A child's playhouse is a wonderful place for creative play. Building a playhouse is a great family project that everyone who participates will enjoy. Your children will love having their own playhouse and will delight in planning and decorating their home with you. Follow these steps to learn how to build a play house.
Method 1 of 4: Building a Wooden Playhouse

Step 1. Gather your materials
This is the most thorough and time-consuming way of building a playhouse, but offers the best results. The inventory list is very long, so make sure you've gathered all of them before you start building.
- The materials you will need include 2x8 board, 2x4 board, 2 cm ply board, 7 cm galvanized screws, 2, 5x15 cm floorboard, wall boards, quarter circle trim, shingles, and roofing nails.
- You'll need a variety of tools including a circular saw, plank saw, reciprocating saw, drill, counterweight, framing box, hammer, straightedge, cutter blade, and tape measure.
- One option is to include plexiglass to create an original window instead of an open space in your playhouse.

Step 2. Choose a place
The playhouse will be 2x2.5 meters, and will need at least that much space plus a little extra room to fit in. This playhouse is meant to be placed outdoors, but of course it can be placed indoors if you prefer.

Step 3. Make the base
To build the base of the playhouse, you will use a 2x8 board and then cover it with floorboard. This base will form a pedestal for the playhouse, and will also elevate the terrace 60 cm in front of the entrance.
- Form a 2x2.5 meter rectangle by measuring and cutting your 2x8 board. Cut the two side boards into 2.5 cm shorter so that they fit between the two longest boards.
- Use 7 cm screws to attach the ends of the board, making a rectangular blank.
- To add stability to the floor, use an additional two 2x8 boards to create floor joists. These must be cut to fit the longitudinal space on the center floor, creating a base of four 2.4 m long, and two 1.8 m long end boards. Use your 7 cm screw to secure it to the side.
- To cover the foundation and create the floor, measure and cut your 2.5x15 cm floorboard to fit the width of the base (shorter spacing). Use just enough to cover the entire base, with no space between each board. Use your 7 cm screws to make sure they are firmly in place.
- Cut off any excess boards with a circular saw.

Step 4. Create a wall outline
In order to build the walls of the playhouse, you must first create a blank frame for attaching the side walls. Measure 2.5 cm around the base, as the wall framing will rest on the floor instead of sticking to the outside.
- To make the back frame, first measure the boards that will make the top and bottom. This should be cut from your 2x4 board, and be 240 cm so that it doesn't overlap the edge of the floor. Then take five 2x4 boards and measure them 120 cm long so that they are flush with the rest of the frame without overlapping the desired 122 cm width. Attach two 120cm boards to the edges of the two 240cm boards, creating an empty rectangle, then add three support blocks to the center of the rectangle, evenly spaced between them to make four smaller blanks.
- Make the front wall skeleton by doing the same process in making the back wall skeleton. Additionally, add a crossboard six inches below the top plank between the two pegs of your choice. This will create the framework for the door.
- Make the sidewalls by taking a 2x4 board and cutting four pieces (two for each side of the wall), 120 cm long. Take four additional 2x4 boards and cut them into 100 cm pieces for the top and bottom of the sides. Use your galvanized screws to attach them, creating a double-sided rectangle. For each side, cut two 120cm planks to add support to the center of the frame. Add to the center of each side frame and secure with screws.
- In each side frame, measure 23 cm from the top and bottom and add boards to fit between the pegs. This will create the outline for the two side windows.

Step 5. Attach the wall frame to the base
Starting with the back wall, erect it upright on the edge of the baseboard. Use some galvanized screws to secure it to the floor. Then, proceed to the side walls; stick it to the floor first, then to the edge of the back wall with more screws. The last wall to add is the front wall. Remember, this will have 60cm of space in front for the terrace. Screw to the floor then to both sides, ensuring that the wall is flush with the rest of the wall framing.

