4 Ways to Build Upper Arm Muscles

4 Ways to Build Upper Arm Muscles
4 Ways to Build Upper Arm Muscles

Table of contents:


Upper arm muscles are often called “beach muscles” because they can be shown when wearing a sleeveless shirt or swimsuit. The formation of upper arm muscles is one of the important aspects in bodybuilding training. There are three main muscle groups to work on to build your upper arm: the biceps, triceps, and deltoids. You can focus on working these three muscles because they are easy to see and use to perform different movements.


Method 1 of 4: Building the Triceps

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 1
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 1

Step 1. Get to know your triceps

The triceps is made up of three muscles in the back of the arm that start on the outside of the elbow to the shoulder. This muscle is used to move the arm by bending or straightening the elbow. You can see the triceps by straightening your arms while gently pressing your elbows inward. The triceps usually looks like a v on the back of the arm.

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 2
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 2

Step 2. Perform the triceps toning exercise while lying down

The movement, which has earned the nickname "skullcrusher" (skullcrusher), can train the triceps specifically. Lie on a bench holding dumbbells in both hands. Position the dumbbells over your forehead and hold the dumbbells by keeping your palms shoulder-width apart and your elbows down. You should only bend your elbows (don't bend your wrists) as you push the dumbbells up while straightening your arms without locking your elbows. Finish this movement by slowly lowering the dumbbell to its starting position. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times each.

Your elbows may be pointing slightly outward, but keep your arms parallel to your sides at all times

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 3
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 3

Step 3. Do the chair posture

A chair posture performed using your own body as a weight is a very important triceps building exercise. Hold a dumbbell handle or rest on a bench leaning against the wall behind you while standing straight and straightening your arms. Bend both knees while lowering the body slowly until the elbows form a 90° angle and then rise again to the original position. Do this movement 3 sets of 8-10 times each.

  • Try to keep your body (especially your chest) perpendicular to the floor.
  • Don't let your elbows move away from each other like the wings of a butterfly.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 4
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 4

Step 4. Perform the exercise pulling the rope or cable down

This exercise can be done at a fitness center that provides weight training equipment that can be adjusted in the form of a rope that can be pulled down from a certain height above the head. Stand facing the rope with your feet hip-width apart. Grasp the ends of the rope while bending your elbows 90° and then straighten your elbows to pull the rope toward your thighs. Return the rope to its original position slowly. Do not raise your shoulders during the exercise, only your elbows and arms should be lowered.

For extra weight, bend your wrists up so that your palms are facing outward

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 5
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 5

Step 5. Straighten your arms while holding the barbell

Sit holding a barbell, one in each hand. Push the barbell up until your elbows are next to your ears and your palms are facing each other. Lower the barbell behind your head while bending your elbows. Shoulders don't move. Once the weight is behind your head, straighten your elbows again so that your arms are straight up again. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times each.

  • Be careful when lowering the weight so that your arms are not pulled back. Adjust the weight of the load to your ability.
  • You can also practice with the cable hanging low behind you by pulling it from the bottom to the top of your head.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 6
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 6

Step 6. Bring your palms together for a stronger grip when doing push ups or a chair posture to train triceps

Do chest muscle exercises as usual while training the triceps by bringing your palms closer so that the distance is approximately 15-20 cm. We recommend reducing the weight when practicing triceps tightening while lying on a bench (bench press) and reduce the repetition of push-ups.

  • Do push ups. Place your palms on the floor while forming a diamond by joining the tips of the thumbs and the tips of the index fingers just below the breastbone. From this position (your body is not touching the floor and your toes are on tiptoe), bring yourself closer to the floor by bending your elbows outwards and then returning to the starting position.
  • Do bench press. Sit under a dumbbell bar holding it firmly with your palms chest-width apart, not shoulder-width apart. Lower the dumbbells to your chest and use your triceps to push them up back to the starting position. As always, make sure you have someone with you during your workout to help support the weight if it falls off.

