3 Ways to Make Pound Cake

3 Ways to Make Pound Cake
3 Ways to Make Pound Cake

Table of contents:


The name "pound cake" comes from a traditional American pound cake recipe that calls for one "pound" (about 450 grams) of each ingredient: butter, flour, sugar, and eggs. Well, this name definitely trumps "super size". Whether you're looking for an authentic "pound" recipe or something more accommodating for a normal get-together, here are the ingredients you need.


Original ''Pound Cake'

  • 1 pound (455 g) butter
  • 1 pound (455 g) granulated sugar
  • 1 pound (455 g) wheat flour
  • 10 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon (pinch) nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) brandy (optional)

'' Pound Cake " Chunks (Loaf)

  • 1 measuring spoon (2 sticks or about 225 grams) room temperature unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons (250 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 1 measuring spoon (225 grams) sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons (10 grams) pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon (pinch) salt
  • Grated lemon and/or orange to taste
  • Other additives

'Pound Cake' Simple

  • 3/4 tablespoon butter
  • 3/4 measuring spoon of sugar
  • 3/4 measuring spoon of flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 eggs


Method 1 of 3: Original "Pound Cake"

Bake a Pound Cake Step 1
Bake a Pound Cake Step 1

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 150ºC

Coat your pan with cooking spray or grease it with butter (this recipe is pretty large -- but pound cakes are perfect for double layered masterpieces); this prevents the cake from sticking to the pan. You can dust it with flour (over a layer of butter) or line it with parchment paper.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 2
Bake a Pound Cake Step 2

Step 2. Weigh each dry ingredient

Doing this first will make the cake baking process a lot smoother. Also reduces the chances of the baking process getting messy!

Bake a Pound Cake Step 3
Bake a Pound Cake Step 3

Step 3. Crack each egg and place it in a separate bowl

Make sure that each egg is still in good condition and there is no blood on the yolk. If necessary, remove shell debris.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 4
Bake a Pound Cake Step 4

Step 4. Beat butter until soft and half fluffy

Beat with a mixer or manual whisk until soft and semi-fluffy. This step is "very important"; if you skip it, you may not get the dough consistency it should be. Add the sugar a little at a time and keep beating until it is half fluffy.

This will be easiest to do if your butter is not whipped right out of the fridge. Don't heat the butter -- but let it sit for a few minutes before you start, until it's near room temperature

Bake a Pound Cake Step 5
Bake a Pound Cake Step 5

Step 5. Add eggs (beaten until thick and lemon colored), flour, mace and brandy (optional)

If you don't like the taste of brandy, you can substitute vanilla or another flavor.

  • Mace is not the same as pepper -- though it makes for an interesting pound cake flavor. On the other hand, mace comes from the skin of nutmeg, if you don't have it, you can replace it with regular nutmeg (but mace has a stronger taste).
  • Add flour "slowly". If you pour them all at once, you'll be up against a fierce (uhm, stirring) fight. Add little by little.
Bake a Pound Cake Step 6
Bake a Pound Cake Step 6

Step 6. Stir vigorously for five minutes

However, this is only an estimate -- if you start to feel that the dough is going to be over-kneading, then feel free to stop. This is a very thin line, your cake may not rise enough.

If you're using a mixer, use the lowest setting -- what you want is for air to circulate in the dough

Bake a Pound Cake Step 7
Bake a Pound Cake Step 7

Step 7. Pour the batter into the pan, then put it in the oven

Bake for 75 minutes, checking periodically. Some ovens bake unevenly or quickly -- if this describes your oven, then keep an eye on the baking process.

  • If you're using it for garnishing cakes, bake for 30 to 35 minutes in a not-so-deep pan.
  • Insert a skewer or toothpick to see if the cake is done. If the skewer when you pull it out is dry, it means the cake is done. Place it upside down on a wire rack so that it cools and can be removed from the pan easily.
Bake a Pound Cake Step 8
Bake a Pound Cake Step 8

Step 8. Sprinkle according to taste

Even though it tastes good right now, this cake is also delicious served with a light sprinkling of powdered sugar and/or added strawberry or raspberry syrup. Anything that tastes a little sweet can be added on top.

Another delicious way to eat pound cake is with coffee for breakfast or eaten with ice cream and chocolate syrup for a delicious dessert

Method 2 of 3: "Pound Cake" Chunks

Bake a Pound Cake Step 9
Bake a Pound Cake Step 9

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 175ºC

Before you begin, take your loaf pan and grease the bottom and sides with butter. Then sprinkle lightly with flour. This will ensure that the cake comes out of the pan easily.