Step 6. Make the roof
Once the siding is firmly attached to the floor, you can move on to making the roof for the playhouse. To do this, make a skeleton first, then cover it with plywood.
- Measure the backboard, the board to be attached extends through the center of the roof in a triangular shape, 240 cm long.
- Cut the supports, i.e. the supporting side of the roof, from the 2x4 planks 36 cm long. Cut at right angles to fit the backboard and top of the siding.
- Make eight rafters from a 5x10 cm board. You will use four of each of these boards in the middle of the roof between the supports to provide support to the roof. Cut at an angle to fit the corners of the backboard and the top of the siding.
- Start by attaching the supports to the backboard, then add the rafters. Attach this roof frame to the top of the wall frame. There should be two empty isosceles triangles at the end of the frame, above the two side walls.
- Cut the plywood to fit the roof. You will be installing the shingles onto the plywood, so make sure the entire roof frame is covered (excluding the side triangles). Screw these pieces onto the frame once you get the size right.
- Screw the rafters and supports into the frame just above the pegs to add additional support to your playhouse structure.

Step 7. Finish the walls
Use wooden walls to add an outer edge to your walls. Measure the wall framing to make sure you get the correct size, then cut the wood to fit. The two side pieces must be pentagons that include the triangular shape formed by the roof.
- Screw the wall to the frame along the support beams.
- Mark space for windows and doors. Use a plank saw to cut these sections, sanding any rough edges when you're done. If you choose to use plexi glass for windows, enter now. Finish the window (with or without plexiglass) with quarter-circle trim around the edges.

Step 8. Install the shingles
Line up the first row of shingles along the edges, then make sure all adjoining rows of shingles overlap slightly. Use four roofing nails per shingles to attach them to the plywood roof. Since the backboard will be visible, cut the sheet of shingles into individual pieces and turn them sideways. Nail it to the backboard so that the entire roof is covered. Use your cutter blade to cut off any excess shingles.

Step 9. Complete your play house
At this point, the process of building your playhouse is complete. Now you can add finishing touches to make it unique. Paint the outside, add a window pot, and place small pieces of furniture inside. Enjoy your finished playhouse!
Method 2 of 4: Building a Playhouse out of PVC Pipe

Step 1. Gather your supplies
You will need seven 3.02 m PVC pipe, ten connecting ends, a PVC pipe cutter, fabric and a sewing kit or sewing machine to make the cover.
The ten ends of the joint should measure 2 cm. You will need four T's, four 45-degree elbows, and ten 3-way joints

Step 2. To get fabric large enough to cover the entire playhouse without spending a fortune, buy sheet fabric or unlined curtains
You can buy new or find a used one and wash it well before use.
You can choose to use a ribbon to sew into the inside of the fabric so that the tent parts can be tied and removed for washing whenever desired

Step 3. Create an outline
The framework will consist of a base and top, four supporting beams, and a triangular roof. All will be put together.
- To make the base and top sections, cut the pipe into four 1.8 m long, and four 1.2 m long. Connect to two large separate rectangles with 3-way joints at each corner.
- Slide the T-shaped joint facing up on the four top corners to connect the roof. You may have to cut 2.5 – 5.1 cm from the pipe to make room for the joints to connect to the corners.
- Create supporting beams to form the walls. It can be cut as you like to get the ceiling height you want. You will need to cut four pieces of pipe of the same length. Glue to the two corner slits at the top and bottom of the pipe, forming a large blank cube.
- Make the roof. To do this, cut four additional pieces of pipe the same length as the sides. Make it fit at right angles (90 degrees), creating two big 'L' shapes. You will need to use a 3-way angle to adjust it. Then, cut another piece of pipe 1.8 m long, and place it halfway between the two Ls. Attach the entire roof structure to the base by placing it into the T-shaped gap in the top quad.
- Make sure all the joints between the pipes are strong, and you're done with the structure!