Method 2 of 4: Building the Biceps

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 7
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 7

Step 1. Get to know your biceps

The biceps muscle is formed from two muscles in the upper arm starting from the inside of the elbow to the end of the upper arm that joins the chest. This muscle looks like a lump that appears when you bend your arm 90°. According to its main function, the biceps is needed to bend the elbow or when tightening the arm.

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 8
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 8

Step 2. Do the biceps tightening exercise

The most basic and most powerful exercise for the biceps is toning. Hold a barbell with both hands, one barbell with one hand. Straighten your arms by slightly bending your elbows so that the barbell is in front of your thighs. Lift the barbell towards your chest and then slowly lower it back to the starting position. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times each. However, you must perform this move correctly according to the following instructions:

  • Take care not to lift your shoulders.
  • The back should be kept straight, not curved or bent just to make the exercise feel easier.
  • Do it slowly and in control. Training with momentum means not using muscles.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 9
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 9

Step 3. Grasp the dumbbell bar from below while bending your body

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Move forward with your back straight to form a 45° angle. Grasp the dumbbell bar from below so that your palms are facing upwards while straightening your arms. Lift the dumbbells toward your chest while pulling your elbows back and simultaneously tightening your arms. Do this exercise 3 sets of 3-5 times each.

Work on other muscles, such as your back or biceps, to change the focus of this exercise

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 10
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 10

Step 4. Perform body lifting exercises

Hold the bar across the device to practice pull ups with your palms facing your face. Adjust the distance between your palms so that they are slightly narrower than your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and cross your ankles while lifting your body so that your chin is above the bar. Keep your chest straight. Do this movement as much as you can. This move may feel a bit difficult for beginners who haven't practiced enough.

If you have trouble doing pull ups, try doing them the other way around. Get up on a block so you can start practicing with your chin on the bar and then lift your legs up. After holding 3-5 seconds, slowly lower your body back to the starting position

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 11
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 11

Step 5. Perform one arm lift at a time

There are many variations of this exercise, but the goal is the same. Hold the barbell in one hand and lift it toward your shoulders without using any other muscle strength. When doing this exercise, only allow your elbows and forearms to move so that your biceps can be trained properly.

  • Place your elbows on your thighs while sitting. You can use your other hand to hold your elbow so it doesn't shift while doing this exercise.
  • You can work both arms at the same time if you practice standing up by alternating this movement. You can also change the direction of your wrist to work other parts of the biceps. Rotating your wrist so that your thumb is up will work your biceps in a slightly different way. This exercise is called “Hammer Curls” because your hands are like holding a hammer.

Method 3 of 4: Build Deltoid Muscles

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 12
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 12

Step 1. Get to know your deltoid muscles

The deltoid muscle is the outer shoulder muscle. This muscle is in the form of a delta or triangle that starts at the shoulder and tapers down to a length of 10-12 cm. The deltoid is used when you raise your arm to the side (like a bird spreading its wings) with your elbows pointing outward. A strong deltoid will also protect the rotator cuff that moves the main joint of the shoulder.

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 13
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 13

Step 2. Perform the barbell lifting exercise while standing

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a barbell, one barbell in one hand. Lift the barbell until your arms are bent 90° with the weights next to your ears. Point your palms forward. In one flowing motion, straighten your arms up like a surrendering person. Finish this movement by slowly lowering the weight to the side of the ear again. Do this exercise 3 sets of 10-12 times each.

Start training with a weight of 4-7 kg

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 14
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 14

Step 3. Perform shoulder flies

Let your arms hang at your sides while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell while bending your elbows 90° so that the barbell is in front of you at waist level. Lift both elbows to the sides like wings. Once your elbows are raised to shoulder level, slowly lower them down again. Focus on tightening your forearms, wrists, and shoulders so they don't drop to prevent strain on the shoulder joints. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times each.

