectations

If you don't like it when she's gone for a few hours without a word, let her know. If you don't like it when he sees other girls, let him know. If he thinks he can do anything to you, then nothing can stop him.

Another thing you can do is let him know that you don't like midnight calls or sudden dates. If he calls you to leave in the middle of the night, tell him you want an exact date at another time. If you allow this from the start, it will be more difficult to get him to change this habit later

Method 2 of 3: Dating a Player

Deal With a Player Step 8
Deal With a Player Step 8

Step 1. Beat him at his game

If you want to date a player, then you can be a playerette (female player). If he sees another girl while on a date with you, then what's stopping you from going out with another guy? If he's late without saying anything, you can do the same. Contrary to popular belief, not all women out there are looking for a serious relationship. If you want to be a playerette, do it.

But if you're dating a player without realizing it, then this is a different case. If you do finally notice, let him know it's hurting him, but you don't have to retaliate in the same way

Deal With a Player Step 9
Deal With a Player Step 9

Step 2. Be hard to come by

Another way to get the player's attention is to be hard to come by. If he thinks you're easy to find, then he's no longer interested in pursuing you. To play this, don't always answer the phone. Don't always be able to when he asks to go. Flirt with him, but don't make him think he's got a hold of you. Let him know that you are worth pursuing.

  • Don't say you love him all the time. A little teasing and compliments were enough for him.
  • Make him try. Show him that you're still looking forward to a sweet date, go dancing or do something with him.
Deal With a Player Step 10
Deal With a Player Step 10

Step 3. Stay alert

Don't let players know who you really are. You can tell him something, but don't spill all your feelings on him, or you'll just be disappointed. You don't have to lie or pretend to be unfeeling, but you don't want to appear too fragile in front of him.

You may start to weaken your guard, especially when you are with someone you like. However, the more you open up to him, the more you will regret it when the relationship ends. You can tell him what's on your mind, but avoid telling the deepest secrets that are inside you

Deal With a Player Step 11
Deal With a Player Step 11

Step 4. Keep doing your activity

If you want to date a player, then you shouldn't always be by his side. You can continue to be an independent woman and enjoy time with friends, do the things you love, and even find other guys too. If you start doing what these players do and start to leave your hobbies and life behind, then this is already a bad sign.

  • Never forget to spend time with this girl friend. They will always remind you of who you really are. If you leave them for that player, then it's possible that they won't be around after you break up with the player.
  • Keeping track of your hobbies and interests can help you develop your identity and keep you focused. Don't give up the things you love to spend with players all the time.
Deal With a Player Step 12
Deal With a Player Step 12

Step 5. Don't spend too much time with her

Don't expect quality time with him even if you can go out once or twice a week, he won't be the guy who watches TV in his nightgown all day, and he won't always be able to meet you for lunch or when you miss him. If you expect someone you can rely on all the time, that person is certainly not a player.

Just fulfill your time with your friends, or your own time. It will be better

Deal With a Player Step 13
Deal With a Player Step 13

Step 6. Be friendly with his friends

If he is a player, then his friends will not spend time getting to know you because they think you are just their new prey. However, if you start seeing their friends a few times, try to be friendly and show that you want to get to know them better. In the end, players will care what their friends say, so it's important to give them a good impression.

His friends may not be the nicest of people, but it never hurts to say hello or ask how they're doing when they meet. If you are close to his friends, your time with the player will be more enjoyable

Deal With a Player Step 14
Deal With a Player Step 14

Step 7. Stay in control

If you want to date a player, don't let him control all the time. He may think he can tell you to meet him whenever he wants, but it's up to you how you reciprocate. He can set a date, but so can you. You don't have to follow the schedule. Staying in control in this relationship will make players see that you are a woman who can't be controlled at will.

If the player feels that you can be controlled, he will be less interested than if you can control him

Method 3 of 3: Keep Him Interested

Deal With a Player Step 15
Deal With a Player Step 15

Step 1. Keep it open with other options

If you want the plauer to stay interested, you can't put all your eggs in one basket of course. Let him know that you are open with other men, that you are as free as he is. If you're looking for a serious relationship and know he's not going to be like this, it can be fun to stick with him while looking for another guy. Don't feel bound to only go out with him if he can't commit.

After all, by being open to other options, you might end up finding the right guy. If you're always attached to that player, you could end up missing your right man

Deal With a Player Step 16
Deal With a Player Step 16

Step 2. Don't let the player be arrogant

If you want to keep him interested, then you have to keep him on his toes, and he doesn't know what to expect from you. You can challenge him, show that you're not afraid to point him out that he's wrong, and avoid him teasing you all the time. Let him see that you're always watching him too.

Show him that you can. If he taunts you, respond quickly. If he's showing off his baseball knowledge, give him an interesting fact. Show that you can

Deal With a Player Step 17
Deal With a Player Step 17

Step 3. Be a little mysterious

Players don't want women who are too open. You don't have to let him know what's on your mind. If you're late, you don't have to tell me why. You don't have to lie to be a little mysterious.

While you don't need to wear sunglasses, you can try to be more discreet so the player should make an effort to get to know you

Deal With a Player Step 18
Deal With a Player Step 18

Step 4. Limit your communication

You can talk to him, but avoid calling him all the time and texting him all the time. Limiting your communication will show him that you have more important things to do than just worrying about him all the time, and this will make him more attracted to you.

As a rule of thumb, you should contact him as often as he calls you. If he calls you often, you should at least call him a few times to be fair

Deal With a Player Step 19
Deal With a Player Step 19

Step 5. Let him see you enjoying time with other guys

Dance with other guys, and if you're in an open relationship, you can take him out to dinner. You shouldn't be doing this just to make the player jealous, but if you like another guy and the player doesn't mind this, then there's no need to be too secretive. Show him that you're okay with doing your own thing.

Just make sure that you and the player don't like each other and do this just to make each other jealous. This happens often

Deal With a Player Step 20
Deal With a Player Step 20

Step 6. Know when to exit

While dating a player is fun, there will come a time when you have to put an end to this. There are many reasons to do this, but the most common reason is that you realize that you are starting to bond with him. Be honest with yourself and make sure not to prolong this relationship if you want more.

Trust your feelings. If you feel like you're starting to get hurt a lot, that's probably what it is. If you feel that your feelings for him are too strong and the player is not responding, then it's time to leave him


  • It's true: ACTIONS speak more than words. "Listen" to his actions.
  • If you're not sure, go in a group. Meet his parents. Consider what's important to him (what he talks about, buys, shyly says). How does he treat the less fortunate? This is probably the biggest clue! And if you feel like he's not showing his true self, you might be right.