Step 4. Make the tent cover
Using the fabric you have, take measurements of all the sides and the roof. Cut all the pieces, and use a sewing machine to sew all the sides together in the same shape as your playhouse.
- It may be easier to attach the tent to the playhouse if you make it slightly larger than it actually is. This way, attaching it to the pipe and removing it for cleaning will be easy.
- Sew 15cm tape to the inside of the tent perpendicular to the seam, so that when the tent is placed on the pipe frame, the tent can be tied to allow it to slide.
- Cut a slit from the bottom to 2cm up on one side to create a sheet-style awning door.
- If you want, you can cut a hole in the side to serve as a window. Feel free to use thick clear plastic as a toy glass to fill this hole.

Step 5. Slide the awning over the pipe
Once you've finished sewing the tent pieces, you're done! It can be used indoors or outdoors, and the cover cloth can be easily removed for washing.
Method 3 of 4: Making a Playhouse from Table and Cloth

Step 1. Gather your supplies
For this project, you can choose to use a table you have in your home, or to purchase a table specifically for this project. You'll also need a few yards of fabric (enough to cover all sides of the table), scissors, and decorations (optional).

Step 2. Measure your table
To get a cover of the right size for your table, you need to have a list of all sizes. Measure the length, width and height. Make sure to write it down so that it is recorded.

Step 3. Measure your fabric
You will make a playhouse out of five pieces of cloth. You will need one fabric that fits the table top (length x width), two fabrics that fit the long side (length x height), and two fabrics that fit the short side (width x height).
- When you've got all the sizes, cut the pieces of fabric.
- At this point, cut out the rectangular sections as windows and doors in the playhouse. The number can be as many as you want, placed wherever you want.

Step 4. Sew the pieces of fabric together
Line up the pieces of fabric in the proper shape/sequence on the floor, to make sure you sew them correctly. They should make a shape like a big cross. Then, use a sewing machine to sew the fabric together along the joint.

Step 5. Decorate the fabric
If you want your playhouse to look a little more interesting than just the fabric on the table, use markers, embroidery floss, or other pieces of fabric to give the fabric a home look. Draw the gingerbread edges, the flowerpot under the window, and the wood-grain texture on the wall.

Step 6. Finish your play house
When you have finished all the decorations you want, spread a cloth tent on the table to complete your playhouse. Feel free to fill it with small pieces of furniture or toys, and enjoy!
Method 4 of 4: Making a Playhouse out of Cardboard

Step 1. Gather your materials
For this you will need 1-2 large cardboard boxes, all-purpose glue, wrapping paper or wallpaper, packing tape, and box cutters or scissors.

Step 2. Prepare your box
Start by cutting off the excess so that the box lies upside down on the ground and has no bottom (or top, if not upside down). Plaster all joints and loose areas to ensure that the box will not fall apart.

Step 3. Add color to the sides
To give your playhouse a better appearance than just a cardboard box, cover the sides individually with all-purpose glue and wrapping paper or wallpaper of your choice.

Step 4. Cut the doors and windows
Use a box cutter or scissors to make as many small doors as you want from the bottom of one side, and as many windows as you want.
- You can cut only three sides of the door, leaving one "hinged" side attached so the door can open and close and not just an empty space.
- You can add clear plastic or cellophane to the inside of the box to give the window a look on the outside.

Step 5. Make the roof
To do this, cut two large triangles of cardboard from another square or spare piece, making them as wide as the house. Then, cut two large rectangles that are the same length as the square and the same height as the triangular halves.
- Attach the four roof pieces together with glue and plaster.
- Cut the cardboard "shingle" into small rectangles or semi-circles and apply glue in an overlapping pattern over the triangles. Cut off any excess that goes past the edge.
- If you want, you can use spray paint to give the roof a bit of color.

Step 6. Install your home
After the roof is finished, glue and apply plaster over the cardboard box. You're done! Feel free to add other decorative touches, or enjoy as is.
- To prevent the floor of the house from creaking you can put a layer of roofing between the joists and the floorboards. This will also increase its resistance to weather.
- Unless you plan to use electricity in the playhouse, make sure you build the playhouse in an area that gets a lot of sunlight.
- Consider your city zoning requirements when planning your playhouse. If your playhouse exceeds a certain size, you may need a permit.