Getting the attention of a woman may not be an easy job, but don't give up. Wikihow is here to help you get his attention. Check out the article below to find out how to get a woman's attention.
Method 1 of 3: Get his attention through your actions

Step 1. Become familiar with it
A woman will want to talk to someone who is not foreign to her. Catch his attention in class and smile at him, nod your head when you meet him or try to sit next to him at lunch. However, do not follow him because it will scare him. Just make sure that he already recognizes your face and is more open to talking to you later.
Little things like asking her the time or going to the same place after school will make her start to notice you

Step 2. Talk to him
Try to walk with him before class and talk to him, or try to at least say hello. Make small jokes or ask him how his weekend was.
Be attentive. What does he like to do? Are there any clues that can give you an idea of what he likes? Maybe he always carries the ball everywhere, or he is always busy listening to a certain song. It's little things like this that might help you to find a topic of conversation with him

Step 3. Find out his interests
To do this, you have to be a little brave. When you have started talking to him a little, ask him things, such as movies he likes, what his hobbies are. The possibilities are many, but the answers will help you build friendships. But don't ask him too many questions because it will feel weird, just let the conversation flow as usual.

Step 4. Try to make friends
Once you've spoken and he already knows who you are, consider asking him out. Start by asking him out in a group or telling him to take his friends (this increases the chances of him saying yes). Take him to a movie or go to a sports game. When you go out, pay attention to him but don't be too obvious and different from the others.

Step 5. Give him some compliments
Everyone likes to be praised. Praise him sincerely. It's important to say something you believe to be true, false compliments will only offend it. If you like today's outfit, say so. If he's good at playing the guitar, let's say he played well just now!

Step 6. Alright with his friends
Whatever it is, you have to be good at treating women, whether you are interested in them or not. Being nice to his friends will help you. If they think you are a nice guy, they will probably tell this to the girl you like. However, keep your distance because if you get too close to his friend, he might even think that you are interested in one of his friends.

Step 7. Relax and be confident when you are with him
Even though you may be very nervous or start to sweat, stay relaxed when you are with him. Women like a man who is confident, not someone who gets nervous easily when approaching him. One way to stay relaxed is to tell yourself that you are a cool and nice guy.
- Smile sincerely. A genuine smile is an attractive thing. If he makes a joke, laugh. When you see him, wave and smile.
- Make eye contact. Look your woman in the eyes when you are talking. Eye contact is a sign of confidence. If you look the other way while talking to him, he may think that you are not interested in him or that there is something better to do than talk to him.

Step 8. Make a small romantic act
Once you've established a friendship with him and you know you want more of him, try making it a little romantic that will give him a little hint that you like him. Remember important days like birthdays, accompany him to class, or invite him to dance.
If you are very confident, ask him to go alone
Method 2 of 3: Use Your Shining Personality

Step 1. Show him your sense of humor
Everyone loves to laugh and humor is one way to get a woman's attention, as long as it's good humor. While this may not always be the case, many women don't like rude and mean humor. If you may not be able to be a humorous person, here are some tips:
- Don't wait for him to laugh. If it turns out that your humor is not too funny, immediately change the conversation so that the situation does not feel awkward and strange.
- Look for inspiration from famous comedians. If you feel your sense of humor is lacking, try looking for some inspiration on TV or the internet. See how the comedians there make humor, but don't copy their jokes.
- Use situational humor. Try to make funny comments about your current situation or environment.
- Don't make fun of the woman you like. While taunting can be funny at first, don't make it the only source of humor. If you feel that mocking is your specialty, make fun of yourself. This may even show you as a self-confident person to mock yourself.

Step 2. Believe in yourself
Confidence is an interesting thing. Be content with how you are now, your confidence will radiate and women will notice it. Walk with your head held high and don't hesitate to accompany your woman to class. Having self-confidence also means not being easily disappointed or giving up when your woman is talking to other men.
Being confident doesn't mean you have to be arrogant. There is a clear difference between confident and arrogant. When you are confident, you are confident in your abilities. When you are arrogant, you boast about your strengths. Of course, women are attracted to men who are confident, not arrogant

Step 3. Be attentive
When talking to a woman you like, give her your full attention. Listen to what he has to say. You may get new information about him or find that you both have the same interests.
- Ask him about himself. Not only will this show that you care, but it will also give you more information about him. All questions as long as polite are fine. Find out what he likes, his favorite food, or his hobbies.
- Give him time to answer. Don't interrupt the answer. You're the one asking so you should give him a chance to answer. After all, he already wants to talk to you, don't let it end so quickly.

