Have you ever wondered why women can't resist bad boys? It's not that they're jerks, no one likes a jerk. It is more appropriate if because they are very confident and convincing. Use the tips below to build your masculinity and make the world, especially women, stunned!
Part 1 of 3: Bad boy habits and behavior

Step 1. More than anything, be a man
You have your own time, dreams, and plans, and you shouldn't compromise them just to make other people happy. If you don't like something, don't pretend you like it. Be sure about what you like and don't like. This will naturally attract the interest of people who agree with you.
Find your value. What do you like? What do you hate? What is unique about you? Know yourself or you will end up deceiving yourself just to be accepted by the environment. Are you really happy with the pretense?

Step 2. Be the center of your own life
You exist to make yourself happy, other people are secondary. Make yourself and your own life a priority. If you consider yourself important, other people will also consider you important, including women. Most people will be attracted to important people.
- Never sacrifice your true self just to be romantic. Are you attracted to women who don't seem interested in you? Forget him, your time is too precious to spend on him.
- Women will appreciate the real you. This shows that you know what you want and don't hesitate to pursue it.

Step 3. Stop caring about anything
There is nothing worse than someone who is always worried about the little things in life. Bad Boys don't spend their time on the little things because they know it's in their control. For example, if you meet a woman you like, act as usual. Doing this gives the impression that you are cool, confident and in control of the situation, which means you will look sexier.
- It's hard enough not to be nervous. If you are trying to be more relaxed, try slowing down your movements and actions. This is the first step that shows that you are a calm person. Go slowly but surely. Speak slowly but confidently.
- Even for a bad boy, not everything always goes as desired. There are times when something feels wrong, try not to stress. Instead, try to joke around with it a little. For example, when you accidentally spill a drink on your shirt, don't worry about how to clean it. Try saying "Wow, looks like I have a new style of dress." It may sound a bit jaded, but it shows that the little things don't bother you.

Step 4. Stop asking for permission or approval
A good man is always waiting for approval so that everything is safe to do. In fact, the permit often does not come, so you look doubtful. Don't do what's right for others, do what's right for you!
- Instead of saying to the woman, "Can I kiss you?", you just kiss the woman. This also applies to instead of saying "Would you like to date me?" better say "Come on, let's go on a date." Although you may be rejected, but your confidence will attract attention.
- Have an opinion on everything, from what you want to eat, how to spend your time. Know what you want and get it. Not only will you look more attractive, you will also be happier.
- Warning: Men are not really weird or perverted. Be confident, but always be sensitive to your partner's needs. Don't force a kiss on someone who doesn't want it. As you know what you want, so do they. Appreciate it.

Step 5. Lead
As a man, always lead. Don't wait for someone to tell you what to do. If your group can't make a decision, do it. Being a leader will feel natural when you stop worrying about other people and do what you have to do. You're not being selfish. Instead, you are responsible for yourself because you don't expect others to do it for you.
- Be the leader in your life in every situation. If you want to talk to the woman or get the job, do it.
- Be a leader for your colleagues too. If your friends are too cowardly to talk to women, tease them a little without being rude because your goal is to motivate them. Your friends will appreciate your help and the girls will go crazy over you.

Step 6. Be honest with everyone, especially yourself
One of the reasons why women like bad boys is because they are honest. Nice guys often don't. If a bad boy likes a girl, he will show it. Good men will try to hide it. A nice guy will try to be friends with a woman first before trying to be her boyfriend, which often stops at friendship status. Most women know when a guy likes her. Bad boys know this and have no trouble pointing it out. To be a bad boy, be honest with your desires.
Women can even appreciate innocent attraction. For example, both a bad boy and a good man will look at a girl's chest. However, the bad boy is not worried about getting caught. This is more interesting than trying to peek and getting caught. The bad boy is honest about what he wants and isn't shy about admitting it

Step 7. Be independent
Never need anyone else. Other people are nice to be around you, but not to your happiness. Try to enjoy your own life. You will realize that the less you need other people, the more others will need you. Have a strong passion, and other hobbies and interests to pass your time.
- Never make relationships your top priority or your only source of happiness. Stop looking at other people, especially women, to make you happy, you don't need them. Many men spend time looking for happiness outside of themselves. If you are happy with yourself, other people will naturally be around you.
- Have a hobby or something to pass the time and make you happy. If that gives you more opportunities to meet new, young, and sexy people, all the better. It has to be something that excites you, something you love. If you don't have a hobby, try volunteering. You're just a bad boy, not a jerk.'

Step 8. Value yourself, love yourself in a balanced and valuable way
A bad boy knows that he is more valuable than anyone else. He cares about himself. Bad boy knows himself better than anyone else. You have to respect yourself before other people, especially women, will start to respect you.
- How do you value yourself? Set standards of what others can and cannot tolerate, and follow them with discipline. The most important thing about respecting yourself is not hanging out with people who don't value you or those who are precious to you.
- One problem for a good man is that he is too good with everyone, including those who are bad with him. We are always taught to always be kind to others. But in some cases, this will actually be used by others. Don't reward bad deeds. Be kind to worthy people. Surround yourself with good people who have earned your trust and respect.

