You feel incredibly lucky to have an amazing boyfriend, but you're worried about one thing: how do you turn him on? If he is your boyfriend, then he should already like you. But you may have never tried to excite him. This might make you nervous, but don't worry -- as long as you have a mutual base, all you need to get him excited is to set the mood, take it slow, and use some means that's guaranteed to make your boyfriend go crazy. If you want to know how to turn your boyfriend on, follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Have a Sexy Mood

Step 1. Act sexy
To turn him on, you have to act sexy from the start. You can be sexy when you walk on the beach or in a less sexy place like a bowling alley. To be sexy, you have to be confident, comfortable with yourself and how you look, and walk around with your head held high, confident that you're a great guy as a boyfriend.
- Look your boyfriend in the eye when you talk to him. This will show him that you are confident.
- Master the half-smile. This smile is very sexy and will make your boyfriend's mood improve.
- Lean towards him while speaking. If you lean closer to your boyfriend, he will feel like kissing you and getting closer to you.
- Look clean. You should always shower and groom before meeting your boyfriend. A man who cares about his cleanliness is very sexy.

Step 2. Compliment your boyfriend
Let your girlfriend know that she is beautiful and that she looks stunning. If she cuts her hair or wears a new outfit, you should compliment her more. Don't be afraid to tell her she looks hot, that her legs look great in her new skirt, or that you like her new eyeshadow.
- Compliment him to make him feel special and sexy, and to let him know that you care about him.
- Do not exaggerate. If you compliment him on every little thing he does, then you will come across as insincere.

Step 3. Take him away
Before you invite her over to your house and start making out, you should first bring up a sexy mood by asking her out on a sexy and intimate date. You both might love going to the zoo or eating pancakes, but this isn't the time. Take him out to dinner in dim lighting, and make sure your seat provides privacy for the two of you.
- After dinner, take him for a walk. Take his hand. Rub his hands gently with yours to give him a feeling of being loved.
- Give him touches. Throughout the date, you should gently rub his knees, touch his shoulders, or give him sensual kisses from time to time to make him want more. Don't touch her too often -- touch her just enough to get her interested so you can take her to a more private place.

Step 4. Get privacy
If you want to turn your boyfriend on, you have to create a situation that makes him want to make out. If your date is going well and he always wants to be close to you, invite him over to your house so you can have more time alone. However, before you do that, make sure the music, lighting, and smells in your home can lift your boyfriend's mood. Prepare ahead of time -- a messy room or a roommate who doesn't stop playing video games can ruin the mood.
- Play a sexy song. Play some R&B tunes to get your boyfriend in the mood, or play some jazz. Play it quietly, and don't act like you have to play the music -- the music is always there.
- Dim the lighting. Make sure the lighting in your room is dim and soft. You can also light some candles if it's not against safety rules. Make the lighting possible so you can both see each other, but not so bright that it makes your boyfriend awkward.
- Keep the room fresh. Make sure your room smells nice and clean. Open your windows during the day so the room doesn't get damp. You can even light an aromatherapy candle before he arrives.
- Keep clean. Make sure there aren't any dirty clothes or food wrappers around -- if your place isn't clean, your boyfriend will be too disgusted to get excited.

Step 5. Prepare some sexy stuff
When your boyfriend arrives, you will need to be prepared to surprise him and turn him on. You'll need to prepare a few essentials that will guarantee a good time and will make your boyfriend want to stay with you all night long. These are the items you must have:
- Wine or other drink. You should be prepared with red or white wine, unless you and your boyfriend are too young to drink it, or prepare another drink your boyfriend likes. If you've just come back from drinking on your dinner date, you'll want to keep the effects of the drinks going. Use a shiny wine glass to make it more interesting.
- Snack. This doesn't mean you have to set up Cheetos and Smax to impress him. Provide a bar of chocolate, cheese crackers, and sexy fruits such as strawberries or grapes.
- Put new sheets on your mattress. Your mattress should use new sheets, so that it looks attractive to your boyfriend. If your mattress is messy and dirty, your boyfriend won't even want to go near it.

Step 6. Make your girlfriend comfortable
When he walks into your house or room, and he's impressed by the sexy atmosphere you create, you should make him feel right at home. Even if he has been to your house before, you should still make him feel as comfortable as possible. To do this, you have to be a real man. Here's how:
- Offer to hang up his jacket. Hang the jacket in the closet.
- Tell him he can take his shoes off. This will make him more comfortable.
- If you are both old enough, offer him some wine. Don't force it -- but if he wants to drink something, he'll feel better.
- Tell him about this amazing night spent with him. Let her know that your date was perfect -- you could even mention one thing that you remember very well, for example, "The chocolate cake was amazing," or "The stars looked so beautiful tonight."
- Please sit down. You and your boyfriend should sit on the couch or close to each other so you feel comfortable. If he's standing, he'll tend to move away from you or be fidgeting with things in your apartment.
Method 2 of 3: Have Incredible Foreplay

Step 1. Start with some gentle touches
When your boyfriend is comfortable in your apartment and ready for something more intimate, you can start gently touching him to let him know you want him. If you're sitting side by side, you can move closer until your feet touch. You can feel his thigh or put your arm around him if you're confident. Here are some other ways to get him excited:
- If you put your arm around her, you can play with her hair gently.
- If she's wearing a necklace or earrings, you can play with her and tell her that you like her jewelry so you can get closer to her.
- You can even massage it sexy. Massage his shoulders, back, and even his neck or the back of his head. Start using your fingers slowly, and increase the pressure if he likes it.

