How to Wake Up Easily: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Wake Up Easily: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Wake Up Easily: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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For some people, waking up in the morning is a very scary specter! Do you feel that way too? On the one hand, your body doesn't feel ready to get up and move; but on the other hand, various activities are waiting to be done. In fact, many people need special strategies just to wake up in the morning. If so, try reading this article for some easy tips!


Method 1 of 2: Avoiding Annoying Mornings

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 1
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 1

Step 1. Don't drink alcohol and caffeine before bed

Substances contained in coffee and liquor can last a very long time in the human body (about 3-8 hours after consumption). Thus, consuming alcohol and caffeine before bed has the potential to reduce sleep quality and make you sleepy the next morning.

  • It's best not to consume caffeine in the afternoon and evening to ensure it doesn't remain in your body while you're trying to sleep.
  • Don't drink too much alcohol; also make sure you always drink alcohol with water to prevent the risk of hangovers and making it harder to wake up in the morning.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 2
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 2

Step 2. Get enough sleep

Generally, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Meanwhile, children need 8-9 hours of sleep, and toddlers need more time than that. Believe me, lack of sleep will make your body feel tired when you wake up in the morning. Although you can refer to these standard rules, actually everyone has their own sleep needs. Try to identify your sleep needs!

If you don't get enough sleep at night, try taking a nap the next day to make up for lost sleep

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 3
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 3

Step 3. Study your sleep cycle

Be careful, waking up in the middle of the REM cycle can leave your body feeling exhausted the next morning. Fortunately, the human body will awaken naturally a few hours before they actually wake up; if you can adjust this process with the sound of the alarm, most likely waking up will no longer be a terrible scourge for you. Learn about your sleep cycle by:

  • Go to bed at the same time every night for 2 weeks. Use this method when you don't have to get up at a specific time in the morning (for example, you can do it on vacation).
  • Go to bed at the same time every night, including on weekends.
  • Record your wake-up time even if you wake up before the alarm goes off.
  • Keep going to bed at the same time until you get used to getting up at the same time every morning.
  • Calculate the time span from when you sleep until you wake up; that's your body's natural sleep cycle. Once you know that, adjust your alarm to that sleep cycle so that you wake up when your body wants it to.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 4
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 4

Step 4. Adjust your sleep pattern to the room lighting

While most people's sleep patterns are genetic, you can actually force your body to adapt to new sleep patterns. Remember, the main trigger for sleep is light. When the lighting dims, the body will immediately produce melatonin which makes you feel sleepy afterwards. When the morning comes and the sun enters your room, your body will automatically stop melatonin production and be fully awake. That's why the healthiest sleep pattern is to wake up early with the help of sunlight.

  • Before going to bed, try to dim the lighting in your room and reduce the use of your cell phone or laptop. Be careful, the light emitted from the screen of a cellphone, laptop, or television can stop the production of melatonin in the body and make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
  • Open the curtains immediately or get out of the house when you wake up; The morning sun that hits you will "prepare" your body for the day.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 5
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 5

Step 5. Keep your sleep pattern consistent on the weekends

Avoid the temptation to wake up late on the weekends! Be careful, doing so will actually disrupt the body's natural cycle and make it more difficult for you to wake up on Monday. Don't change your sleep cycle too often if you don't want to experience sleep disturbances that risk your health.

  • The more consistent your sleep pattern, the easier it will be to wake up in the morning.
  • Most humans can only adjust to less significant changes (for example, an hour a day). Therefore, try not to make changes to sleep patterns that are too significant.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 6
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 6

Step 6. Prepare the things you will need in the morning the night before

For example, put slippers and bath towels next to your bed, grind coffee beans, and tidy up your bag the night before. This method is effective in making you focus more on waking up instead of doing a lot of things in the morning. Trust me, knowing that everything is prepared in advance will significantly reduce your laziness.

Also note down the things you need to do the night before. This way, the next day you'll feel better prepared for the day, while also being able to focus all of your energy on waking up instead of worrying about a lot of things

Method 2 of 2: Wake Up Easily

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 7
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 7

Step 1. Keep your alarm or cell phone (if you set an alarm on your phone) away from your bed

Force yourself out of bed to turn off the annoying alarm! Once you get out of bed, you're more likely to have trouble falling asleep again.

  • Choose a fast tempo song to be your alarm. These days, you can choose any song to set your phone's alarm on; in fact, some phones can be set to wake you up with the sound of the radio!
  • If the methods above don't work, try buying an alarm that emits natural light instead of sound.
  • You can also set multiple alarms to determine the most suitable and effective type of alarm.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 8
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 8

Step 2. Drink a glass of water

Drinking a glass of water after waking up serves to replace the body fluids that are lost when you sweat and exhale at night. In addition, doing so has also been shown to improve metabolism in the morning and make you more energetic afterward.

  • Before going to bed, put a glass of water by your bed so you can drink it as soon as you wake up.
  • Chewing menthol candy or orange-flavored candy can also increase your alertness after you wake up.
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 9
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 9

Step 3. Stretch your muscles

Instead of just yawning, try doing sit ups and bending your back until your fingers touch the tips of your feet. Also do light yoga movements to circulate blood to all parts of your body and brain; surely, after that your body will be fully awake!

Choose stretches that are not too heavy and you can do every morning comfortably. While stretching, you can also play some relaxing music

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 10
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 10

Step 4. Cool yourself down

One of the factors that make a person constantly sleepy is a temperature that is too warm. Like sleep, warm temperatures will also slow down a person's metabolism and brain performance. So when you wake up, make sure you fold the blankets, take off your clothes, or open your bedroom window.

Do this when you wake up, not before going to bed. Be careful, temperatures that are too cold will actually reduce the quality of your sleep at night

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 11
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 11

Step 5. Splash cold water on your face

While it may be startling and uncomfortable, splashing cold water on your face is actually a very effective way of keeping you fully awake.

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 12
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 12

Step 6. Reward yourself for getting up early

Rewarding yourself for getting up on time will keep you more motivated the next day. For example, reward yourself with a beautiful sunrise or enjoy 20 quiet minutes before a busy day.

After that, you're more likely to enjoy and appreciate the extra time so much that you're more motivated to always get up early

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 13
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 13

Step 7. Plan your activities in the morning

Think about what activities you need to do and keep the plan in your memory. Realize that these activities are important to do so you must wake up immediately.

Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 14
Get out of Bed when You Really Can't Step 14

Step 8. Do something immediately after waking up

The longer you lie in bed, the harder it will be to get up and move. For that, immediately sit down and move as soon as you wake up; for example, you can immediately make the bed, exercise, or cook breakfast to start the day.

If you're still having trouble, try choosing an activity you can do in bed like reading or replying to an email


  • In fact, you'll be more likely to wake up if you sleep with someone else, especially since your partner's movements are likely to wake you up.
  • Try not to hit the snooze button too often; be careful, getting up too often and going back to sleep can actually worsen your mood when you actually wake up.
  • Set your favorite song as an alarm to make it easier for you to wake up.