Another option is to use parchment paper, which you can cut to size and slide into the bottom of the pan

Bake a Pound Cake Step 10
Bake a Pound Cake Step 10

Step 2. Beat butter and eggs together until soft and half fluffy

Hopefully your butter is at room temperature, otherwise it will be difficult to mix the two together. It's important to do this until the mixture is soft, thick and semi-fluffy, -- but not beyond this point. You'll know if you shake it manually.

Using the mixer on high speed will save your arm from cursing the day you volunteer to be a dessert maker

Bake a Pound Cake Step 11
Bake a Pound Cake Step 11

Step 3. Add the eggs (one at a time), vanilla, and salt to the butter-sugar mixture

Stir well after each egg (about 15 seconds) before adding the next one. Then switch to vanilla and salt.

At this point, you can add grated lemon/orange rind or other additions. Dried fruit, nuts and chocolate chips go well with this dessert. But this cake is also delicious without any additions

Bake a Pound Cake Step 12
Bake a Pound Cake Step 12

Step 4. Gradually add flour little by little

If you just pour it all in, either your muscles or your mixer will protest. If you are using a mixer, set it on a low setting.

  • Some cooking schools swear by the importance of sifting. If you have time, consider sifting your flour before adding it.
  • Don't over-knead the dough! As soon as the dough looks like it's done, stop immediately. You don't want the dough to lose its lightness.
Bake a Pound Cake Step 13
Bake a Pound Cake Step 13

Step 5. Bake for 1 hour

Or, of course, until the cake is done. Stick a toothpick in the center to see if the cake is done -- if the toothpick comes out dry, you can take it out. Remove from oven and let cool "in the pan" for about 15 minutes.

If you think the cake is turning brown too quickly, you can cover the pan with aluminum foil to slow down this process

Bake a Pound Cake Step 14
Bake a Pound Cake Step 14

Step 6. Allow to cool upside down on a wire rack

The cake will come off the pan once it is ready. As you prepare to serve it, consider sprinkling in additional ingredients. Although it is delicious served with just a cup of coffee, this cake is also perfect served with sliced fruit, whipped cream, or whatever you want. Pound cake can accommodate most sweets.

A light sprinkle of powdered sugar is also something that's pretty standard. Sometimes, something simple is more classic

Bake a Pound Cake Step 15
Bake a Pound Cake Step 15

Step 7. Done

Method 3 of 3: Simple Pound Cake

Bake a Pound Cake Step 16
Bake a Pound Cake Step 16

Step 1. Leave the butter at room temperature to soften

Try not to let the butter melt. Place the parchment paper on the cake tin then preheat the oven to 170ºC.

If you don't have time to let the butter come to room temperature, use the microwave to heat it for a few seconds

Bake a Pound Cake Step 17
Bake a Pound Cake Step 17

Step 2. Stir the butter with a spatula until smooth and creamy

Add sugar to the dough. The dough should now be a little grainy.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 18
Bake a Pound Cake Step 18

Step 3. Stir in the eggs

Slowly add the eggs to the butter and sugar mixture. Stir. Sift flour and baking powder then add to the mixture.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 19
Bake a Pound Cake Step 19

Step 4. Pour the mixture into the pan and smooth the surface with a spatula

Bake the dough in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 20
Bake a Pound Cake Step 20

Step 5. Remove the cake after baking

Cut the cake down the middle, then bake for another 20 minutes. Once cooked, cool the cake on a wire rack.

Bake a Pound Cake Step 21
Bake a Pound Cake Step 21

Step 6. Serve

This cake will taste even better with sweet vanilla ice cream and fresh fruit, especially strawberries!


  • The baking sheet should be evenly greased with butter so that the cake comes out in a beautiful shape.
  • If the butter is still hard, let it sit for a while in a warm room. This will make it easier to weigh and shake. If you don't have time to do this, then heat it in the microwave for ten seconds. No more!
  • If all the ingredients are pre-prepared, the kneading will finish faster.
  • Flour has different thickening properties. For this reason, it is best if each time you unwrap a new flour, you try to make one small cake, as the stated amount of flour may not produce the perfect lump. In winter, cakes can be made using less flour than in summer.
  • Pastry flour contains more starch and less gluten than flour for making bread, resulting in a lighter, softer cake.


  • Keep an eye on the cake as it bakes. Make sure the heat in the oven is regular and spreads evenly.
  • Don't use coarse granulated sugar; This will give the cake a rough texture with a hard crust.
  • Do not stir the cake after the last kneading.
