5 Ways to Train Cats

5 Ways to Train Cats
5 Ways to Train Cats

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Cats are very independent living creatures. In fact, the researchers discovered that even though humans have kept cats for at least 9,000 years, domestic cats are still semi-tame animals. Training a cat can be difficult, as the trainer may have to convince the cat that the task being taught will be useful. However, with just a little patience, you can train your cat to be a better pet in a number of ways.


Method 1 of 5: Training the Cat to Use the Toilet

Train a Cat Step 1
Train a Cat Step 1

Step 1. Put the cat litter box in a quiet place

Cats prefer to defecate in a place away from loud noises or where there is a lot of action. However, cats also don't like to defecate in inaccessible places.

  • Make sure your cat can physically access the litter box. Don't place the box on high shelves or hard-to-reach areas if it's old and has a hard time jumping or climbing.
  • Avoid areas that are crowded or full of traffic. Don't place the litter box next to a washing machine or in a crowded, frequented corridor. Cats want peace and privacy, but also comfort.
  • Do not place the cat's litter box in close proximity to its dinner plate or water. This can discourage your cat from using it.
Train a Cat Step 2
Train a Cat Step 2

Step 2. Put the cat in the litter box just after eating

You can also put him in the box as soon as he wakes up and plays, as these are the times when your cat needs to poop the most. Placing your cat in his litter box when he needs to go to the bathroom, such as after eating or just getting out of bed, can help remind him that he should use the box every time he has an urge.

Train a Cat Step 3
Train a Cat Step 3

Step 3. Keep the litter box clean

Cats will not want to use a dirty litter box, and may choose to defecate all over the house.

  • Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter, to reduce the risk of developing toxoplasmosis.
  • Clean the dirt and urine mat pile from the litter box every day. Wash your hands thoroughly after you handle them, even if you are wearing gloves.
  • Do a thorough cleaning once a week. This includes removing the old litter box, washing the box with a mild detergent, rinsing the soap thoroughly, cleaning the box completely, and pouring in a new fresh layer of bedding. You should only add a bottom about five to seven centimeters thick when refilling the litter box.
Train a Cat Step 4
Train a Cat Step 4

Step 4. Use a litter box that your cat will love

There are many different types of litter boxes for cats, which are made from a variety of different types of materials. The most important factor is finding the box your cat wants to use. Most cats prefer an unscented, lumpy litter box. However, your cat may have different tastes, especially if he was adopted and has become used to something in his previous home. See what makes your cat respond and adjust accordingly.

  • The most common types of litter boxes are clay, lump, crystal/silica gel, and biodegradable litter boxes.
  • Change litter boxes gradually rather than all at once, to minimize surprise and confusion for the cat. Mix a small amount of litter with the old litter every day, for three to five days. If you gradually change the litter mat, your cat won't notice the difference.
  • If your cat continues to defecate in potted plants, she may prefer to use soil over litter. This can be especially problematic for cats who are used to living outdoors. Try filling your litter box with plant soil and see if the cat will use it.
Train a Cat Step 5
Train a Cat Step 5

Step 5. Reward your cat if she uses the litter box

Compliment him as soon as he poops in the box. This will develop positive habits and teach him that the box is the right place for him to defecate.

Train a Cat Step 6
Train a Cat Step 6

Step 6. Don't punish the cat if he poops outside the litter box

Negative learning won't work, and may even lead your cat to avoid the box.

  • If your cat is pooping outside of the box, you should immediately wash the surface where it is defecating with an enzyme-based cleaner that neutralizes odors. If your cat can smell urine on the carpet, he may be starting to connect the dots on the carpet to his bowel habits.
  • If your cat passes litter outside the box, pick it up (with a paper towel or glove) and place it in the litter box. This will provide clues for your cat to use the litter box next time.
  • Try making the wrong bowel area less desirable for your cat. If your cat has a part of the house where he usually goes to defecate instead of in the litter box, spread a silver sheet or double tip over that location so he doesn't defecate there.
Train a Cat Step 7
Train a Cat Step 7

Step 7. Try training the cat by keeping it caged as a last resort

If your cat has a strong tendency to avoid the litter box and none of the ways to train it are working, you can lock it in a room with the litter box. He will probably understand that he has to use the box.

