You can't force anyone to like you, but there are some simple ways to make you appear more attractive to the opposite sex. With a little effort, plus an injection of confidence and a willingness to take the risk of trying something new, you'll attract the woman you've always dreamed of. Now, go and get the girl with a positive attitude, and concern that is both caring and reassuring.
Part 1 of 4: Look Your Best

Step 1. Get used to taking good care of yourself
It's important to take time to improve your appearance, but don't overdo it. Just wear appropriate clothes. Comb your hair and make sure your haircut is neat and clean. The girl will be impressed that you are going to the trouble for her, and that will show that she is someone special to you. If you're wearing dirty clothes that were worn the day before, you'll come off as unconcerned and could make him think that you're not really interested or that you don't respect his opinion enough.
Use a little cologne. Do not use too much because it will cause a very pungent smell. You need to get him to focus on you, not on the pungent odor emanating from your body

Step 2. Smile
A smile can help ease the tension that usually comes when you're just getting to know someone. Smiling shows you are confident and having fun. In fact, a good smile will make you look more successful.
- Sincerity is the key to a smile. When a person is truly happy and having fun, those emotions usually radiate through the eyes and can be seen by others.
- Smiling too quickly can give the impression of being forced. When you smile, gently pull the corners of your lips.

Step 3. Stay fit
You don't need to have a muscular body, just apply a healthy diet and exercise to maintain fitness. Women will find a man who takes care of himself attractive. In addition, a fit body will make you feel more confident.
Don't forget to get enough sleep. You may not realize that dark circles under your eyes make you look less attractive, but women do

Step 4. Improve quality of life
Don't worry about what to say or what to wear to attract women's attention. Focus on what you can do to improve yourself. Once you start working towards other things you want to achieve in life, instead of trying to attract women's attention, you will begin to see that they are the ones who are attracted to you because they can feel that determination and ambition.
Success is more than just wealth. Maybe you want to study higher, sing with a band, or climb a mountain. A man who strives to achieve such a dream is the type of man who will be more successful at attracting women's attention
Part 2 of 4: Approaching

Step 1. Show a confident attitude
Even if you don't feel confident enough yet, fake it until you really do. Look him in the eye, stand up straight and don't put your hands in your pockets. Speak clearly and make it easy for him to hear your voice.
- While girls admire people with high self-esteem, don't be so proud that they seem selfish.
- relax. Men who look relaxed are more attractive than those who look tense.

Step 2. Approach him from the side or front
Make sure he sees you coming. If you approach him from behind, his instinct to protect himself will be triggered. Approach him from the front so as not to surprise him.
Most people can decide if they like someone in the first 30 seconds, it's important to give them a chance to count. If you approach him in a way that makes him immediately uncomfortable, it will be more difficult for you to make a good impression

Step 3. Start a conversation
Starting a conversation with a woman takes courage, but you have to do it to get a girl's attention. Go ahead and overcome the usual awkwardness at the start of a conversation. It may take some time to get used to starting conversations naturally, but the more you try to approach women, the more your skills will be honed.
- Don't use clichéd opening sentences. He may have heard of it. Just say, "Hi." Or, if you want to try something more original, "Hello" is fine too.
- Introduce self. Shake his hand slowly.
- If you're at school or somewhere and he's chatting with a group of friends, approach them to listen to what's going on. Then interrupt them by asking relevant questions. It doesn't matter what they're talking about. For example, if he says something like, "The movie was great," cut him off and ask "what movie?" Instead of flirting with him, you suddenly become a part of his chat and he's more than likely going to make some time for you.

Step 4. Use a simple opening sentence
Don't rush into compliments, or start an awkward conversation about the weather. Start the conversation as naturally as possible, like talking about someone you already know.
- Use simple opening sentences. Don't rush into compliments, or start an awkward conversation about the weather. Start the conversation as naturally as possible, like talking about someone you already know.
- Use indirect opening sentences. Indirect opening sentences allow you to start a conversation in a subtle way. For example, try saying, “Are there any good hangouts around here?” He or she may give you some suggestions, then you can develop a conversation. After chatting with him for a while, you can invite him to go where he suggested.
- If you're younger and want to approach the girl at school, there are plenty of opportunities to start a conversation. For example, whether you're in the same activity or not, say "I think we've been in the same debate club?" Even if he denies it, just pretend it, or say you believe you've seen him at the club. Then, ask for his name and continue the conversation.
- Look for situational opening sentences. Depending on where you are, start the conversation by taking advantage of the things around you. For example, if there's music playing you might ask, "Do you know who the singer is?" Whether he knows it or not, you can comment on how good or bad the song is and, without realizing it, the two of you will be engaged in conversation on various topics.

Step 5. Show a natural attitude
Don't force yourself to memorize opening lines or quotes from a particular text. You will only overload your brain making it difficult to start a conversation comfortably. Don't be afraid of failure or rejection. The only way to improve your speaking skills with women is to practice until you feel comfortable doing it. After getting a little success, your confidence will start to build and approaching a woman is not as difficult as you think.
Part 3 of 4: Seducing Women

Step 1. Listen to what he has to say
Keep the conversation going by asking questions and commenting on what he has to say. You have to be persistent to keep the conversation going if you're interested in him. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer to get him to talk and tell you more about himself. For example, instead of asking if he likes music, ask "Who are your favorite musicians?"
- If you're having trouble keeping the conversation going, try saying something like, "That was really interesting, tell me more."
- Give it your full attention. Don't stare at other girls around you, look around the room, or even on your cell phone. By responding like "ooh," "yes, that's right" as long as he pauses, you don't sound cold and that encourages him to keep talking.

