How to Lose Upper Thigh Weight: 8 Steps

How to Lose Upper Thigh Weight: 8 Steps
How to Lose Upper Thigh Weight: 8 Steps

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Losing weight only in certain parts of your body is difficult or nearly impossible. When you lose weight, your entire body will lose weight, not just your chest, stomach, or thighs, let alone your upper thighs. The best method is to combine a balanced combination of exercise and diet, and here's how to do it.


Method 1 of 2: Diet

Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 1
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 1

Step 1. Watch your diet carefully

Since there's no easy way to track weight loss in a specific area, burning overall body fat will help you lose fat in your upper thighs. If you are overweight, start by reducing your daily calorie intake to 250 to 500 calories per day.

Reducing 500 calories per day will result in weight loss of one pound, 453 grams a week (1 pound is 3,500 calories). But remember: That doesn't include the calories that will be burned with increasing exercise regimen

Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 2
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 2

Step 2. Limit fat intake

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends adults limit their fat intake to between 20 and 35 percent of their daily calorie intake. Since one gram of fat equals nine calories, a 2,000-calorie diet should consist of a reduced intake of 44-78 grams of fat per day.

The DASH (to lower cholesterol) diet recommends a daily dietary fat intake of 27 percent of total calories (60 grams of fat per day for a 2,000-calorie diet). Try to eat healthy (unsaturated) fats for a while whenever possible while limiting saturated fats. Foods that are high in unsaturated fats include vegetable oils, such as olive and canola oils, nuts, seeds, and avocados

Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 3
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 3

Step 3. Eat lots of fiber

Most Americans do not consume the recommended 20-38 grams of fiber per day. High-fiber foods are very beneficial for weight loss because they are generally low in fat and calories but high in nutrients (such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts). Fiber also makes you feel fuller and satisfied for longer periods of time. Consuming lots of fiber in your diet will help you lose the weight (and body fat) you crave faster.

Foods that are high in fiber generally require longer chewing times to give your body time to communicate when you are no longer hungry so you are less likely to overeat. In addition, diets that are high in fiber also tend to be less "energy dense," meaning they contain fewer calories for the same volume of food

Method 2 of 2: Upper Thigh Workout

Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 4
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 4

Step 1. Squat exercise

This exercise not only reduces the weight of your thighs but also your buttocks and hips. To do the squat exercise:

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart to maintain balance. Turn your toes out slightly and place your arms by your sides with your palms facing in. Lower your shoulders.
  • While keeping your back straight, squat as if you were going to sit, shoulders moving toward your hips. Shift your weight toward your heels. Balance yourself with your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your knees in line with your feet - refrain from moving them forward. Bring your thighs parallel to the floor and balance your body. If the heel moves forward, return to the starting position. Exhale, push through your legs, and stand up straight.
  • For a variation of the squat exercise, do a sitting against a wall (squats against the wall and hold on) or do an exercise with a ball.
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 5
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 5

Step 2. Perform plies

This is why a ballerina has a very healthy and beautiful body! We can learn from them.

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and point your toes out.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you to help you balance yourself and keep your back straight. Then, lower into a squat position. Remember to align your knees with your toes!
  • Slowly return to the starting position, keeping your hips hidden under your spine. Repeat this movement for about a minute.
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 6
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 6

Step 3. Perform a forward bending knee exercise

Bends in all directions are best – all parts of your thigh need to be moved.

  • Stand straight with your feet together while pulling your abdominal muscles.
  • While keeping your back straight, lift your right leg in the air and find balance. Once successful, slowly bring it forward and place it on the ground, heels first.
  • Straighten your left leg as you lower your right, placing your weight on your front leg. Lower your body until your right thigh and left calf are parallel to the floor and balance.
  • Return to the starting position, push forward with the front foot and then switch sides. Repeat for about thirty seconds on each side, or as long as you are able to do so.
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 7
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 7

Step 4. Perform single leg loops

This is usually found in Pilates – an excellent weight loss exercise.

  • Lie on the floor on a comfortable surface such as a yoga or Pilates mat. Place your arms out to the sides with your palms facing down.
  • Lift your right leg straight up, pointing at the ceiling. Turn your legs outward slightly.
  • Keep your hips on the mat at all times. Then, inhale and move your entire leg in a clockwise circle. After you've done this movement five times, switch to a counterclockwise circular motion.
  • Repeat this four times, alternating legs.
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 8
Lose Upper Thigh Weight Step 8

Step 5. Maintain defensive and cardio workouts

Alright, so you've done your upper thigh weight loss exercises but since there's no such thing as losing weight in specific areas, you also need to work your whole body. Cardio workouts burn the most fat, but a combination of cardio and defense workouts makes for an incredible calorie burn.

For intense results, do interval training. It amplifies the cardio benefits, burning more calories. You do short exercises as hard as you can, rest for a while and then repeat. And the exercises are done faster too


  • Make sure to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Drink water before and after exercise.
  • Consult a doctor before undergoing extreme exercises that your body is not used to.
  • Don't expect to see a big difference after a week of exercise; it may take up to 3 weeks to start seeing changes.
  • Lots of walking!
