This tutorial will show you how to draw high heels, tennis shoes, sandals and men's shoes. Let's get started!
Method 1 of 4: Drawing High Heels

Step 1. Sketch a curved line and a straight line as a guide for the shape of the high heel

Step 2. Add guidelines for the surface of the foot

Step 3. Add the basic design you like

Step 4. Add more details

Step 5. Draw the main features of the high heels

Step 6. Remove the design marks

Step 7. Color it
Method 2 of 4: Drawing Tennis Shoes

Step 1. Sketch a large oval circle
This image will be the main guide for the shoe.

Step 2. Sketch a semicircle at the top end of the oval circle

Step 3. Add the basic shape of the shoe

Step 4. Add a design for the shoe feature

Step 5. Add designs to the shoe design

Step 6. Draw the basic features of the shoe

Step 7. Delete the draft lines and add more details

Step 8. Color the shoes the way you like
Method 3 of 4: Drawing Sandals

Step 1. Draw a small circle (for the heel) and an oval circle (for the toes)

Step 2. Connect the sides of the small circle and the oval circle
Creating curved lines is not mandatory.

Step 3. Draw the sole following the shape of the bottom of your shoe
It's up to you how thick the sole is.

Step 4. Draw the laces for the toes by drawing two curved lines (for the laces) with each end on each side of your sandal
Also draw an oval loop that connects to the sandal on top of the small circle (from step 1), this oval circle will be the strap for the ankle to keep your sandals from wobbling.

Step 5. Draw black lines on top of your sketch (this will be your final stroke)
The design of the sandals is up to you.

Step 6. Erase the sketch and design and add more details to your sandals

Step 7. Now you have your own picture of sandals
Don't forget to color your picture.
Method 4 of 4: Drawing Men's Shoes

Step 1. Draw two lines

Step 2. Draw two oval circles around the two lines

Step 3. Add two lines and four rectangles

Step 4. Draw a number of connecting lines, as in the example

Step 5. Add all the necessary details and shade the image

Step 6. Erase the guide lines