Halloween is almost here, and if there is a bird that symbolizes the spirit of Halloween, it must be the wise old owl who is always on the lookout, perched on the shoulders of the undead, headless horsemen, witches, and ghosts as they wander from house to house., in search of sweets and sweets. Do you want to draw an owl to hang on your front door or window, but don't know anything about how to draw? We will help you! With a few basic lines and doodles, you'll be able to draw your own owl. Here's how!
Method 1 of 2: Draw a Cartoon Owl

Step 1. Make a large oval circle
It is about 2/3 of the height of the paper you are using. The drawing doesn't have to be perfect, but try to make the oval's height about twice its width, as in the image above:

Step 2. Make the eyes
Draw two circles near the top of the oval, about 1/5 the height of the oval from the top. Draw smaller circles inside each of these circles, and color them black, for the owl's eye pupils. If you wish, you can have fun making the eyes-you can make a serious owl, by placing the pupil in the center and looking straight ahead; an owl looking at something, drawing the pupil to the left or right; or a silly owl, with crossed eyes.

Step 3. Draw the horns
Make a very wide "V" shape, which extends beyond the two outer edges of the oval, with the corner of the "V" between the owl's eyes in the middle of the two eyes, vertically. The corner point in the middle can be formed into various owl characters. Angles that aren't sharp, can make ghost workers look "more friendly". The sharper the angle, the more fierce the owl will look. (In the image above, the red line shows the general shape-while the black line shows the finished horn.)

Step 4. Draw the wings
Draw a curved line from above on the left and right, draw an inward line about 1/4 of the oval in the center, then bring the line back outwards towards the bottom.

Step 5. Add the claws
Draw an elongated oval at the bottom of your owl, three ovals on each side, then draw two horizontal lines for the perch. The perch doesn't have to be perfectly straight-it can instead look like a "tree branch." Likewise, the claws don't have to be oval-they can be pointed and sharp, especially if you want to make a fierce owl.

Step 6. Add some feathers
Make some small "U" shapes around the area between the two "wings" to make them look like little feathers.

Step 7. Give it a beak
Place the narrow angled "V" slightly lower than the eye for the owl's beak.

Step 8. Add color
If desired, color the "wings" brown, and for the head and chest light brown.

Step 9. You have to be creative
Add other details to your liking. You can follow the suggestions below to add light and shadow, or you can create your own. Now that you know how to make owls, you can make a whole flock of Halloween cheerleaders!

Step 10. Done
Method 2 of 2: Draw an Alternative Cartoon Owl

Step 1. Draw a horizontal oval circle for the owl's head
Draw a larger vertical oval under the oval in step one. The vertical oval circle overlaps a quarter of the horizontal oval circle.

Step 2. Draw a line that crosses the two ovals in the middle
Draw two ring shapes for the owl's eyes.

Step 3. Make details for the owl's head
Draw a beak and feathers for the head.

Step 4. Draw a closed parabola that curves up at the bottom of the vertical oval circle
Draw two small circles at the bottom.

Step 5. Draw two curved lines to create the wings

Step 6. Thicken the lines with a pen and erase unnecessary lines
Draw additional details for the feathers, etc.

Step 7. Color it however you want
- Use colored pencils to make the drawing more detailed.
- Small owls require little detail, while large owls require a lot of feathers.
- Put horn-rimmed glasses on the owl to make it look more discreet.