Knitting a baby hat can be quite a challenging project for a beginner knitter. However, with a little practice you can make a variety of hat styles using just a few basic stitches.
Method 1 of 3: Single Stitch Knitted Hat

Step 1. Tie the yarn on the crochet hook (hakpen)
Make a knot using one end of the thread at the end of the hook.
Pay attention to the rest of the untied thread! The untied portion of the thread is known as the "tail of the thread". While the bonded part will be known as the “working yarn/active yarn” it is also the part of the skein that you will use to make the knit hat pattern

Step 2. Chain two
Make two chain stitches from the hook holes.

Step 3. Make a circle shape
Make six single crochet stitches on the second chain of your hook. This section will be your first round..
Pay close attention if the second chain on the hook is part of the first chain you made earlier

Step 4. Make a single stitch for each stitch pattern
To complete the second step, make two single crochet stitches in each chain from the previous loop.
- When finished, this section should have 12 single crochets.
- Mark the end of the last stitch with a stitch marker or a plastic stitch (shaped like a pin or pin). You can also use pins or paper clips as an alternative.

Step 5. Make a single crochet for the third step
Start by making a single crochet from the first chain from the previous step. Then continue to make two single stitches for the next chain. Repeat this step until one round is complete by making one single crochet for each odd number chain and two single stitches for each even number chain.
- When finished, this section should have 18 chains.
- Move the safety pin or marking pin to the last chain of this round.

Step 6. Increase the size by increasing the number of chains for the next round
Start by making a single crochet in the first chain from the previous loop. Make another single crochet for the second chain. For the third chain, make two single stitches. Repeat this step making one single crochet then another single crochet and two single crochet throughout this loop.
- When finished, this section should have 24 single stitches.
- Move the safety pin or marker to the last chain of this section.

Step 7. Make an additional single crochet for the fifth round
Make a single crochet for the first three chains from the previous round. After that, make two single stitches in the fourth chain from the previous loop. Repeat these steps until one round is complete.
- In all, you should make 30 single stitches for this section.
- Mark the end with a special knitting pin or safety pin.

Step 8. Add the number of stitches for the next four rounds
For rounds six through nine, you will continue to increase the number of stitches. In this step, there will be two chains of two single stitches. In the middle of these two sections, you will add a single stitch.
- For the sixth round, you will make one single stitch in the first four stitches of the previous round. Then, you can make two single stitches for the fifth chain. Repeat these steps until the end of this round.
- For the seventh round, make a single crochet in the first five chains of the previous round. Next, make two single stitches for the sixth chain. Repeat these steps until one round is complete.
- For the eighth round, make a single crochet in the first six chains. Then proceed to make two single stitches on the seventh chain. Repeat these steps until the end of this round.
- For the ninth round, make a single crochet in the first seven chains of the previous round. Then, make two single crochet stitches in the eighth chain. Repeat these steps until the end of this round. Note that you should have 54 chains by this loop.
- Also note that you will need to mark the end of the loop with a pin, safety pin or special knitting marker.

Step 9. Complete up to 16 rounds
In all these steps, you only need to make a single crochet on each chain until you're done.
- Each round must have 54 chains.
- Transfer a safety pin, pin or crochet marker to the last chain in each loop. This will make it easier for you to track the progress of your pattern, so you won't get confused.
- This pattern must continue for round 10 to round 25.

Step 10. Apply slip stitch (slip stitch)
For the final section, slip stitches into each section of the chain from the previous loop.

Step 11. Tie the thread
Cut the thread, leaving 5 centimeters of it. Pull the thread through the hole in the hook. Tighten the rope to make a knot.
Hide the rest of the rope by tucking it in the chain
Method 2 of 3: Double Stitched Knitted Hat

Step 1. Tie the thread on the hook
Make a slip knot at the end of the hook with your yarn.
The rest of the untied yarn or the so-called “tail of the thread” will serve as a pattern reminder. Meanwhile, the yarn section on the skein or known as the “work thread” will serve as the part that makes the pattern on the knitting hat

Step 2. Chain four
Make four chain stitches from the thread loop on the hook br>

Step 3. Make a circle shape
Make one stitch through the two loops of thread from the chain stitch which is the fourth chain on the hook.

Step 4. Double crochet into the center of the circle on your first spin
Make two chain stitches! Then, make 13 double stitches in the center of the circle you previously made. Then, continue to slip stitch through both loops of yarn in the first double stitch. This step is to connect the last stitch with the first stitch as well as the final stage of the round.
Note that the first two chain stitches don't count as stitches in this round

Step 5. Double the double stitch you made
For the second round, make two double crochet stitches in each chain from the previous round. Then, slip the stitches into the first double crochet and the last double crochet. This step is done to connect the two parts into one.
- By the end of this round, you will have 26 chains.
- Note that you cannot correct errors in your work in this step. The stitch you make should be in the same direction as before.

Step 6. Make alternating patterns of double crochet for the third round
Make two chains. Next, you can make one double crochet on the first chain from the previous loop. Next, make two double crochets in the next chain followed by one double crochet in the following chain. Next, you just need to make two double crochets on one chain followed by one double crochet on the next chain until one loop is complete. The final chain in this round will be two double stitches.
- By the end of this round, you will have 29 chains.
- Connect the first chain and the last chain with a slip stitch.

Step 7. Add the number of chains for the fourth round
Make one double crochet in every two chains, then two double crochets on the third chain from the previous loop. Repeat the steps for one double crochet, then another double crochet and two single crochet stitches until the loop is complete.
- By the end of this round, you will have 52 chains.
- Connect the first chain and the last chain with a slip stitch.

