Getting a good and quality man is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, but that does not mean it is impossible to do. This article is written from a man's point of view and is intended to help women who always have trouble making it happen, you know! So what are you waiting for? Check out the steps listed in this article to find out the secret to its power!

Step 1. Be yourself
When you meet a guy you like for the first time, it's likely that you'll be tempted to become someone else just to get his attention. Nothing is stopping you from creating a positive first impression; but remember, don't go too far and end up displaying a 'fake' self-image. Don't dress too sexy and seduce her too much. If you can't respect your body and yourself, you'll only end up attracting the attention of a guy who doesn't fully respect you either. So what about a quality man? They're more likely to move away because they're having trouble taking you seriously. Be yourself and respect yourself; surely a quality man will come by itself.

Step 2. Live your life to the fullest
Desperate, dramatic, and possessive relationships are generally rooted in low self-esteem and high insecurity that one or both parties have in them. Remember, your life doesn't just revolve around the guy you like! Pursue your goals, find a positive life passion, step out of your comfort zone, and live life to the fullest! Gradually, open yourself up to making connections with other people. That way, you won't hide in the shadows of shame and just share your life with the guy you like! But first, make sure you're able to trust yourself; If you can't just trust yourself, how can you trust anyone else?

Step 3. Relax and show that you are a cool woman
Most men don't like women who are possessive, irritable, controlling, and constantly around him. Learn to relax more and know how to have fun. Don't get used to being a drama queen; anyway his life is complicated enough without having to accept additional trouble from you. Simply put, don't complicate his life if he wants to keep him attracted to you! Remember, most men (especially quality ones) are looking for a woman who can make him feel comfortable. So instead of being possessive and obsessive, try to respect his boundaries and show genuine concern for what's going on in his life.

Step 4. Realize the difference in the way men and women communicate
Often times, men find it difficult to read between the lines of a woman's body language. Remember, judging a man's feelings is not that simple. A 'subtle' body language like smiling at him won't make him feel confident that you like him. Instead, try showing more subtle body language such as touching his arm, teasing him, winking at him, making internal jokes, being cheerful and friendly around him, or (if you know him well) tickling him. Don't be afraid to tease him over petty things; women who think a man is absolutely perfect will look less attractive in the eyes of men. Plus, flirting with him will also help break down the physical barriers between the two of you; as a result, he will feel more comfortable approaching you. But remember, make sure you also observe his reaction when being teased; if he looks uncomfortable, stop doing it.

Step 5. Reflect
Research has shown that the real reason a person looks for a partner is to fill their psychological void. Sometimes, this 'emptiness' can have an unhealthy impact on women; especially because the situation is capable of leading a woman to do everything in her power to get a 'desired' man to make her feel wanted. Try to observe yourself and reflect; what really makes you really want to get a partner? Be honest with yourself! If necessary, discuss the situation with a trusted psychologist. Be careful, psychologically troubled women will generally only be attracted to men who are also psychologically problematic. If you want to have a healthy and quality relationship with a good guy, make sure your mental state and goals are healthy and positive too.

Step 6. Don't play with it
No one likes to be played with; therefore, do not deceive him or break his trust. Show your true self, don't play with her feelings, and don't be surprised if after that quality men will line up behind you. If you like a guy, don't overestimate it like you don't like him. Some men do feel more challenged if they have to 'chase' women who don't seem like they want them; but quality men will generally respect your wishes and stop approaching you if you seem disinterested. Is that what you want? Remember, men prefer to communicate straightforwardly; if you pretend you don't like him, he's more likely to take it as a sign of rejection.

Step 7. Treat him well
This is the most important part; You must be lazy to be around people who can't respect you, right? If you can't appreciate him, don't be surprised when he leaves you later! Make him feel confident; Like women, men often feel insecure, you know! If the two of you are around friends and/or family, feel free to make them look more 'manly'. Believe me, in an instant you will win her heart!

