How to make a shower cap from a keresek bag

How to make a shower cap from a keresek bag
How to make a shower cap from a keresek bag

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The best solution to prevent wet hair when bathing in the shower is to wear a shower cap. What if you don't take a shower cap with you when you travel or it's out of stock? Do not worry! How to make a shower cap is very easy. Prepare a plastic bag (to carry groceries) and hair clips, then follow the instructions in this article. Before taking a shower, tie your hair above your head, then pin it down. Then, wrap the hair in a bag, pull the edges of the bag to the forehead, then twist. You're ready to shower when your hair is tightly wrapped!


Part 1 of 2: Tie the Hair to the Top of the Head

Make a Shower Cap with a Plastic Bag Step 1
Make a Shower Cap with a Plastic Bag Step 1

Step 1. Tie your hair, then make a bun if you have long hair

Comb your hair back, then make a bun on top of your head. Tie your hair with a rubber band, then secure it with hair clips. Make sure the bobbin is tied tightly so that the hair doesn't stick out of the shower cap.


Step 2. Tuck your hair behind your ears if you have short hair

You can't tie your hair if you have short hair. So, tuck your hair behind your ear, then hold it with hair clips so it doesn't cover your face. If the back of the hair can be tied, use a rubber band to tie the hair so it doesn't fall at the nape of the neck.


Step 3. Use hair clips to secure the loose hair

After tying or pinning your hair, there may still be some loose hair. Trim your hair so that nothing sticks out of the brim of the shower cap. Hold it with hair clips if needed. If your hair is in a bun, secure the ends with a hair clip so they don't stick out of the shower cap.

If you have bangs, don't forget to secure the bangs with hair clips

Part 2 of 2: Wrapping the Hair in a Reusable Bag

Make a Shower Cap with a Plastic Bag Step 4
Make a Shower Cap with a Plastic Bag Step 4

Step 1. Prepare a clean, non-perforated plastic bag

Look for a medium-sized plastic bag. Make sure it's dry, clean, and free of holes to protect your hair from water.

To check for holes, blow up the bag to fill it with air, then pinch the edges together like you'd like to tie a balloon. Press a little while checking whether there is a hissing sound. If there are none, this means that the bag has no holes


Step 2. Place the bag on your head with the handle pointing towards your ear

Hold 1 handle with your right hand and another with your left, then use it to wrap your hair and cover half your forehead. Position the handle so that it is next to the ear.

  • Don't let your face be covered with crackling bags, especially your nose and mouth.
  • Make sure the bag is wrapped around the hair and ears. If there is still loose hair, tuck it in the bag.

Step 3. Pull both handles to the forehead

Hold the handle of the bag next to your ear, then pull it up in front of your forehead until you feel a slight pressure at the nape of the neck. Bring the two handles together and gather the edges of the pouch in front of the forehead.

  • Adjust the height of the rim of the bag when you pull it so that it covers both ears and the top of the forehead.
  • Alternatively, you can pull the hem of the bag behind your head and tie it at the nape of your neck. If you prefer this method, pull the edges of the bag back and do the same.

Step 4. Twist the bag in front of the forehead

Grasp the two handles, then twist the edges of the plastic bag so that the head is wrapped in plastic. Make sure you twist the bag tightly so that it doesn't come loose when your head hits the water. Stop twisting when the bag feels tight around your head.

  • Make sure the hole in the handle is closed. Water will enter the shower cap if the hole in the handle is left open.
  • Don't twist too hard so the plastic doesn't tear and the hair stays dry.
  • Adjust the position of the shower cap. Usually, the edges of the pouch lift slightly when twisted.

Step 5. Tuck the plastic twist into the shower cap

Imagine that you are folding a plastic twist from the inside out. Fold the plastic twist down and tuck it into the shower cap. Make sure the plastic is tightly wrapped around your head before you stand in the shower.

You can use hair clips or masking tape to hold the plastic twist in front of your forehead, instead of tucking it into a shower cap


Step 6. Make sure no hair is sticking out from under the shower cap

When you're done making your shower cap, check again to make sure your hair and ears are covered in plastic. Tuck the hair sticking out from under the shower cap and adjust its position if it shifts. At this point, you are ready to take a shower under the shower.

  • Move your head slowly to test the shower cap. If it doesn't move, a shower cap can protect your hair from the shower water.
  • If a certain part feels loose, secure it with hair clips.