Step 9. Be physically strong
As a man, you must be a pillar of strength that family, friends, especially female ones, can depend on. Realize no matter how you complain, this remains unchanged. Instead, accept and master it.
- When things don't go their way, just do your best to get through them. It's easy to get into situations where bad things happen, but remember that you are a man who solves your own problems and you can do it.
- Make sure the people in your life are well taken care of. You don't have to be overly nice to them, but you will be appreciated if you are easy-going, strong, and reliable.
- Exercise every day. Regular exercise will help improve your mood, energy, and health. This is an important part of helping you to control your emotions, which will help you control your daily stress levels. Exercising will also increase your confidence and your physical attractiveness. So there's no reason to say no!
Part 2 of 3: Building Bad Boy's Confidence

Step 1. Know yourself
Almost all of the above advice requires you to have self-confidence and a good identity. If you don't have this foundation, it's very difficult to be a real bad boy. Ask yourself the questions, “What situations make me nervous?”, and “Am I at my maximum in my life?” If you don't like your answer, use the steps below to build your confidence.

Step 2. Be fit
You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be a bad boy, but you do have to be healthy. Scientific evidence shows that physical exercise has a positive effect on self-esteem and reduces depression. The effect is not only immediate, but also in the long term. Don't delay, go to the gym now, not tomorrow.
- A study shows that aerobic exercise results in psychological improvement. Any exercise that improves your physique will, however, make you more attractive to yourself and to others.
- For tips on regular exercise, take a look at the many articles on this site.

Step 3. Start winning
Constantly pursue your career and personal goals. You don't have to be rich to be confident, but you need to be proud of yourself. Hard work and success will make you feel valuable and important.
Everyone (including bad boys) suffers from personal setbacks. If you are experiencing difficulties in your personal life or career, always remember that this will only make you a stronger person. Do not give up

Step 4. Treat yourself with value
Allow yourself to enjoy the things in life. You don't have to spend a lot of money on this, try to cook the food you like, enjoy your favorite drink, or do your favorite hobby. If you do what you love, you will be happier, and if you are happier, you will become more confident.

Step 5. Take care of all personal psychological problems
Sometimes, low self-esteem can be found at its root. Childhood trauma can cause psychological difficulties that haunt you, making you insecure. Try to find a way to handle this. Many models of treatment such as counseling and drugs are always available.
Always remember that asking for help with psychological problems is a sign of courage, not weakness. Real men don't let their personal problems go, they fix them. Sometimes, this requires the help of others. Never feel shy about seeing a counselor or therapist. More than a quarter of American adults received mental treatment for two years in 2004
Part 3 of 3: Bad Boy dating

Step 1. Know what you want
The bad boy knows what he wants from his partner and is honest about it (see step six in part one). There's no shame in pursuing only sexual relations as long as you're honest about it. Likewise, having a long-term boyfriend doesn't mean you have to be less of a bad boy. Here are tips that you can follow.

Step 2. Own your own life
The purpose of a relationship is not to dedicate your life to your partner. Even if you are married, make your own plans. Take time for yourself. Spend time with your friends. If you constantly make yourself available to your partner, your time will become less valuable. Make sure you don't dedicate your life to your partner so much that you forget about yourself.

Step 3. Be arrogant
Connecting with other people doesn't mean you have to adore them. Tease them a little! This shows that you are confident in yourself and full of confidence. Think about it, do you want to be in a relationship where you always have to look good?
- Don't be rude and mean with your taunts. Avoid subjects that are sensitive to your partner, such as his appearance or his career.
- Always ready to accept ridicule. Don't start if you're not ready to be teased back.
- If you accidentally hurt your partner's feelings, apologize sincerely. Remember bad boys are always honest. If you're really sorry, say so. Never feel you are not a bad boy if you apologize. Not apologizing is a jerk.

Step 4. Be the leader in your relationship
This does not mean that you should restrain your partner and prevent him from making decisions. It's more about aiming to always have a plan in every situation. For example, if you are going out for a walk, decide where to go and make a reservation. Hold her hand to take her out of the crowd. Show that you are confident about what you want for yourself and him.

Step 5. Be full of surprises
In a long term relationship, it can be very difficult not to get stuck in certain routines and habits. Still, make a little effort to be spontaneous. Make special trips on the weekends if possible. Surprise him with tickets to a concert when he wakes up in the morning. Break the routine in your relationship to keep it fresh and interesting.
- You need to make a little plan. Do not let you invite him to go to a restaurant suddenly and it turns out that the restaurant is closed.
- Remember that the goal of being spontaneous is not to shower it with gifts. Maintain your self-worth, if you are in doubt about what to do, try to plan activities that you enjoy. You will be very happy to leave, and that happiness will also be seen in your partner.

Step 6. Give him space and make sure he gives us space too
Bad boy and his partner do not depend on each other. They take care of their own lives, friendships and hobbies. This makes the time they spend together more valuable.
Balancing time between your friends and partners can be difficult. For him this is a normal problem, it has been the source of much thought in online articles. Try searching for this information online for some advice
- Being a bad boy means trusting yourself more than anyone else. When you feel like you don't need permission from others, you've become a bad boy.
- Being a bad boy takes time. Take it one step at a time and one day you will truly become the man you want to be. It's not about deceiving yourself, it's about being the best you can be. Give yourself time to really grow.
- Practice visualizing it. Every day, imagine yourself as the man you want to be. Just watch you talk, walk and think the way you want and this will help you reach your goals faster.
- Movies to watch: Fight Club, 300, The Last Samurai, Yes Man and Hitch.
- Books to read: Way of the Superior Man, Psycho-Cybernetics, Iron John.
- Women will sometimes test you to see if you are a real bad boy or just an actor. Follow these steps until you really become a bad boy.
- It's not easy to change yourself. However, you can still get better. For more effective results, don't try to change yourself completely, concentrate your efforts on what you most want to change.
- Being a bad boy will free you from your old habits and friends.
Always remember Being a bad boy is not the same as being a jerk.
Bad boys are full of confidence without being arrogant and rude. They know they have value, but they never pretend to be anything more than themselves.