Clothes that look worn in deep give a more “old” and cool look to any dress style. However, clothing stores usually charge a higher price for these outdated styles. This means that clothes that are specially made to look worn are actually more expensive. Why should you waste money on clothes that look worn out when you can easily make your own? Read on from Step 1 below to get started!
Method 1 of 4: “Tearing Up” Your T-shirt

Step 1. Take suitable clothes
This method uses long, thin cuts and slices to create a drastic “tattered” look. To do this, you'll need a t-shirt that you're really willing to rip. It's better if this shirt is plain in color and doesn't contain any screen printing motifs (because the printed motifs are difficult and a bit complicated to cut).

Step 2. Use a pencil to draw the holes
Draw a set of horizontal or vertical lines of slightly different lengths, in a pattern to your liking. Draw these rip lines anywhere in your shirt, as long as they don't tear the shirt completely apart.
One easy example is to create a series of horizontal cut lines on the front of the shirt to create a see-through shirt at the belly. To do this, you need to use a pencil and draw horizontal lines across the front of the shirt, in a stylish looking pattern. For example, you can start with short stripes, then get longer, then shorten again, so that the pattern forms a circle

Step 3. Cut following the lines that have been drawn
Use a cloth knife or sharp scissors to cut. Wherever possible, follow the lines that have been drawn. Don't let your shirt's material bend as you move through it, as this can result in stuttering and uneven cut lines.
Be careful not to cut too deep, so you don't cut the back of the shirt as well. To prevent this, you may need to place a piece of cardboard or plastic on the inside of the shirt as a barrier to protect the back

Step 4. Consider adding beads or other decorations
A plain ripped t-shirt looks cool, but if you want a more unique look with extra embellishments, go for it! Use one of these sample ideas (or use your own) to create a truly unique and one-of-a-kind t-shirt:
- Use glue-on embellishments (beads, stones, etc.) to give your shirt a decorative shine.
- Draw a variety of shapes, designs or cartoon characters, using a permanent marker (be careful not to seep the marker ink on the back of the shirt, place a border inside the shirt before drawing).
- If you can sew, add decorative ruffles or attach contrasting badges to the front and back of the shirt.

Step 5. Wear your t-shirt proudly (with the undershirt lining)
Congratulations, your t-shirt is ready to wear! Don't forget that this t-shirt will show off your midsection. If you want to stay within the dress code at school or at work, make sure you're wearing an undershirt!
Method 2 of 4: Making Blotchy Blots, Holes, and Patches

Step 1. Use a shaver to make scuffed and worn marks
Creating large cut lines isn't the only way to give your shirt a worn look. For example, with a simple disposable shaver, you can create scuff marks and worn patches on your T-shirts. Just rub the shaver where you want it, just like you're shaving.

Step 2. Use scissors to make small holes near the seams
Another way to make your shirts look worn naturally is to imitate the torn and hole patterns on really “old” clothes. The stitches in any type of clothing are naturally prone to rips and holes, so the rips and holes in these areas will look more natural. Fold your shirt in the direction of the seam, then use sharp scissors to make small rips that run parallel to the seam. For a more original look, try making rips of various sizes. Here are some ideas for placing these rips:
- Along the seam around the neck
- Along the seam on the bottom edge of the shirt
- Along the seam at the ends of both sleeves

Step 3. Use a grater to make lots of small holes
To make a pattern of rips and small holes, use a regular cheese grater. Spread the t-shirt apart as you grate, so the sharp serrations of the grater can grip the fabric on your shirt. This is easiest to do if you attach the grater to a specific stand until it is secure and immobile, then rub a t-shirt vigorously against the surface of the grater.

Step 4. Use sandpaper to rub the screen print motif
One of the biggest difficulties in creating a worn-out t-shirt is that the printed motif is more complicated to trick into making it look as old as the rest of the t-shirt. The ink used for screen printing the shirts is relatively thick, hard and resistant to most of these methods. To create an old, torn and worn look on a t-shirt with a screen printing pattern, use a piece of sandpaper to scrape the print off the print. For a natural look, rub the sandpaper in an uneven direction.
Method 3 of 4: Fade Your T-shirt