  • This method should only be used as a last resort, when nothing else works.
  • Do not lock the key in a small room for long periods of time. This is a cruel act.
  • Make sure your cat has food, water, and bedding in the room, in addition to the litter box. Place the litter box on the side of the room opposite the food, water, and bedding.
  • If he's pooping on the floor, pick up the poop and put it in his box so he can get a sign to return to the right place. If your cat likes to defecate on a layer of substrate, such as dirt or carpet, and refuses to use the litter box, then put the substrate in the box. If needed, buy several layers of carpet scraps and place them in a box. Once your cat has used the box with the carpet inside, start sprinkling cat litter on the carpet to let her know. Replace the wet carpet with new carpet in the box.

Method 2 of 5: Train Your Cat To Stop Biting

Train a Cat Step 8
Train a Cat Step 8

Step 1. Pretend to pass out

If your cat is overly aggressive at play and uses her teeth or nails, respond immediately to walk away from the play activity, ignore her, and sit or stand still. Cats will want to play, and when you stop moving or interacting, they will quickly learn that they don't want that.

  • Never hit your cat. You also shouldn't scream or spray him with water if he bites you. Over time, these things can cause your cat to fear you.
  • Try changing your playstyle if your cat becomes too aggressive. The cat may have actually gone into hunting mode. Use a toy with a long leash or handle so your cat can practice hunting without causing you injury or bad behavior.
Train a Cat Step 9
Train a Cat Step 9

Step 2. Respect your cat's boundaries

He may bite or scratch because you handled him roughly or chase him until he is on the defensive. If your cat needs some personal space, give him that space. If he doesn't want to be held, don't try to do it.

Train a Cat Step 10
Train a Cat Step 10

Step 3. Set up a hunting ground for your cat

Cats may not be exercising enough or have nowhere to channel their hunting instincts. Try giving him a toy he can flick, such as a ball or a stuffed mouse. This toy will make him feel that he is hunting and catching prey. Better yet, use a toy with a rope or stick, such as a "rope" toy, so you and your cat can play together.

Try using catnip. Many stuffed cat toys have Velcro pockets for catnip inserts, or you can squirt a little catnip on the floor and let your cat roll over nearby. About half of the cat population will not like catnip, but the cats that do will enjoy a short period of safe playtime, with a period of serious rest afterward

Method 3 of 5: Train Cats to Stop Clawing Furniture

Train a Cat Step 11
Train a Cat Step 11

Step 1. Prepare a claw pole for your cat

If your cat keeps clawing at you or furniture, it's likely because she needs to sharpen her nails. Cats scratch household objects to leave scent trails on them (via the glands on the soles of their feet), and remove the naturally occurring layer of skin that covers their paws. Providing a separate outlet, such as a claw post, will satisfy the desire to claw, so this behavior problem will be a bit less.

  • If you catch your cat clawing at furniture, carpet, or other places where she shouldn't be scratching, interrupt her with a sharp voice. Try clapping or shaking a jar full of coins to get the cat to startle and stop scratching.
  • Immediately point your cat at the claw post. By interrupting the scraping of furniture and moving it to a scratchable object such as a claw post, you're actually telling him that some things are okay to scratch, but others you can't.
Train a Cat Step 12
Train a Cat Step 12

Step 2. Use citrus or menthol

Cats tend to dislike the smell of citrus and menthol. Rubbing a little oil on a piece of furniture that your cat scratches frequently can prevent it from doing so again in the future.

  • Soak a few cotton balls in citrus oil or a menthol-based muscle balm.
  • Try touching cotton balls to the legs and armrests of furniture that cats usually scratch. Be aware that this will cause your furniture to smell a little and possibly stain. Citrus oil is less likely to leave stains. If you're worried about the oil soaking up your furniture, you might want to try rubbing cotton balls on the legs of sofas and tables where your cat usually claws.
Train a Cat Step 13
Train a Cat Step 13

Step 3. Use the sprinkling method

If your cat keeps scratching your hands or feet, or destroying furniture throughout the house, it may be time to use the sprinkling method. Fill a spray bottle with clean cold water. When the cat claws, splash a little water on him. Cats don't like being sprayed with water, and they'll quickly learn to associate the sensation of this discomfort with biting or scratching you.