  • You can do this movement by straightening your arms and using a ball with a handle (kettle bell) instead of a barbell.
  • You can also use resistance straps. Stand in the center holding the ends of the rope by straightening your arms. Raise your arms out to the sides like wings and then slowly lower them back to the starting position.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 15
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 15

Step 4. Perform the movement of lifting the dumbbells towards the chest (upright row)

Hold a dumbbell bar with your palms shoulder-width apart. Start in an upright standing position while extending your arms down and then lift the dumbbells up to chin level. Both elbows should point outward while the dumbbell is on the chin. Keep your back and chest straight. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times each.

You can also do this exercise using a cable for weight training. Prepare the cable from the bottom and then pull it up like you are lifting a barbell

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 16
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 16

Step 5. Perform a movement to raise your arms forward

Hold the barbell with one hand. Straighten your back and straighten your legs. Straighten your arms at your sides. Lift the weights forward to shoulder height while keeping your arms straight. Lower the weight back to the starting position slowly. Do this movement 3 sets of 10-12 times for each arm.

  • Keep the direction of the load from turning to prevent joint injury.
  • Don't arch your back or bend over just to make this exercise feel easier.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 17
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 17

Step 6. Perform a chin lift with a neutral grip position

Neutral grip means that the palms are facing each other. Grasp the handles to lift your body in an upright position so that your thumbs are facing your face. Lift your body up until your chin and hands are at the same level. In this position, your body will form a 45° angle with the floor. Lower slowly with an upright body. Repeat this movement 3-5 times or according to ability.

Method 4 of 4: Practice with the Best Results

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 18
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 18

Step 1. Stretch before weight training

Stretching will increase flexibility during exercise. In addition to extending the training time, this method can reduce the possibility of muscle injury. Stretch well 12-15 seconds before exercising according to these instructions:

  • While straightening your arms at your sides, make twisting movements in small circles. Slowly, make larger circles until you can move like a windmill.
  • Cross one arm in front of your chest at shoulder level and press your other hand toward you while gripping the triceps.
  • Bring one palm toward the center of your back so that your elbow is pointing up and then hold the elbow that is on top. Gently pull your elbows down until you feel a stretch in your upper arm.
  • Interlace your fingers and straighten your arms while pushing your (still intertwined) fingers away from your body.
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 19
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 19

Step 2. Perform the exercise 2-3 times for each muscle group, each time you train

Doing all the exercises on the same day can be very difficult, especially for beginners. Perform upper arm muscle building exercises by doing 2-3 movements for each muscle group. Other times, do 2-3 different movements for each muscle group. This method keeps your body in shape and prevents the muscles from getting used to certain exercises because they can hinder building.

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 20
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 20

Step 3. Take a break before practicing again

Muscles need time to grow because muscle building occurs through the formation of new muscle fibers to replace old ones. Practicing every day can hinder muscle formation and your body is prone to injury. However, you can work other muscles on rest days, such as working your leg muscles.

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 21
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 21

Step 4. Choose a weight that is challenging enough, but not too heavy to avoid injury

Start with light weights and then work your way up again as your muscles get stronger. For beginners, choose a weight that is challenging enough to do the last 3 moves during the first 2-3 sets then challenge yourself in the last set. Challenge means you can choose a weight that you can still lift, but it takes effort. When doing the final set, you are required to struggle a little, but you can still complete the exercise well.

There should be no pain in the muscles as this is a sign of a possible injury. Exercise should be hard because you're tired, not because of pain

Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 22
Build Your Upper Arm Muscles Step 22

Step 5. Gradually add weight as your muscles get stronger

If you're still not tired after 10 moves, it's time to add weight. The upper arm muscles are usually unable to lift heavy weights suddenly. So, start from 4-7 kg first and then increase by adding 1-1.5 kg gradually. Lift the weight and lower it again in a good, controlled motion, don't do it in a jerking motion.


Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods that contain lots of protein so that your muscles can grow faster