Step 1. Take a light colored T-shirt that you want to fade
Bleach, which is known to destroy colored fabrics by turning them white, is a very useful tool for fading your old T-shirts. In this method, you will use a solution of bleach in water to create a faded, dull effect that usually only appears on light-colored clothes after years of use. This method works best with light, strong colors (dark red, bright orange, etc.), but it also works well on dark colors. Of course, this method is not suitable for white.
As usual, fade the shirts that you are willing to fade. You don't want to ruin a shirt you love so much by accidentally spilling bleach on it

Step 2. Mix water and bleach in a ratio of 16:1
Use a container large enough (such as a plastic bucket) for this solution. Mix until completely dissolved before you continue working. Note that this ratio of 16:1 is the same as the ratio of one gallon to one glass. So, if you use one gallon (3.8 liters) of water, you need 1 cup of bleach, two gallons (7.6 liters) of water means 2 cups of bleach, and so on.
You may want to consider using either a bath or a sink to do this process. This is a convenient option, as it allows you to just drain the remaining liquid when you're done

Step 3. Add the shirts (one or more) and mix vigorously
It is very important that you make sure that the shirt that is fading is in contact with the bleach solution evenly. If more of the solution hits certain parts of the shirt, the result will be blotchy and uneven. To prevent this, start stirring once the shirt is in the solution and continue to stir for about five minutes.

Step 4. Leave the shirt in the solution, stirring occasionally
After the first five minutes, you can stir it less frequently. Be sure to keep an eye on the fading process of your clothes while they are sitting in the solution. Stir again every few minutes (no more than five minutes). Most clothes will be ready to take off after half an hour to 45 minutes, but many are ready in less time.

Step 5. Rinse and wash
Once most of the color of your shirt has faded to your liking, remove it from the solution and rinse it until the bleach solution is no longer on the surface. Machine wash in warm water, then dry by placing it on a clothesline.

Step 6. Alternatively, for a blotchy look, use bleach with a spray bottle
As mentioned above, the blotchy look of an unevenly faded T-shirt is usually not what most people want. But if you are interested in creating such a look, it's easy. Mix water and bleach in a spray bottle, then cuff your t-shirt with a rubber band. Spray the solution from the bottle on several parts of the shirt and let it sit for about half an hour while watching the color change. Once the color is to your liking, remove the rubber band and rinse and then wash your t-shirt as in the previous step.
Consider increasing or decreasing the concentration of bleach in your solution for a more or less contrasting look. For example, if you use bleach without any added water, you will get a white or almost white blotchy appearance that contrasts with the original color of your shirt
Method 4 of 4: Soaking Your T-shirt in Dye Solution

Step 1. Take a pale t-shirt
As opposed to the method above which fades the color and makes it look paler, this method uses tea or a similar dye solution to make the color of the shirt darker and dirty. Because of this, this method works best on white or pale shirts, although it can also be used on bright and light colors, as long as it's not too dark.

Step 2. Mix the dye solution in the water
With a large plastic bucket or tub containing the ingredients, dissolve the dye and water to create a "dirty" color on your shirt. The more dilute this solution, the weaker the resulting dark color (and vice versa). There are many possible materials you can use to make a dye solution. Some examples of them can be seen below:
- Tea
- Coffee
- Land
- Paint (use earthy tones for a more natural “dirty” and “old” look)

Step 3. Stir and then let sit to infuse
Dip your t-shirt into the solution and stir vigorously. Then, let the t-shirt sit for the solution to soak in, checking occasionally for discoloration. Depending on how concentrated your solution is, this process may take from half an hour to several days, for the shirt to reach the desired level of dark and "dirty" color. Make sure that you remain patient during the color immersion process.

Step 4. Remove and soak the t-shirt in a solution of water and vinegar
If you have enough time, remove your t-shirt from the dye solution and place it in a bowl containing the vinegar and water solution, in a ratio of 1:3. Soaking the shirt in a vinegar solution like this will help the "dirty stain" stick to the fabric. Leave the shirt in the vinegar solution for 4-12 hours, or as needed.

Step 5. Rinse, wash and dry
Finally, remove the shirt from the vinegar solution, then rinse thoroughly until the remaining dye or vinegar solution is no longer attached. Machine wash and dry as usual.
Safe! Your shirt is ready to wear
- While not the coolest, this t-shirt of yours can still be worn poolside or while you sleep.
- If you don't succeed on the first try, buy a cheap t-shirt at the nearest store and try again until it's perfect!