Step 4. Show a good attitude
When you get to know women, it's important to be polite. Open the door for him, offer to help him carry things. Avoid being offensive.

Step 5. Show your passion for the things you love
If you really like something, show it. If you really like something and really give yourself to it, it's obvious that you care about things outside of yourself. Be the best you can be and women will start to notice you.
Don't be shy about what you love. If you're enthusiastic, confident, and happy, people will start to like what you like (at least they'll appreciate it). If you like to climb mountains, find a place that is a bit easier to climb to invite friends, and women you like, for a hike together

Step 6. Let him know that you have deep feelings
This doesn't mean that you have to cry when you hear a sad topic, but that you have to show some of your feelings. This means you may have to say things like, “While I was watching The Notebook, I kept thinking how hard it was to love Alzheimers. It's very sad to have that disease. Saying this sincerely will show your woman that you are a passionate person.
Method 3 of 3: Paying Attention to Your Appearance

Step 1. Take care of yourself
You should shower and brush your teeth every day. No woman wants to hang out with a dirty, smelly man. Put on deodorant and start thinking that your toothbrush is your best friend. Of course there are many things you can do to get his attention with your groomed appearance.
- Do more than usual. Use perfume, wash your face so that your face is clean and shiny, use a little hair gel. If this will make you look better, do it.
- Pay attention to body hair. Check your nose hair or your beard. Unplug it or at least tidy it up.
- Cut your nails. You certainly don't want to think that you will hurt his hands with your sharp fingernails while holding hands with him. Also remove dirt under your nails.

Step 2. Put more effort into the way you dress
This does not mean that you have to buy expensive clothes. You should choose clothes that are neat and not torn and dusty. Don't wear the same clothes every day or even every week. In addition, try wearing other models other than just shorts and T-shirts.
Play your style. Whatever your style, put more effort into what you wear in the morning

Step 3. Consider your body language
Believe it or not, your posture actually has a big role in a woman's judgment. If you slouch a lot, avoid eye contact, and play with your hands, women will stay away from you a bit. Stand tall and smile, you will appear more approachable.
Always remember when you maintain your posture, you also have to feel comfortable. Standing tall doesn't mean you have to walk like a robot. If you don't know how, try looking for inspiration in movies or TV. Look at how the men on TV attract the attention of women with their posture

Step 4. Stay fit
If you want to attract women's attention, your body must stay fit and healthy. If your women put in the effort to take care of their bodies, so do you. Start an exercise routine that combines weightlifting and cardio.
Remember that most girls like a healthy male body, not one like bodybuilding
- Women like it when men talk to them. They like men who make the effort, show interest, who are the most unfriendly and kind.
- If he realizes that you like him. Don't stress! Most women will be flattered when a man likes her. In fact, he might even like you back.
- Let him see the real you. Don't be ashamed of yourself.
- Even if he is with his friends, don't worry. Your woman won't kick you out or speak harshly. If so, it means that the woman is not worthy to be your woman.
- If he already thinks that you are an asshole, be nice to him and change his opinion.
- As much as possible talk to him every day at school. Saying "Hello" or "How are you today?" it's been pretty good.
- If he likes sports, show that you care about it.
- If you both have Tumblr or Facebook or other social media, comment on their profile page. Comment on the pictures and videos too.
- Join the same club as him, especially if you share the same interests.
- Be careful when playing with him, women like little mysteries, but sometimes it can even frustrate them.
- If the girl doesn't like you and show it. Don't force her or she can actually hate you.
- It's normal to comment on some of his photos on Facebook. But make sure not to overdo it or he will find it weird and will scare him.
- If he doesn't like what you're doing, stop it. It's not funny, it's annoying.
- It's possible that he doesn't like you at all. It's going to hurt a bit, but you'll have to get past it and find someone new.