Step 2. Build your eligibility
It doesn't matter what you say as long as he has a reason to keep talking to you. Say something funny, or let him see how much fun your life is, or how smart, or successful or romantic you are. If you can continue to display positive qualities in yourself and include him in the conversation, he will definitely not let you go and want to get to know you better.

Step 3. Show your vulnerability
Maybe you are a tough guy and that impression managed to attract many women in the past. However, a girl wants to see something else in a guy before feeling attracted to him. Even if you don't feel like you have a weak side, it's a good idea to show one. Tell me something that made you sad, or a time when you tried to do something right, but failed. Find a story about yourself that will allow him to feel like he knows the real you and show him that you also have an emotional side.
Don't overextend yourself. While it's a good idea to open up, you should also know when it's time to keep your mouth shut. You don't have to talk about your flaws too much, or use a negative tone in your conversation

Step 4. Show excitement
Talk about something that is really important to you and show him how much it means to you. Women tend to be attracted to a man who has ambition, goals, and knows what he wants in life.
You can talk about places you want to visit or have been. Express how much you like what you are doing right now. You can even show your passion for music, books, painting or skydiving. Talk about what really means to you

Step 5. Show that he is important to you
Being the center of attention makes a person feel comfortable. Try giving him a compliment, perhaps by noticing his hairstyle, or the way he laughs, or something he does that impresses you.
- You can also try giving him a nickname. Something fun and funny can help relieve tension and build a connection. If you see him always eating chocolate donuts for breakfast at work or school, you can call him “donuts” or “chocolate”.
- Maintain eye contact when talking to him. Eye contact helps reassure him that he is the center of your attention and shows him that you are really listening.

Step 6. Show a masculine attitude
One of the biggest mistakes men often make is being flabby around women. Modern men are trained to be less masculine so as not to appear threatening. However, you don't have to be fierce or macho to be considered an alpha male.
- Try to keep your eyes up. Don't stare at the floor. This behavior can indicate insecurity and lack of confidence. A straight chin shows pride and confidence and allows you to attract women's attention.
- Make sure your intentions are clear. You don't have to say something bluntly like, "I want you." You can casually insert that she's “pretty”, or “pretty”, or something like that to show that you find her attractive.
- Touch him. Don't be afraid to put your hand on his back, or touch his hand gently. You don't need to be overly aggressive, but be an alpha male by showing him your intentions. Watch his reaction. If he feels uncomfortable, don't push.

Step 7. Show positive energy
Show the same energy that he shows during the conversation. Maybe a little more, if you want.
Even if he rejects you, stay optimistic. Over time he may come to understand your point of view (but if he doesn't, then forget about it. Don't be a stalker). Showing that you are man enough to accept his decision and remain confident and happy may impress him

Step 8. Be tough
Create some uncertainty about your interest in him. A woman gets curious when she's not sure how much a man likes her. Be upselling. Create some uncertainty about your interest in him. A woman gets curious when she's not sure how much he likes her.
Show that you are a busy person. Tell him that you really want to ask him out, but your schedule is so busy lately that you can't promise anything. This step makes you look important and in demand, and shows that you live an active and interesting life. Yes, you do like him, but he should also try to get you. Suddenly he finds himself the chaser and you the must-have in the relationship

Step 9. Ask him to go with you
Imitate Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love and say, "Come on, let's get out of here." Instead of asking questions, this statement concludes that you are already a couple. It doesn't matter if you go somewhere else together, or go to your house, if he's willing to go with you, it means he's very interested in you.
Part 4 of 4: Interpreting Signs of Interest

Step 1. Pay attention to his body language
If a woman is facing you for most of the conversation, it means she is interested. If you find him turning his head frequently to check the situation out there, chances are he's looking for other options. A woman with a body facing a crowded room may subconsciously state that she is still approachable, while a woman facing you means that she is focusing her attention on you.

Step 2. Notice the space between the two of you
If he holds his bag or jacket between the two of you, it shows he is creating a barrier. He may not realize what he's doing, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the implications. He may be a cautious person, or he may not feel confident about you. Whatever the reason, you should know that it could be a sign that he may not be interested.
If he's slowly entering your personal space, he's most likely doing it on purpose. Just make sure it's not you who actually approaches him

Step 3. Listen to whether he reveals a secret
If he's not attracted to you, he won't tell you the embarrassing stories he's had in the past. While his story wasn't anything too deep or personal, at least he was willing to open up. This means that your steps are correct.

Step 4. Watch when he touches you
If a girl is not interested, she will have no desire to touch you. If he touches you, even if it seems like a casual touch, it can be a good sign that he has an interest. Be sure to return the touch in the same way.
- If a girl catches you staring at her, that's fine. Don't feel stupid, it means he's staring at you too. Smiling or laughing at him will make the atmosphere cheerful.
- Make sure you pay attention to him, and also make sure he knows you're paying attention.
- Don't forget to bring mint candy to keep your breath fresh when you talk to him.
- Never go overboard when trying to attract a woman's attention. If he's not interested in you, don't force him. This will make him feel uncomfortable and he may even pretend to like you so he doesn't feel guilty.
- If the date doesn't go according to plan and he doesn't seem to want to talk to you, accept that fact. Maybe it's time to find another girl.