Finding a craps table in any casino is easy – you just have to find the noisiest place! There is probably no other game in the casino that has the thrill and excitement of craps. Like other gambling games, it is difficult to win against the "house" when playing craps. However, it is still possible for you to maximize the excitement and minimize the excitement with a clever betting strategy. See step 1 below to get started. (Remember that this guide assumes that the reader understands how to play craps. For basic information on the rules, etc., find out about how to play craps.)
Method 1 of 3: Choosing the Smartest Bet

Step 1. Always prioritize the safest bet on the craps table
If you have a lot of money and are ready to lose a lot for the thrill of a big potential win, you may be able to make a high risk bet with a high winning potential to satisfy yourself. Otherwise, it would be wise to bet safely – i.e. place a bet with the smallest winning value. By doing so, your risk is minimized – and the “house” will still have a mathematical advantage but as small as possible.

Step 2. Take a (relatively safe) bet
While there are "many, many" possible bets in the game of craps, luckily, the safest bet is quite simple. The simplest and most basic bet in craps, the flat bet, is one of the safest bets, with the house odds of winning "'1.41%'". An average bet pays an average amount of money – in other words, if you bet $130,000, you win $130,000.
- With a flat bet, if the dice that comes out is 7 or 11, you win, but if the dice that comes out are 2, 3, or 12, you lose. If another number comes up, this number becomes a “point” and the thrower of the dice will continue to roll. If the number 7 comes out before the number "points" comes out again, you lose. Meanwhile, if the number "points" comes out again before the number 7, you win.
- Do not place an even bet after the numbers 2, 3, 7, 11, 12 are out- this is allowed, but the value of the bet will decrease.

Step 3. For the least chance of winning the house, bet not the average bet
Not a flat bet is the opposite of an average bet – the dice that comes out 2 or 3 wins, 7 or 11 loses (12 draws). If points are already set, you win if the 7 comes before the points and lose if the 7 comes after the points. The not flat bet is considered one of the safest bets on the craps table as the house odds of winning are “'1, 36'”%.
- However, keep in mind that most players generally place flat bets, so if you place non-level bets, you will win if they lose, and vice versa. This will result in a dynamic that you're "against" everyone, and this is liked by some and others not.
- Just like flat bets, non flat bets also pay out flat money if you win.

Step 4. Maximize your winnings with odds bets
The odds bet is a unique bet in that it is very “fair” – the house has no chance on this bet. However, odds bets can only be placed on other bets, so if you place a chance bet, the house still has a chance (even if one chance has been lost) on your entire bet. Odds bets usually have a maximum bet amount of several times your average or non-average betting radii – 2X, 3X, 5X, etc. By taking maximum odds each time you place a flat or uneven bet, you maximize your winning potential and reduce the house odds on your entire bet.
- Placing a odds bet after the even bet means you are betting that the result will come before the number 7. The odds bet pays out 2 to 1 on points 4 and 10, 3 to 2 on 5 and 9, and six to five on 6 and 8.
- Placing a odds bet after an uneven bet is called “placing the odds” and is the opposite of a regular odds bet – you bet the number 7 will come before the desired point. Placing odds against a 4 or 10 pays out 1 to 2, 2 to 3 against 5 or 9, and 5 to 6 against 6 or 8.

Step 5. Also consider placing a come bet and a non come bet
The come and not come bet is basically the same as the flat and not the bet, unless made on any point other than 2, 3, 7, 11, 12. In other words, the number that comes out after the come bet serves as the come out roll for the come bet. The conditions for winning come and not come bets are the same as for even and non-even bets. The odds of the two bets are mathematically similar.

Step 6. Avoid high risk bets with bets that give the house a very high chance of winning
Some bets with a high chance for the house to win should be avoided by the gambler under all circumstances. Place these bets for entertainment purposes only – to get the thrill of taking risks even if you have very little money. In particular, '''lay bets'” and “'proposition bets'' offer a low chance of winning, so avoid placing these bets if You want to make money.
- Place bets that are basically flat bets that “over” the come out number. In other words, you won't win by 7 or 11 on the first and subsequent rolls. Since the value of the average bet comes from the come out number, placing bets can make the house's chance of winning go as high as "'33, 3%'". However, one detracting factor is that the odds bet can be placed on top of the lay bet, reducing the house odds of the overall bet.
- Proposition bets are basically bets placed after the dice have rolled. You bet on a specific number, and if the next dice number is that number, you win. Proposition bets are very risky bets and therefore offer a high number of wins. However, the house odds are quite high (from 5% - 17%, depending on the numbers you choose), so this bet is not an effective way to make money.
Method 2 of 3: Choosing Craps Games Wisely

