How to Care for an Axolotl: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Care for an Axolotl: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Care for an Axolotl: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The axolotl is an aquatic salamander that is related to the tiger salamander. These animals are easy to care for and make great pets. Axolotls have a life span of 10-15 years in an aquarium if given the right environment and care.


Part 1 of 3: Creating the Right Environment

Care for an Axolotl Step 1
Care for an Axolotl Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the tank

A 40 liter tank is enough for an axolotl. However, usually the bigger the tank the better for the axolotl. Choose the largest tank that can be placed in the house. The 75 liter tank is great for the axolotl.

  • Fill the aquarium with water until it is full, like filling a fish aquarium. Tap water is safe to use as long as it is conditioned first like a freshwater aquarium. If left untreated, chlorine and other chemicals can hurt or kill your axolotl.
  • Always close the aquarium. The axolotl will sometimes jump out of the tank.
Care for an Axolotl Step 2
Care for an Axolotl Step 2

Step 2. Install the external can filter

An external can filter is required to keep the axolotl tank water clean and healthy. You can buy this type of filter at a pet store.

Any filters installed must have a spray bar or other outlet to control the flow of water. Although the axolotl needs little water flow, it is stressed by active water flow. Exposure to strong water currents can cause axolotls to stop eating and develop stress-related health problems

Care for an Axolotl Step 3
Care for an Axolotl Step 3

Step 3. Apply the substrate

Substrate is the material that covers the bottom of the aquarium. The bottom of the axolotl tank should be lined with large fish tank gravel (larger than the axolotl head) or fine sand (fine gravel sand is ideal). Do not use small pellets or coarse sand (eg blasting sand). Axolotls can accidentally ingest these substances.

Care for an Axolotl Step 4
Care for an Axolotl Step 4

Step 4. Keep lighting to a minimum

You should not light the tank like a fish aquarium. Bright light will stress the axolotl, so opt for plant lights if you want to add light. Axolotls don't need light to survive so this light is usually more so you can see the axolotl, than for the animal's kindness

Reduce the frequency of lighting. Lamps can generate excessive heat which is bad for the axolotl. Turn it off when you are not feeding or seeing the axolotl

Part 2 of 3: Keeping Axolotls Healthy

Care for an Axolotl Step 5
Care for an Axolotl Step 5

Step 1. Maintain proper heat

Usually, you don't need a tank heater to keep the axolotl warm. The ideal temperature for an axolotl is between 16°-21° Celsius. This range is usually room temperature so usually the tank does not need to be heated.

  • However, be sure to regulate the temperature of the room containing the tank if you live in an area prone to extreme heat or cold temperatures. You will need to turn on the air conditioning or heating during certain months.
  • Axolotls exposed to temperatures above 23°C will feel heat stress. If the tank is prone to overheating, purchase a tank cooler.
Care for an Axolotl Step 6
Care for an Axolotl Step 6

Step 2. Give the axolotl a proper diet

You can buy frozen earthworms and bloodworms at your local pet store. This is the main diet of the axolotl. You can also give frozen shrimp and shredded chicken as a snack. In general, avoid live foods.

Feed the axolotl every other day for half an hour. Give the axolotl as much food as possible in half an hour

Care for an Axolotl Step 7
Care for an Axolotl Step 7

Step 3. Change the water regularly

Once a week, remove 50-60% of the water from the tank. Then, replace it with clean water. Tap water is safe to use if you condition the tank water and the tank has a filtration system.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping the Axolotl safe

Care for an Axolotl Step 8
Care for an Axolotl Step 8

Step 1. Separate the young and old axolotls

If the axolotl breeds, remove the chicks from the tank using a net and place them in a separate tank. Old axolotls can eat young axolotls so axolotls of different ages should not be mixed together.

Care for an Axolotl Step 9
Care for an Axolotl Step 9

Step 2. Try not to put other animals in the axolotl tank

Axolotls are best kept in separate tanks, but occasionally get along with other animals of their own size and age. However, the axolotl will prey on fish or other aquatic animals. In general, an axolotl tank should only contain these animals.

Care for an Axolotl Step 10
Care for an Axolotl Step 10

Step 3. Try not to touch the axolotl

Axolotls are not human friendly animals. They don't need human touch to be happy, and in fact, axolotls are stressed to the touch. Axolotls should only be handled when necessary, for example when removing a baby from a tank. Axolotls can also bite if held.