Step 2. Kiss him
After touching your boyfriend, he will start to feel passionate, and you have to find the right time to kiss him. If he's leaning towards you, look him in the eye, close to his lips, and kiss him. If you want to turn him on, then your kiss has to make him want more. Here's how you should kiss your special woman:
- Don't use your tongue just yet. Even if you've kissed your boyfriend before, it's best not to start with a French kiss right away or you'll be judged too aggressive.
- Gently touch her lips with yours, then gently touch the tip of your tongue with hers. If he likes it, then you can move on to French kissing.
- Take a break every now and then. Don't kiss him five minutes straight -- take a break every minute or two to look him in the eye and make him want you more.
- You can also stroke his hair or body while kissing.
- Experiment. He'll be excited if you move from your lips to his neck, ears, or shoulders.

Step 3. Touch him more
When you kiss, you can become more assertive with your touch. Gently explore her body with your hands to touch her hips, shoulders, and work your way up to her groin and chest. Make sure he's comfortable with your touch.
Every woman is different. When you feel very comfortable with your boyfriend, you can get a better sense of what turns him on. It could be a kiss on the neck, it could be a gentle touch on her hand, or something else

Step 4. Take off the clothes
If you're really into kissing her, then you can start undressing so you and your boyfriend can get even crazier. However, if you want to turn him on, you have to take off your clothes the right way. Here's how to do it:
- Decide if you want to take off your clothes first or your boyfriend. It depends on your boyfriend -- whether he'll feel more comfortable if you take off your clothes first, or whether he'll think you're being too aggressive. Feel what he wants.
- Take off your girlfriend's clothes. Place your hand inside his shirt and touch his chest before you unbutton or unbutton his clothes.
- Take off your clothes. Don't do more than that or he'll be scared, not excited. You don't want to seem rushed or he'll think it's negative.
- Take off your boyfriend's pants or skirt. Gently touch her panties. Remember, the key word is “gentle”.
- When you've taken off her pants or skirt, or helped you take them off, you can take off your pants or let your boyfriend do it if he's comfortable with that.
- Now you're both wearing only your underwear, and you can take it to the next level -- sex. However, do this when your boyfriend is ready.
Method 3 of 3: Take Him to the Bedroom

Step 1. If you want to have sex, say it clearly
Even if you want to jump right into bed when you see your boyfriend in just his underwear, you need to be clear about whether your boyfriend is ready to take it to the next level. You have to be clear and ask, “Do you want?” or “Are you ready for this?” Ask in a non-aggressive tone, look him in the eye and go slowly to let him know you're waiting for an answer.

Step 2. Get him excited in the bedroom
If he wants to have sex, then it's time to turn him on before he does. You may be ready, but you need to take the time to excite him. Here's what you can do:
- Kiss her all over. Kiss his neck, kiss his shoulders, his chest, his stomach, even his groin.
- Tell me how sexy she is. When you're making out, compliment her on the part of her body that you like the most or let her know you like what she's doing.
- Touch his cock very gently. Remove the underwear and touch it gently with one or two fingers. You can take your hand away from it and then put it back down to tease him. Wait until he says he's ready. And if he's not ready for sex, don't do this. Wait until you're both ready -- if you don't want to wait, then your boyfriend will think you're not the best for him.

Step 3. Get him excited during intercourse (optional)
If you decide to have sex, then you can make him more passionate in various ways while doing it. You should try different positions from time to time -- but don't overdo it until he's uncomfortable and you lose his rhythm. Here are some things to try:
- Start with you at the top. Comfort yourself, and after a few minutes, ask him to be on top. He may feel embarrassed to do this, so if he doesn't want to, that's fine.
- Find your sex style. If he's gentle, take it slow. If he is aggressive, you can speed up his movement.
- Gently bite the neck or ear.
- Don't forget the chest. Most men are so preoccupied with sex that they forget about other parts of a woman's body -- don't forget to caress or kiss your boyfriend's chest from time to time.
- Don't obsess over your orgasm. Make sure your boyfriend has an orgasm too -- or at least try to give it once. If you are no longer interested after the orgasm, he will not be impressed.

Step 4. Done well
After having sex, or just making out, you need to work things out so that he wants to come back again. After making out, take time to cuddle or pet him in bed, so he feels loved and appreciated. Tell him how sexy he is and how happy you are to spend time with him.
- Some time after he gets home, you can text him or call him and say something cheesy to remind him how wonderful your time with him was -- and how passionate he was.
- Stay sexy. The possibilities for making out and passionate are always there, so next time you meet your boyfriend, groom yourself, touch him gently, and let him know how hot he is. If you do this consistently, he will get excited again.
- When talking to him, rub his arms, thighs, or groin. Many women love this and are passionate about it.
- Don't forget to use mouth freshener before you approach him. Some women like it.
- Before you kiss him, look him in the eye, and gently touch his cheek to his jaw with your finger, varying it by rubbing his chin with your thumb. Always look him in the eye.
- NEVER depress him; it will make him angry or scared, not excited.
- Every woman is different. Find out what he likes and dislikes before you do more.
- Make sure he doesn't mind when you rub his groin. If you don't have his permission, he will consider this sexual harassment and of course spoil the mood.
- Don't go through these steps too quickly, this will make him uncomfortable.