Step 8. Don't be afraid to take steps
Be aware of the fact that a quality man will not fill his life with random women; in other words, they will only be attracted to women who are also qualified. If the person you like is a good, quality guy, he will definitely appreciate the compliments you give him. But remember, generally a compliment is something you give to someone you don't know very well. To make it easier for you to understand, try to imagine the relationships that exist between parents and children, brothers and sisters, and couples who have been in a relationship for a long time; don't they tend to joke, laugh, and tease each other more (rather than compliment each other)? In other words, women who always give compliments will generally look boring and hopeless. Also, don't be afraid to ask her out first, even if you still adhere to the 'don't ask men out' principle! But remember, don't show your interest in excess unless he is already interested in you. Don't let yourself present a hopeless and unattractive self-image because you're trying too hard to get his attention!

Step 9. Respect yourself
If you say no, he should be willing to stop doing whatever makes you uncomfortable. If he won't stop, leave him immediately! Don't be afraid to say 'no' and never break your morals just to win a man's heart. Trust me, a guy who doesn't want to respect your principles is not a good guy (or he just isn't for you, for example, when he admits he still wants to play around while you're looking for a serious relationship). Don't be afraid to say "yes". If you think the time is right, trust your instincts and don't feel like you've 'sold yourself out'. Believe me, the more you are able to respect yourself, the more quality men will be lining up behind you. If the guy isn't willing to respect your desires, principles, and boundaries, leave him and find another guy!

Step 10. Practice 'The Golden Rule' or important rules in relationships
Simply put, respect him, respect yourself, and treat others (including him) as you would want to be treated. Believe me, men recognize these qualities in women (even if they don't say it or shout it out loud). For example, if he claims to have a girlfriend but their relationship is getting worse, STOP CLOSE TO HIM! Be careful, it's possible that the confession is his way of assessing your response when faced with the situation. Show that you value yourself and are willing to value the 'relationship' by stopping communicating with him. Second example: if you like to tickle him, don't get angry or protest if he does the same thing afterward. Simply put, treat others the way you want to be treated! Believe me, such a character will also look very attractive and positive in the eyes of others; Chances are, these people will introduce you to a good guy if they know you haven't found one yet!

Step 11. Don't be around him all the time
Remember, everyone needs a healthy distance from those around them; therefore, make sure he knows that you won't be stalking him everywhere he goes. Show him that you have your own life too.

Step 12. Do a little research
If you want to find out more complete information about how to get a quality man, try browsing the following page:

Step 13. Don't lower the bar just because you're having a hard time finding a quality guy
Respect yourself; believe me, one day you will surely find a man who is willing to give you the same amount of appreciation.
- The perfect way to meet a good potential partner is through positive people or activities that you enjoy. Always remember this advice: don't turn yourself into someone else just to get someone's attention. If you go to a bar just to 'get' men, chances are that your first impression of the men there will be 'a woman who likes to party and drink at the bar'. Trust me, first impressions are very hard to change; So make sure you always be yourself and don't fake your character just to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
- Understand 'The Golden Rule'. Simply put, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want him to do something, feel free to do the same if needed. You want him to ask you out? If so, then you should not hesitate or be ashamed to make the invitation first. In line with that principle, don't force him to do something you don't want to do; don't sue either if you don't want to be sued.
- How do you trap a man's attraction? Know how to be sweet and charismatic at the same time; also know how to seduce men naturally and not excessively. Appreciate your health by consuming adequate nutrition, exercising regularly, and making sure you always keep your body clean. If necessary, enlist the help of a beautician and/or fashion expert to maximize your appearance.
- Listen to the way he talks to you, pay attention to his body language. Try to find common ground between the two of you to keep the conversation going. Remember, men like women who are willing to be themselves, both in front of him and in front of others.
- Supposedly, a nice guy will trust you more than anyone else. If he trusts his friends more than you do, it means he's not the right person for you.
- Remember, attractive men will always be attracted to attractive women. Therefore, make sure your world doesn't just revolve around it and live your life to the fullest!
- Make sure you're always willing to give him the distance he needs; never try to distance her from her male friends, make her neglect her responsibilities within the family, or forbid her from doing the things she likes. Don't ask him to choose between you and the other important things in his life; believe me, he will hate you even if his mouth admits to choosing you.