Step 1. Realize that in a casino, the house always has high odds
The idea that it is possible to “win” in any form of gambling is a lie. While it's "very possible" to leave the craps table with more money than you brought with you before, it's important to understand that craps, like any other casino game, has a "high chance of the house winning". This means that the payout structure is mathematically designed to generate long-term profits for the casino. Basically, if you play long enough, even though the amount of your money will increase and decrease, in the end you will always lose money in the casino.
So, never play craps with money that you should use for other purposes. Always consider the worst case scenario before heading to the craps table

Step 2. Look for the “city” table
In the gambling mecca of Las Vegas, the casinos in the “center” are famous, known for their luxury and charm. While low-key downtown Vegas casinos, to lure visitors, are known for offering “slightly” better odds in the form of more lucrative payout systems. In craps, the terms "town table" and "center table" do not strictly refer to the actual location of the table, but rather the payment system used. If you can, find a table that uses a "city" payment system with a small, non-trivial advantage.
There are many differences between "city" and "center" tables. For example, at the city table, when placing a bet of IDR 36,000, 00 on the number 6 or 8 will be paid IDR 42,500, 00. Meanwhile, at the central table, the house equalizes this bet number and pays IDR 36,000, 00. Another addition, Proposition bets of 2, 3, 11 and 12 have higher payouts at the city tables (“”30 to 1 for 2 & 12 and “'15 to 1” for numbers 3 and 11) than at the center table (“'29 to 1”' and “'14 to 1””, respectively)

Step 3. Find a table with an experienced dice manager
"Rearranging the dice" is a technique for rolling the dice that (in theory) allows the thrower to control the number that comes out of the dice in the least possible way. The true utility of setting the dice is a topic of debate among expert gamblers. In general, it is thought that, if setting the dice can give the thrower an advantage, this advantage is very small and only becomes evident after thousands of throws. Still, if you can find a table with a dice controller, it won't hurt your chances if you follow the stakes.
If you try this method, bet "with" the dice on low risk bets. That is, if he bets even, you must bet even, if he bets not even, you must bet not even, and so for the come bet. Generally, you need to keep placing on these small risk bets. Don't follow the dice maker on high-risk bets – no dice-rolling ability can thwart long chances of winning the bet

Step 4. If legal, look for crap games outside the casino
“Street craps”, an improvised and informal form of craps, can be played almost anywhere with just a few dice and players. The main advantage of street craps over casino craps is that there is “no house” to take advantage of your bets. Instead, it is up to the players to "pay" other players' bets by betting against each other.
- Then, because street craps is usually not played using a real craps table, the betting system in this game is usually simplified and improvised. Depending on the game, you may be able to set your own proportion bet and set the payout. This means, if you are a savvy gambler, street craps can be more profitable than casino craps.
- However, keep in mind that sometimes gambling outside of a legal casino or gambling hall “'may be considered a crime'”. Before you go looking for a game of street craps, make sure you check the local laws in your area to make sure you're not breaking any.
Method 3 of 3: Using Common Gambling Strategies

Step 1. Budget
Many gamblers end up spending far more than they intended. Avoid this from happening to you by setting an inflexible hard budget for your gambling sessions. Set aside an amount of money that you wouldn't mind losing as your amount to gamble on that day. Use your gambling money – and only your gambling money – to fund your craps game. Use your money wisely, placing bets conservatively instead of risking all your money on one roll of the dice. Doing so will guarantee that you will have more money throughout the day and won't have to pull yourself over to keep playing.
It's easier to budget smartly if you have a healthy attitude about gambling in general. Think of your gambling sessions as a form of entertainment, not a way to make money. With this, you will be satisfied even if you lose money, and the money you make is a “pleasant surprise.”

Step 2. Set a winning and losing limit for yourself
Knowing when to stop gambling is important. No matter how much you win, you will end up losing all your money on the house. To avoid this, set a hard and inflexible win limit, and if you reach that winning number, you should stop playing for the day. For example, you may decide to quit when you win or lose as much as 50% of your initial capital. With this, if you hit your 50% win rate, you avoid losing the money you received for gambling too long. Preferably, if you lose 50%, you still have money for your next gambling session.

Step 3. Back off when you've won
As mentioned above, if you play long enough, the casino will take your money. Because of this, it would be wise to trade your chips for money when you win. Avoid the gambler's perpetual temptation to increase your winnings by playing “one more throw”, as so many pointless losses occur this way.

Step 4. Don't get too carried away with the sensation
Above all else, the best tool a craps player can have is a cool and rational head. It's easy to get carried away with the excitement that comes from winning, but try not to feel it. If you're at a rowdy table, getting a few wins can make you feel like a celebrity, but your chances now will always be the same no matter how lucky you were before. Stick to your betting plan and your budget always.
Apart from that, enjoy your time. Craps can be the most fun and most entertaining game in the casino – especially if you win
- Back off when you've won.
- Ask for a complimentary breakfast or free gift after you play.