However, be aware that your cat will begin to associate the uncomfortable feeling of being sprayed with water with you. He may even be afraid of you

Train a Cat Step 14
Train a Cat Step 14

Step 4. Don't trim your cat's nails

No matter how severe the scratching problem is, trimming your cat's nails will only make the problem worse. This process is extremely painful for cats and can lead to long-term problems, such as tissue necrosis, permanent pain, a tendency to avoid litter boxes, and increased aggression towards humans. Consult your veterinarian to find ways to deal with cat scraping if this behavior has become a major problem.

Method 4 of 5: Train Cats to Stay Away from the Kitchen Table

Train a Cat Step 15
Train a Cat Step 15

Step 1. Get rid of food

If food is kept on the counter (including your cat's food bowl), he may think of the counter as a place to find food. Remove all food products from the counter, and keep the cat's bowl on the floor (when he's using it) or in the sink, so he doesn't climb over the counter.

Train a Cat Step 16
Train a Cat Step 16

Step 2. Make the kitchen table an unpleasant place for him

One of the best ways to keep your cat from climbing over the kitchen counter is to make it an unpleasant place for her to be.

  • Attach the double tip to one side of the plastic-covered dinner mat.
  • Place the mat on the kitchen table.
  • Over time, cats will associate the kitchen table with the unpleasant experience of double-tipping.
Train a Cat Step 17
Train a Cat Step 17

Step 3. Provide other climbing options

Cats love to climb, especially since they like to be away from the ground. The kitchen counter is likely the highest "place" your cat can reach. Provide other climbing options, such as a cat "condo," which you can install anywhere in the house and offer a satisfying climbing and perching sensation.

Train a Cat Step 18
Train a Cat Step 18

Step 4. Keep your cat out of the kitchen

If your cat insists on climbing the kitchen counter while you prepare food, lock your cat in the bedroom or bathroom whenever possible. This will prevent them from climbing up and messing up your kitchen plans. Release the cat after you have finished cooking/preparing the food.

Method 5 of 5: Training a Cat to Do Tricks

Train a Cat Step 19
Train a Cat Step 19

Step 1. Fishing with his favorite food

Training a cat is a little different from training a dog; In order to train your cat, you have to respect its independence and have a good reason for it to obey. Dry food is less tempting to him, and neither is excessive praise - cats aren't particularly interested in compliments, unlike dogs. The trick is to use quality treats like catnip, fresh chicken pieces, or tuna.

Train a Cat Step 20
Train a Cat Step 20

Step 2. Make sure your cat is interested

Before you start teaching your cat a new trick, make sure he knows that you are trying to teach him something.

  • Hold the treat to the cat's nose so he understands that a treat may be waiting for him.
  • Gently move the treat in your hand up and behind his head. Continue doing this until the cat lifts its head and sits down.
  • Praise the cat and give her a treat as soon as she finishes the sitting "trick".
Train a Cat Step 21
Train a Cat Step 21

Step 3. Try using a clicker

If you don't have a clicker, you can use a ballpoint pen to create a similar sound. Give your cat a treat every time you use the clicker, so that he gets used to associating his voice with the treat. Then, use the clicker and reward each time your cat masters a new trick, like chasing a stick you throw. Eventually, the cat will respond every time you throw the stick and click the clicker.

Train a Cat Step 22
Train a Cat Step 22

Step 4. Keep play and practice sessions short

Remember, your cat will get tired. Set up a play and practice session of about 15 minutes, once or twice each day.

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Train a Cat Step 23

Step 5. Respect your cat

As a cat owner, you probably know your cat's unique personality and independent nature. Never force a cat to do a trick he doesn't want to do. Some cats will happily learn to use the toilet and flush, or perch on your shoulder as you walk around the house, while others don't want to be disturbed or touched. Learn how to live with your cat so that you both benefit from a specially developed relationship.


  • Don't over-gift treats. This can cause him to become too used to snacking, making the treats a useless thing to use as a gift. Excessive snacking can also cause your cat to become overweight, which can lead to serious health problems.
  • Kittens are easier to train, but adult cats can still be trained.
  • Prepare a treat that your cat likes.
  • After your cat does something you like, make sure you compliment her and give her a treat!
