If you need to pass a drug test on short notice, the first thing you should know is that testing technology is so advanced that the classic ways to trick it, for example by sprinkling salt in a urine sample or using fake urine, are very easy to detect. Your best chance is to prepare your body as early as possible by stopping your medication as soon as you know you will have a test. If you don't have enough time to clear traces of the drug from your body, there are some last-minute techniques you can try to trick the system. If this doesn't work either, know your rights. Continue reading to learn about the best ways to handle a drug test on short notice.
Part 1 of 4: Getting Ready

Step 1. Set aside as much time as possible
Each day that passes between the last time you took the drug and the date of the test will give you a higher chance of passing. If you have time to prepare, use it wisely. Stop taking the drug until you pass the test. No matter what kind of medicine you are taking, it is better to stop first than to try ineffective methods to trick test results.
- If a drug test is administered by the office, you will usually receive an advance warning. You may not know exactly when the test will run, but you may know the approximate time. Pay attention to company policy so you can prepare for the test instead of getting caught red-handed.
- If you're being tested because you're on a probationary period, the test may already have a fixed schedule. Don't miss it; prepare the body well in advance.
- Of course, you won't always be able to prepare for a test. If you're stopped by the police and he suspects you're on drugs, the policeman may immediately run an in-person test. Even though the unannounced test is hard to pass, there are some things you can still try to increase your chances of passing.

Step 2. Find out what type of test you will be taking
There are four types of drug tests: urine tests, blood tests, saliva tests, and hair tests. The standard 5-panel test usually measures levels of amphetamine (speed, meth, crank, ecstasy), cannabinoids (marijuana, hash), cocaine (coke, crack), opiates (heroin, morphine, opium, codeine), and phencyclidine (PCP). Advances in technology have made tests harder to fool, but knowing the differences can be helpful in your specific situation. Here is our information:
- urine test is the most common type of test administered by employers. This test is the easiest to fool, as you have privacy when it comes to providing a urine sample (as long as you are not supervised).
- blood test can be carried out if you are dismissed and are suspected of being under the influence of drugs by the police. This type of test is difficult to pass if you have recently taken medication, as it is effective in determining how much drug is in your system. However, when a few days have passed, this test is more likely to show a negative result than a urine test.
- Saliva test sometimes done instead of blood or urine tests because they are less invasive. In addition, this test is also not as sensitive as a blood test.
- hair test very hard to fool. Hair up to 120 strands will be evaluated in the laboratory, to determine if the hair contains traces of drugs. Because hair must grow long enough within 2 weeks to be tested, this test cannot tell if you have taken any medications during that time. However, the traces can stay on your hair for up to 90 days, so it's an effective way to detect whether you're a regular user or not.

Step 3. Try to determine how high the drug level is in your system
The method you choose to take a drug test depends on how much of the residual level you estimate is still in your body. For example, if you only use marijuana occasionally, the drug may not be detectable for a few days. However, if you are an addict, or are into cocaine, barbiturates, and some other drugs, be aware that these substances can still be detected even after 15 to 30 days.
- If you are a heavy, or "chronic" marijuana user, the test results will most likely be positive. However, if you've only used it a few times, you can still flush the remnants of this drug from your system and get negative results.
- Remember, if you're about to have a hair test, anything you've used in the last 90 days (with the exception of the most recent two weeks) will be detected.

Step 4. Know which type of test you should choose when you are given the option
You won't always be able to choose how to test for drugs, but sometimes you can decide whether you want to take a urine, blood, saliva, or hair test. Instead of trying to trick the results, choose the test that is most likely to give a negative result. Of course, we can't give any guarantees, but at least this way you have the greatest chance of passing the test.
- If you've only used drugs a few times and at least within the past week, opt for a blood test or a saliva test. Most drugs will disappear from the bloodstream in just a few hours or days.
- If you are under the influence of drugs when the test is run, select a urine test. This test is not as sensitive as blood tests in detecting drug levels in the body's system. Urine tests do not measure THC levels, so if you are a marijuana user, you will not prove to be under the influence, even if the test results are positive.
- If it's your first time trying drugs in the past week and given the option of taking a hair test, take that option. Whatever you've done in the last few weeks will go undetected, but drugs in the past 90 days will still be caught.
- When you are an addict, try not to choose the hair test, because the results will be very difficult to argue with.
Part 2 of 4: Pass Urine Test

Step 1. Do not try to cover or dilute the urine sample
Urine analysts are highly experienced and know how to detect chemicals to change samples. Most home remedies, such as bleach, salt, or vinegar, will radically change the pH of your urine, so you'll be caught immediately if you modify it. Dissolving the sample by adding water will also alert them as the color and/or temperature of your urine will change; samples that are too clear may be rejected immediately, as well as samples that are warm.
- Ignore rumors that drinking bleach will clean urine. Bleach will only corrode your mouth, throat, and stomach, and potentially kill you. In addition, bleach cannot cover the sample.
- Don't be fooled by products that say your test will be negative if you add it to a urine sample. These products are full of lies.

Step 2. Drink plenty of water starting from one day before the test
By increasing your fluid intake, you can (somewhat) dilute/dilute the sample during the test. This method won't work if you're a heavy user, but it can work if you've only taken the drug a few times.
- No specific drink or ingredient can help "cleanse" the system better than water. Liquids such as goldenseal, vinegar, niacin, or vitamin C have not been shown to affect drug metabolite levels.
- Take a few B vitamin pills the day before the test to make your urine look yellow. If the urine is too clear, the examiner will be suspicious.