Step 8. Complete rounds 5 through 13
The pattern in this round will be exactly the same and repeat. Start by making two chain stitches at the beginning of the round, then make a single stitch in each chain from the previous round. Connect the first chain and the last chain with a slip stitch.
In the end, each round will have 52 chains

Step 9. Flip and move on
Make two chain stitches, then turn the hat over. Continue to make one double crochet in each chain from the next loop. Complete the round by making a slip stitch.
- The 15th and 16th rounds are also made in the same pattern. However, you don't have to turn the knit hat again to make the loop.
- In the end, this round will have 52 chains.

Step 10. Make the decorative sides
Start by making one chain stitch and continue with a slip stitch on the first chain of the previous loop. Continue to make one chain stitch and then a single stitch. Follow the pattern around all the previous rounds.
- Don't forget a single chain from the next round.
- Connect the first stitch and the last stitch of this loop using a slip stitch.

Step 11. Tie the ends
Cut the ends, leaving 5 centimeters of thread. Pull the remaining thread through the hole in your hook to make a dead knot.
- Hide the rest of the strap by tucking it in some of the chains on the hat.
- Fold the last three rows of the single crochet pattern to create a puff and complete the project.
Method 3 of 3: Baby Hat

Step 1. Tie the thread on the hook
Make a knot at the end of the hook with the end of the knitting yarn.
The untied end of the thread or the “tail of the thread” will be ignored and serve as a pattern reminder. The part of the yarn that is connected to the spool or called the “working yarn/active yarn” will serve as a knit hat pattern maker

Step 2. Make two chain stitches
Make two chain stitches from the hook holes.

Step 3. Make a half double crochet on the second chain from the end of the hook
Make two chain stitches, followed by nine half double stitches on the second chain from the end of the hook to complete this loop.
To make a half double stitch:
Crochet a Baby Hat Step 25Bullet1 - Tuck the thread on the hook.
- Put the hook on the chain.
- Tuck the thread into the hook again.
- Pull the rope and hook back through the front of the chain.
- Tuck the thread into the hook again.
- Pull the thread through the three loops on your hook.
- Note that the second chain from the hook is the first chain you made in the previous round.
- The two chain stitches you made at the start of this round count as the first half-double stitch. This is the correct move in this round as well as the next.

Step 4. Double crochet a semicircle around the hat
Make two chain stitches! Make one half double crochet on the same chain you did before. For the remainder of the second round, make two half-double stitches on each chain from the previous round. Do this step until the round is complete. Connect the first chain and the last chain with a slip stitch.
At the end of this round, you will have 20 chains

Step 5. Alternately, make semicircular stitches for the third round
Make two chain stitches and make one semicircle stitch on the same chain. Then, continue this step by making a half-chain crochet once in the next chain and twice in a semi-circle on the following chain. Repeat this alternating pattern until the end of the round.
- Connect the first and last chains with a slip stitch.
- At the end of this round, you will have 30 chains.

Step 6. Add the number of chains for the fourth round
Stitch the chain twice and make a double crochet once on the same chain. Then, make a half double crochet once for every two chains that follow. For the next step, alternate your chain count. Start by making two half-double stitches for the next chain and follow by one half-double crochet for the next two chains.
- Connect the first and last chains with a slip stitch.
- By the end of this round, you will have 40 chains.

Step 7. Reduce the number of chains slowly
Make two chains! For the fifth round, double crochet once on 37 chains in this round br>
By the end of this round, you will have 38 chains

Step 8. Flip and repeat
Turn the hat over and make a chain of two. Then, double crochet once in the next 37 chains to complete round six.
By the end of this round, you will also have 38 chains

Step 9. Make seven more rows
Repeat the same pattern as used in the previous round for all these 7 chains >
- Make a chain of two, then do a half double crochet for the next 37 chains
- There will be 38 chains for every spin you make.

Step 10. Single stab for the next round
Turn the hat over and make a chain. Then, continue with a single crochet once on the same chain. Next, make a single stitch once across the rest of the region in the row br>
- Begin to reduce the chain in the middle of the loop by single-stabbing two chains at the same time.
- In this round, you will have 37 chains.

Step 11. Make the jagged sides of the hat
A scalloped side requires a series of single stitches and a double stitch. Altogether, you'll make a total of six gears when you're done br>
- Flip the hat!
- Chain once, then make a single stitch once on the same chain. Jump the two chains! Then, you can move on to five double crochet stitches in the next chain, again skipping two chains and single crochet once in the following chain.
- Skip two chains and double stab five times in the next chain. Skip two more chains and make a double crochet in the next chain. Repeat this step until you have completed the previous round.

Step 12. Tie the end
Cut the rope, leaving 5 centimeters of thread. Pull the string through the hole in the hook and tighten it to make a knot.
Hide the rest of the thread by tucking it into the last chain

Step 13. Attach a ribbon
To complete this crochet hat, you will need to tie a ribbon on each side of the hat.
- Cut the length of the ribbon rope measuring 50 centimeters each.
- Attach the two ribbon straps by threading them through the side holes on the hat.
- The crochet hat for your baby is finished. You can use the ribbon to tie the hat around your baby's head if needed.
Note that this hat is only the size of a 3 month old baby's head. If you want to knit a hat for a baby older than 3 months or a larger baby, you will need to increase the number of chains so that the size of the head circumference will also increase. Also make the hat size longer by increasing the number of rows in the crochet.
- The head circumference of a newborn is about 31-35 centimeters and the length is about 14-15 centimeters.
- The head circumference of a 3-6 month old baby is about 36-43 centimeters and the length is about 17-18 centimeters.
- The head circumference of a 6-12 month old baby is about 41-48 centimeters and the length is about 19 centimeters.
- Choose a material (thread) that is soft and easy to wash.