Step 3. Pee as much as possible before the test
In this way, the drug metabolites will be out of the body. Drink plenty of water on the morning of the test and try to pee heavily beforehand.
- Increase fluid output by using diuretics. Diuretics will stimulate the urge to pee and help cleanse the body's system. Diuretics include coffee, tea, and cranberry juice. Stronger diuretics, such as furosemide, are available by prescription only.
- Drug metabolites build up in your body while you sleep, so the urine you produce for the first time of the day will have a more concentrated concentration. Make sure you pee and drink plenty of water before giving the sample to clear your urine.
- If you are not being watched, first pee in the new toilet in a sample cup; Your first stream of urine will contain more drug metabolites.

Step 4. Consider using clean or synthetic urine
This method is much more complicated than it sounds, so consider it only as a last resort (you may be penalized if caught). Buy fake urine or find a healthy donor. The trick is to keep this sample at the right temperature for the urine test (around 32.7-36.1 degrees Celsius) and sneak it into the test area. You can buy packets of fake urine and storage equipment online or at certain stores.
- Synthetic urine is usually able to pass most tests, however, some regions have started testing to detect uric acid. Make sure your urine sample contains it.
- This synthetic urine must also smell good. Odorless urine will arouse the suspicion of the examiner.
- You have to store it at the right temperature. If the urine temperature is too cold or too hot, this means that the sample has been tampered with.
- Urine from a donor is riskier than fake urine, because you never know what substances might be detected in someone else's urine. You can test it yourself using test strips that you can buy at a drug store. Use this sample within 48 hours, or it will darken and change the pH level.
Part 3 of 4: Pass Blood, Saliva, or Hair Tests

Step 1. Try postponing a blood or saliva test
If you can do that, you'll have a much better chance of getting through it. Most drugs won't be detected by blood or saliva tests after a few hours, although some can stay in the bloodstream for up to 3 days or longer. Regardless of the type of medication you are taking, your chances are better if you can delay the test for 24 hours or more.
- If procrastination is not possible, you can increase your chances of passing the test. If you are taking a cell sample from inside your cheek for a saliva test yourself, rub the instrument against your teeth (rather than between your cheek and lower gums). Then, bite between the molars. Do not hold it between the gums and cheek for two minutes as required. This method may not work, but you can still try.
- There is no way to manipulate a blood test sample because you can't run the test yourself. Blood will be taken with a syringe and immediately transferred to a laboratory for examination.

Step 2. Shave the head and body before the hair test
Since the hair will be cut directly in this test (instead of you cutting and handing it), you can't do any tricks. However, if you don't have hair that can be cut, you may be able to request another type of test that is easier to pass. If the people administering the test have never seen you before and you also haven't given your consent to take the hair test, shave your head and full body (especially those with long hair). Then, casually tell them that you have no hair. Ask for a different test.
- Make sure you prepare a good reason for why your head is bald. Say your hair is thinning, or you're in the mood to try a new style. Avoid reasons for a serious medical condition (such as cancer): reasons like these can actually cause more complications in the long run.
- Since the required hair length is only about 1.25 cm, be aware that the examiner may request samples from calves, armpits, etc. Maybe it's time to get a full body wax and pretend to be a swimmer.

Step 3. Find a way to dodge completely
Since blood, saliva, and hair tests are so hard to fool, you may be able to find an excuse not to do them. Here are some alternative ways:
- Ask for a urine test. If you think you can pass a urine test or don't want to have a blood test because it could indicate the effect of the drug, ask for a urine test. Say that you find it more friendly than the other methods.
- Exercise your rights. In some cases, the test taker may not have the right to run it. Learn about the drug laws in the area where you live and read your employer's drug trial policies. Look for loopholes that you can avoid or delay.
Part 4 of 4: Recognizing Your Rights

Step 1. Learn the laws in your area of residence regarding drug testing policies
Each region has a different policy on this matter. There are laws governing how existing employees and new applicants can be tested. In most cases, employers are legally entitled to administer a drug test, but they must give advance warning and administer the test through the assistance of a medical professional. Here are some other general requirements:
- All employees or applicants must be tested in the same way.
- If the applicant wishes to secure a job, the fact that a drug test will be required must be notified to him or her early in the application process.
- In many cases, employers are not allowed to take sudden drug tests.
- In addition, employers are usually able to run a drug test if they suspect that the employee is a user (which can be demonstrated by unusual behavior, poor performance, etc.).

Step 2. Request a retest when you have the chance
No drug test is always 100% accurate. The urine test is by far the least accurate, but all other tests are not always correct either. Take this fact to your advantage if you fail a test. After failing, you can request further tests; say that you do not agree with the results and would like to be retested.

Step 3. Consider questioning the test results if you don't pass
While an employer that follows all laws in the area where it operates is usually entitled to fire an employee if he fails a drug test or refuses to take it, you may be able to file a complaint if the test was not administered properly. Review the company policies and the laws in your area of work to make sure they are in line. Otherwise, the old test results may be invalidated and you may have the opportunity to take them again.
- Check the running laboratory and analyze the test results. Make sure this laboratory is registered.
- Remember whether the employer gave a warning before the test was carried out.
- Determine if you are experiencing a senseless personal invasion, for example by being asked to pee in front of someone who is watching.
- Urine tests are not 100% accurate. No test is always correct.
- You can always request a retest to get extra time. After all, time and procrastination are the only absolute ways to pass a drug test.
- Don't take drugs. The drugs have many side effects and are illegal in some countries.
Using fake urine is something that belongs to the fraud and can result in serious legal risks, especially if the analysis is carried out by the government. If a drug test is being taken while applying for a job, try cleansing your system by drinking water and taking it or find another job that doesn't require you to take the test.
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